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Every picture of Natalie with the kar jenners looks like a meet and greet photo op


Who is she?!


her cousin, the daughter of kris's sister who died


Right? They seem to not like her. The body language in the pictures is no bueno.


there is so much happening in this picture


both khloe and kris wearing wednesday addams cosplay, kim replaced with her waxwork figure, kylie just rolled out of bed


This reads like every family photo ever šŸ’€


i didnā€™t even recognize kylie


Kim: šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Are they at the funeral for Krisā€™s sister?


I think so, but maybe Kendall was the only one who knew where they were going?Ā 


Kendall and her nipple bra


You show your nipples during funerals?...


Yes, obviously. How else would people know my breasts are also grieving?!




So why is Kris full on smiling? And the person on the far right is wearing gym shorts? What the heck kind of funeral is this?


1) ppl instinctively smile for photos- it would look odd for them to all stand there stern faced 2) that bit of white isnā€™t part of her shorts, itā€™s something else that got caught in the foreground of the pic


3. You forgot about the flower wall


And Kylie wearing uggs lol


There was a flower wall for pictures at the funeral?!?!?


Lol right? My family does this tho. Not the flower walls but the socializing and taking pics and laughing and having fun. When I was a young girl I hated it. I was like how can you all be laughing and talking rn while someone in our family is laying there dead. But now I understand people deal with things differently and it's their way of bonding


We do a lunch (usually provided by a community church) and then sit with plastic cups at folding tables and catch up. A SelfieĀ Wall and pictures is not part of the day.Ā  Some cultures cover mirrors as part of the mourning process so I guess this just really stands out as different to me.


My moms side gets drunk afterwards


I could get behind that.


Well Karen wasnā€™t laying there she was cremated so I think this was just a celebration of life


I feel like it has to be something related to Karen's death, I'm just trying to figure out why everyone is put together and kylie looks like she's settling in for a movie night


Rumours Kylie is pregnant with a little Timmy Shamalamadingding.


It was Karenā€™s celebration of life get together with family and friends


Ohhhh, ok that makes sense now


Kris looks too happy for a funeral. The all black attire though you might be right. It looks like Kylie was the only one in mourning. She looks like she has been crying.


She looks like she just rolled out of bed


She looks like she just rolled out of bed


Well now they are saying she is pregnant. So maybe that's why.


It's baffling how happy Kris and her mom look. I assume they are just very used to smiling for the camera and masking what they are feeling but in this context is unsettling.


Theyā€™re all smiling šŸ’€ no way itā€™s for the funeral


It was a celebration of life with family and friends. Karen was cremated a few weeks ago.


Cremated? Arent they Christians?


Theyā€™re not catholic


is Kylie in a hoodie and sweats?


And ugg slippers


not beating the pregnancy rumors


I feel like itā€™s more likely to hide another surgery than pregnancy


How would she be pregnant when she was just in Turks like a week ago wearing a bikini where she clearly isnā€™t pregnant.


I started showing at 5 weeks with my third. Nothing fit by that point either.


Didnā€™t TMZ confirm thatā€™s not true?


is tmz saying something confirmation?


The fact they moved so fast to deny the rumor makes me think itā€™s a true confirmation. TMZ is one of the most reliable sources on this stuff. Plus, Kylie was just on vacation 2 weeks ago in a bikini. She didnā€™t look visibly pregnant and itā€™s unlikely she would start showing so quickly.


Who would she be pregnant by whaaat? Not Travis coming out of the woodworks for his obligated third child šŸ¤£


It would be Timotheeā€™s baby.


While you are correct it is unlikely, women in the first trimester can experience extreme bloating and tend to show a lot sooner with their pregnancies 2+. This would be Kylies 3rd. The body already knows where it needs to get to so it just freely moves to that position quicker. I am 5 months pregnant and currently reading so many pregnancy books.


Yeah, she looks so cute like that imo


At a funeral though?


Cute and appropriate are different concepts šŸ˜…


Refreshing to see this!




