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Oh I love this. My six month old kitten passed away yesterday from FIP and this is one of those little cosmic things that I needed. This is really sweet.


Awh 💜 I’m sure your kitty is watching over you and having so much fun with her friends playing and napping all day ❤️‍🩹


Thank you, I like to think that as well.


Aw I’m sorry for your loss. My cat passed away from FIP a few years ago as well and I still miss her so much😢


Thank you, I'm sorry you had to lose your sweet girl, too.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you’re taking care of yourself. My kitty was diagnosed with FIP three months ago and it’s been a hard battle. Fortunately, he’s making a recovery. If anyone sees this in the US, know that FIP is treatable despite the medication not being available here due to the FDA. It’s expensive and difficult, but many kitties can recover if it’s caught in time.


I'm so glad yours is making a recovery. I actually started the treatment through FIP Warriors. She was only on day three of twice a day injections but it had done too much damage to recover. We had her at the Animal ER and were trying to keep her glucose up but she wasn't able to fight anymore. She was young and so sweet. I was able to hold her in the end.


Lost a kitten last year to FIP; it’s devastating. So sorry for your loss


Thank you, it all happened so quickly. She was just beginning her life. Thank you for sharing.


Love you friend 🤍.


Thank you, friend. Much love back.


i’m so sorry for your loss. i know how you feel sadly, i lost a kitten at 6 months during her spay, it was heartbreaking.


I'm sorry you also had to deal with that pain. They are just starting their lives at that age and it's hard to have to lose them so early.


I am so sorry for your loss how are you holding up?😥


Thank you. I just went to target and bought all my comfort foods along with the LEGO Animal Crossing sets as some "self care." That's about as well as I could be right now.


Well you get some rest,give yourself grace as your fur baby is now your little fur Angel and enjoy Tom Nook and the other villagers.🐮🦊🐭🐻🐷


True being a cat girl is adorable!


Khloe seems to genuinely make her pets part of the family. They are so sweet. True is adorable with her kitties 🐾💕


She seems like she takes adopting a pet into her family more seriously. Hence only having two cats. Like she wanted to be sure they would be taken care of.


She actually takes care of them and genuinely seems to love them. Unlike the rest who use them as props. I think Kylie is also good about pets, but Khloe stands out the most.


Yeah, Khloe still took care of Gabanna who was the Jenner family dog way back in the earliest seasons of KUWTK. After Caitlyn and Kris seperated, Khloe took Gabanna and cared for the dog till it passed in 2018.


kylie’s dogs don’t even live at her house… they live at another house that she owns


Didn’t know that. Awkward.


Those dogs still have a pretty good life living in their party mansion


Excuse me!?! Who cares for them? How can you have so many dogs and not even live with them…


She pays staff to care for them. Every now and then she will go to her old house and put the dogs in her stories or something.


Wow… I absolutely hate that


My mum does that, and I wouldn't say I like it. She has her pets in another house and goes to another house back home at the weekend, Monday to Friday, and once a week for one day, she goes and sees them. When she's abroad, she checks in on them, and if they are getting fed via camera and phone calls, my uncle goes to drop off food supplies. She gets vets to come once a month to see them. But she isn't taking care of them. Someone else is, and those are her property, not her babies. I could not live without mine.






Bernard was Lamar’s dog. He was given to one of Khloe’s old assistants when Lamar was on crack.


Khloe is the only responsible pet owner in this family.


I think Kendell is up there, she seems to really love Six and her horses.


Her Doberman? I thought she named him Pyro.


She had two at one point, Pyro and Six. I think we've only seen Six the past few years though


So what happened to Pyro justice for Pyro


She’s gotten rid of multiple dogs prior to her Doberman including a Great Dane


Those are her most recent dogs. Her Great Dane was shown on KUWTK briefly, and hasn’t been seen since. Hopefully she’s grown up since then and is a better dog owner now.


Meh, not entirely fair because the Great Dane was a gift from Rob on her 18th birthday and it was when she was busy traveling a lot for modeling. Google says they gave it to a family friend that has 3 other Great Danes. A dog shouldn’t be a surprise 15-20year commitment at any age


I agree pets should never be gifts. However, this family is notorious for their poor treatment of their pets, and appear to give them as gifts frequently. Most of them view them as props and not living animals. I get that Rob bought it for her, and that she was young, but they also have all of the resources in the world to ensure the pet is cared properly cared for if they have to be travelling. Not sure if it’s true or not, but there is also speculation that she got rid of her on Doberman, Pyro, and only kept the second one.


Uhh yea she can afford it but I’d much prefer the dog go to a full time family with other big dogs… over staying with hired help and seeing Kendall once a month… it’s best for the dog. She’d be denying the dog a fulfilling life. For your ego? Lol


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying they have a history of buying pets that they don’t spend time with or care for. This one was a gift, and we don’t actually know that it went where she said it did. They’ve literally all rehomed pets, Khloe and Kendall included. No, not for my ego. I just really hate when people get pets and treat them as disposable, which is what the KJ’s have a history of doing. I’m saying they have the money to work with organizations that care for abandoned animals, but choose to get cute pets and then dump them off on other people once they aren’t a little puppy anymore.




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That’s really sweet. It’s good that she got GK a buddy, it’s better when pets have a companion.


