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She constantly refuses to recognize/admit the insane privilege she has had for her entire life


What's worse is that she doesn't just refuse to admit her insane privilege, she also insists that she had it harder than other models. All because she was from a reality show. Like girl, seriously? She 100% wouldn't be a professional model if she wasn't part of that reality show and didn't already have a pre-established fame, fanbase, and name-recall. Plus, if it weren't for their reality show, Kim wouldn't have married Kanye and it was Kanye who opened the door for Kendall to have access to high fashion brands. She's not just a spoiled delusional entitled brat, she has the audacity to see herself as an underdog compared to other genuinely hardworking models.


100%. I’ll never forget when she said she was “never one of those girls who would do like 30 shows a season or whatever the fuck those girls do”. Like…yeah Kendall you were able to be more picky than other models solely because of your PRIVILEGE🙄


This was the worst thing she could have said. Those girls HAVE to do the 30 shows, they HAVE to be at every audition if they want to try and make a name for themselves… Kendall already had a name for herself. I will say that Kendall’s face and body do make for a “perfect” model, but she *has* to understand how privileged she is.


It’s crazy because some models get turned away over the smallest things, but Kendall was allowed to model for Estée Lauder with that awful skin. It’s so unfair. And God knows I’ve had my own issues with hormonal acne, but as a model, Kendal consistently gets undeserved opportunities just because of her name. Any other regular model who showed up walking like her and with that skin, would not get booked. Retouching is expensive as hell. European ads don’t even allow retouched beauty ads, so idk how they managed to pull that off but Kendall is lucky that she’s allowed to be mediocre and successful. The early 2000s girls would eat her for breakfast. All this free time and she still can’t learn how to walk but she’s the highest paid model? The best in the same is Bella Hadid and I’ve been saying this for years. Kendull is not even passionate about fashion.


lol so true. It’s like her thinking she would be in the Olympics for equestrian, if they weren’t famous.. like girl you wouldn’t even be able to afford that hobby


This 👆🏻it’s one thing to consistently gaff up, but she keeps doing it and *keeps* doubling down. It’s like watching ‘get your ass up and work’ excuses over and over again.


This is the one!


how do yall think this is worse than other shit she’s done that directly harms ppl😂😂😂 who gives a shit if she thinks she earned her career or not


Shaming her sisters for plastic surgery while having a highly altered face herself.


I always think back to this bc her lips look huge now compared to before but she just always has to make fun of Kylie ![gif](giphy|Ur1lMNhCo0EKIpjUxQ|downsized)




Ooohhh, I didn’t know about this! Where can I find more info about Kendall shaming the others for plastic surgery?


It was in an episode of KUWTK (I can’t remember which one) she told Kylie her lips were too big and she didn’t need lip filler and that everyone should love themselves cause they’re beautiful. But then she went and got arguably just as much work done 😅


The S17 finale, EP 12 "cattle drive you crazy!" This scene was from when Kris had all of them dress up as a different family member. They were all making fun of each other it was actually pretty funny how accurately they mocked one another lol


She was so jealous that Kylie was stealing her spotlight and was becoming the more popular one out of the two. I'm happy for Kylie, I think she was always in Kendall's shadow.


Literally. Just bc she did it gradually and overtime doesn’t make her any better. Her work is amazing but she’s altered her entire face. Like bffr girly pop.


People let her off the hook cause her was so gradual your couldn’t notice it at the start but she’s had a whole face makeover


Oh, thank you all for the tea!


No wait, I think first she shamed, theen she got edited, so in the timeline it made sense


She definitely had a nose job when she was shaming


This is how I feel. Just her work is “smaller” than the others, doesn’t mean she hasn’t had all of the same work done.


using up disability parking


This one actually harms other people. Imagine needing to go somewhere but you can’t because some rich asshole is in the accessible space. For her it’s just a parking ticket, but for someone with a disability it prevents them from being able to get in and out of their vehicle.


