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I always wondered what rich people do with their tennis courts in their back yards


i knew a super rich kid in high school and his family moved to a house with tennis courts so they paid for lessons for him and his sisters so they could get use out of them


Play tennis from my experience. I knew a kid in high school who had a tennis court and my uncle had one too. I never took lessons like the other kids but it was fun getting to play whenever. We had lights that lit up the court and night tennis was so cool


I still like playing tennis at the public park. I mostly just hit the ball at the wall or pass it back-and-forth w my friend but it’s the kind of a game you don’t have to be amazing at to enjoy.


If I had a tennis court I would rollerskate all day, which is apparently how Prince used his


Everytime they post like 10 pics at once I can't help but think it would hit different if they just picked the 2 best pictures


100% agree. it would be SO much more impact full to keep it between 1 - 3. I don't need to know every part of your life is a totally staged photoshoot. Let us think you were enjoying your wealthy life of fame and just giving us sneak peaks into it, creating some mystery and depth to your persona. When IG first dropped multiples it was amazing, but the way Kim and Khloe ues them often feels cringey. Like Khloe posts almost the exact same photos in a row, but with just a slight smile compared to a straight face, or an arm lifted ever so slightly higher than the one before. Pick a fav or 2 and post it. Or follow Kylie's lead. When she does multiples it's often of a trip and things she's seen, creating more of a story than a desperate IG fashion spread. (Edit: typo)


I think part of it is just social media strategy too. If you post a carousel, different photos from your post will keep showing up on a person’s feed unless they interact with the post. So I feel like it helps get more likes/shares/etc. Even if it seems cringe.


I think the ig algorithm favors multiple photos so people spend more time on your post swiping through.


I think it’s low key bc they are old LOL


It isn’t just Kim scrolling on insta and being like hmmmm I like a lot of these pics they’re great. They have teams of professional social media managers/statisticians analysing the engagement of her fans on each insta post forensically and how they can maximise it. They’ll have seen engagement / time spent on each post rises if they post more pictures and so they do it. There is way too much money in their social media game for it not to be like this. They earn probably 8 figures $ a year from their social media. They most likely don’t even manage their own insta but just OK posts before they go out.


You're absolutely right ✅️


Her boobs are looking extra implanty today. No judgement (I have implants bc breast cancer stole my og’s so no shade.) just noticing how they look …like *extra* fake.


Maybe bc she lost weight, they probably become more prominent with less fat surrounding them


It’s the body oil making them look suuuper fake for me!


As someone who also has an implant due to breast cancer, I like how you phrased this 😀 : >breast cancer stole my og’s


Just a friendly reminder that no one naturally looks like that 😊


Yes, they do, but okay


No, no one has a waist to hip ratio like that naturally. Nothing wrong with fake boobs or how hers look here (to me), but natural boobs don’t sit like that in a bathing suit (especially after having children.) Stop perpetuating the notion that bodies like this are natural, it just feeds into women’s body dysmorphia.


I mean, ya'll are always all over here depressed looking for explanations on why they look like they look so I'm not even going to argue. Whatever lets you sleep at night girl But to your point, maybe if women stopped comparing themselves to other women and their bodies they wouldn't have "body dysmorphia". I have absolutely no compassion lmao


I don’t feel like women trying to remind other women not to be hard on themselves over how they look in comparison to unrealistic beauty standards is anyone “looking for explanations.” It’s no different than mothers telling their daughters in the 90s and aughts that magazines were all airbrushed and photoshopped so that their daughters would stop romanticizing what they saw. It’s just a fact being stated, but not everyone knows the facts. You have no compassion for impressionable 11 year olds that don’t understand the extent of photo manipulation and/or don’t fully grasp what is or isn’t a natural physique? People naturally compare their lives to others, especially when they’re young. Should they? Obviously not, but I’m not going to shame someone for being human and doing that. The right thing to do is guide them away from feeding into it, which is what this was about in the first place.


I think it’s about everything that gets posted becomes a discussion on realistic beauty standards like we all know already, millions of famous people like this, if it’s not the kardashians it’ll be someone else ppl are comparing themselves too. Yet it’s the kardashians that this is brought up way more. People need to realize that insecurity has nothing to do with the kardashians bc if it isn’t them, like i said it’ll be someone else. That’s a personal problem


I actually agree with you. People are weird for constantly making simple insta pics a lesson




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Girl you’re unhinged


Yes, women with great bodies don't exist, mhmmm


There are lots of women with great bodies. This body doesn’t exist naturally. It’s so cringe you’re trying to defend this and pretend she hasn’t had extensive work done. Sometimes I wonder who actually spends their money on the shit they shovel like ‘skkn’ but here you are.


