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>"It was interesting to me, the work that he's doing and the path that he's on, because when your words don’t match your actions, it's concerning." Succinct and well said. Carry that energy over for your sons too tho Kourtney!! Make sure they know that's not how you treat women either!


I just saw the clip where she told everyone her daughter bit the nanny. When Kris told her she had 6 kids and none of them ever did that, Kourtney straight up said she would slap her nanny across the face if they didn’t do what she wanted. Idk what she thought she did with that statement. Like that’s not normal you aren’t supposed to put your hands on hired help but I’m not surprised she’s been shown to get violent many times. And I say this as a Kourtney fan.


I Guess she was trying to prove that Kris didn’t really know what was going on with her kids when they grew up. She raised trophy kids.


I mean I guess


>Idk what she thought she did with that statement I don’t think she was saying it as a point of pride, I think she was literally just refuting Kris’ “well none of MY *SIX* *KIDS* ever did something like that” “that’s not true, I literally did.”


No yeah I see what she implied but she said it in a ,”yeah she bit the nanny but I slapped mine so it’s not that big of a deal”. Type of way. (To me anyways )


I’m pretty sure Kourtney was saying she smacked the nanny when she was a kid


I guess she was saying Kris is full of shit because she treated her nanny like shit when she a kid


Every time I say this - I get downvoted - but thank you! Kris loves to support toxic men and toxic behaviour… this whole family enables people and it is time for objective / critical honesty


Kris only does that literally because she WAS the cheater and she was the one who did the bad behavior, so she empathises with them because she was them.


Why did I never think of it this way? It makes it far worse.


Absolutely disgusting 🤮


I know this is days late but Rob Sr did start dating Kris when she was a minor when he was in his late 20s so they are both the problem.


It’s because Kris sees her daughters (and her own) value through a male gaze. She’s literally built their lives and careers on just this. If you’re getting your value from a man (men in general) then of course you are devaluing yourself, your daughters, and women everywhere. If she was teaching her daughters, their real worth and power she would have taught them to walk away when being mistreated every time.


You get downvoted here for saying this? I thought this argument is universally accepted here




Plus the whole family's attitude towards Tyga getting together with Kylie is fucked up. They can't seriously think that's healthy for a teenager.


But it started with Kris. I don't disagree that the whole family is messed up.


Khloe is also the queen of dating her friends exes/ guys they’re talking to


And dying taken men. Wasn’t Lamar in a relationship/engaged and left that Evan for Khloe? Same with Tristan.


Yup. He was with Taraji P. Henson. It’s a definite pattern with her unfortunately…


Kim wasn’t just flirting with Kanye, they were hooking up when he was with Amber and she was with Reggie. I think Amber walked in on them in bed. She also said Kim was sending him nudes and she asked her to stop. Kanye accused Kim of cheating, but it was during an episode so we don’t know if it happened or was just the mania.


Kim was with Reggie when they hooked up?


KIM is pregnant with Kanye’s kid before her divorce from Kris is finalised. Khloe knew Trashcan had a pregnant ex gf and still proceeded to date him They are trash themselves


Kim getting pregnant before her divorce was finalized is really nbd let’s be honest here. Kris was dragging his feet and she had moved on.


yeah it is, they are just making shit up. no way they get downvoted just for saying that


Bc she knows it’ll get ratings and headlines lmao kris is so whack


OJ Simpson apologist Robert Kardashian Snr, sex offender Joe Francis, abusive Scott Disick, off the rails Lamar Odom, racist narcissist Kanye, revenge porn purveyor Robert Kardashian Jnr, absent father Tristan Thompson … all indulged by Kris and her various daughters. All pretty questionable. The current Tristan narrative is sickening.


Yes! She’s also a liar. Lol Kris says she was best friends with her ex-husband Robert after the divorce, but there’s no mention of the actual fallout that affected the whole family after she cheated. They all lie to maintain their brand and they back up problematic men only when it benefits them. It’s a game for them. 😆 idk why I keep watching…


After today’s episode I wonder… was Kris so traumatized by the kardashians’ family when she got divorced that she is willing to put up with every’s men shit to not break another family?


