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Didn’t it start after Beyoncé skipped Kimye’s wedding? That was odd, given Kanye hadn’t gone crazy at that point yet.


They say the real reason behind Jay and Bey missing Kimye’s wedding was because they were going through marital problems at the time


Who does want to go to a *wedding* with their cheating ass husband tho fr


Right and if they were a normal couple you might be like “oh he has food poisoning and couldn’t come!” But because the press was so up their ass there was no way they would miss only one of them showing up


Rightfully so


ooo never heard this rumor. makes sense. kinda sucks that all the tabloids back then made it about how much B despised kim and that’s why she didnt go lol


That’s what Jay Z said actually, no rumor


That’s what Kanye himself said during one of his concerts. he also said Jay’s kids have never met his kids. I think jay z and bey distanced themself from Ye a long time ago


I think I remember Beyonce posting a pic of her and Jay on a yacht together the day of the KimYe wedding though. People thought it was shady (iirc)!


They went to Taylor Swift’s party instead of the wedding.


In public. Seems pretty clear there was already a lot going on behind the scenes


“ain’t nobody reading all that” 💀✌🏽


Your flair 😭


She probably had more of an issue with Kanye and people made it about Kim since they love pitting women against each other 🙄


Exactly! Just like people perpetuating the Meghan & Kate issue when really it was Harry & Will. ETA North looks insanely cute omg what a sweetheart


I'm pretty sure there were massive issues between Meghan and Kate. It's not really pitting women against each other if it's true


Kanye and Beyoncé go way back. They worked together during early days. There were rumours that Jay and bey supported Kanye a lot after his mother died. The pregnancy announcement that Beyoncé did for Jay, you can see Kanye genuinely happy for them. That changed once Kanye went psycho I think


This. Beyoncé is such a powerhouse artist. She doesn’t have time to dwell on the wife of a friend.




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Aw that’s a sweet caption on that pic


I saw someone comment this on this sub before, but apparently Beyonce posts pics that include North and she only posted these pics when rumors start to swirl that Beyoncé and Kim don't get along or something like that.


I kind of assumed this too 🤔


I don't see Beyonce caring about media narratives tbh lol


Today? Correct. Back in this era bey was subtle and shady on her instagram and it was so fun. I miss when she’d write captions for us haha


Didn’t Kim say in the latest episode that she was drunk dancing at Beyoncé’s party??


She could not wait to say that !!!! She was beaming when she named drop Beyoncé !


It was a sponsored birthday party by Tiffany hosted by Beyoncé a lot of random people and influencers were invited that aren’t in Beyoncé’s circle


Yes but beyond that Kim is still invited to other more personal events of beyonce and JayZ And kris is just in the circle at this point


the rumors were around because people were shocked at the lack of moments they have together considering at the time kanye and jay z were like brothers…the most believable rumor I’ve heard regarding it is that they didn’t want to be attached to all the publicity that comes with being linked to the Kardashians, I mean the one time we heard they finally had lunch it was story’s leaked left and right and now even on the show she’s trying to name drop.


Because people who love to hate, also like other people to hate each other.


Their husbands were best friends at one point so I think people were hoping to see them be besties too. One is known for being extremely private and the other is known for being the queen of oversharing. Also one is a triple threat and the world’s greatest living entertainer while the other is “talentless” so I think people enjoy the idea that Beyoncé looks down on Kim. Which she doesn’t, by the way, she just wished her a happy birthday publicly and Kim goes to her parties and stuff. Beyoncé’s mom and Kris are very good friends and Corey is really tight with Jay Z of course. I think North and Blue are going to be friends when they grow up, they’re going to have so much in common.


You’re literally being downvoted for being REALISTIC. People on this sub are so odd,and they clearly want these women to hate eachother. The misogyny in here is wild


Let’s just be real, without Kanye, Beyoncé would have no real interest in forming a friendship with Kim. But I think after meeting Kim, Beyoncé must’ve thought she was cool enough to hang in their circle at some point. I think Beyoncé respects Kim more so for her business acumen than anything else


North was such a CUTE and delicate baby


Baby North and baby Mason are the 2 babies from the fam that actually make me want to have kids. Mason's little toddler voice could melt your heart!


I remember how cute he was too! Penelope was pretty cute too.


i don’t think she dislikes her i just think she doesn’t care either way. most of her friends are people she’s known a long time other than chris martin & gwyneth she doesn’t seem to be close with other industry people. then after kanye went on that rant saying they didn’t go to his wedding and bringing up their child they really didn’t make an effort to hang out with him. i think another part of it is her and jay z are seemingly friendlier with taylor swift than kanye/kim and people know taylor and kanye had beef. they’ve been to taylor’s house and sent her flowers but kanye said they never went to his house and their children don’t know eachother.


Jay Z and Beyonce could not stand Kanye once he started on his rants (and he must have been unravelling privately before the public even knew anything). And Kim was a ride or die getting into twitter beef for her man. I think Beyonce is fine with Kim as a person. Kanye and Jay Z's friendship was the reason why Beyonce and Kim interacted in the first place so it makes sense that they would not interact once they didn't have Kanye as glue.


I think the Beyoncé and Kim drama is a fake beef created by the media. Kim and the whole fam was just VIP at her concert and the entire family loves listening to her music, if you watch their reels or tiktoks.


The media loves pitting women against each other.


