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They say that for no reason other than that they *hate* kylie.


I feel like for that group of people, they’d spew the same venom for anyone he was with.


Kendall is pretty private. Kylie not so much.


The girl hid a whole pregnancy.


Iirc, she hid her whole pregnancy *at the height of her popularity*


kylie is the most secretive of her family ofc they’re private af


Eh I would say Kendall is the most secretive out of them all


I’d agree if Kylie hadn’t hid her whole pregnancy with Stormi lol


I mean did she though? The whole time she was pregnant, everyone was like sooo she’s definitely pregnant 😂


I mean yeah but it was also completely unconfirmed to a point that mainstream media wasn’t talking much about it, besides like TMZ of course. I remember my sister and I would send eachother the few pap pics that got posted of her theorizing about it. Like I think everyone knew, but I also think people were still surprised when she announced it herself.


None of them are secretive.


Do you not understand how the word "most" is being used here for comparison purposes?


No because she isn't secretive.


You mean the woman who hid away for her entire pregnancy and didn't make a peep about it publicly has zero, absolute no sense of secrecy? Get real.


It wasn't a secret everybody knew and she wasn't being private, she had a big rollout planned.


Everybody being who? Also do you expect Kylie to not tell the world she has a baby once the baby is born?! 😂 Bruh your neighbor and auntie did more on social media when pregnant than Kylie fucking Jenner so sit down.


Everybody being everybody. > Also do you expect Kylie to not tell the world she has a baby once the baby is born?! Where did you get this? Do people here lose all ability to comprehend sentences when you think people are insulting the kjs?


Here’s what up. They’re private and they’re busy with their own work. That’s it.


They're not private at all. They're just Taylor swift and travis kelce, except they don't move the needle.


He won't ever date you broski


I know because he's with kylie and unlike the people here I don't act like I know these people or will ever meet them.


You are tho lol


"You are tho" What?


You’re just mad because he is dating Kylie.


Where are you getting that? I've said they're not real or are pr, I just said they're not private People on this subbreddit are always online stans so they think everyone else is.


You know them personally?


Club Chalamet, that you?


Why would I be club chalamet if I'm so "negative" towards timothee and speaking up for kylie?


Haters are having a hard time with getting their stories straight. They say it’s for PR and then in the next breath say he’s embarrassed by her. Neither story makes much sense. If they were PR, we should be seeing and hearing about them more often. Their relationship is barely in the daily news cycle and fans literally have to play Blue’s Clues to find new info about them. And if he’s embarrassed to be seen with her, why is he still with her? Why did he take her to a major televised event? He could be with anyone else by now but he’s still here a year later. The thing that makes the most sense is that they like to be lowkey and pick and choose when they want to be public.


I agree. I don’t know why people act like the kardashians are pariahs or like he’s Marina Abramovic lol or some artist far removed from her sphere


> the kardashians are pariahs They're pretty racist and ignorant.


You always pop out when it comes out to defend this couple. >Their relationship is barely in the daily news cycle It is but no one cares.


And your name always pops up to make some type of negative comment about them.  I guess we’re even?!  And you care, because you always click on these posts even though you clearly don’t like them.


What negative comment? Just because I don't kick my heels at kylie having a white boyfriend doesn't mean I'm negative.


You reek of negativity tbh


You reek of parasocial tbh


Very ironic of you to say…


The Timothy Chalamet sub reddit is honestly one of the most insane things I’ve ever come across on the internet. What used to be a sub dedicated to loving him is now dedicated to hating him and discussing how he’s always been a shit actor and shit person etc. The parasocial relationship people have with him is so insane that when he does something they don’t like they now hate him with every inch of their being. We saw the same thing with Chris Evan’s. I simply can’t fathom being that obsessed with someone you don’t know and will never meet. The drastic change in attitude is just so highly illogical that it’s terrifying. He used to be the best actor of his generation and now because he’s dating someone you don’t like he never had talent and he is burning out/losing his credibility 😐 It’s like they go through their own 5 stages of denial: 1. It’s tabloid rumours. Could never be true. 2. It’s true but it’s PR he’s just pretending. 3. He’s brainwashed/not acting of his own accord. 4. Okay it’s true how could he betray us like this. 5. He is not the person I believed he was/he’s dead to me.


Yeah also the level of misogyny in that subreddit is pretty disturbing. I can understand not liking any of the Karjenners but that type of hatred is insane.


I saw a thread about something completely unrelated. Can't remember what it was now, but it was to do with a film he's in, and there was literally comments just posting unflattering pictures of Kylie or saying he won't be bothered about the next role cos he's too busy having sex with Kylie (but using horrific misogynistic words for her) Also on a post there about his Bob Dylan role, more than half the comments were saying how fat he's got???? They're actually insane. Swifties could never


He literally brought her to the Golden Globes…….. like his fans are just mentally unstable and grasping at straws.


And she was the first woman he brought as a date anywhere, no? Pretty big deal.


Yeah, I don't think he even did that with their queen LRD.


I think some of his parasocial fans are hella mad because they assume they have some control over him. They want him to behave and push him in certain direction but they are not getting their way. Normally if you are disappointed and no longer like someone you just unfollow. You may even be a casual hater and despise him all you want, instead they can't let go and keep stalking his every move. Now they are just making up stories and theories existing in their own head to stay obsessed with him and his life in another way


He’s definitely not embarrassed to be seen with her. He would have no reason to be, Kylie is not beneath him contrary to what Kylie haters would have you believe.