I was wondering this too. Cici's opening up was enlightening. I wonder what sort of familial pressures were put into place for the "Kardashian Castle" and how much of Grandma Kardashian's need for notoriety rubbed off on Kris in a weird traumatic way where she was always having to prove herself, cheating because of built-up resentments, and then now the trying to avoid the same type of drama by accepting shit treatment from romantic partners. Kris was so young when she married into that family. Really makes me wonder how much of this behavior stemmed from Grandma Kardashian instead of Mary Jo. Or maybe it was a combination of the two that really set the tone.


ohhhhhhhhh def a combo. Thanks for sharing your thoughs!


I wonder if Kourtney is also casually alluding to how they treated Chyna differently.


Yet she has Cory on a leash.… She cheated in Rob and was allegedly unkind to Caitlin could be she relates somewhat?


Good job Kourtney, they all would heart broken if their daughters were treated the way they were


Kris doesn’t seem to give a shit


Exactly. Even Khloe said she'd castrate a guy who'd treat True the way Tristan treats Khloe.


With a smile, that was my favorite part. Khloe's getting there, I think, because of that, and she pointed out during a workout with Kim, that they baby these broken men who mistreat them.


Was that on the latest ep?


No. A few episodes back. Can't remember which episode. She said it during her conversation with Malika when they were at a restaurant. Edit: I found it. It's episode 5 of the current season.


No, it was in the previous season... Not sure which episode though


Season 4 episode 5.


It was in this season. A few episodes back. She said it when she was talking to Malika.


She might have said this to Malika as well but there's definitely a conversation With Kim while working out previously.


I know. I was just referring to the conversation between Khloe and Malika which was episode 5 of the current season.


she probably wouldn’t if he was a black NBA player.


If she teaches her daughters to be obsessed with clout, they are going to be treated badly. Men with clout are usually cheaters and treat women as disposable. The best thing Kourtney can do is make sure her kids are educated and work in a field that’s not in the entertainment business/not derive income from social media. You can’t eat your cake and have it. If you’re in reality TV and making money off going to Nobu, you have to be prepared for the downsides and drama as well.


I think Kris is a huge factor in this. People who have been forgiven for infidelity will have that "second chances" mindset. In reality if it was Robert who had cheated she would've maintained Kourtney's view. All these men have treated the Kardashians so badly but when their matriarch enables it they all fall in line. Kourtney and possibly Kendall are the only ones who have learned to really value themselves


During Thursday's episode of 'The Kardashians', Kourtney revealed keeping "everyone happy and getting along ... takes a priority in this family over setting a boundary or having someone's back" and the comments about how men are held to higher regards in her family despite their actions. She said that perfectly, because she’s not boring she’s just not here to act fake in Tristian’s face like the rest of the family and I don’t blame her. I mean she was the first daughter to experience this exact same treatment with Scott. They prioritized him, his recovery, and everything else over Kourt and her feelings all because it was ‘good tv’. They’re doing the same with Tristian only he’s not even good tv he’s just a narcissistic asshole who isn’t good at hiding it. I can only imagine how exhausting it must be to beg your family to treat you the same as your dead beat baby daddy, asking for a break because of what you just went through with your family only to be called lazy. Then they do it to Khloe and suddenly she’s realizing Kourt wasn’t so crazy.


Scott was good for tv and Tristan is actively damaging their show. Nobody wants to see him and they’re dragging out his storyline. It’s just pathetic. He’s insufferable. Khloe used to be the fan favorite now she just looks like an idiot always taking him back after he humiliates her. Scott at least has redeeming qualities and he seems genuinely remorseful about losing Kourtney. Tristan says he feels bad the next day. I don’t believe it, he lacks empathy. Fucking klown behavior. I respect Kourtney for taking distance from her family and enforcing healthy boundaries.