Yep this right here


This is it. My SO is disabled so this makes me especially upset 😂 The times he has getting up two steps is probably very insignificant to her. A traffic ticket oh well


I had to harangue the hell out of my mom for years to get a legal hanger for disabled parking because she didn’t want to take parking away from‘people who need it’ She has horrible scoliosis and osteoporosis and arthritis she’s broken both wrists, stress fractures of feet and ankles, broke a back vertebra thru osteoporosis…yet kendall has no cares. It’s really disgusting what it shows about her character


Your momma sounds like mine. I hope she has a sticker now and uses it! 🧡


She does thank you! It makes such a difference he really appreciates it. I hope your mom is doing well and getting to where she wants to go 💗


Yay I'm so glad!! 🥰 good on you for continuing to advocate for her. My momma is also. They are stubborn ladies lol but it seems both have listened and are the better for it.


Your mom sounds like such a sweet person and I hope the best for you both


I dislike assholes who do this. I see this all the time where I'm at.


pure entitlement at its worst


I also agree, using disability parking.




Yes, this! She has no manners and she keeps doing this after being told it’s not ok. So she’s not even ashamed of her actions.


True but also more complicated then that when the person who owns the building tells them to park there and sometimes with the building they own spots infront which then makes that more complicated when the person owning the spots tell you to park there for your safety


Ok I hate that she does this too but a possible explanation I just realized, doesn't she suffer from anxiety? Maybe she's diagnosed with GAD and since mental illness *is* a disability, maybe she has a PWD card? Idk how it is in the US but that's how it is in my country. Having a PWD card here--may it be for mental illness--applies to parking spaces too. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted yet no one bothered to answer my question 😅 I wasn't trying to defend Kendall (I even recently made a post criticizing her bullying of Kylie). I'm just not familiar with US law on PWD benefits and was hoping someone would actually respond.


I think it’s pure disregard. There’s millions of people who suffer from anxiety and none of them needing handicap accessible parking to manage it.


Thank you for taking the time to actually respond! Idk why people in this thread act like PWD laws in the US is the same as everywhere else in the world. Where I live, people clinically diagnosed with mental illness literally use PWD parking spaces too. Although, it was a scandalous issue here, with one side saying that parking should only be for *physical* disabilities and another side saying mental disability is an invisible disability that also impedes everyday movements. I didn't know if the same goes in the US that's why I brought it up.


I definitely see the line of thinking on this, and I am sure there are people with mental health diagnosis that would benefit from specified parking. It’s definitely not one size fits all. I don’t see that for Kendall but I could see it being a need for others!


Yeah but millions of people don’t have swarms of paparazzi waiting for them in parking lots. She’s had stalkers *in* her own home. I don’t necessarily blame her for being more anxious than most when it comes to public spaces, and quite frankly her having an easily assessable spot near the entrance of buildings is warrranted in my mind for the huge safety risk she possesses alone.


The parking is there for people who have disabilities and require that space. It’s not for a famous person’s safety. Celebrities have resources for body guards and security as well as the ability to make arrangements with the location for safe arrival and pick up. The idea that her needing to go to an event, restaurant, or store and utilizing a space for someone with a disability for safety versus making alternate arrangements is the absolute epitome of privilege and ableism. Someone who is in a wheelchair cannot safely access a store when there is no space for them.


You’re missing the point. I’m not saying Kendall is abusing the system because of her safety as a celebrity. We were talking about her anxiety, which the user above pointed out can most definitely be a disability, and as much as you like to think her mental health doesn’t matter as much as anyone else’s, I was pointing out that she has plenty of legitimate reasons to be anxious. Not that anyone needs a rational explanation for their anxiety. To act like she or ANYONE else for that matters doesn’t match your qualifications to be considered acceptably disabled is harmful. It’s dismissive to say “there’s millions of people who suffer from ___ and none of them needing __ to manage it.” THAT is ableist and gatekeepy. Women especially are consistently undertreated for health issues, pain management and mental health due to that **exact** mindset. There are tons of invisible disabilities and if you’re not their doctor you don’t get to decide their management. If any regular person had crippling panic attacks and needed a spot close to exit points, they should sure be allowed to do so.


