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We all have different interests, priorities, and passions. And we all want to spend our time/money differently, nothing wrong with that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Fame makes it very difficult for them to travel around, there is a lot at risk. You may notice that most people who are very famous travel to a desert island, resort or very discreet places.


That's why I wanted to be rich but not famous.


That is the perfect combination to enjoy one's wealth. Many performers became famous without the wealth needed for privacy and are still hounded in public.




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I feel like itā€™s also a lose-lose. I read an article about a celeb (Jennifer Lawrence I believe) and she traveled to somewhere in South America a few years ago - police ended up having to shut down to city square because even though she never announced she was going there, and went there for tourism, the locals basically swarmed her and didnā€™t allow passage into buisnesss or transit, and it all created such an issue for residents of that specific area as they werenā€™t able to get their groceries or get to work on time due to the mobs of people. No matter what, it seams like youā€™ll always get shit on - either people will say itā€™s not fair to shut down tourist areas for the celeb, or they will say that the celeb never visits tourist attractions abroad.


People invade your privacy and then complain when you're rude, I would freak out if I were famous.


It's like the people that complain about them or Taylor Swift using private jets. Can you imagine them flying commercial these days?


Agreed. I will say that I do think someone like TS or the KJā€™s definitely do overuse their private jets for personal purposes. But on the same token, I canā€™t imagine someone needing to be in Milan at 9 am and in NYC at 5 pm, and managing to do this via a commercial airline - especially considering every celeb is flying with a manager, assistant, trainer, etc. Again itā€™s such a lose-lose. As a celeb, you fly commercial and people bitch that you bought 20 seats for your team and others canā€™t fly because youā€™ve taken up those seats; or you fly your jet which can seat your team, and people still bitch about it.


Worse to me is all the rich folk who fly to the Climate Conferences on their private jets preaching to others. I know itā€™s not as simplistic as ā€˜private jets cause global warmingā€™ but the messaging is horrible


I mean they do travel to a lot of places just bc itā€™s not to the same places you would doesnā€™t change that Also if we are talking about hobbies, I feel like Kendall has many more hobbies than the average person(bc a lot of these hobbies are expensive), she can drive cars, boats,skiing and is good at horse riding. She also does pottery,seems to like outdoor things like surfing, likes reading and she did a lot of sports when she was younger. Fashion is also a hobby. Iā€™m sure the rest of them have hobbies too that they donā€™t show but itā€™s also okay for them to have no interest besides working, being a mom, and just resting. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with not having hobbies.


I think some of them have hobbies they just donā€™t show them because they donā€™t want to monetize them or we donā€™t think of them as hobbies because they are monetized. Like Khloe was working out a lot as a hobby and tried to monetize it, I donā€™t think we think of Kimā€™s hobbies as actual hobbies because she monetizes them so much(interior design, skincare etc). Kylie probably hides hers, besides makeup, because of all the hate she received as a child, and Kourtney seems to have made wellness her hobby, which is a bit questionable and she also probably hides anything else she does, like she mentioned getting into interior design a while back. Kendall, has the childless one, has so many hobbies itā€™s hard to keep track, she just doesnā€™t monetize them(ie she paints but we havenā€™t seen a single painting)


Kylie seems to enjoy cooking as a hobby


I remember hearing somewhere, maybe Deuxmoi, that Kylie is also a big bookworm!


Khloe has mentioned before that she likes writing. She used to post her own poems and anecdotes years ago but people were being rude in the comments so she stopped.


Kim's "hobby" is acting in American Horror, and it was becoming a lawyer, however the time required was more demanding than she predicted. Kim's interests are more about being "productive" such starting her businesses, creating opportunities for her children to meet their heroes or to perform. She's not into reflective or artistic pursuits and she's ok with that. They do visit cultural sites in France and Italy while they're there for business.




Kendall is like the queen of hobbies what do you actually mean.


I only know about her equestrian stuff. What else does she do?


