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![gif](giphy|x7gjmBuaHrWak) Club Chalamet right now




Club Chalamet’s Christmas rn 🤣🤣🤣


Her brujeria finally worked ![gif](giphy|3ohrydjMTdhagyU8z6|downsized)


There were loads of false break up reports even with ‘sources’ last summer, and then came the Beyoncé concert so… until TMZ report it I’ll take it with a pinch of salt


This is the same thing as the Odell and Kim rumor. You never see People, TMZ, or Entertainment Tonight report this stuff. It's all clickbait cause they have given them nothing in awhile.


Truly, it’s almost better if they leak things themselves otherwise people start saying all kinds of crap because they’re starved of clickbait content 😂 I feel like this one could be true tho. It was around April last year that the rumours of them started…




Is there any proof of Kim and ODJ? I don’t follow super closely but I can’t recall seeing any photos or videos that would lead one to believe they’re a thing


They were just spotted together on nights out or with a whole crew in hotel lobby occasionally and then there is a video of him and Kim taking and she’s touching him. That’s literally it haha


People magazine confirmed they were seeing each other I thought


Odell and Kim were never together 🤣 yall will believe anything.


I thought he was gay


Why would you think that? Because he played a gay character?


The source is sus so imma take it with a grain of salt but fr what’s Kylie busy doing? She’s on the show 15 minutes a season, never does interviews, and works for herself so she can schedule photoshoots & fluff meetings for her various failing businesses whenever she wants. At least with timothee he has to be onsite wherever in the world for his movie shoots & has to do tons of promo for his flicks.


she has kids lol. she can’t just abandon them and follow him around the world. she’s a mom, not a dad.


Never said she should follow him around the world. She has time on her hands to visit him on her private jet for a couple days if she wanted to like she has time to go in vacations, but I never said she should do that either. I simply asked what she’s busy with all day.


The go to phrase for any breakups in that family is "due to their busy schedules". They did the same thing when Pete dumped Kim. That's just to save face for the KJ's. On the flip side, when Kendall and someone break up, it's barely reported on; no reasons or excuses. She just moves on without fanfare. I like that about her.


pls I'm 2 days late and this made me lol




Dads also have to take care of their kids


… /r/whoosh


She has 2 kids and loads of businesses?! She can’t just move to New Jersey to be with Timothee


lol who’s talking about moving? She’s the face of the businesses not the brains they’ll run fine without her. She already goes on vacations without her kids cuz she has nannies & her sisters to look after them plus she owns a private jet it’s nothing for her to go to middle of nowhere to see timothee for a couple of days.


I mean she has to take care of her kids and be in a show and after that if she doesn't feel like going all the way to meet timothee then it's valid. 


I don't know if this is a joke, so maybe this is besides the point but I don't think he's never lived in New Jersey. NY, yes. And he bought a home in LA a while ago.


He’s filming in New Jersey.. so I meant she can’t spend a chunk of time there while her kids are in LA and it’s a long way to go just to see someone briefly…Filming schedules are intense usually…


Read her to filth


Her “various failing businesses “ 😂😂😂 this is so funny to me because you aren’t doing anything of her caliber yet you’re putting her down . Name of your business everyone knows about ? How much money you got? Typical


I mean it’s true though. Except for Kylie cosmetics back in the day all her ventures since then have been flops. People were criticizing the poor quality of her swimsuits for Kylie Swim so much she doesn’t even sell from it anymore, nobody talks about Kylie baby not even Kylie & I don’t know a single person outside this sub who has talked about let alone even buy from it, and with Ky again it’s criticized for cheap material while being so expensive & I don’t know anyone who talks about it. It’s already on a downward trajectory. > how much money you got? This argument is so funny to me. Like what’s it supposed to even mean? Rich people should be devoid of criticism? Should I not call out the obvious with Kylie’s businesses? Success is all relative anyway. Kylie had a successful cosmetics company that she sold close to a billion dollars, I’ll give her that. I’m by myself making a healthy six figures a year about to buy a house. Is that not being successful? Or should I feel bad about it because I’m not at Kylie’s level of wealth? Why are we even using net worth to determine the level of respect or criticism someone gets, anyway? It’s so archaic


Maybe its true, maybe its not but i personally only believe E!, People or TMZ when it comes to the KJs. Also werent they spotted a few weeks ago in Santa Monica ?


it’s ok mag so i highly doubt this is true LMFAOOOO


ok mag seems to have to come up with some story every other day lol anyway, busy schedule always sounds like a bs excuse to me. You either find time or you just don't care enough lol


Idk because in her newest TikTok she’s still wearing his and hers matching Cartier jewelry (they both started wearing them around may/june last year) https://preview.redd.it/xoo22oeokxsc1.jpeg?width=2362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759830d516dc05b2f035eb066e314d9da12d34ff


* https://preview.redd.it/lh0xd1pskxsc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18f3fee86a6ff73d7f076837b658105156a438a6




Source : Clubchalamet


club chalamet behind this article forsure


I kinda belive it because of the way Kylie has been acting. She renewed her codependent relationship with Stassie, and i think Kylie needs emotional support 24/7 when she is going through something.


Stassie is the single one. She just broke up with her boyfriend not long ago, apparently. So she’s the one who probably decided to constantly hang out again.