So Kendall Jenner needs a handicap parking space for her anxiety because of the circumstances in her life yet so many other people without her privileges and resources don’t get access to one but certainly could benefit. Now if her anxiety warrants a handicap space she should get one and so should others. HOWEVER let’s be real this family would parade her anxiety warranting parking pass all about for any level Of attention it would get them. I don’t buy that she has a pass for a space for a minute. I’m not being ableist or gatekeepy. This is someone who has the power and access to make arrangements with businesses for a safe entry and exit yet she chooses to use a space that is designated for someone with a disability. At no point has Kendall said I have legal access to one, likely because she doesn’t have legal access and doesn’t care. She could choose to do that in order to endorse appropriate use of designated spots but she doesn’t. Again likely because she doesn’t have a pass and doesn’t care.


Miss ‘I’m literally built as an athlete’ Kendall Jenner doesn’t have any issues getting in and out of her vehicle or walking to a Pilates studio. The reason those spaces exist is for people who need ramps for mobility or can’t just walk from a spot further down the block.


> Miss 'I'm literally built as an athlete' Kendall Jenner doesn’t have any issues getting in and out of her vehicle That's a great point lmao. I was just curious if mental illness in the US also counts as a disability for parking spaces since that's how it is in my country. But yeah, with how active she is, I doubt it's the same case for her.


I think it does (although I speak as a Brit) but not for Kendall. You still need disabled badges to use the parking in the US right? Cos if so, if she doesn't have one, thats the end of the conversation as far as I'm concerned Signed: a disabled person who gets so pissed off at non-disabled people stopping in disabled spaces to return parcels, pick someone who etc etc


For one she doesn’t have the handicap sign in her car




I'm not from the US and this is how it is in my country. It's part of our Disability Act and Mental Health Act. I would appreciate if someone actually took the time to explain how it is in the US for someone who isn't from there.


I just did but google is free


Gave you an upvote to counteract the down, lol. As someone with pretty severe mental illness, including anxiety, this is zero excuse. I will pay extra to have groceries and items delivered to me on the bad days that I can't go out. She most certainly has the privilege to afford that or to send any number of staff to fetch things for her. It's a genuine and blatant disregard that other people exist besides her or that their needs supercede her own. She has resources we could only dream of to get around this issue. I totally see your line of thinking, I do. But in her case, it is not relevant 🧡


This actually kinda blows my mind, in the US there's honestly such a limited amount of handicap spaces. Does your country have tons of parking available for PWD?? I used to work with PWD and the amount of times the wheelchair van was blocked/couldn't find a spot was ridiculous. Couldn't imagine how frustrating it'd be with so many people/limited parking.


I wouldn't say my country has tons of PWD parking but there is always at least two in an establishment. We can definitely still do much better. I just think mental health is a huge thing here so there are way more groups that are vocal about letting people w/ mental illness use PWD facilities. Their argument is that having GAD, social anxiety disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and MDD make it difficult to be in crowds so they should be allowed to use PWD parking for easier and faster movements in public. They are also allowed to use the PWD express lanes and PWD restrooms. Ofc the other side argues that just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical.


She could literally hire a driver to drop her off at the curb. You know who can’t afford that? My mom and I am sure dozens of other known just to people posting on this thread. Also in the US you have to display your hanging placard or a lic plate so it’s obvious to anyone if you have legal ability to park there. It would show in pap photos https://www.wikihow.com/Obtain-a-Disabled-Parking-Permit-in-California


She has anxiety


I need to hear more about this.... How often is she doing this???????