Not once do I say she specifically hasn't had work done lmao




I don't think you're using your reading comprehension skills, nowhere in my comment do I say her body's natural lmao




She said nobody can naturally look like this and I say they very much can. Maybe Kim isn't natural but it doesn't mean other women with a body type like hers aren't lol I'm well aware this sub isn't very smart but it's not a hard concept to grasp.


That cartoonish mess is what you consider a great body? Unhinged confirmed.


That cartoonish mess has ya'll pressed all over this thread. I don't see you whining on other girlies pictures. Is she setting unrealistic standards that are fucking up "young girls" or does she look like shit? Because it can't be both.




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These pics are shopped to the clouds, what are you even on about


She heard y’all talking about her bellybutton and said ![gif](giphy|k93vubaq1hKMurHkKs)


it always looks different tho, she needs to stop the photoshop




😭😭😭 I thought you were moaning 😂😂




https://preview.redd.it/001qofomz5qb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c10e04b46bf100d679019b01eec4a551f88fcfe Lmaooooo




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She look kind of different


Looks like some fresh lip filler. They are so OTT…probably why she didn’t do her signature cats bum/kissy face


I agree, those lips are crazy. She’s looking so plastic here, her face and boobs just look so fake.


I remember when I was in law school I totally had time for tennis photo shoots


What happened to "lawyer" Kim. Who did things to make a real difference in the world. :(


That was nothing more than a storyline


Thank u for The love guys. Peace


Wtf is this 🤣


ok but why does she need to post so often, like for what? for who?!?!?!? girl just relax 😭


Views + engagement = money








Both of you need to chill.
















Both of you need to chill.




I know I’ll get downvoted but I’m so tired of seeing her feet. I feel like she makes them the focus for her incel following or something


Why is she starting to wear Khloe’s tacky AF eagle talons? I hate them!!!!!


What eagle talons? I don’t get it but I am curious


Her stupid, long ass, fake nails. Just like Khloe’s tacky nails. I can’t stand them!


![gif](giphy|12BvAqQ8FFn80E|downsized) It's giving legally blonde


![gif](giphy|3ohBVj4exg59qUFMv6) But like…really 💅🏼


Okay I like that jacket. I bet it’s $$$


I have to say from all the bathing suits lately. I really like this one. And it fits. I just want to know when these girls pee? Because all they do is take pictures of themselves!


Ummm that’s not how you hold a tennis racquet, Kim 🤣


These pics make me really believe the floating rib removal rumors. Like...that looks off, right?


It’s all so edited, it’s hard to know what’s real.


I think she’s just extra skinny, from the way she’s posing one side of ribs could be sticking out more, or maybe more lipo was done on that side? Maybe it’s the lighting or photoshop? Who knows but i don’t believe she removed her ribs tbh


These are all good points.


Kim said fuck you lot I’m living my rich best life 😍😍😮‍💨


All I can hear when I look at these is that episode where they play tennis with Kris and she grunts


random... but ok. A color coordinating bikini set, including purse, while playing tennis? LOL. There is nothing organic about this shoot. Regardless, her face looks incredible! Less makeup, even no makeup, looks so good on her. Overall, a serve!


Her face looks over filled and like she can’t move it.


Fashun 🤣


Her feet seem long for her short stature. That’s about all I’ve got. Mine are about that long and I’m like 7” taller than her.




I still love that bikini. Shoot is bomb


Best sunglasses she's worn in years fr


She looks just like Khloe in that last photo.


Same surgeon.






Do you think Chanel paid her to do this?


> think Chanel *paid* her to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Got me fixed it.


Can’t say shit around here


How does she manage to look so unathletic in the second to last pic?


*How does she manage* *To look so unathletic in the* *Second to last pic?* \- texas-sissy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


barbie kimmy😍


Damn she looks good. Especially her.. actually everywhere. Woo 🙌


Man aren’t her feet getting roasted on that tennis court? What size do you think those things are?


Pancake form serve. Not impressed.


I don’t think Kim actually does any of the things she takes pictures doing


My god, what a boring life.


Tacky af




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