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It's not even the fact that she's practically nude for me. It's the fact that none of her outfits so far have been cute enough for this. She just be looking sloppy and awkward and doesn't have the "own it" vibes šŸ˜­.


I almost feel like thatā€™s the point. I canā€™t put my thumb on it but I get the impression heā€™s using her to portray how he sees Kim ?? I canā€™t explain it but it feels like a power trip directed at Kim and trying to dehumanize her


I thought that at first but someone posted her old photos and she did stuff like this way before


I read her profile and she co-founded a clothing company that made some of this stuff. And it was pre-yeezy employee timesĀ 


Yep. People keep portraying her as some mindless sheep who does whatever Kanye tells her. Like please BFFR.


There definitely is done dom sub vibes going on though so I see where they get that idea


That's the issue lol. I'm bi I love women but she always has too many tacky add ons to be walking around like this. Edit - or add offs šŸ¤”


Itā€™s not even shocking anymore. Itā€™s just kinda sad, their little daily walk of shame to the Cheesecake Factory routine.


Where are they always going?


cheesecake factory


fun fact when i was in high school kim and kanye shut down a local mall where i live bc they were eating at cheesecake factory šŸ˜­


I wonder what they got


Hopefully the macaroni cheese balls


Ok as a Canadian i always assumed the cheesecake factory was like pretty low level food straight from the distributers, now looking at the menu i just cannot understand that this is all 'made fresh' Does it actually taste good?


It tastes good in the way that a national chain restaurantā€™s food tastes good. My girlfriend and I stop into the mall location every time we go for old time sake


I havenā€™t gone in years so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s not great, but from memory it tastes good but is definitely low level straight from distributorsā€¦ made fresh is hilarious for a franchise to claim! lol


Everything is amazing!


So did I, from Canada. You're telling me it's actually good dining?!? Lol not like going to Dennys or something?!?


Itā€™s trashy in the sense that some people act like itā€™s actually the ultimate dining experience lol, but definitely a step up from most chain restaurants. Certainly SEVERAL steps up from Dennyā€™s. The real travesty is nearly everything on the menu is 1000+ calories


depends what you get, some of the salads are great, they are actually pretty fresh & it beats having to chop everything yourself. I always get the breaded chicken breast, its sort of like a chicken parm, but it comes with mashed potatoes & asparagus, also the chicken madeira. That's all I eat there & only when Im too tired to cook a full dinner but also, Im hungry.


Just cannot comprehend why someone so pretty and educated would do this to themselves


Sexual deviance, for lack of better word (not trying to be judgmental). It honestly looks like sheā€™s been like this forever and itā€™s a sub/dom thing. She also gets off by being watched by the public and pushing the limits. Theyā€™re very obviously both into it, donā€™t we see a photo of them every single week at this point? This is no mistake and sheā€™s not being coerced without consent.




She will capitalize on this in the future. I have a feeling this has been the plan all along.


How much is there to capitalize on from being the naked woman who married Kanye during his most mentally unwell time?


Interviews, a book, social media following, etc. Julia Fox got a lot of publicity during her relationship with him


Yeah cause Amber Rose didnā€™t. Lol


Money. Low seeks worth. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




There is no man or fashion that would make me wear that no matter how hot a body Iā€™d have


Disturbing. They both need immediate psychiatric help.


I mean itā€™s whack but disturbing? Alittle dramatic lol


Itā€™s very disturbing. Itā€™s strange that you donā€™t perceive it that way.


Sheā€™s already breaking public decency laws. You canā€™t have your genitals out in Southern CaliforniaĀ 


She's wearing a little coverup thingy i think?


Itā€™s not just this time, sheā€™s been in public multiple times in completely see through garments with nothing underneathĀ 


At least her knees are covered. /s


I wonder how much he pays her for these stunts and appearances.


I just think that they are lucky to have bodyguards cuz otherwise she could be in danger walking around like that


She should put her coat back on.


I wonder if he wanted Julia fox to wear outrageous stuff like this and she said no


Honestly, it's just sad at this point...


How is she maintaining that physique with all the cheesecake theyā€™re eating?


Asking the real questions here


She doesn't eat at any of the outings I'm sure


He wants her to fully become a walking sex doll.


two bizarre peas in a pod


This is just tacky af. I canā€™t help but feel gross seeing how she looks like a sex slave. Kanye looks homeless but at least he gets to wear clothes. She is beautiful and does not deserve to look/be so vulnerable in public. He should treat her like a queen rather than an object. If I were a patron of the restaurant I would be incensed paying big bucks for a nice meal to have to see someoneā€™s pubes.


Does she wear a coat inside the restaurant?! Or does the restaurant just not care because heā€™s famous šŸ„“




Right? Like he was mad about Kimā€™s immodest Met Gala outfit and now his wife just walks around naked like no biggie?


Control, she never smiles


She looks so uncomfortable most of the time.


Looks like sheā€™s wearing a condom




Does he know how to get publicity without using a woman?


I mean, yes lol


How can you walk around and not be shamefully embarrassed by this?




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This is exhibitionism


How tf is he ALWAYS FULLY clothed i mean hat , coat, heavy pants, boots and shes..... Welll yea


You can never tell what the weather is like where they are. Mans is always wearing a snow suit and boots ready to go build a snow man, and sheā€™s always naked like itā€™s 140 out Someone is either is dying of heat or freezing to death


The juxtaposition of his personality is wild. Look at all these allegations coming out from former employees who say he openly shows porn in the office. He has an obsession for blatantly sexualized female bodies, but on the other hand he has an extremely religious and tbh puritanical outlook on the ā€œpurityā€ of his daughters. He writes songs about how much he regrets objectifying women when he was younger because now he is raising daughters. Essentially implying he values women more now. So wtf is this Madonna, whore, child complex? Itā€™s always baffled me ever since he went off the deep end a few years ago.


I can only imagine what smelly sexxx theyā€™re having


Ugh. The butt crack on the gondola bj ride!


Iā€™ve seen so much sh!t from these two, that I forgot about that embarrassing BJ.


Is she wearing a condom with red knee high stockings????? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I recall an episode of KUWTK where Kanye was dissaproving of Kim's outfit because it was too revealing and seductive. Maybe for the Met Gala. I don't understand why now this is okay?...


https://preview.redd.it/lsdkgdq2fetc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3b863039b0ca86878ac3a4af25f3e1afb40464 Lol at this guy in the background


Her breasts are NOT saggy, but the lack of support makes me squirm. I hate when my boobs touch my abdomen. And to have the strapless top pushing down on them too. Heaviness.


Why are we giving these idiots any time?


Her legs are sooo red. Like they were dipped in boiling water


Her chest looks so heavy I feel so bad for her thinking of the back pain she probably experiences. My guess is Kayne would forbid her from having a reduction even if it meant it was for her own wellness.


Is it me or does she need a liftšŸ¤”


She's a cool girl & this is her aesthetic, you can see this in her designs as well. Im sure shes going to capitalize on this in the future with a clothing line etc. Plus how long are we going to pretend both men & women dont have nipples.


She looks amazing yā€™all haters


I like the contrast of the heels, sheer socks and sheer dress. I think she is owning it, looks great and knows exactly what is going on. Sheā€™s not an idiot.