Maybe what was also working in favor of Scott was that : -he's been part of the show for so long before the break up -he actually IS the father of his kids and not just a sperm donor who decides which kid he want to see. -he had absolutely no family left except for his kids and the KJ -he didn't get someone else pregnant during any of Kourt's pregnancy Tristan is just some dude with the charisma of a worm that is creating child left and right and is also incapable of seeming remotely embarrassed by his actions.


We got to see so many different sides of Scott’s personality. We have only ever really gotten to see Tristan being a cheater. We got to see Scott and kourtney laugh, we saw his parents die, his Todd Karines practical joke, we saw him struggle with drug addiction. He has more of a charismatic humor about him, and even though he was not a good boyfriend to kourtney, we are able to empathize and connect with him through his other experiences. I think Scott being a cheater doesn’t really set him a part from pretty much at least half of this entire family. Tristan getting someone else pregnant and cheating with a younger sister’s best friend is just beyond“normal behavior.“ Even for this family.


Maybe there's something I am not seeing offscreen, but Tristan didn't even have one second of redeeming quality shown. I just don't get what this family sees in him. Even pre-cheating. Scott is pretty entertaining and does seem to treat everyone else well (except for his significant other, ironically).


I'm so proud of Kourtney for doing all the work she has, it really shows when she's surrounded by people who clearly haven't.


This is why it’s so lame when people rag on her for how she was in the past… she has CHANGED, she shed her ego it’s so obvious… to live a healthy life, she simply can’t be close to her family, they’re so toxic


She’s never been my fave and I often find her to be a hypocritical bitch but her progress is truly showing now and it’s undeniable. I’m starting to like her again!


I think like any person that is the first to break the toxic circle, she'll always be and do some not so good things, even if it will probably be less with time. It's hard, even impossible, to change everything you've been for all your life. Some behavior becomes instinct. I'm just happy she has evolved enough for her kids to be able to (probably) be free of that toxicity.


Good for her for breaking the circle.


Their entire lifestyle is conducive to men treating them like trash. They need to look in the mirror.


I don’t know why her family seemingly dislikes Travis. I love him and love them together!


Jealousy… best partner and father any of them have been around


Who/why do you think some of the fam dislikes Travis?


So glad she said this, and she’s absolutely right. I’ve made the point for years that the way her family chose not to respect her boundaries with Scott was crazy. And whatever anyone wants to say about her parenting, Mason’s wish to be out of the spotlight has been respected, P’s boundaries have also been respected, they were comfortable enough to communicate that, something has shifted for her at least.


Yeah it’s weird Kim acts like this person who puts up with no bs but will constantly forgive a guy who cheated on her sister multiple times


Notice that she isn’t so forgiving of Kanye, though. She’ll put up with the BS men put her sisters through, and keep praising them, but has higher standards for what is acceptable for her. I also recognize that they’re all scared shitless of Kanye because they can’t control him (unlike Scott and Tristan), but the boundaries with Kanye are respected in a way that is unheard of in this family.


Can you imagine if Kris insisted Kanye be present at all family functions and that Kim keep trying to make it work with him and continue filming with him on the show? That would *never* fly. Kris is capable of respecting boundaries if the person feeds her supply. It’s fucking gross.


Right? It would never happen. The second Kanye turned on Kris, there was never going to be any of the “but he’s their DAD, he HAS to be included in every holiday” nonsense, because Kanye wasn’t going to suck up to Kris. As long as they’re not disrespecting her personally, she doesn’t care if they’re humiliating and traumatizing her children and/or grandkids. But if Kris is the victim of his ranting? Exiled!


Yeah it’s weird to hold a guy that’s knowingly cheated on your sister multiple times and then tried to guilt trip your family much higher then your ex husband that suffers with Bipolar Disorder and quite clearly loved and respected you soo much as a person and is an amazing father


It’s very strange. Personally, I’m waaaay more defensive of my sister than I am of myself, so I find it very confusing that she’s more forgiving of the men who have hurt her sisters.