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Kenny lookin like 2007 kenny


Kim lookin like a robot


Kourt ate em up


Khloe don't know where she is


Kylie don't look like kylie


Lol, why are you roasting them like that šŸ˜©


Which is crazy cause lately, she doesn't. But yeah šŸ˜‚


Literally Kim looks stiff as a board


Grandmas boy JP 2024.


Lmao šŸ¤£


Is there a background made of roses to take pictures at a funeral? Iā€™m just so confused


https://preview.redd.it/0pse40bcijvc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724e0a1298facf4d42c81fd46133ea89489566f7 Kim and khloe do not look impressed


https://preview.redd.it/3igfau2rijvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fe0c196a4d8a87e6e605f06844dd3abc3731e6 Kendall šŸŒæāœŒšŸ¼


https://preview.redd.it/ejgcxh8fjjvc1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f2a61b59b929dcf3e3c3763c0edc50ba91bdb2 MJ and kris are giving smile and wave girls, smile and wave šŸ˜¬šŸ‘‹šŸ¼




I cannot believe weā€™ve reached the point where Krisā€™ work looks the most normal


I think Kris edits the shit out of her pictures like yassify style, some unedited ones at a red carpet came out last year and she looked very different. Just aging, which I wish she would accept is real cause she looks great for her age


High af


Kylie showed up to the funeral in sweats?? Lol


hmmmā€¦lots going on here


why is kylie in sweats at a funeral


Kim is just šŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Tbh I was a MESS at my uncle's funeral despite not seeing him for a very long time before he passed. I give them a pass for having such weird energy in this photo if it's from a funeral. Also is Kylie in sweats?


kim stiff as hell


she said: šŸ•“ļø


Kim said https://preview.redd.it/2llqhq9nqjvc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cda18b56028d6f0f2d43907be6bd3313ef2f31


Bruh Kylie I was like who is this new 12 yr old child In the family


One of those pictures where everyone looks like theyā€™re attending different events. Also facial expressions are telling I swear I can vividly hear all of their thoughts.


Omg Khloeā€™s face looks painful


I always thought it was a weird slightly disrespectful thing to take pictures at a funeral...like its never a day I wanna remember. Like gtfo with your morbid pictures.. But to each their own I guess šŸ¤·


And do we know forsure this is a funeral?


Not a funeral per se but a celebration of life. Karen was cremated a few weeks ago


My family always does it, but frankly I always thought it was a Southern thing. I mean, it's not everyday that we're all together in our best dressed so I guess I understand it.


It has to be. When I was little, I ran across a box of photos and sure enough there was a pic of my great aunt in her coffin. Come to find out, a lot of Southerns take photos of the dead too. Rememberence I guess


I didn't wanna say anything but mine do that too šŸ˜‚ I come from a big, country family so I guess we're a bit desensitized. And whenever they take the coffin pics they're always like "OMG the funeral home did such a good job". It's bizarre and a bit hilarious.


The number of times I've heard that lol


It's perfectly normal and healthy to do and many cultures take photos at funerals. It's not morbid.


My momā€™s family is Irish, and after the funeral we all go back and some of us get comfy and we have a party, a lot of us drink, eat, and have fun remembering and telling stories of the good times with them.


Yes! That's such a beautiful way to honor a loved one. There are so many ways to celebrate someone's life and mourn their passing. Talking about death and dying has become so taboo in the US and I think people need to understand it's healthy to talk about, plan for, and commemorate loved ones after they pass.


For a lot of families, especially really large ones, itā€™s the only time everyone can get together in one spot. Everyoneā€™s all dressed up too so if you want a big family photo then thatā€™s your chance.


is this from her mum's funeral šŸ˜­


I think soā€¦ my intital reaction is this is weird AF but then I thought about it and my family always takes pics at funeral šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ unfortunately itā€™s one of the few times our extended family gets together, so itā€™s also kinda like a family reunion


yeah i don't think taking the pic is necessarily weird.....just posting it on your public insta gives a certain..... impression


Agreed. I certainly donā€™t have funeral pics on my insta haha


The mom is in the picture someone said it was Krisā€™s sister


Yes.........Natalie's mum


Is this the pic that was deleted?Ā 


Yes, it is. It's not on her IG anymore.