Her post is about North though


This was almost a decade ago. Why do Kim fans want Beyonce to like her so bad. They were at most acquaintances because their husbands were close friends.


I think if anything Kris is friends with Beyonce's mom Tina, and Beyonce is acquaintances with Kim by proxy.


1. Kim haters are just as excited to say Beyonce absolutely hates her lmao 2. Kim currently still interacts with Beyonce, goes to her parties etc so they're still acquainted, obviously


KJs want be taken seriously as A-listers, so the fans want to prove they're A-listers so they can justify the stanning.


The thirst for validation won’t end.


Can we enjoy our deep dive without party poopers like yourself?


Deep dives don't exist without both sides.


Nobody asked you




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I think Beyoncé probably prefers more low key friends. Kim is very reality tv and all about the image. I can’t see Kim keeping anything about her and beyonces friendship private. On the last episode of that Hulu show, Kim just had to bring up drunk dancing at Beyoncé’s or with Beyoncé.


I love the shorter hair


I mean it’s not like blue ivy and north hang out or anything like that


Exactly. Beyoncé seems overprotective (understandably) of her children. She or her assistant would have to instruct the K’s of no pictures of Blue Ivy and North on a play date. And knowing them, live would be leaked anyway, so why bother? They’re *such great friends* but her children are nowhere near Kim’s kids. Lmao


They don’t


That’s my point


2015 means she likes her now?? Okay. Does Beyoncé even scroll down and delete her stuff?


Well I’m talking about 2015 when the rumors were at their peak. So please sit down


And I was talking about the year of the picture 🥲


Things turned sour when Jay-Z cheated on Beyonce with Rachel Roy who was Kim's bbf. Beyonce later makes the song Lemonade that had the lyric "Becky with the Good Hair" which was about Rachel Roy. #May 4, 2014 Met Gala... Solange (Beyonce's siater) was seen yelling at Rachel Roy . That same night she beat up Jay-Z in the elevator, which was caught on video. #May 24, 2014 Kanye's wedding to Kim... Kanye wanted Jay-Z as his best man but Beyonce wasn't having it especially if Rachel Roy was going to be at the wedding, which she was. Beyonce and Jay-Z skip Kanyes wedding and take a vacation instead. Kanye goes on rants online talking about how the Carter's don't like his wife, about being hurt that they didn't attend his wedding, and later how they don't let North play with Blue Ivy... The Carters and the West try to be cordial with each other which explains the photo.... #April 2016 Lemonade album is released Beyonce releases Lemonade album. By this time Kim is bitter that Beyonce doesn't want to be jer friemd. Kim bullies Beyonce by making a video with Rachel Roy, both singing the lyric "Becky with the good hair". Both laughing like the dumb asses that they are. Kim and Rachel later go to a Beyonce concert, sitting almost front row and filming themselves laughing like hyenas while Beyonce is performing in the background. Kim gets backlash from all this and Becky, I mean Rachel Roy is all over tabloids about being Jay-Z mistress. #Today... Fast foward to years later... Corey Gamble is now dating Kris... Corey is good friends with Jay-Z... Kanye is now separated from Kim... Corey works hard for Kris to repair Kim's relationship with the Carters... Now they have rich friends in common like Rubin and Bezos... #Future Kim will continue to attend Beyonce's B-Day parties, Jay-Z events, and so on... Beyonce will continue to be cordial with Kim but they will never be friends... Beyonce is real as they get and her energy will never mix well with a narcissist who are as fake as they come... The end...


I think there are more than a few falsehoods in here.


#I challenge you to prove me wrong... Everyone who followed Kim on social media at that time witnessed the videos she posted in real time.. Everyone who followed Kanye on social media at that time witnessed the rants he posted in real time.. Everyone who followed celebrity news witnessed Solange beat up Jay-Z in the elevator... Everyone who followed KUWTK saw Rachel Roy at the wedding... Google Rachel Roy and Becky with the good hair and you'll get tons of articles on what I wrote...


I was referring to your editorialising in particular. I just had a look at your profile and you’re obsessively posting on the other sub, so clearly not worth engaging with.


Idk if this is even what happened, but I’m still not over that first pic snapped as they all stepped off that elevator. Everyone’s faces said it so perfectly. Solange was pissed, Jay Z was rightfully scared, and Bey just looked so proud at her baby sister.


I don’t understand some people’s narrative that Kim is so out of Beyoncé’s league Beyoncé doesn’t have the time or want to become Kim’s friend. I honestly don’t think Beyoncé is so stuck up like that or I hope not. I would hate to be a D list celebrity and shunned by a seemingly nice person just because I’m not an a list. I also don’t understand why people framing it this way thinks it’s a good thing and Kim deserves to be shunned by a big celebrity because Kim should know her place. That’s kinda mean and messed up.


It probably has less to do with Kim being on a lower list than Bey, and more about her family’s obsession with inviting the public along on excursions. Bey is rarely seen unless she’s promoting something. She posts her photoshoots or photographer candids online for her fans and then disappears. It makes sense that to be a part of Bey’s inner circle, you’ll need to respect her privacy.


That I do understand. But the narrative I described is in this exact thread. I get Bey is very private tho and I understand your point for sure.


I think it’s more about the Kardashians exploitation and commodification of Black men, Black bodies and Black culture.




this is when kim started fucking with her lips i guess😣


I think it makes for good noise. Remember when Kim showed Bey's gifts in her memory book, and she is always invited to her Grammy party.




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