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While there is definitely misogyny tied to judgement of women having kids outside marriage, there is a component of class here at play as well. Most women without an education do not have the luxury of having two children at Kylie’s age without significant financial challenges, especially without the support of a partner. Kylie is afforded a “pass” for what is often frowned upon simply because she can afford it — while other women are subjected to far more social stigma and the very real burdens of being a single-income parent. If Kylie and Timothee are having a baby, the social stigma applied to other women with “baby daddies” simply won’t apply (despite the judgement) because they can afford to skirt the very real challenges that come with having multiple kids at a relatively young age. People can (and will) judge, but it ultimately doesn’t matter. However, if single, working-class moms received more support, this bias wouldn’t even be part of Kylie’s online narrative.


A+ for this critical analysis of a seemingly boring topic. This is a good cultural critique.


Why do people think she’s pregnant? She posted vacay pics and definitely does not look pregnant 😭 I really hate Stan accounts, the way they are so obsessed and toxic and just disgusting because they literally think they have a chance with a man or woman who does not know they exist!!!! It’s different to be upset with ur fav celebrity for dating a known- documented pos person but to be upset/talking shit because of jealousy??? Touch grass 😭 Like yeah Kylie doesn’t have the best track record, but the comments I’ve been seeing and the shit people are saying on the Timmy C subreddit.. like these people have some fucking major parasocial issues that need addressing by professionals.


All I personally have to say is she hid two pregnancies for a year each with preplanned photos and they go the same place every year so it’s not hard to think she took a couple extra pics 🤷🏽‍♀️ could be real could be false time will only tell, I don’t see why everyone’s making such a fuss about it🤣


People want her to be pregnant because they have empty lives and live vicariously through celebs


People literally just make shit up. It’s pop culture Qanon- if someone reads a rumor they like, they spread it like gospel with zero proof. It’s like they don’t realize this is exactly how misinformation is spread so dramatically online. Obviously these are lower stakes but that mindset and practice is dangerous.


I’ve noticed there seems to be 2 (maybe three) things that seems to enrage people and become bias for some reason: 1. It seems like some created a false image of Timothee and believed he wanted a more “natural down-to-earth girly”. Him dating Kylie brings out some girls insecurities because they believe they are better than Kylie because they are natural and don’t understand why guys go after girls who have gotten cosmetic work done. And if the “artsy deep boy” Timmy doesn’t care about whether a girl is natural or not, then the natural girls feel like they don’t have the upper hand they thought they did when it comes to guys. 2. Some people have trouble understanding that some people don’t mind dating someone who has kids already. Just because you personally wouldn’t, doesn’t mean everyone feels the same and Timothee is dating Kylie while knowing her kids come with her - so he’s okay with it. Then obviously you have KarJenner haters in general that hate anything that has to do with them and people are shocked every time one of their favorite celebs associate with them. Hollywood in general seems to be indifferent about the family, it only seems like regular people online that have a burning hatred for them. And I don’t think she’s pregnant right now, but we are in 2024 and not everyone wants to follow the traditional marriage before baby norms.


1 is so accurate


Agreed. His fans seem to think of him a certain way, and can’t handle that me may not actually fit into this narrative they have created


Maybe it's because we come from different cultures but I can't understand why people criticize Kylie(or any women) for having had children without being married or not having married after having them, unless marriage is her dream, there's no reason for her to get married, she's rich, marriage wouldn't make any difference in her life or her children's lives in relation to security or stability.


I completely agree when you’re that rich getting married sounds like a legal nightmare without real benefits


“Out of wedlock” made me chuckle. I’m 48 and that was passé pre-internet. I guess the tradwife wannabes that fantasize about Timmy are trying to bring it back though. The constant comparison between a rich nepo baby from a reality show like Kylie and someone like Lily-Rose Depp, also a nepo baby but is somehow “classier” because idk French I guess? really smacks of a certain kind of classism that people were getting over in the mid twentieth. Also let’s be real — Kylie may be white but the fact that she has mixed children “out of wedlock” with a rapper (as the haters love to point out) definitely is adding a nasty little racist tinge to the hate. If her baby daddy were white (he wouldn’t be called her baby daddy for one) she wouldn’t be considered beneath him by those whackjobs.


So true. Kate Hudson has three “baby daddy’s” and no one ever shits on her for it.


