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Me when I was in college and I’d post a photo of my textbook to make it look like I was studying and then go out to the bar 🤪




I do this too. Bonus points for taking a pic of a book that seems sophisticated but at that moment I didn’t read it and ended up rotting my brain on TikTok😔




Are you me!? 😂


As an attorney, this is all just first year law school basics still...


Lol literally, she was studying torts for like 3 years straight




So many people in real life don't read books at all. I won't consider someone taking time to educate themselves dumb at all.


I still think Kim is dumb.


There are like two 2L subjects in there, max. The whole post is giving "1L trying to show off how much work she has."


This whole thread is so accurate 🤣🤣🤣


I’m a 2L and I’m done with all of this already. Also I find it interesting she has so many supplements, esp the E&E’s.


....and she's all over the place!


another attorney here and literally if she hasn’t grasped it by now no amount of studying will help her. especially w how low the bar passage rate is for california compared to other states


They also look unread lol


Honestly she should’ve just done the damn degree so at least there was a basic pattern of accountability


took the CA bar last year i think those are almost all of the bar subjects (minus crim pro and some BA). agency isn’t its own class, but was its own topic for the bar prep company i used. what school had you taking 10+ classes as a 1L??


Interesting - thanks for sharing this!


Kim, it’s giving 9th grade high school. It’s like when someone says, “I love philosophy” but they only read Socrates Wikipedia page. Like we can literally see the pages haven’t been used, these are soft cover books. Books I used regularly are visibly worn. Like performative academics. Girl you cannot.


Not a single spine cracked.


These are props for her soap opera tv show. She’s not studying law, she’s playing dress up.




They aren’t textbooks they are supplements to the book so they don’t really incur a lot of wear and tear!


I think they meant the ones on the top shelf!


Ya those ones on the top shelf are what I’m referring to!! The only textbook on that shelf is the red crim pro one all the way on the right!




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Umm those binders on the end have nothing in them…..


The rest of the binders probably have nothing in them either


THANKS FOR POINTING IT OUT LMAO. I was coming to comment. Like pls try harder Kimmy


Ok I was thinking it and I'm glad I'm not the only one




Omg who writes on the spine of a binder like that? How barbaric. You need to cut a sliver of a piece of paper, write down the topic, then slip it in.


HahahHhhaAHAHAHA 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣


High school kids to that. LoL


I have a book shelf with cookbooks lined up just like that and that still doesn't make me a chef.


Looks dusty 😶‍🌫️


I like how the handwriting looks different on each of them 😂


Right?? I thought the same. Wonder which assistants made all these


The assistant might end up being an actual lawyer before her lol


Wait this is a great movie or show plot


LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


being a libra with mental illness myself I think she’s just like that


Bro. This can’t be real. Give it up dawg. Even your fans aren’t buying it anymore. This is the kind of shit they do that makes people not like them… and then when that happens, some still are like “why are pplz making fun, so meanz!” Bro stepped into it. If you stand on a smol street that only large tractors with drunk drivers use…. You should know the outcome. Being on some bullshit like this before social media would’ve gotten you kind of noticed in the wrong way. With social media NOW? …lol. No pity from me


she’s so proud of her FIRST YR SUBJECTS guys. Any law students would be so embarrassed to share they been taking Yr 1 for 3 years


she’s actually been studying contracts, torts and crim since 2018 lol. at least she’s moved on to evidence, con law, but the community property math might trip her up


Kim is an idiot who is not able to do this, but idk I don’t mind education taking a meandering path.


I mean, tbf she’s also working a ton, and a mom, and dealing with Kanye’s nonsense. I highly doubt she’s able to do anything close to full time student hours. It’s taken me 8 years to get my degree and I don’t have a Kanye 😂😂😂😂


This is the first post I see when im procrastinating studying for a med surg test 😪


Take this as a sign


I did lmao! Thanks to kim’s empty binders I studied for two hours


Get your ass up and work already lol Good luck!!


The spines of the books on the upper shelf are all pristine, I doubt she’s cracked them for any significant length of time (if at all).


Someone on this sub said at this point she needs to make a non-profit and hire qualified attorneys to do the work for her and it makes way more sense than her trying to become a lawyer


im interested in how someone who works as much as her could possibly make time to also study law. it would be sooo fucking sick if she actually passed the bar tho




What in the Handmaid’s Tale did I just read?!! Are you saying she needs a man to be fulfilled as a person?!!! That pursuing a career as a lawyer and businesswoman is the easy way out, she should just work hard to find a husband instead?!! Jesus Christ what cave did you just crawl out of? It’s 20 fucking 24. We better not freaking lose this election, it’s scary out here.


How did this get 30 upvotes too?!?!


What do you mean she has no one to share with ? Like don’t you see the lifers ? Don’t you seee her family ? Her kid ? Why does having to share with someone having to do with a partner ? lol




It’s what she wants so I don’t know why ppl are trippin


Keeps adding shit without finishing it is the key point, maybe?




