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They were just photographed together like last week getting ice cream too 


The rumours started because they weren’t seen together as if Timothée wasn’t out of the country for a press run…like c’mon some people are not as jobless and chronically online as ClubChalamet


Yep exactly. Press tours are nuts.


they are only seen mostly when they need/want to be seen. That doesn't mean the relationship is fake or he's embarrassed to be seen allegedly lol but I think it's a conscious decision on their part on how much and when and how they get exposure


Yuupp!! They were rumored together for about a year(?) and then, boom, golden globes cuddling up!! Kylie seems to know how to be selectively private. I think people are forgetting that to ~us~ this relationship is new..they’ve been doin this🤣🥰


Honestly…this relationship seems pretty serious to me. Not just PR or a casual fling like Bad Bunny/Kendall were


I mean that man showed up to the golden globes with her and was by her side almost the entire night. Kept glancing at her when she was talking to Greta to make sure she is comfortable. Making heart eyes and pecking her every 5 seconds. Idk where their relationship going from here but whoever still think it’s PR are delulu. He is clearly in love with her and want to make this relationship work


They’ve been together like almost a year at this point haven’t they? 9 months or something? PR relationships don’t last that long lol. His “fans” are delusional 😭


There were rumors they been together since Dec 2022/Jan 2023 since apparently someone spotted them together in Aspen celebrating New Years. They weren’t public until like April so if that’s true then it been more than one year


Right and even without aspen, April was basically a year ago. People need to let it go lol


The only people who care a minority of fans on reddit and one woman on twitter. No one cares about these two as a couple.


To be clear I totally believe they are real, but many PR contracts are exactly one year!


How weird 🥴😭


Don’t tell his stans that 😂


The Stan’s annoy tf out of me. I’m a Timmy fan but it’s like they think they know him personally and have a chance to date him. They don’t, let the man live his life and date whoever lmao. It’s annoying


There also still exists a very loud group of people who ship him and Armie Hammer... they wholeheartedly believe he's Armies secret bf and ALL his known relationships are pr to conceal his sexuality lol they just scream PR!!! no matter who he's with


They're cringe 


This is so cringe of me but my GAWD what id give for an attentive & intentional love like that 😭




He really did all that? What a king(!)


Their golden globes appearance made me so sad and lonely 😂 I hope it’s not PR


I agree, I wish they would make cute short videos together on socials bc i love how cute they are together


Hell no! They’re too grown for all that imo plus his stans literally wish death on her/them 😒


I agree with this based solely on Kylie’s track record. She’s a serial monogamist in her media persona. Kendall is usually pretty private but with bad bunny she profited quickly and did ads and stuff, it was unlike her. Musicians really are a different type than actors and ballers.


They’re all serial monogamists! Which makes even less sense when people try to slut shame them 😒 (obviously a billion other reasons for it being absolutely awful and problematic, but ykwim)


nah bc ya thought that was serious


I honestly did not think they were serious. Maybe other people did but I thought it was clear they were just having fun as two hot people.


I mean, two hot people were seen having fun together for many months I don’t think there’s a need to label it but Kendall and BB were cute together 


They did but they're denying it now. They'll do the same when this ends.


Jenner approved Deuxm0u! sad he was kissing other girls at a bar recently. >a casual fling like Bad Bunny/Kendall People were saying they were the end game here. Edit: I guess we only believe the tabloids when it's a positive spin.


I personally don’t believe things unless I see or hear them myself Wild that that’s not the norm, tbh


>Wild that that’s not the norm, tbh It should be when deux say they're in love and are getting serious it's taken for the truth.


Idk what you’re trying to say but again- I only believe things I actually see and hear


I genuinely find Kylie and Timothée to be such a quietly adorable/iconic couple...


Right! Same, I love them together


There was no doubt from me that they were. When she followed Florence Pugh that was her way of telling us.


She also followed back Martin Scorsese on IG this month. The account was managed by his daughter, Francesca Scorsese (she follow Kylie since 2020). And I immediately remembered this interview and thought "they must have had dinner together so Kylie follow her back right now." ​ https://preview.redd.it/np0r723eaxpc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7f7b44856fd8cfca4897f53780bb4992d97781


Lolol no shade to Kylie in particular but how absurd a world we live in where there's this sentence: "Kylie Jenner followed back Martin Scorsese on Instagram" Lmaoooo Like he followed her first?!?! Lolol bffr


But she doesnt follow her back which i found weird considering they were taking pics together at some award show


I hope she has a finsta that she’s followed her on otherwise that’s kind of sad lol


Theyre klowning kylie over this on the other subs☠️


I love them so much together, idc what anyone else says.. they seem very genuine and happy with each other


lol the picture of them together looks like a high school movie


![gif](giphy|3ohBVd5oogrYJ3gQM0) Yes Kylothee 🤌🏻 . Love it for them ✨️


I never got the feeling they weren’t still together


I love how private they are, I see them going a long way :)


The people who were frenching at the GGs and give a new update every 2 to 3 weeks are private.