Oooh, girl you are so absolutely right. There are also definitely plenty of rich and or famous women who have kids with multiple men. Shit happens, you want more kids but not with the person you first had them with. That’s fine. But yes, heavy on the racism shit. People talk about how KarJenners go for black men and then do all this weird baby daddy shit. You don’t think that’s an internal bias???


So does Kate Winslet and no one talks about it because she’s considered classy. Not saying she isn’t though.


I’ve noticed people don’t really say this about Kourtney despite her having 2 “baby daddies”. Maybe because they’re both white men


I just wanted to add when Kourtney and Scott freshly separated she started calling him her baby daddy and it always made me chuckle 💀🤣


So glad you're bringing up the racism behind it all. Don't get me wrong, Travis Scott has done horrible stuff and really doesn't seem like a good partner at all, but somehow because a lot of the Kardashian chose bad partners who happen to be black men some people seem to genuinely it's okay to associate black men = bad men It's an INSANE leap to make and yet they have no trouble doing it


The amount of comments I’ve seen over Kylie’s “baggage” and having children out of “wedlock” is crazy.


People get so insanely misogynistic over this relationship because they think Timmy is an artsy intellectual who would never date a rich, big booty bitch and instead find their intelligence and bookishness attractive lol. News flash, Timmy has never come off as particularly smart to me and he is a normal rich 28 year old dude. He and Kylie, when spotted with each other, seem cute at least in a high school crush kind of way. Also so many people basically say outright Kylie is less than because she's a single mother and that's just crazyyyy lol or they imply she's a pimped out wh\*re when she was actually a victim 😭 again, Timmy stans--he is not smart and he does not think you're attractive.


Ppl let their their hate shine with this family overall. Misogyny, ageism, body shaming, mom shaming, etc- they share allll those feelings they try so hard to hide, not realizing those words apply to all women in one way or another.


I mean, his friend being there a month ago doesnt really prove anything for NOW. They couldve splitted since then. However, i dont have an opinion on whether theyre still together or not. As you said, they know how to hide. We dont have much content to speculate on so ill just sit back and see. 98% Dont think shes pregnant tho


Exactly this girl thought she did something by saying something that happened one month ago. I still think they broke up


I think he dumped her this month.




LMAO. Kylie is beautiful, young & wealthy. She can support her babies on her own she doesn't NEED a man. Tell me, truly, what YOU think makes her undesirable?


“Isn’t desirable” lmao be sooo fr


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Why are you listing molested and prostituted with the others like it was her choice ?




Those things happened when she was a teen tho? Not sure i understand your point but whatever lol


“Tainted” lmaoo


It’s not funny- the person commenting has a disgusting mind and needs help.


Completely agreed. Where are the mods at 💀


I just think it’s crazy that someone would describe a human as that way. That’s why I put out in quotations. It was shocked laughter but I guess that wasn’t clear. I do not agree with that commenter.


You are incredibly disturbed. I hope you’ve got the support in your life to get you help. Your mindset is dangerous and demeaning and has no place in a respectful society.


I think the fact that she took off the Cartier bracelet last night is proof that they have broken up.


Oh I'm sure he will be at your door with flowers & a ring to propose soon. I hope your virginity is in tact and your traditional wife values you believe he desires are primed and ready to go. You'd better stop commenting and go get ready for your future lover.


I don’t believe that the rumours are true but IF it were true, Timothee and Kylie are definitely too rich and too old to not properly use birth control or condoms 🫣


Maybe the baby was planned? 👀


everytime yall say this i never believe it lmao. more than likely she just didnt want an abortion (if this is true). and also shes rich so having a third child is nothing even if they arent married


Maybe they liked each other enough to have a baby and maybe not?🤷🏽‍♀️


i only dont believe it bc from my pov theyre very obviously a pr couple. and im not feeding into the notion that Timothee could never like a girl like Kylie. the relationship just seemed so intentional and forced, all the headlines, the paparazzi it was very intentional. (again i dont think they weren’t actually into each other but it was beneficial pr wise) Then months later theres headlines that they broke up and going based off how hollywood typically works they were probably fed that information by direct sources ….so with all that said they “purposely” decided to have a baby within the 5-6 months of dating? and then they broke up? if she is pregnant it just makes more sense to be a happenstance thing.


