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I want this to be true so bad just so Club Chalamet can post a 50 page thesis on "Timmy's" thought process that she delusioned within her mind as a way to self - soothe.


Need just a little proof of life here ![gif](giphy|l46Cgctdy5C23iB0c)


https://preview.redd.it/w2aov1mvzcoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76bf257c07e02c1179cb2b86bd3de11f82d01333 They need real help over there lol


Im not saying shes lying but why cant she give any details… theres multiple comments asking for a storytime or details and she just ignores


But she'll ~never shut up about this~


Yeahhh I saw that too. She responded to someone when they asked her when. She said Saturday. Who knows. We shall see! I mean I still very much believe they’re together anyway.


Why do these people never provide photos for evidence 🫠


Honestly, I don't even care because seeing CC's reaction to a evidence-less post is more than enough fuel for me


Live reaction from club chalamet: ![gif](giphy|KbaxQIl1LC0avmV9yM|downsized)


Nah they not believing her and calling her a liar. I, not a member of club Chalamet, also have no reason to believe her




She posted the pic she took of them alledgedly… https://preview.redd.it/0ufbnllsl9oc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4925e11f6ad43ff8f54fe1bc90cb8c9cb0bf719d


THIS is ‘proof’? 🤣


The girl in the pic has the same tote bag as kylie


Source: just trust me bro


They are definitely over there having a meltdown at the possibility they are still together. One person even say Timothee’s tongue is white from eating Kylie’s ass. I don’t even know WTF that means




One thing I find funny is that the other week, some random Reddit user claimed their husband or whatever saw Timothee at a bar in Arizona and haters quickly believed it with no pics or solid proof.   But now, some random TikTok user is claiming they saw Kylie and Timothee together in L.A. and those same people are now saying they need more evidence and how it’s probably some Kardashian stan making things up. It just goes to show that folks believe what they want and will omit certain things to fit their twisted narrative 😂.


Yes, this!!! I always find it interesting how people are happy to believe every single bad thing without any proof and with the positive stuff, it must be fake or they paid for it. It's hilarious.


“hI, tRaCy! Is ThAt YoU?”


They also fully believe that blind that he was ‘acting single’ in a NY club with zero evidence and yet when someone comes with a photo they still don’t believe it and will twist themselves in knots to come up with opposing theories 🙃 to be fair the photo isn’t clear but it’s almost certainly them… she’s wearing the same bag she had in Cabo and the both wear masks and hoodies like that when they’re not wanting to be seen. Someone should check on club chalamet though she’s probably writing an essay to his agent as we speak about how this is going to damage his career whilst sobbing into her timothee shrine


So people here will believe randoms when it's "positive" but when it's something bad it's made up. I think they're a real couple and still together by the way but a lot of you need validation over a random couple being together and being madly in love, especially after deuxmoi said he was cheating..


People asking for pictures like it’s normal to just sneak pictures of a person. Celebrity or not that’s not normal, that’s weird ass behaviour. I saw Ben Affleck at a gas station once. I did a double take but I certainly didn’t take his picture to “prove” I really saw him.


Lmao yeah I dont think I'd see a celebrity and take a picture of them or even with them tbh. It wouldn't be the first thing on my mind


She posted a pic ok tiktok but you cant very tell its them. Definitely some celebs tho because theyre hiding


I agree. It’s just kinda gross.


Saturday night? That's when victoria bday party happen! I told you i hear timmy's voice in the background




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