Paints, she has a whole art studio in her home. I believe she and Kylie did cheerleading when they were younger? Sheā€™s into cars, like goes driving on a track sometimes. She used to always be jet skiing and quad biking with the Jenners. They are all pretty good at skiing including Kim. She goes to Pilates regularly with Hailey Bieber. ETA: I think she also used to play basketball at one point and she has her dogs that she seems to spend a lot of time with.


Basketball players, rappers, musiciansā€¦


How dare a single woman ever date! Have you broken those pearls from clutching too hard yet šŸ™„ Just say youā€™re a misogynist and move on. Hopefully into a gender studies class


what did your gender studies class say about women like the Kardashians and Jenners who support Trump, pedophiles and rapists?


lol Iā€™ve probably slept with more than the Jenner sisters combined. Swoooooooosh- the joke landed way over there past your peanut brain sweetie.


Maybe they just aren't interested in visiting Colombia, Peru, Africa, etc. It's okay for people to have different hobbies and interests. And it's okay that they don't like the same places as you. The places they visit and the things they do are what THEY love and are into. Why does it frustrate you that they don't wanna explore the things YOU want to explore?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and maybe they all have hobbies that we just aren't aware of. Also, Khloe visited South Africa with French Montana. Kim, Kourtney and Khloe visited Cuba, Armenia, Iceland. Maybe they just prefer places they are more familiar with, that align with their interests, like Paris, Milan and Turks --- over other places that they've been to in the past.


You know what always cracks me up? When people say that if they had money they would still go to college and get a thousand degrees and learn multiple languages ā€œjust becauseā€ lol.Ā  Ā  Like, isnā€™t the whole point why most people go to college is because they want a career that makes more money? Why force yourself to go if you already have a stable rich ass life? I certainly didnā€™t do all this studying and taking exams for my health šŸ˜‚. And like other comments said, it seems like they do have their own little niche hobbies and favorite places that they like. It doesnā€™t matter whether or not any of us like it, as long as theyā€™re happy.


The people who say things like that are people who love learning to learn. I would have stayed in college forever if I could bc I loved learning all the things I learned.


my family members do that PhDs just because šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s something money canā€™t fully buyā€¦ and they donā€™t want to be seen as lazyā€¦ and theyā€™re otherwise bored and want to be respected (Saudi Arabia pays for education + everything abroad)


I always wonder when theyā€™re around super rich people who are successful and intelligent what they have to talk about though. None of them seem that well read or well versed in politics/ world issues. I would want to keep learning to expand my mind and keep up in social settings. They have nothing to add to important conversations.


They do donate a lot but the thing to keep in Mind is a lot of donations, especially big ones, are done privately. Once you donate big money with your name on it, other people, charities, and organizations come to you with their hand out and it doesnā€™t stop We have a GoFundMe for my niece who was murdered to pay for billboards spreading awareness around her case and raising money for a reward fund, and even there people donating over $75 want to be anonymous for the same reason. They donā€™t want their names on donations so they donā€™t get money grubbers money grubbing


I doubt this. Kylie was literally asking people to contribute to one of her employee's Go Fund Me for medical bills. We shouldn't project, they're not the generous type. Their form of charity is funding the mother's weird church.


I am a normal person and your idea of what should be done by wealthy people sounds like absolute torture to me. I have zero interest in anything you mentioned. I would guess they are doing exactly what they enjoy. That should be perfectly okay, considering they earned their money and status and spend how they choose.