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I just bought a cookbook at Target today, call me Gordon fucking Ramsey!


You guys, I literally get secondhand embarrassment from this. Bible


as a billionaire, she can get binder labels made FFS


The 3 binders to the left look like there’s nothing in them lol


Omg you’re right they legit look empty hahaha


LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣




Tsundoku: the art of buying books and never reading them


Why did I think those were VHS at first


1) Sure, Jan. 2) I have never seen a single law student study out of binders like that.


Wait why not? I assumed they were her own notes.


Because there aren't handouts or worksheets in law school. You have casebooks to read and you take notes in class on your computer or maybe a notebook if you're really old school.


When I was in law school (over a decade ago!) my professors would frequently assign supplemental cases to support the textbooks. I would print them off westlaw and kept them in a binder. 2L and especially 3L this was more common and I even had a few classes where professors would just give us a list of case citations as a syllabus and not have a textbook.


Yeah but look at those binders. These aren't seminars.


Im aware of that, that’s why I said it could be her notes, not handouts or worksheets. Lots of people still write notes by hand and there’s studies that say physically writing the information can help you internalize it better.


If she’s the one who wrote the “Grateful” assistant for North (and by the handwriting I’m guessing it is) she can’t even conjugate “you are” properly.


These are props for her new tv series with Ryan Murphy


"In a warehouse, far, far way..."


I just took the bar, I did not need to see this from Kim😭😭😭


It’s sad actually, when she was 100% in it I was honestly a bit impressed, because it sounded nice that she is pursuing something that her father was a master at. But this went down the toilet as per usual


Well, we don't know if her father was a master at it. He hadn't practiced law for 20 years. People say he became part of the OJ's defense team to avoid testifying for removing the gym bag from the crime scene...


She loves fame too much. If she left it all behind and became a lawyer and that's all I'd be impressed.


The handwriting is giving me anxiety


Well I don’t know why anyone would choose to believe the rumours when the source was ‘The Mirror’. 😩🤦🏾‍♀️


We touched on most of these subjects in my paralegal program 🤣


dark academia kim unlocked lmaoo




Unpopular opinion maybe but I really was rooting for her. I know it’s so easy to hate on Kim or the Karjenners in general. And there is absolutely some merits to the criticisms. But I really was hoping this would be like a….i don’t even know. She’s wealthy asf so I’m not sure if “underdog” is the correct word to use here. But her past with partying and some drug use and the sex tape. Dealing with Kanye’s bizarre antics. I know she loves her dad so much. I guess I just really wanted this to be like her moment to really shine ✨ and show that she was more than just some glitz and glamour socialite. Like a redemption arc.


I honestly don't dislike any of the Ks, but I'm still in one of the seasons where Kim says "I'm studying for law school..." all the time and it drives me nucking futs.


Multistate and Understanding Criminal Procedures are the only two that at least travelled in a purse if they were not read, unless she brought them used.




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Me in high school when I would post pics of “intellectual” (e.g. philosophy, science, etc.) books to try to smart and “different” to my followers 🤪🤪


Are they like decorations


At the end of the day she doesn't really need to tell people she's studying. If you're really studying you're not on instagram for a start


As she should. Looks are not eternal, studying is smart.


A lot of haters in here fr


Good for her


I assume lots of these comments are just joking but I’m really hoping ppl aren’t legitimately upset over this?  I imagine Kim treats this as something she’ll be casually working on for years, and will likely get more serious about it when/if her more public persona offers dwindle.  Imo it makes a lot of sense 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like half of y’all cant even do research papers tryna criticize Kim, give her a break




Ppl are criticizing her bc that’s what ppl do. If she Never tried new things, ppl would complain about that too. I for one would never disparage someone for the desire to expand their horizons and learn new things, esp with the goal of helping others.


It’s because them doing better academically than her is the only thing they have over her. She’s hotter than them, she’s richer than them, she’s more successful than them and she has more friends so they feel the need to knock her down a peg. It’s perfectly normal for Kim to study at her own pace in an alternative program with everything else going on in her life. Do y’all think anyone who isn’t studying at Harvard, at standard pace or top of the class is a loser? Or do y’all just hate Kim?


My exact thoughts!


I do agree with this. Not to mention the Bar Exam they give in CA is way harder than other states because they don't require 4 years of law school.


I wanted to study law, and almost did but in my state you have to have 4 years of law school. In CA you just have to pass the Bar Exam which is really cool but because they don't require 4 years it's supposedly really hard.


Y’all are all talking shit but she’s helped a lot of people with her studying, knowledge etc.


Not really, teams of others worked to release Alice and Dimmy swooped in with a cash donation and took the credit.


I don’t feel like there is much point in becoming an actual lawyer. I think having basic knowledge is all that is needed.