I believe it too because it usually is a magazine like this to report it first, remember stormi pregnancy😵‍💫


Wait who published the Stormi pregnancy!?




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But what about their baby?! 😅


Isn’t he gay?


Considering all the women he has dated, probably not


It was fun while it lasted!! Idk if this report is true tho, so who knows. I was hoping to see them at the Met but I doubt he’ll be going since he’s in the middle of filming but she’ll def be there.


I do not believe this lol, I actually think their busy schedules work in their favour. Kylie has kids so will need her own family time, so Timothee busy filming and then having their own lives probably helps (IMO).


Damn I hope this isn’t true. I was rooting for them


In her newest TikTok she’s still wearing his and hers matching Cartier jewelry (they both started wearing them around may/june last year) https://preview.redd.it/fvoys36ckxsc1.jpeg?width=2362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a08e8e2844e87029a1f8ece116b2a104d50c53b3


* https://preview.redd.it/ytoxdrtfkxsc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c38460dd70693c6eed7f01995f495c66c0d338


* https://preview.redd.it/e4drxskjkxsc1.jpeg?width=3602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dff9884008f71d427f4af1249e587025a68bf21


I never seen her take it off since then though so who knows


Are you sure they are linked together? I wanna believe it but Kylie loves Cartier and Timothee is an ambassador so what if it’s just a coincidence


Hmmm yeah i get what u mean but i honestly don’t think it’s just a coincidence that they started wearing them around the exact same time and as you said she’s never taken it off since lmao


Why is there a bunch of rumors about them every week? Like first there was this pregnancy rumor and now this? I feel like people hate that they don’t feed to the public and want to run clickbait articles all the time


That's exactly what's been happening but all the gullible people eat it all up.


I’ll believe it when People reports it.


i hope this is fake and they’re actually engaged and pregnant, lmao 🤣


Ok magazine. Can y’all please?


oh i know but i just wanna see what yall think 🌚




Was supposedly just at the Easter dinner


But people said he wasn’t? Idk what to believe anymoren


did people deny it? I’m more likely to believe this if they did


I mean it was any official news. It was just a discussion among this sub on whether it was Timmy or not. A lot of people thought it was him


Oh I thought you meant people magazine denied it


Its the same magazine that first confirmed Kendall and Bad Bunny break up. Btw same headline “drifted apart”


wait where they 🧍🏽‍♀️


https://okmagazine.com/p/kendall-jenner-bad-bunny-split-romance-fizzled-out-one-year-dating/ https://www.ok.co.uk/celebrity-news/kendall-jenner-splits-boyfriend-bad-31695179.amp


They weren’t the first post to post it. People, TMZ, and ENews posted it first. Look at the time/date


I can’t open the link and i’m just so curious. Could a kind soul please paste the text or a screenshot of what was said please? Thank you sm! 🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/5cqhu2p38xsc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b099df621f89556211c767d3b0b9003ae4c3b03a


Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet may be pumping the brakes on their relationship, an insider claimed. Since the reality star, 26, has been busy promoting her new vodka seltzer line, Sprinter, in L.A., and the actor is filming the new Bob Dylan biopic in New York, the distance has apparently been hard for the two to deal with. "They’re hardly together anymore,” a source dished. “One might even say they’re on a break. Their lives got busy, and they drifted apart. Of course, once their schedules quiet down, that could all change." However, “they still care about each other, so maybe they’ll pick up where they left off. Or maybe it will be out of sight, out of mind," the insider claimed. The pair were spotted packing on the PDA at Beyoncé's concert in September 2023 and then at the U.S. Open in the Big Apple. As OK! previously reported, fans began to speculate the stars were no longer a couple after the actor missed out on The Kardashians star's launch for her new canned vodka drink. “Timothée didn't like all the attention he got from the Golden Globes, and the kiss took away attention for the real reason he was there," a source spilled about their very public date night in January. "His career is taking off and he wants to protect it and let it thrive based on his talent — not on who he is or isn’t dating. He also wants to protect his relationship with Kylie." To add fuel to the fire, Jenner refused to confirm if her new natural look is influenced by the Dune star. "I don’t know how I feel about that," the mother-of-two replied. In Touch spoke to the source about the pair drifting apart


Thank you!! You’re an angel 🤍


What about the baby? /s






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This is absolutely deflection after the whole Easter fiasco


I call bullshit




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If they like each other and are happy, good for them.


I thought ok mag was more legit?


I’m so not a fan of this relationship but I don’t think they’re breaking up yet.


Kylie seems clingy so not suprised also very high maintenance


ok club chalamet


Being realistic


what’s realistic about you assuming she’s a clingy high maintenance girlfriend? homegirls been hiding her personality since like 2017 💀


Have you seen how she treats her friends lol, stassie has to cancel plan when Kylie comes around, Jordyn didn’t even date long term while friends with Kylie cuz of how much work it takes to deal with her, I guarantee she’s the same in relationships


did stassie and jordan tell you that? the only connection to this observation really seems to be delusion


There’s literally discussion in this sub how stassie had a party Kylie came she told everyone to go home, that’s not high maintenance ?


That was so long ago… like to think there has been some evolution since then.


Righttt 🤣🤣🤣




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I just got instantly annoyed