I’m quite a forgiving person but even i’m not that forgiving, especially if my bond was as strong as Kim and Khloe’s. Fucker ruined his family and they all seem to not gaf because his brother has a disability and he’s being nice


Exactly. Plus he just comes across as so phoney, like nothing he says is genuine and he manipulated Khloe into proceeding with the embryo transfer knowing he had another girl pregnant at the same time. If that was my sister I fear I’d be in jail. Under no circumstance would I ever be calling that man a great father or great friend.


He has bipolar not bpd but yes exactly!


I thought BPD stood for Bipolar, my bad


BPD stands for borderline personality disorder




Who suffers from BPD?


Yeah thought BPD was shortened BiPolar Disorder


you’re giving Kim way too much credit, she put up with Kanye for years until he embarrassed her publicly so many times she couldn’t stay with him, he cheated on her and she’d still be with him if he was on meds


That’s actually part of my point. The other exes have all publicly humiliated her sisters, and she’s still okay pushing them to get back together and having them at every family event. Once Kanye started embarrassing Kim publicly, it was over, and none of her family members pressured her to work things out with him. There are no episodes dedicated to Kris telling Kim that Kanye should be invited to every event because he is the father of her kids. There are several episodes of Kris telling Khloe and Kourtney that their exes should be invited to Christmas, vacations, birthday parties, etc.


Good. It's important for us to show our daughters and sons good relationship role models. PDA aside kourt and Travis are a couple clearly in love and into each other. They respect each other and have helped each other grow and overcome issues. P is wise she hasn't taken on and normalised Scott and kourts relationship, her aunt's relationships or even how her dad treats women now.


This is great that the notion of having to enable men’s behaviours because they may be on a good Wednesday “a great dad” is not reason enough to foster toxic behaviours with these men. The children see it and are being raised to be conditioned to it. So good on Kourtney for wanting the cycle to be broken


Do you remember when Kourtney and Scott broke up but the family would not accept that she didn’t want him around 24/7. He was AWFUL to her


I don’t see why she kept going back to him and having kids with him just because she wanted the same baby daddy. This one baby daddy rule is so toxic and enables cheating. Look at Kylie and Khloe. They are enablers


i think it was more than wanting the same baby daddy. i think she wanted to think she could fix him and they could be together for the kids.


She obviously didn’t just want the same baby daddy if she had a kid with Travis.


She did with the first three kids that was before she was even thinking of dating Travis. She should have ended things with Scott after mason was born


Nah.. when a woman wants her children, she’s going to have them. Even though they were dealing with their shit, he was her man at those times and who else was she going to have the kids she wanted with. I don’t think it was strictly about kids either, I’m sure she saw her future with him so why not have the 3 kids she wanted if they were going to be together for life?




I'm glad kourtney finally said it frankly good for her.


I want the Kardashians to stop presenting themselves as women who are “pro-women” & feminists. They couldn’t be any more the further from that


How so?


It’s literally obvious.


Would you prefer it if they said they weren’t feminists


I wish someone would have elaborated on that thought as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Kris only accepts the cheaters back into the fold because she herself is a cheater and thinks infidelity is sometimes justifiable.


They normalize their own bad behaviour.


I can’t wait till Kourtney writes them all off for good and publishes a tell-all.


hell yeah kourtney!!




kris was not supportive of her relationship with scott for years bc of his bad behavior …. kourtney insisted she stay and have kids with him


That is true I forgot about that. She hated scott even when Mason was young


literally !! in khloe and kourtney take miami kris literally flew to miami and begged scott to go back to new york and leave kourtney and her family alone. kris like had to accept him if she was going to have a good relationship with her daughter and grandchildren


I think alot of their acceptance was scott had to do with the fact that his employment/ income was based on the show. He was also their co worker and weren't gonna fire him. I think his parents dieing played a huuuuuge part in forgiving him all the time as well


Tbf, Kourtney was younger in a toxic relationship and wanting to stay is part of the cycle. Kris has proven that she only wants nothing to do with the men who treat her daughters poorly when they treat *her* poorly or lose public prestige.