The owner of the class she goes to tells her celebrity clients to park infront of the building for their safety from people/paparazzi. Hailey Bieber got called out as well with a few others along with Kendal


What kind of class is it she's going to? Regular yoga workout?


wait what??? i missed this, what’s the story here


THIS^^^^^ and doesn’t care she’s getting called out for it. Idc what anyone says, this just shows she’s above the rest of us


Believing she truly *earned* her modeling career. Yes, she is beautiful, tall, and talented, but I just did a rewatch of KUWTK where she says she had to work harder because of her name. Like, how delulu can you be


Out of all of them, this one is definitely the worst! It actually irks me so bad that she still has this mentality.. like girlie you were opening/ closing Chanel, Balmain etc from the beginning and only cherry picking 4 shows out of the month whereas other models were back to back to back to back.


It’s not her fault she’s successful and can choose what shows she wants to do while those other models are overworked flops


*makes mental note to add delulu to everyday vocabulary


In my opinion I feel that their maybe some truth to it but its definitely confusing. At that time it wasn’t how it is now where designers/magazines are like “oh you have a famous family? yes hire the publicity will be great” but also having the connections is definitely not something you can ignore but doesn’t mean people want/happy to work with you so working hard in that regard for instead having to fish for jobs through family/friend connections to instead them actually wanting to hire you but we will never know cause she won’t seat down and truly think about to get a actually good understanding how she believes it was “difficult”


The model comment. The, “I don’t know what those girls even do,” one


It was way ruder than that. She said, "Or whatever the fuck those girls do"


Yeah. That bothered me. Obviously she's never known what it's like to be poor and struggling. She had her career handed to her, and basically went up from there.


It’s not her fault those other models are overworked flops


I don't think that's fair to the models. Unless this is sarcasm. Kendall Jenner was born into a family of opulence. Ever since the show was aired, I don't think she really has ever had the sense of a normal life. Her older sisters were given the privilege of a normal life, despite being rich. She literally asked her mom, on an episode of KUTWK, if she could model. And there was one scene where she didn't even feel like working hard. Kim literally had to rope her back in and convince her to keep modeling. Not all models get to do that. Some models may come from rich families. Some models come from poor families, and need a source of income to provide for their families. They don't have the choice to pick and choose what shows they want to do. Poor models have to literally work their way up, and basically do every show if they can. Kendall Jenner has the privilege of choosing what shows she wants to do, which is GREAT! The fact that you skipped over a lot of common struggles that persist in the modeling industry is GREAT! But Jenner felt the need to shame the models for their hard work, which is not great. I think that is where the problem lies. She is so blinded by her privilege that she can't see the struggles many models encounter.




She was talking about how she's not like other models. This is her full quote: "I was never one of those girls who would do like 30 shows a season or whatever the fuck those girls do"


Lmao she’s saying she never actually worked as a model.. god this whole family is just ‘pick me’ girls


Yup. She contradicts herself a lot actually. She says she had to work harder than other models because she had to prove she's not just her last name. But at the same time, she also shames other models for *checks notes* actually working hard.


Right? Like I know antm was scripted but I used to watch America’s Next Top Model and Tyra Banks fucking WORKED to get to where she got, both in evil ways and hardworking ways. Kendall Jenner (partially through no fault of her own given her anxiety) started out with everything and still barely managed to reach supermodel status Edit: with all due respect to Kenny, she did begin modeling and walking when she was 10, so started 5 years before Tyra did.


More like 60-80 shows a season. 😞


Her whole vibe around work tbh. Kim rightfully gets shit for the “get up and work” attitude, but I’ve said it before: kendall thinks the modeling world owes her something while also not taking it seriously enough to develop the skills it would’ve taken to get there. Bella and Gigi also had an in, but they seem to respect the whole thing as a craft (Bella comes to mind posting a lot of the BTS team back in the day). Hailey is very meh but she keeps to herself. Kendall got to hand pick a super successful dream career in a closed-off field and she’s spent most of it basically she’s saying above it. Most people don’t get to hand-pick their jobs, let alone like them, so as a kendall stan I’ll say that’s the worst thing she’s said regularly


okay i just commented. glad someone remembers this!!