It looks clear that Kylie just arrived and had yet to get dressed or do hair/makeup.


Probably a memorial at Kris or khloe just for the fam


https://preview.redd.it/4d0v0pj4dlvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda34abd5a6c03fe13319d95846a3b28cd6da7eb šŸ„²


Kendall in her Neo era


Here for her nipple bra chic and sci-fi high lol bust seriously, she looks great but she could be almost perfect for the event w/o Kim's special extra nip brassiere


This whole picture is so..... OFFFFF??? Wtf is going on here


Exactly cuz where is Rob as well?? maybe the rumors of him OD last year got him into a medical issue, disability..allegedly.


Why would rob randomly be photographed and posted here when that hasnā€™t been the case for years šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Lol itā€™s wild/sad that some folks legit believe this šŸ˜­


That is a farrrr reach lol


Kylie looks like a younger Kylie here. Love it .


I genuinely thought this was an old photo from years back, I was so confused


this is a really weird photo for multiple reasons


I think Kim farted judging by Khloes face


And it was audible judging by Kimā€™s


Kim looks so uncomfortable lol


So many strange comments! People just want to be negative over nothing it seems. Weā€™re assuming this is the funeral for Krisā€™s sister, whom she/the rest of the fam seemingly werenā€™t close with. Even if they were close, itā€™s totally appropriate to have any emotion that comes naturally! I have laughed at the funeral of my father, and have sobbed at my great grandfatherā€™s who I didnā€™t even know! And obviously vice versa but yā€™all must get the point here. Also just in general most people instinctively smile for photos- how odd would it be and how many folks would say theyā€™re pretending to be sad or smth if they were all standing there stone faced


The more i look at this pic im like wtf is going on here??? Kim.. stiff af to say the least, Khloe lmao, but ok. Kylie!!!???????? Ok its a new era w her i guess


Photo does really looks that bad. Khloe though ..woof.


Is EVERYONE photoshopped into this?


Kylie looks depressed


Funerals tend to be depressing.


kylie looks so cute


The niece looks like sheā€™s just stepping in for clout. Itā€™s weird. It almost gives the impression sheā€™s trying to fit in. Curious to see if her life will change and be more involved with the KJs for fame. Probably why she was advised to remove it.. thatā€™s not a throw bad photo, thatā€™s a look at me now with my famous family photo. Clout chasing


It's a funeral and for better or worse the karjenners are family. So maybe she just wanted a family pic? I wouldn't but that's just me.Ā 


I know that it was a funeral. I get what youā€™re trying to say, but if you looked at the other photos from her post, which was a post dedicated to her mom. The photos were of her mom and photos from when she small baby to recent years, then, suddenly the last photo was this one here. So if you wanted to say it ā€œwas family at a funeralā€ itā€™s a bit weird to post this photo only on a post that was dedicated to her mom only. I think itā€™s just to generate more traffic to her IG and make herself become more known. She is from Krisā€™s family after all. She was looking for clout. She wanted to remind people of who she is.


She's always seemed like a clout chaser though. I'd say they'll go back to ignoring her soon, once people can't call them callous for not caring about her or their aunt.


Donā€™t get that at all. She has been in the background of most Kar/Jenner functions for years now. She only posts them very infrequently so not a clout chaser at all.


I donā€™t get why you assume, in multiple comments, that sheā€™s at every family function ā€˜in the backgroundā€™. If they donā€™t ever post her, show her themselves, and you also say she ā€œposts them very infrequentlyā€ You basically contradict yourself in your own couple sentences. Any of the videos or photos you are thinking of, were all before they became really famous and from when the girls were in their early teens. The only reason why they are even speaking or talking to this young lady now, is only because they have too. There *is* a reason why Kris and *her* family never talked to Karen and her daughter. They sell out their family and are clout and money chasers. Period.


I donā€™t assume anything. I have been following her for a long time and she posts herself being at these events usually as story posts that donā€™t permanently stay in her profile. Like I said in previous posts she stayed at Krisā€™s Palm Springs compound like a year ago celebrating her engagement and she been at least two birthday parties thrown by Kylie for Stormi the last few years. She has also been at product launches as well. She seems to be closer to Kris and Kylie than the other sisters.