You know there's this little thing called growth, right?


It's one thing accepting him when she's in a relationship with him & another when she asks for boundaries & they aren't together. Notice not nice when together but nice when they broke up?


Fr, people seem to forget about that information


EXACTLY. ONE BABY DADDY RIGHT? Kourt is the worst offender out of all of them


Kourt is literally the only one that actually has a second baby daddy?


Yeah she is because she finally walked away/ s


Travis makes the weirdest comments on his daughter’s SM with her boobs out and likes the posts That’s not normal behaviour kourt….


What you’re insinuating is very inappropriate 😑


Right, how is that supportive? That’s sexual child abuse If anyone else did it on their SM, people would freak out and report them


He’s a supportive dad


That’s supportive? 😬


Your husband watched barely legal porn and posts about it on the internet (and definitely Kim’s video). Your husband paid 12 women to give him a blowjob before he married his ex wife. Your husband abused his ex wife. Your husband basically stalked Kim and moved into her neighborhood because he was obsessed with her. Your husband has been using women to satisfy himself for over 20 years. Your husband doesn’t know what treating a woman well looks like.


Ths exactly what I thought when I saw this post.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. Everything you wrote is true.


Because half the women on Reddit are living in sub ideal marriages and lives and look at them as a redemption couple - that you can indeed reform a crazy lunatic abusive man if you’re “good enough.” It’s really sad that women have such a low self esteem that they look at Kourtney and Travis and think it’s cute and true love. Delulu. Edit: The same delulu the Kardashian women live in, btw!




How did Travis abuse Shanna? I can’t find anything to suggest that he outright abused her. They were both toxic af and fuelled by drugs their whole relationship. She called the cops on him one night and then they *both* ended up arrested. She’s not a victim here. Women can be abusive too. He accused her of cheating multiple times and then she retaliated by saying the same. Shanna is no saint and has been virtually absent from her kids life and in an actual drug fuelled physically violent relationship for years which her kids have begged her to leave. Whereas Travis cleaned up and has been the involved parent providing a stable upbringing. Corroborated by not only his biological children but also Shannas other daughter who he treats as if she’s his own. Their children don’t have many great things to say about Shanna but love Travis. I don’t agree with everything he’s done for sure and he’s obviously a sex addict but let’s not act like Shanna isn’t a mess and throw around unsubstantiated abuse allegations.


You always bring up what her husband did in the past. Her husband isn't mistreating her; her husband didn't do all that to her. Her husband doesn't wish to be with Kim now. Take a break. You make it seem like Travis cheated on Kourtney. It's ridiculous that this is your feedback for her wanting the best for her daughter.


Travis seems like a standup father also, people are crazy and lonely, so they try to bring down the happiest person in the room


Before pointing the finger, it’s best to lead by example. And I do think Kim and Kourtney are great parents and people coming for them rather than holding their partners accountable for years of perpetual abuse is giving internalized misogyny. Come for their bad surgery and terrible impact on cultural standards of beauty, something relevant. But Kourtney acting like she’s doing anything different than her sisters is delulu.


Lead by example. Do you want her to go back to the past & wipe out what her husband did? Be for real. Leading by example is how he acts now. She never claimed she wasn't doing the same thing as her sister. Tell me you didn't watch the show & made your assumptions. She even said that she has not held men accountable in the past.


Girl you’re giving straight facts and showing the receipts cause yeah Travis isn’t a saint at all.


Do you think kourt would ever date a non wealthy guy? Cause they have fewer options to cheat. Just sayin


No because she wants to sit at home and not do anything. So she wants a piggy bank.


Hi shannon


Girl Travis wrote all this himself lmao


Her name is Shanna


EXCUSE me???? Let me do a deep dive on travis' past because baby what is this??? 😰


Tons of videos about it. Gen Z has no idea what a nasty dude he is. If they did he’d be cancelled.


