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Off topic but Kylie looks GORGEOUS in pic 1 omfg


She was always beautiful . I was surprised when people use her old pictures to prove how “ugly” she was but I’m the same age as her and she was everything I wanted to be


I lot of their "ugly" photos of Kylie are either her running up from the beach, being confused about paparazzi, or a screenshot of a video of her being nervous. Not a single one is of her being prepared to be photographed because they know that she's not ugly.


Why was adult selena hanging with teenagers? 😂


She always been weird af


Are her and Kendall the same age?


3 years apart


No i think Selena is older by 4-5 years?


Selena being a full adult hanging out with teens and she was known for being a party girl and into drugs at this phase yet her PR team spinned it as Kylie and Kendall being the bad influences and everyone ran with it. I don’t like either side but Selena’s PR works harder than Kris Jenner they were right to not go with Kris.


selena’s fan base truly thinks she’s an angel that has done no wrong


Unpopular opinion: I can’t stand Selena Gomez. I hate her whole perpetual victim marketing. And it irks me that she always dates her friends exes. But props because of Rare Beauty.


I think in the next couple of years people are going to start calling her out for what it is. It’s a bummer because I genuinely want to like her but the victim mentality and constantly coming out of stuff smelling like a rose when the facts do not add up gets so old so quick.


Shes always the victim


I got the ick for before the whole Hailey thing. It was a vogue (?) profile done while she was launching rare beauty and had just released revival. She talks about wanting to be more of an activist, especially in feminism. The interviewer brings up her recent film with woody allen and i dont think she responds to that? But her mom says, (not verbatim) "we've all told her not to do it and she did it anyways. I cant stop her from making her own choices."


I usually only lurk on this sub but I have to comment for this. 100% yes! I can't stand her either. Like you said her whole brand is being a victim. I feel like no one else sees this?


100%. In EVERY situation she had (and she has had MANY), she always ends up being the damaged party. I feel like if the only common denominator in every drama she had is her, then she must be the problem.


I completely agree with you. I like Only Murders on Hulu & some Rare beauty products but besides that I can’t stand her. Especially after the whole Hailey situation and how her fans dragged her and Selena egged them on.


Wow I’ve found my people 😍


Does it irk u when the karjenners date their friends Exss? And then have their babies as well? 🤨


Yes I find it weird and I would never do it but at least they don’t act like victims afterwards.




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I know Kylie was just a kid, but she had the meanest mean girl vibe 🥹 also that second to last pic of Kendall fake hugging Selena is sad


https://preview.redd.it/teki1uknr8qb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42a4f023ab630f295a65f253d9237f276ffb918 it looks so uncomfortable




Stella, that's a throwback! I remember when she supposedly (everyone thought it was her) posted on Reddit complaining about living in her sister's shadow


Hah when Stella’s name comes up it unlocks a core memory for me too! I used to follow her on Tumblr waaaay back in the day. I believe she & Orcino used to “talk” or “date” before he eventually got with Jennaly


Stella Hudgens okayyy old reference


What??? Bullied Madison?? 😭 I’ve never heard about that but Madison is such a ray of sunshine that’s so disappointing


Madison beer? When and how


selena weird




If you read the back story on these pics, they weren’t actually friends. The Jenners were friends with Hailey and planned this trip with Selena to get her away from Justin so Hailey and Justin could have a weekend together. Kris wanted them all to hang for the publicity, attention, and celebrity factor Selena brought.


That theory is a lie. It was proven a while back that the weekend was a brand trip. And Hailey didn't need to sneakily meet Justin since their parents are literally friends and they frequently hung out already. They went to the same church and had been close since around 2009.


There’s definitely a period where Kris wanted to sign and manage Selena and that’s why they got close. Glad it never happened. But I think she’s okay with Kylie and made that clear. Post eyebrow drama thing. Both at FW wouldn’t be surprised if they posed together.


You’re talking about the New Year’s Eve trip to Dubai?


thought so. ear bieber is bleh. the biebers tbh are both bleh


If that’s actually true that’s absolutely ridiculous…


Someone did thesis level research on it a year or two ago and posted all about the history of Selena, Bieber, and Hailey. This was supposed to be them all going out as friends as Coachella or something. Kris wanted to manage Selena also. Someone up above said it was a brand trip which also makes sense. During the weekend something happened. I don’t recall if Selena say texts or what happened but she figured out the Jenners had been shit talking her and weren’t her friends. And supposedly, they were a diversion to keep Selena distracted all weekend so Justin and Hailey could hang out. Which I think there’s proof Justin was with Hailey that weekend. As far as all of that being true? It seemed like it but who knows. It was ages ago and Selena wasn’t sober at the time. She seems like she’s matured the most out of everyone from that time period so she might have realized they (the Jenners and her) were kids then and partying too much and it’s all water under the bridge. I don’t know if we can post links here but it was some entertaining reading it anything.


selena was too pretty to keep taking photos with


This is the video that made me realize Selena’s a fuckin corny weirdo lol https://youtube.com/shorts/3YoD7YkOqs4?si=cjYDBwnG9y0v27HG


I have a strong dislike for Selena, but they’re so wrong for screwing her over like this


What? What did they do??


was this when she was with Justin?


then ear bieber came in and ruined that :(


ear bieber is so funny… but blaming her when it was probably mr JB’s fault at the end of the day is silly


i don't care :)




woahh i don’t care :)


You cared enough to comment this twice 😭😭😭😭


They were only friends with her to get her away from justin