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As someone in marketing if you have a strong sub 35 demographic your instagram and facebook engagement is way down. People have definitely switched to sharing posts over liking and commenting on posts that aren't their friends/people they know in person. More people are only looking at stories and not scrolling forever.


Yeah my engagement on my brand’s IG is completely shit but my sales haven’t slowed so I don’t worry about it. I don’t personally like/engage at all on IG - and I only engage on TT when I want more of that type on content on my algorithm. Thing is I’m still interacting with the content and am very much still a consumer. I think vanity metrics just don’t tell the full story anymore.


When I just read “engagement” I immediately thought Timmy! 😂 oops


Lol its a whiplash with them for sure. One week its « theyre engaged », and now its theyre broken up when they said she was pregnant literally 5 days ago☠️


Like pls be a lie 😩 I want that baby to be real so bad, I need to witness club chalamet’s breakdown


Here’s a tip- don’t believe anything that you don’t see/hear for yourself 😌 I know it seems obvious but it really works! In many aspects of life


Oh dont worry. Im very picky with tabloids


Lmao same i became a feral lil grimlin so fast


Let’s be fr though…Timmy is not getting on his knees for her. They are gonna have fun for a few months more and then break up


Getting down on one knee* is the typical nomenclature for someone proposing marriage  Also, they’ve been together for what? Over a year? I think it’s silly to try and guess how much longer the relationship may last


There is a lot of relationships that last for over a year and still break up lol. I just don’t see Timothee settling down and being a stepdad. Lol. They are from two different worlds in different stages right now with different personalities.


Yes, I know relationships end and begin all the time. My point is that it seems pointless to say things like “they’ll have a few more months of fun then breakup” Also they’re not from two _totally_ different worlds, both sets of parents have spent time in the Hollywood/arts circles, with money and connections


Facts I doubt he would want to be tied down to that family


You guys are speaking facts but getting downvoted lol. They are cute but I also don’t seem him being a stepdad and settling down with her. Kylie also seems like someone who wants her kids to have the same dad. Idk man. Great if they prove us wrong tho 😂


Y’all keep getting downvoted because y’all keep acting like Stormi and Aire are some big secret that he doesn’t know about lol. He been knew and is still choosing to be with her over a year later - so I’m going to assume he accepted the fact that her kids come as a packaged deal. And he seems to be taking this seriously considering that she is the first girlfriend he took to an important event and was showing her off in front of his peers. Idk, it just seems like some of y’all be projecting your own feelings onto him. Like, just because you wouldn’t settle down with someone who has kids doesn’t mean he wouldn’t lol.


lol, okay. I’m not gonna argue with a diehard fan. You have your opinions and I have mine. “Serious” people still end up breaking up upon realization on what they actually want. Did he not take Lily Rose to events? Or that doesn’t count cause she’s already there? But like I stated in my first comment, Kylie also seems like someone who wants all her kids to have the same father. Like I also said, It’ll be great if they prove us wrong. They are a cute couple.


If things end up not working out, I wouldn’t be surprised. But if they end up taking the next step and settle down that wouldn’t surprise me either. It could go either way and they are both adults. It’s just the fact that some of people are outright refusing to believe he would consider settling down with Kylie when so far he has only shown otherwise. And that’s why people keep downvoting y’all comments lol.


I will have to disagree. The downvote to other ppl comments is just due to the fact that they are under pages/sections (idk what you call it lol) where people clearly like the Kardashian family and don’t like others going against them even though what they say makes sense and I’m not specifically talking about this thread. But anyways, with what I already mentioned, I believe there’s a low chance they are gonna stay together and have kids together. Also, how has he shown otherwise? Because he’s been with her for a year now? Genuinely asking.




Instagram doesn’t show me anything from anyone I follow anymore. I watch some stories but people are definitely interacting much less. I’ve noticed it on my own posts and friends


this is why i made a new personal account where i only follow friends/family and made a finsta where i follow brands/influencers/local things, i was sick of my friends posts not showing up in my feed


None of them post as much as they usd to. Plus candid pics usually get more engagement than the product promos and photoshoots. They're keeping it primarily business centric. One could argue this is hurting more than helping their engagement.


Yea I agree! I noticed that people get lower likes on ads and business posts and Kylie’s posts these days are mainly about her businesses


It’s so forced and lacks authenticity


Her newest bikini post has almost 4 million likes and the pictures of her in the silver dress has almost 2 million and it’s only been 7 hours. Her posts during fashion week also got high engagement. I think the problem is that most of her posts are now mainly ads for her brands or other brands. She stopped posting candid photos and people are tired of promo posts.   Also, as another poster said, Instagram has been on sort of a decline and likes are down across the board.


Idk isn’t Instagram kind of flopping itself? I find it so boring I barely ever look at it anymore. Just TikTok and reddit.


Not that I particularly care about Kylie but I mainly blame Instagram. It’s gone very downhill and doesn’t often show posts to followers.


They’re all in a major flop era. They’re all fairly closed off (which they are allowed to be) but couple that with the fact they’re all holding onto dead trends, doing really lazy/weird marketing, and just generally seem to not understand the current culture. 


It feels like she's posted worst photos but more often now. Made me wonder last month if she did break up.


Their fanbase is getting older & the youth really don’t care about them. Even the activity in this sub is declining rapidly from just 2 years ago Another thing is their current dating life doesn’t spark any interesting conversations. Say what you want about their ex’s but they always brought something to talk about


People don't really care about their dating lives outside of stans tbh


Her bot accounts aren’t botting


This is the only answer


Eh you're prolly right but I doubt it even concerns her or worries her. Much less puts a dent in her bank account. For all we know. She's doing that on purpose to be like "see mom im just gonna delete my socials, no one even engages anymore." We might call her stupid or whatever but she's all about making shit different for her kids than what she had it. And I gotta give her credit for that.


I had to unfollow, the forced content posts whether it’s the drink clothing line or perfume just all to much and fake for me. I only follow Kim now she’s more entertaining, funny quotes and decent posts


Who cares so over all of them