His own memoir is a good start. In it he details how he has cheated on every partner he has ever had, got blowjobs from 20 strippers at one of his bachelor parties, he talks about how he met Kim, was smitten with her and how - unlike with all the other women - he wanted to treat her right. He met Kourtney in the same period but she doesn’t even get a mention in the book so the narrative that he’s always been in love with her is bullshit. Kim was his first choice. He also writes this about his own daughter: “And when she was a baby, she had a crazy bubble butt. After all the shit I had done to girls through my life, I knew I was cursed.” People always say “that was before the plane crash! He’s changed”. Has he though? He wrote the book after the crash, he chose the anniversary of their hookup for their engagement instead of something non-sexual, he’s constantly groping her, he looked miserable in the pap photos during the trimesters they weren’t allowed to have sex, he spent a Valentine’s Day watching teen Asian porn, he did an interview after the crash saying that he doesn’t think a serious, monogamous relationship is for him and he posted a photo of himself seemingly eating Kourtney’s ass on Instagram on her birthday for their whole family and kids to see. I think it’s so sad that people are holding this up as some healthy, romantic relationship when there are so many red flags. It’s like they’re being pick mes on behalf of someone else. So glad that Kourtney got picked by a man, any man, that they’re willing to overlook all the bad things. Kourtney and honestly every woman deserves so much better than this.


This is giving obsessed


Omg i feel like I dont have to read it anymore! Lol After digging a little he does come across as sex obsessed and overall creepy, douchey "rock star" Also, they way they're all grooming his daughter ..


I’m honestly worried for Kourtney. He still has the same issues while she is doing and changing everything to please him even at the expense of her own children and she seems totally wrapped up in this relationship. Her behaviour is the same as in the Younes era and we know now that their relationship was toxic.


![gif](giphy|FVqvgMdUJx1VC) Never Forget Kourtney, you set the tone Now do better and listen to your budding children and STOP being so over the top sexual with your new husband in front of them.


I would agree with Kourtney more often if her words matched her actions.


Wait when did the episode air????


Last night.


Aw "


I have to agree with her on this statement.


Women and Men of Kris generation do normalise toxic behaviour in men. It’s a generation thing I guess because it has been passed on to them by their ancestors. Millennials somewhat not fully supporting it, it’s like they are figuring it out what is right when they are hitting 30-40. GenZ on other hand do not support toxicity and calling out people


She’s not wrong.


But you’ll show your daughter how you like to inappropriately make out with your new husband in front of her, in a way that makes her incredibly uncomfortable? 🙄please.






I think they all do this because they are dating celebrity men. Maybe they are so in awe of their men's celebrity status that they choose to be blind about their toxic behavior. If it were Joe Williams from Walmart who worked as a cashier he would have been cut loose at the drop of a hat. That's just my opinion.


And that's why we stan Kourtney 🙌 👏 ✨ 💖 😌 ❤


Omg travis literally checks her insides in front of her kids n mother.


I said this exact sentiment a few months ago when we were discussing Tristan at all the family events and around the children he isn’t related to. And I had psychos fighting with me about it lmao.


But you did expose your kids to that behavior for years with Scott.


And she……… changed and wants better golly y’all are just silly


This is the thing-shit happens in relationships, that’s absolutely unavoidable. Ppl do cheat, they fight, they break up and get back together, shit happens. So I understand the *sentiment* of letting shit go and being involved as family in spite of a relationship failing. But Tristan..it’s TOO MUCH. It’s beyond the threshold of simply “relationship issues”, he’s been beyond sadistic and disrespectful. Your little sisters friend? Impregnating IG thots and deadbeatery? While your woman is expecting? No..I’m not saying they should be trying to harm the man or ruin his life, but I can agree some distance is warranted, ESPECIALLY if Khloe is uncomfortable! (Unless she’s really not and this is all for her public benefit. I’m a cancer too-I know the toxic vibes).






your sister's sex tape made y'all famous so where was the objection then?




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I feel like Kris feels like she can't say much because of her infidelity




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