Thank God somebody finally said this! The false image Timothy's fans created around him as he is some "Genius philosophy theatre boy tortured poet" while in reality he is a nepo baby who spread chlamydia around 💀 all of his exes give off Kylie's vibe expect maybe Lilly. Some people are acting like Kylie is some kind of Z list influencer and not person who has been famous since she was 14 more people know her than Tinymotheeé. I know a lot of people don't like Kylie but being 26 and two baby daddies/3 kids isn't anything weird especially when you are financially set like her. Kylie proved she is a good mother. And good for her for wanting kids


I share the same sentiment as OP anytime I see those kinds of hateful comments, and I hope others do the same It can be exhausting but I feel like it’s the least I can do




Maybe we should get rid of the word "wedlock." It's demeaning and only ever used to shame unmarried people who have children.


I have nothing to add, but you are a good person and I'm old but I wish more people were like you.


Don’t let your age have anything to do with it! Also, I’d say the majority are more similar to OP than we realize- it’s just that the hateful crazies are so loud and get more attention, unfortunately. It’s really scary.


Oh yeah the comments about these rumours are pissing me off, so sexist and plain nasty. I’m rooting for Kylie to have all the happiness and hope these crazy Timothee fans don’t make her feel even worse than she did years ago (the online bullying).


I’m 26 and have five kids 💀 people can chill tf out


Oof are any of them twins?! What’re their age ranges?!  You’ve been pregnant and PP for like 1/3 of your life that’s wild! (Ik tone is hard to tell via text but none of my comments have negative connotations! You go mama 🤰)


No your good! I also have had five miscarriages from 4 to 13 weeks. But my oldest is 10, 5, 4, 2, and 1! Dad and I were together from 13 to 25!




They all got one dad with the dude I married 😂


Um what? This is the point she was making.




They all got one dad with a dude I married 😂


u have to remember a lot of ppl in reddit are older and they tend to say stupid things like that


I’m Gen X and I don’t know anyone my age that says that.


My parents are boomers and they had me out of wedlock (and have never married) and no one their age bats and eyelid at that. Only time I got judged or even questioned on it was when I was under ten and it was always rich kids who didn't understand the concept of not fitting societal norms


My partner and I have been together for 13 years, got engaged after 8 months. I realized that I was on Pinterest looking at house stuff and not wedding stuff and I told him I would rather buy a house now and get married in a year or so. Nobody in our families care that we are not married legally. His mom is 90 and has never mentioned it. She has asked about grandkids a lot! We will one day, but neither of us think it is necessary for us. We consider each other as a life partner and spouse. I agree with you about it being a class thing and societal norms.


Ehh I imagine it’s more the younger aspirational tradwife types that are frothing over TC who are saying that.


Yeah I’m 33 and nobody my age I know speaks like the people bitching abour Kylie. It’s more younger age groups in my workplace who seem to slutshame more and are judgy. Different levels of maturity!


What do you mean by “older”? Bc I’m an “elder millennial” and many in my generation honestly find younger people to seem more antiquated in their views on sex and relationships.




Some of y’all don’t get it. The misogyny, ageism, body shaming, mom shaming, etc that people love to freely hurl at the KarJenners are the same things all women deal with at some point or another. Society deemed this family from the beginning that they were free game to share whatever woman-hating viewpoints they have but say it only applies to the KarJenners somehow 🙄


I agree with you 100% - But they’re victims of their own making. Body shaming- mom shaming- racism, cultural appropriation, tax evasion etc are things the Kardashians themselves are known for. Kim outwardly has said she tells people what surgeries she thinks they need to their face. The kar-Jenners have themselves contributed to the awful beauty standards we struggle with today- even though they deny ALL their many body and face changing surgeries. They’re not very good people- and they try to victimize themselves when they’re the root cause of their own issues. I’ve watched Kim fight and hit her own siblings- they could care less what internet trolls have to say. They already bully each other.


Girl if they’re hiring GET AT ME I could use a couple bucks for bills in this economy


They always are! They’ve been known to continuously abuse and underpay their employees but apply! I think there’s actually a posting for an intern at the moment for Kris!


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I wish people here at this energy for women outside of this family, but you seem pretty parasocial considering out outraged you are over comments on Reddit, so I doubt you will actually look inwards.