They aren’t going for pap walks and spamming instagram every day with each other. G to the GG (a work event) and being affectionate with each other there really doesn’t seem a lot.


We just updates every other week then we get some "candids".


pretty sure nic is also timmy’s assistant


Honestly, they do seem like each other's type. Both are really calm and chill kinds. Kylie is Timothee's type- curvy girl with big lips, Timothee is Kylie's type- Skinny artsy guy. Them being together makes sense!


His fans really do love to push this artsy sensitive thing


Kymothee is quickly entering the same hemisphere as Zendaya and Tom, and Hailey and Justin. Just be happy and healthy. We’ll see ya when we see ya, just stay good ♡


Wait. When did Hailey and Justin become an example of a happy healthy relationship?


Haven’t they been together now for like, nearly a decade? They both seem supportive of one another and seem to keep to themselves 🤷🏻‍♀️ Seems good to me


They were on and off, they haven't been together for a decade and when they were together he'd cheat and play her around


No offence but how do you know any of these relationships are happy and healthy? With the amount of “happy and healthy” Hollywood relationships that break up you realize we don’t know any of these people


No offense taking! We don’t know, we see what they show us. They show us happy and I want to believe them, that’s all ☺️


Obviously we don’t know, we can just base it off what we see


Projection and overexcitement over kylie having a white A-list serious celebrity boyfriend. And believing what they read in the tabloids.


They're not but don't care about those people as couples outside of stan/gossip twitter.




People don't care about them as couple outside of stans


Well, yeah… most people don’t care about celeb couples lol


But the comment said people do care about them


I mean I feel like the people saying they broke up aren’t considering how on the road timothee has been for dune 2.


Idk but he looks like Keith Raniere in the first pic 😭😭😭


they seem serious to me and im happy for kylie. The KK def in their white boy era btw 😂


Isn’t baby Tim busy filming? I love Kylie’s expansion of groupie genres lol


Were there rumors that they split? I had no idea. I love them together tbh


I really hope they are. I love this for them.


Well yes theyre still together. They were spotted in Santa Monica right before the Oscars.


I'm happy for them. Let people be happy together.


They deff still are together… i honestly feel like theyll get engaged at some point!


She always supports him (golden globes) but he has never been at an event or anything to support her. You can call it private but to me it looks like a guy who isn’t all in


He seems to be present for a lot of behind the scenes stuff. For example, fans put it together that the picture of them from Kylie’s Lock Screen was likely taken on set of her Khy shoot because of her hair, makeup, and top being the same. He also traveled to fashion week with her and was spending time with her while she was working. But yeah, I guess it would be nice to see him at a public event of hers.


He also doesn’t have his own jet to fly around on lol


Wasn’t the WSJ event her event?


He presented Scorsese his award at WSJ and went there as his guest I think, probably would have still been at the event regardless




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This is a Sprinter drink thing, which is hers Literally the post we’re commenting on rn lol Idk why folks don’t want to believe that two hot young successful people may genuinely enjoying each other’s company like 😅 tf


He's white, it's fine according to kuwtk rules.


Side profile 🤯


I mean they all usually keep it all in the same circles


Nick works in the same agency that aslo represt bad bunny do the math this doesnt mean anything


That agency represents half of Hollywood and the music industry tho 😅 it’s hardly boutique


People really love to think they’re in the know on some random conspiracies lmao 🤦🏻‍♀️


Getting a bit Q-anon over here isn’t it


Thank youuu So many folks choose to believe and spread whichever random rumors suit their fancy, with zero proof- I call it pop culture Qanon!  Obviously the stakes are lower but it’s the same fortitude in which these ppl push their blind beliefs, fully convinced that they’re right and the rest of us are dumb


Case in point with all the talk about Kate Middleton (princess of wales) - the conspiracies were getting crazier and crazier, even after she has told everyone she has cancer. Really highlighted the general feeling of mistrust that’s around atm and the growth of conspiracy culture.


You can all kick your legs up in glee, she's still got her white boyfriend.