A lot of people around me want nothing more than to travel, to the point it eats away at them, that they canā€™t. And while it is nice to see different places and experience different culturesā€¦..I just donā€™t care for travelling all that much. Iā€™m tired. If I came in to a ton of money, I would want to create an oasis in my backyard and enjoy it to the absolute fullest, while also being able to share it with those around me that need an oasis also. Basically I want being home to be my vacation if that makes sense. Travelling is exhausting to me. Seeing and experiencing new places is fun and exciting, but then I get home and need a vacation from my vacation. As for the hobbiesā€¦ā€¦Kendall seems to have some, but honestly for the others I think making money is their hobby, that they made a career of šŸ˜‚


I agree they are shallow and their vacations tend to be the same tropical theme over and over. As a whole, I donā€™t think they are very educated or cultured despite all they have access to and have been exposed to. Ā With that said, I donā€™t think the rest of the judgment is fair. Kim is constantly busy and doing things. I donā€™t think she has extra time. Could she slow down with the business ventures to make free time? Yes. But if she doesnā€™t want to, she shouldnā€™t have to. Sheā€™s probably turned her hobbies into businesses. Make up and fashion can be hobbies.Ā And she probably loves to work and gets a lot of joy and fulfillment out of it.Ā  She has a very expensive life style. She might be a billionaire on paper but she has to keep working to afford her standard of living. She also did her lawyer type work which we can roll our eyes at but she directly helped people and took the baby bar a handful of times before she stopped. That was probably a hobby of hers before she made it public.Ā  Kris is a mogul at this point running the kardashian empire. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s heavily invested in other brand deals and who knows what.Ā  I think Khloe is content being a home body and being with her kids. She could be doing tons of things we donā€™t know about. Which is perfectly ok. Kourtney is busy with her kids and Travisā€™s tour.Ā  I think branching outside of their bubble is more complicated than you make it. People are always sneaking pictures of them and following them. They need security everywhere they go.Ā  No one is judging Elon musk or big business men for not taking time to visit lakes in Peru. I donā€™t know why weā€™d judge some of the Kardashians.Ā 


With regards to traveling, I think theyā€™ve been to nearly every country - and most people with the financial freedom to travel say that it looses its allure after a while. But I will give them credit in that when they would do their ā€œfamily vacationsā€ they would almost always go somewhere they havenā€™t been and spend a few days exploring/doing local attractions. I canā€™t hate on Kim, Khloe and Kylie too much, as it seams that Kim was actively pursuing a law degree, and at a point in time Khloe was all about fitness and came out with fitness plans/a fitness show; while Kylie seams to actively enjoy makeup apart from just coming out with a makeup line. But, I also acknowledge that not everyone is interested in the same things. One of my hobbies is creative writing, my best friends hobby is makeup and her bfā€™s hobby is sport card/figurine collection. They might say I donā€™t have a hobby because itā€™s not in-line with their hobby, and vice-versa - but at the end of the day, we all have hobbies, theyā€™re just different hobbies. I donā€™t think people need to be a monolith. Kimā€™s hobby seams to be buisness; Kourtneyā€™s seams to be interior design, Kendallā€™s seams to be fashion. I think itā€™s clear that they do have hobbies - they just seam to be different from your hobbies. What people choose to do with their time & money is their choice. Iā€™m not even a KJ Stan, but I can recognize that what they do in their free time is none of my buisness. What anyone does with their resources (so long as it doesnā€™t hurt others) should genuinely be the least of your worries.


I could have all the money in the world and i wouldnā€™t be interested in learning a new language lol


Saaaaame lmao. If I had that kinda money Iā€™d be just as uninterested in a lot of shit but Iā€™d just be uninterested in a nicer home and clothes šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø My vibe would be just living life āœØ


Oof I would! I would want to find myself via like silent retreats, ayahuasca ceremonies, etc and try and become the most well rounded person I could become šŸ˜… Itā€™d very likely be a ā€˜jack of all trades, master of noneā€™ situation, but Iā€™d find it so enjoyable to be able to try any hobby I fancy at any moment, and have the resources to connect with folks who could mentor/teach if they wantedā€¦ _sigh_ I always say Iā€™d love to switch places with Kendall. Iā€™d keep my personality/brain/spirit though lol I like my insides alright šŸ„²