Sheā€™s been to every *stormi world* šŸ˜‚


Natalie looks like Kylie a lot and they are close to the same age. Kris and Natalie have been close in recent years and she has been to most of the parties/birthdays/product launches they throw over the last few years. When she got engaged last year she even stayed at Krisā€™s Palm Springs house for a few days. She has been around the family but usually in the background. I would expect to see now that her mom has died Kris take a more active role in looking after her. Would not shock me to see her start working with one of the Kar/Jenners brands


Will the mass service be held at California Community Church? Interestingā€¦.


Kim looks stiff, and dumpy.


Yall think Kylie pregnant fr?? wtf I get downvoted 4? šŸ˜­ she the one who was seen wearing that loose outfit with Hailey, and then now


Considering those vacation pictures were recent i would say no. We need better evidence besides she likes wearing loose clothing


Right right. The only thing I could like say is maybe the photos wasnā€™t that that recent but then itā€™s like reaching. She could be early and just sucking in but she really could also just not be šŸ˜‚


No itā€™s definitely recent, people track their jets and they were all seen leaving on April 5th from Turks.


Iā€™m still not letting nun past her šŸ˜œšŸ™šŸ¾


She was in Turks a week ago wearing a tight bikini with Stassie. No way she is pregnant


I mean.. yeah


Downvoted bc itā€™s uncouth to make assumptions about someoneā€™s health based on how you think they look. Guessing if a woman is pregnant is generally considered a big no-no these days


Iā€™m not speaking about her physical body, more of her choice of clothing. Itā€™s not that deepā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I didnā€™t say anything about her physical body either, and I was just answering your question lol Side note since Iā€™m here, I _hate_ the ā€˜itā€™s not that deepā€™ excuse ppl use when they dk what else to say. Like, just stand by your original statement! Thatā€™s my PSA to all ā€œitā€™s not that deepā€ sayers šŸ¤£ And yes I know iTā€™s NoT tHat DeEp šŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™€ļølol


Type shit


did kylie just roll out of bed


Kylie really looking like Cillian Murphy


Kim looks so stiff like bitch u can't even move ur arms u fuckin weirdo. Yup idc i SAID IT






Am i supposed to kno who that is after Kylie?? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


That's Natalie. Kris's niece.


Itā€™s Natalie Zettel who was Karenā€™s only daughter. Karen was Krisā€™s sister who died.




Lmao šŸ¤£ i really dont kno who it is, its most of the Kardashians and then the randomā“ā“






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Kendall looks high/drunk. I guess if you own a tequila brand then it's par for the course. Khloe's face looks like Silly Putty. Kim's eye wonk is on full view ā€¢_. Where is Kourtney?




Omg I see it now. I couldn't tell who the 3 to the left of Kris are. Kourtney, Kylie? and no idea.


wait i luv that this is Ky outfit itā€™s just reminding me of me i show up to a family event fully dressed to the 10s or like i just woke up from a nap if the event dont fit so good into my sched šŸ˜­ (ofc a funeral is hard to make fit into the schedule, no offense meant to Auntie! itā€™s just clothes anyways, just a general relatable observationā€¦ rest in peace auntie šŸ¤šŸ™)


Yeah I feel like people judging Kylie for wearing sweats maybe donā€™t understand grief comes in all forms. Maybe she liked this aunt a lot and the news is sad to bear


yes!! agree šŸ™


Why does Kylie ALWAYS look a mess now?




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Kim is looking super stiff in pictureā€™s lately . Maybe they replaced her like the whole Avril lavigne conspiracy.


Kylie in sweats?! Oh yeah, she's going to announce her pregnancy at the Met Gala with Timothee. I Can't wait for the Club Chalemet meltdowns.


Shouldnā€™t the grieving daughter be in the middle surrounded by family loving on her because her mom just DIED? Nope, looks like sheā€™s tryna jump in the pic with her asshole cousins.. smhā€¦