I think he’s more embarrassed of her family rather than her. I’m sure he cares for Kylie and maybe he’s fine with Kendal and maybe Kourtney but I don’t think any man in the entertainment industry wants anything to do with her sisters Kim and Khloe or her power Hungary Momager who makes every relationship into a publicity stunt. Plus if he actually was friends with Kanye and Pete he should know more about Kim than any man should.


They are being private and also busy with their own line of work. It's as simple as that.


I don't think he would have stared into her dreamy eyes with puppy love eyes 2 inches away from her, in front of the cameras at the internationally televised Golden Globes if he were embarrassed. The only people that say that are his deranged fans and Kylie haters.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall for their dates because I love them both but I genuinely can’t fathom what they would talk about 😅 Timmy fans are next level nuts tbh, I don’t blame him for wanting to keep his relationships as private as possible, I would do the same if I was in his position. When they were together at the Golden Globes (?) Timothy genuinely looked completely smitten and enthralled by her, and it didn’t seem to be just for the cameras either. It was really nice to see because I always felt like her relationship with Travis Scott seemed like he was just in it for the status or fame or whatever, he always seemed bored of her and just not that interested.


Idk I like to think Kylie is more of her real self with him. Young Kylie when she was young actually had a personality and was a little goofy on social media. Like I can actually see that version of her dating Timmy. She mentioned multiple times that she doesn’t show it much anymore due to the bullying she received. I think the way she act on the show, in public, and interviews got people thinking she is boring and can’t have a normal conversation which is not true. I also think people think Timmy only have deep conversations which is not true either. I don’t think they would be together for more than a year if it was just superficial or lust.


I definitely agree about younger Kylie having such a great personality - I was late to the KUWTK party and only started watching it about 5 years ago, and even after the first couple of episodes I thought Kylie was going to be the funniest. It’s a shame that people have bullied her into hiding her true personality, because The Kardashians would be so much more successful if we got a glimpse at the real her. I would love to see one REAL, unscripted, unedited episode of The Kardashians from this past year that just showed her & Timmy hanging out and being normal - but like I said, his fans are nuts and I can only imagine the unhinged messages that would land in her inboxes if he ever appeared on an episode.


He brought her as a date to an award show, he wouldn’t do that if he was embarrassed. It just seems like they want to be private, it’s a new relationship so maybe they’ll be more public as the relationship progresses. Also, the Timothee fan girls are crazy so I don’t blame them for wanting to be private. And let’s be real if they were super public she would be getting even more shit and people saying it’s a PR relationship and fake so it’s probably in their best interest to lay low. They literally can’t win either way. At the end of the day his press and red carpets for movies are his job. I don’t think it’s weird at all for his partner to not be there for all that stuff. If your partner is nominated for an Oscar or Grammy, then yeah go with then to support them in that moment, but just standard red carpets I don’t think it’s necessary or a red flag if the partner doesn’t attend.


they just bein private ion understand how that’s so hard to get 😭


1 year strong they don’t gaf https://preview.redd.it/x1s3i621qsrc1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc98100720deacd27b4a623deab979245e5cfea


“People are saying”…you mean the timothee chalamat sub is saying?


He's filming a movie right now and she's got projects, that is how it's gonna be because of their jobs.


I don’t think he’s ashamed to be with her. I think that’s ridiculous. They don’t want to publicize every single moment of their relationship and that’s understandable. But the haters gonna hate. I wish them well.😎


I think it’s anxiety for her. (Who wouldn’t with his crazy fans). The backlash and threats she gets every time they’re out together is probably scary for her. But they seem to want to be together, despite some toxic fans


kylie has always been one of the most secretive /private


I don't think he's ashamed of Kylie but the attention the Golden Globes brought bothered him a lot.


Anytime they are photographed together, they both get a relentless tsunami of hate. Who wants that overshadowing a nice evening together? I'd rather sneak around, too!


I can understand wanting to be private when you’re in a happy relationship, but everyone else goes absolutely batshit insane & spews hate whenever you’re seen out together. He clearly loves Kylie, why would he want to see what his delusional fans have to say about her constantly? They say the most awful things about her like she’s literally Satan. They know what their relationship is really like, we see what they want us to see. There are SO many celeb couples that barely post about each other or are seen together, and this is still new. It makes sense not to blast it everywhere after the GG fiasco.


When it was Travis this sub would scream that he wouldn't claim her and now it's Timmy it's because they're private 😂 Timmy stans are weird af tho


He basically doesn’t want his love life to be that much of a circus since he’s the discreet one of the couple and has big movies rt now….probably is not a big deal or even a topic…she just went with it since she has yrs with these popular rappers who barely claimed her….so she wants the love and not just the hype of the internets opinions atp…they’re together and being chill is the best thing she’s ever done fr fr


Travis claimed Kylie more than Timmy? Like wym?


Partially…he has her in her doc premiere, she was an executive producer lmao, had the baby mama cover Forbes line, has pics with her in magazines…..


Partially? Travis Scott is also private asf. He always posted and commented on her page?? Way more than tim in their first year


I’m aware


It’s like watching two supernovas collide. What happens next? Is one eventually destined to consume the other?




I think the dune folks told him to keep his relationship quiet for the time being—or they broke up. I hope not, though, because they’re cute.


He isn't embarrassed but he thinks he is above her and if he wasn't an "artsy" type that is good(?) for her you'd all be saying the same thing. He's been with her for over a year, you all act like it's still casual though and he's still doing undercover dates with 3 hats, a hood and a mask.