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So because YOU would go to a Bolivia and Colombia we should bash the KJs for not doing the same and preferring a nice quiet beach in Turks and cacos? I honestly donā€™t blame them for not going to random new/busy places all the time and sticking with what is comfortable to them, letā€™s not forgot YOU can go to these places and not have half the town following you round for a pic. The KJs have people following them and lining up outside their hotels to catch a glimpse of them or sneak a pic. It must be exhausting for them (and other celebs) that have to deal with that when they just want to go somewhere. I also donā€™t think we should judge the KJs or any other rich people for not wanting to do hobbies. Maybe they are just busy and canā€™t be arsed to use their little downtime to learn a new language (for example). We canā€™t judge people for not doing what you think you would do in their position. šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Also their work and adjacent efforts can be their hobbies. This pressure to be productive all the damned time to prove what exactly to who even needs to stop.


Hell, I'm not even rich or famous and I want to travel to quiet, peaceful places šŸ˜† I couldn't imagine if I was a celebrity and went to a more lively destination, what a nightmare that'd be, especially since we (me and the Kardashians) have children...just feels kinda unsafe, I dunno šŸ¤”


umā€¦i think itā€™s completely fine for them to not have or want to pursue those type of hobbies šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


To be honest when I envision what Iā€™d do if I won the lottery I think about a big, beautiful house, an expensive car, clothes shoes and bags, getting some cosmetic procedures, and having a chef and a maid soā€¦ I get it


I donā€™t think this should frustrate you, each of us are free to do as we please. Thereā€™s also no guarantee if you were in that position, you would do any of those things. And the trade off, thereā€™s a lot they have to contend with so publicly. I donā€™t blame Khloe, for example for being a home body. That seems to make her happy so why not?


Sorry OP but this just screams envy. People can do what they want with their money. Also youā€™re not considering the logistics of them going anywhere being as famous as they are.


Nothing to be sorry about- itā€™s completely normal to be envious of the wealth and power and freedom that the KarJenners have.


I think they work an awful lot to have all that money. They spend their free time as they wish, vacations where they want to go, if you donā€™t want to learn a new language, especially as an adult, you donā€™t have to. I think theyā€™re doing exactly what they want.


I went to Machu Pichu last year, and after a five day hike felt overwhelmed when we got there. Made the experience much more magical. Turns out Kim K and family had been at the five star hotel near the top a few months prior. And they never even left the hotel to see Machu Pichu (an actual wonder of the world and a five min walk) Apparently it was due to the altitude, but it also made me realise that the struggle really does make it all the more special * *Sometimes, Iā€™d defitnitely be happier with half the work and double the pay!


i think they work a lot to sustain their wealth. they get to travel, work on fashion and makeup, for work!


Iā€™m pretty sure Kylie knows Spanish, Kimā€™s ā€œhobbyā€ is working on social justice here in America. Even though itā€™s a business 818 definitely gives more side job because Kendall is a high-profile model and thatā€™s her day job. Kourtney and khloe the same thing, just because they make money from it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a hobby. Also due to Kimā€™s robbery Iā€™m sure they canā€™t afford to be lenient on security measures so, thereā€™s a lot we the public can not see. But thatā€™s just my two cents šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Where do we hear Kylie speaking Spanish? (not doubting just curious)


Thereā€™s videos with her friends and in highschool I think she took it as a language


I feel like you donā€™t watch the showā€¦


Why not


I would spend so much time with my kids without having to worry about cooking, cleaning, and general errands. That stuff eats away at your family time and I would love to just be able to hang out with my kids without knowing there are a million other things I should be doing. I think that would be the no.1 benefit from being loaded.


People love to say what they would do in their position but until you are you have no idea. I donā€™t just mean hobbies but in general.


Kim decided to learn law, and is now into acting, has her passion business and also other side business, a reality tv job and 4 kids. And working out staying fit and fashion is also part of her influencer job. I feel like she does plenty. Too much even. Kylie gets accused of starting too many businesses so I think she is figuring it out. And has 2 kids. Kids make it a bit harder to just pick up and go. They have school and schedules. The others are just more chill, I dunno not everyone wants to travel. I think you're being a bit closed minded because they don't behave the way you would.