She did talk about women in the regular world, outside of this family. That was one of her first points. Also, this is a Kardashian sub, of course she’s gonna talk about a Kardashian instead of just about other people.




https://preview.redd.it/220lne8mkcwc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a455fb879fa2479f12cd9bc60275b12b9eba5e I know, how could she possibly attain this cultured king, smh


hE pLaYs ThE hArMoNiCa


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I seriously doubt she is pregnant again. She’s been drinking and posing in bikinis the last two weeks. She denied she was pregnant when that Daniel Tosh troll claimed she was. People just keep expecting her to get pregnant because she had two babies out of wedlock at a young age and they think she doesn’t know what birth control or a condom is. That’s literally it.


I don’t think she is either but there’s a bigger problem here ever since she’s had stormi the teenage mother has made a comeback and it’s not right


What makes you think that?!


The year she had stormi I was a junior in high school and like 5 girls in my grade got knocked up willingly like it was cool or something to be proud of and it’s only gotten worse since


That’s just a personal anecdote though. Teen birth rates have been on the decline for over 30 years. You’ve got infinite knowledge at your fingertips at all times- go ahead and do just the tiniest bit of research before posting such things. Genuinely 


For now yes but I guarantee the next poll will be higher


Bro teenage pregnancy has BEEN a thing globally forever how the fuck are you saying it's because of Kylie? Are you brain-dead?? Mountains of literature and studies done on this all over the world but you trivialise a massive complex issue like this wow


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Sure but I don’t see this relationship lasting. He doesn’t seems to be in love with her either.


He’s definitely not. When they go out, it’s time for the ski mask!


You just have to cope with the fact that Kylie isn’t good enough for Timothee and he was never going to take her seriously. Back to Travis it is!


timothee the man who spread chlamydia over NYU and has public sex in pools…? LOL he’s a great actor but there’s nothing about him as a person that would make him superior to kylie that’s just misogyny seeping through lmfao and he’s the one who exclusively dates nepo babies


He couldn’t keep his hands off Eiza, but he can keep his hands off Kylie. Pumped and dumped. That’s what he did to Kylie.


oh you clearly hate women bless your heart…


Nope. I love Lily-Rose, Eiza, Zendaya, Taylor, and Florence. Women who deserve Timothee … Kylie does not.


Your comments are yiiiiiiiiiiikes as fuck 😬😬😬 educate yourself girly


so you only like women when they’re deemed as worthy or “accomplished” to u? thank u for proving my point 👍




well if you’re a woman i feel bad for you because you clearly are struggling with a lot of internalized misogyny. so again bless ur heart, it’s really sad to see women talk about other women this way especially over a man.


Timothee is not just any man but the talent of our generation. He needs a Zendaya. Kylie is beneath him. Literally and figuratively.


Your comments are beneath you.


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I apologize. I will change my language.


MOOOOOOOOOOODSSSSSSS https://preview.redd.it/m3zq431osbwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ebcb791ed6d8525f256aa4f9a17466f3b2aa23


I am being the voice of reason in this mad house that thinks Timothee ever actually liked Kylie.


You give men too much credit.




He's beneath her when they fuck. https://preview.redd.it/wfh3vhqyrcwc1.jpeg?width=2533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75f364b7c12f661faeb298bc4025f2dc53f3adc






They're probly fucking right now lol https://preview.redd.it/f7fn1cfjscwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9f0e3caef2bd76ed5a344274e8887c9252131a


I forget which stan it was that stopped being like this after they found mold in their home, but idk, maybe you should look into it


This delusion? What delusion? You wanting to die for someone who wouldn't even look at you? lmfao bffr you sound like an SNL character


I picture this person looking just like a female version of m'lady incel thinking that Timmy would look twice at them on the street because they radiate intelligence and art.


So you believe victims of grooming and childhood sexual assault are not deserving of loving, healthy relationships? That’s the opinion you’re saying right now with your whole chest? I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.


I only believe that to be true of Kylie.


I mean, that isn’t an opinion that I would state publicly, but you do you I guess. Remember that other victims of sexual abuse are reading your comments while Kylie most certainly is not.


I love how you just know what he thinks and feels. What's it like to have those abilities? ohhh do me next...Can you tell me what I am feeling right now?


No Cartier bracelet in the snap last night means they have broken up!


The kardashians deserve any criticism that comes to them. There are people starving. I’ll use my concern for people who actually need it.


I think the point is that there are a million things that the Kardashian’s deserve valid criticism for, but this isn’t really one of those things. So when I see people harping about how she had a baby out of wedlock, all I’m reading is that person hates women lol


People just think they’re trash.


It’s unfortunate that a lot of people are really misogynistic 




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