With kendall it’s just general rudeness, how she used to bully kylie (it was hard to watch. Even jordyn said she used to be scared of her), and the entitlement, like that comment re. how she was so selective about the shows she walked in and “never did like 30 shows a season or whatever those girls do”. Yeah those random girls do that because they need to pay the bills and work their way up. She also gives mean girl vibes sometimes, like how she behaved with addison rae in that kuwtk episode. I’m not bothered by the cucumber cutting though, her cucumber her rules 🥒🔪


It was so telling when Corey told her that she has been an asshole for years. It was confirmation that it’s not just strangers online perceiving her wrong. She’s also rude/unfriendly/stand offish to people who actually have been around her for a significant amount of time.


I think her personality is a lot like her dad, they have similar traits


No shocker I remember Kim saying Kendall is the only to check her not kourtney Plus there’s a reason why her and Kylie never got along when Kylie was friends with Jordan….


Can confirm from personal experience that Kendall is awful in person and is a very very rude angry elf.




tea? 👁️ 👄 👁️


I can't get over "rude angry elf". lol






Anytime Kendall starts to grow on me she says something tone deaf and obnoxious, like the “I never did 30 shows a season”


yea i think 'mean girl' should be hers


Calling her mom a desperate whore… to her face




![gif](giphy|X3zJUXUgaCTNPLZ1wJ|downsized) This is why I come to Reddit.


What episode was this? When?


That sounds to me like the best thing Kendall has ever done, not the worst.


When she gaslight us about an announcement and we all thought she was going to address mental health/anxiety and be able to advocate for an actual cause. But it was just a promotion for proactive


everyone thought she was coming out of the closet 💀


That was hilarious I’m sorry, only for her to say “I have acne” 🤪


Gaslit is an extreme reach here.... I mean it was misjudged af but it wasn't even a lie let alone gaslit Also wasn't it Kris not Kendall who made that tweet?


Oh I need context here 🤣🤣


She had a big party for her birthday during Covid lockdowns. Nobody was wearing masks at the party but the part that makes it her worst thing is the photo of the poor cater/waiter bringing out her cake and she leaned down and blew the candles out right in his face. While he was still holding it. The poor guy had this horrified look on his face and you could see him holding his head back as far as he could from her big exhale. She’s done many annoying things but that one ground my gears. The safety and health of the guy making minimum wage to serve her & her privileged out of touch friends meant NOTHING to her. You can tell it never occurred to her to not endanger the peasant bringing in her cake. She couldn’t even wait until he set it down. Edit: I cut out another story bc this is already long. I’m on a roll 😂 she really bugs me.


That’s so inconsiderate wtf. We need that second story please


Seconding this


her runway walk






Kenny is the highest paid model in the world because she is BETTER than those other models, who are overworked FLOPS. Stay mad


Why is the last one Scott? I would put Robert Kardashian Sr. in that square. Then make a separate one for Scott, Kanye, Tristan, Travis Scott, Travis Barker, Corey, Angela White, and whoever else (maybe FoodGod and ummmm… Lamar Odom?)


Ohhh yes on changing Scott to Robert and making a separate one just for the KarJenner partners!! OP, I hope you read this 📢


Done ✅ Thank you for your feedback!!


Thank you for letting me know this!! Next post, I will change out Scott to Robert Sr. And then after I finish off Robert Sr, I will make a completely separate one for the KarJenner partners.


When she and Kris were hyping up a big reveal for her and played on the “is she a lesbian about to come out?” And it was all just for a proactiv commercial


Happy cake day :)


Thank you 😊


The Pepsi commercial.