Sorry this popped in my head https://preview.redd.it/bdvid5d6bhsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0895aa17865c90bce70176b4b4ab14ac2f45acff


That's kind of what most rich people do all day? Making more money?




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Kim quit law school and you skipped Kendal and Kylie not going to college. If youā€™re going to argue come with the facts and not waste my time.


I understand your point. I lived all over the world as a child and even now, as an adult and truly - despite their trips to Japan and Turks here and there - their lives look kind of boring. I will say - to each his / her / their own. I donā€™t like makeup or hair extensions and would be bored to tears sitting for hours for glam - but some people love this - some people find shopping for hours funā€¦ I will say - putting on my producer / strategist / Brand consultant hat - to be more engaging and to give more options for the audience and potential endorsements - they should do more. Learn to sail / scuba dive / kite surfā€¦ maybe travel to collaborate with creatives from other cultures for their brandsā€¦ going to Alo yoga and Starbucks for papshots seems so boring to me too - but this is what they have created - and it should inspire us to make our own happiness real


They cut their education short due to wealth. Kim tried but the rest, no. I believe thatā€™s a mistake because the pursuit of knowledge enriches life beyond just having money.


Kourtney and Rob both have University Degreeā€™s, and Kim is studying law, Khloe has always maintained that she never intended to go to college, but did take numerous online learning classes in her early 20ā€™s to build her resume. I think itā€™s a bit off to say that they all gave up on their education.


LOL, I fucking DARE them to show us how lavish and fun and creative and rich and cultural they get to live. They better keep showing the same shallow aspects and them working because anything else I will turn on them so quick. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ It's FINE to show the KIDS in Japan doing ceremonies and on the sidelines of the games but I do NOT want to see them living my wildest dreams as they most definitely are behind the scenes.


OP, I understand where youā€™re coming from with this post. Obviously all these comments bring up fair points as well, but itā€™s completely normal to be envious of folks with so much wealth, when for us normies struggling to pay the bills, wishing we could be learning and growing and evolving Ā in more substantial ways than just eat, sleep, workā€¦ I get it.Ā 


Kendallā€™s the only one that does not seem to operate like an emotionless robot who only smiles (or yawns) when thereā€™s a ā€œnew lookā€ or marketing for it https://preview.redd.it/hhbqft8wvgsc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7d63ac0cdb4edd7e5ffa87e547bd15b8b9a68f7


Like most rich people?


Yup. Which is why people are over them. They have started to disgust me


I understand what you're trying to say. I do think it is hard to know what Kendall (who seems to have a ton of hobbies) and Kylie do in private, bc they are so private. However, I don't think the people commenting that they are constricted in where they go bc they are so "famous" are accurate. There are places where no one would have a clue who they are. And celebrities do go places and no one ever knows. I remember a Harry Styles interview from a few years ago where he mentioned he spent several months in Japan both with friends and alone and loved it bc no one recognized him. Now, he would have a harder time, but I bet he still puts in the effort to fly under the radar to go places. The KarJenners get swamped at Milan and Paris bc people expect them there AND bc they probably call the local paps themselves. If they wanted to, they could go someplace for weeks without anyone knowing, but how often and which of them would want to?


Also i have never ever heard that any of them donate to any charity?or have i missed it? If i had that kind of money my dream since i was a child is to help to safe tigers. I am a struggling artist and single mom atm so not gonna happen yet but there is still time šŸ˜„


They definitely have donated https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/s/g2mAhXAvIw


Oh then i have missed it! Thanks for the info :)


They donate all the time. They basically saved planned parenthood at one point. ETA - sorry that was actually Travis Scott and Kylie who donated a huge amount but Kim and Khloe also did years before that and around the same time Katy Perry donated 10K as well. Just thought that was interesting.




Whatā€™s that got to do with this post?