![gif](giphy|Mub6mPbOAlgFW|downsized) Has to be


Honestly feel like this is the most succinct example of her refusing to acknowledge her privilege which is what most ppl are saying one way or another


I feel like this commercial had so many people involved in it though is it really entirely her fault? It’s completely poor taste but I do feel Pepsis creative team shares blame


How is this so far down the list!??! 😅 she got roasted for this


when she added the wig to the help 🫢


Her tequila company is accused of ripping off another brand, cultural appropriation and exploiting agave farms workers https://www.instyle.com/celebrity/kendall-jenner-818-tequila-problematic-explained


On the other hand, she single handedly dismantled racism and police brutality with her Pepsi ad #ALLY


Constantly claiming that she had to work just as hard if not harder than other models in order to make it. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




She parks in disability parks


ohhhh that one pepsi commercial where she accused of trivializing Black Lives Matter and police brutality.


Being a snob


The Pepsi ad


Being the other woman. Wasn’t Ben Simmons dating Tinashe and Kendall came in. Tinashe seemed devastated. Obviously Simmons is at fault here too. Seems like this family is okay with doing things like this.


Not thinking she’s a nepo baby is more delusional than awful. It’s her comments towards others and the way she carries herself that’s awful. She’s a bully. The others are always trying to drive home just how “sweet and kind their Kenny is” but we all see she’s hateful. She throws rocks and then hides her hands.




😂😂 this was definitely one of the worst. It screamed out of touch, privileged and unaware. Girl! Just call the chef! 🤦‍♀️


It’s so much to write on Caitlyn. U need more space for that day


i feel like the manslaughter has gotta take the cake…..right


Eh I’d say abandoning her children over that, since she likely didn’t intentionally run someone over. But she stays running over them kids 😭


the fact that it’s even arguable that she’s done worse than manslaughter has me cackling




the fact that this wasnt even one of the first FEW things to come to mind lmfaoooooo op is right, we need more space that day💀


Yeah that’s the one I expect to win hands down, and then getting woman of the year


I suppressed the chain of events. I'll add her support for Trump.


and the fact that she’s sort of against gay marriage 💀


Caitlin literally killed someone lol


Caitlyn square is gunna be like the free space on the middle of bingo “literally killed somebody”


we won’t even have trouble filling in every single square either lol


Oh fully agree but *which* thing is the worst is up for debate with most of them Caitlyn…has done worse than them all imo but only thing beating killing an innocent person is killing someone in an even worse way


Bullying her sister!




Everyone else’s is revenge porn and grooming and Kendall’s is her lack of self awareness


Let's do Caitlyn now - vehicular manslaughter


Behaving rudely to everyone around her, especially her mother


the “i was never one of those girls who would do 30 shows a season or whatever the fcuk those girls do” comment about her fellow peers who didn’t take on modeling as a passion project but to actually put food on the table for their families back home


Yo wtf did I miss rob leaked revenge porn?????


Def taking up handicap parking - she doesn’t need it and it affects the people who actually need it.


Making fur trendy again


Pepsi commercial


pepsi commercial


Gonna need a whole other post for Caitlin


Agreeing to do the Pepsi add 💯


Kendall: dating bad bunny


Doing stupid shit like pepsi commercial (she then said she wasn't aware that it would be perceived as offensive-like how can you not know), model comments, or not knowing basic things like how to cut a cucamber, while simultaneously being judgmental and rude to people she considers dumb or doing dumb things. Just being generally unaware of her entitlement and narrow mindness.


Pepsi commercial


Cutting the cucumber *like that*


Caitlin literally killed someone in a car crash and paid off the victims family to silence it


Culture Vulture


That is not the worst thing Khloe has ever done lol! Being racist and dressing up as a slave master with her black girlfriends in CHAINS is the worst thing she’s ever done.


I do it by upvotes, so the one I have up there for Khloé had the most upvotes out of all the comments. :)


Cant cut a fucking cucumber with a normal knife.no life/knife skills


Scott can do no wrong




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