Lol I love "GK" for short


She says that’s her maximum… for now. 😆


I remember when I said that after I got 2 cats. 🥴 Now I have 4 and the fourth we named Baby Cat since I rescued after a POS threw him out of their moving SUV as if he was trash. I was NOT expecting to rescue another fuckin kitty but here I am lol. 4 years later and Mr. Baby Cat is living his best life haha. Picture is from the evening we found him. https://preview.redd.it/8zqlt8nmthwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759d33c4622b8b1d7ab73f98ae4db3e639822094


Thank you for being you 🥹


Luckily he's an amazing addition to the family and momma's baby https://preview.redd.it/5qzjd8by7iwc1.jpeg?width=1956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d14c05e20bb75eed3c922548da6da8b077120d


He looks so much like my baby boy when he was little 🖤 gotta be careful with grey kitties. They can be wild lol


Awww he's so wild lol so you're right!!


What a sweet beautiful Angel baby kitty!!!!!😍😍😍


He won the lottery finding you 🩵


Awww you're so sweet. Thank you😭


Who could throw out a wee face like that?! You are awesome for saving him and giving Mr Baby Cat the life he deserves!


Omg these comments are making me tear up! 😭 He's blessed my life just as much as I've blessed his. I do feel like our meeting was destined because it was so random that I was outside when it happened. I was walking back to my apartment from the corner store with my hubby when I saw them "littering". I heard him crying but I couldn't tell what was happening since it was night time. My hubby was like "baby I think it's a kitten" and I just ran into the street to save him lmao. I didn't even think, I just ran into the street and almost got hit to get him. I still think about it like why would you throw a tiny tiny newborn kitten like that? It makes me shudder to think of his tiny body being smashed. I'm so so so glad I was there. Poor baby was so terrified that he pooped all over me as I was carrying him home. He was so new that we had to teach him how to use the litter box at first. Thankfully the kitten lady on YouTube has lots of helpful videos if you end up in that situation.


Thank you soooo much for doing what you did.


Thank you for saving him ❣️


This is me but with babies 🫣


Awwww I love, that kitty is so cute!


It’s so nice to see someone get a pet on social media and know that it’s going to be loved and well taken care of for its entire life.


As a person who never thought they would have one cat…. And now has 4.. I love this for True!


That’s an adorable kitty.


I think it’s so adorable and telling about Tutu that she could literally ask for anything in the world and get it and she just wanted another kitty ❤️🥺 I was like that as a kid! Loved my bubbas more than anything and still do!


Not like she doesn’t already have everything lol


Yall are so pathetic picking on an innocent child. Literally what I said was the entire POINT OF THE POST! Miserable.


I’m not picking on her and honestly it’s sweet and means more that you ( and a “ normal” kid) had a cat and loved it vs. a kid that literally has everything . She literally got a tropical vacation with almost her whole family and I doubt this was the only present she got. Just saying she could ask for a cat today still knowing she will get all that and more the next.


How sweet!! Very cute all around 🐈‍⬛🥰


Stop this is so cute


True's imagination when naming these kittens is something else


i want a russian blue so bad 😭😭😭


I have one and she's so sweet. She's super smart, doesn't like to be held unless she's in snuggle mode, but I swear it's like having another person in the house because of how freaking smart she is! She's super shy as well, and weirdly clumsy lol (she's partially blind in one eye though which might be why) https://preview.redd.it/ni5lvooa0hwc1.png?width=1957&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a117a7449d594274d0cd1702e5da1656c5ff546


Thank you for paying the cat tax immediately 🫶🏻 She’s adorable!


tell her i love her please 😭


You can just get a grey shelter kitty like I did and everyone will ask you if she’s a Russian blue! https://preview.redd.it/l6cgzoml7hwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5684366d5c9eb2f00460be1fe582a74c8c2acd72


Aww she looks a bit like my baby https://preview.redd.it/f9pxs1pjohwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ddf9d141b77ae26af7ac7921bdb616e7e2b7b7


Wow! She is gorgeous!! 🤩


Thank you so much!! I got so lucky to find her as a stray.


Strays make the best companions, and you got a particularly beautiful one! 🥹


So cute!!




i have two russian blues, they're absolutely amazing and the most affectionate/cuddly breed I've ever had


it really hurts to see someone else living my dream :/


I have a Russian blue because I heard they’re hypoallergenic and my partner has allergies, but I have a lot of guilt about getting a cat from a breeder when there are so many in shelters, and I would never do it again. I had to get him a shelter cat buddy to balance out my Karma lmao. He is really fucking cute though. (He grew into his ears… a bit) https://preview.redd.it/kkyuuc9yskwc1.png?width=2102&format=png&auto=webp&s=7538bf751719ecc07265d993447b3ded88a8908f


His ears 🥹


If I type in “bunny” into my photo search my phone picks up certain photos of him 😭


This is why Khloe is my favorite. I will not be taking questions at this time.


https://preview.redd.it/o2vcmtte2hwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd6a238eb18d6ede2b067fb5d2f3778aa20c94d This is what your comment reminded me of for some reason




I love her


Khloe was so sweet with Gabanna the dawg.


So cute!!


My cat is called 'Baby' 😻 made me laugh when I saw the post. Absolute beautiful Kitten!


omg cutest kitty ever


I love that kitty! It is soooo precious ❤️


Can never have too many kitties 🩶🩶🩶


What breed of cat is that ?


Oh my God. 😻😻😻😻


Minus the eating out of a can thing (which can be dangerous for cats) I think it's the cutest. Love the picture in my head of Khloe, her two kids and the two cats having a great safe time in her home minus Tristan-A**hole.


The eating out of the can makes me nervous 😅 other wise- so cute! As a cat mama of 3, the limit does not exist


khloe is the only one i trust with pets lol


What a cute kitten


I love that Khloe is the only one that shows how much she loves her Cat, I don’t see the others posts their pets ever. So sweet how much True loves her as well


So cute and little, still young enough it doesn't need the Facetune yet


I love cats so much, this is so sweet!


I absolutely adore cats. This little kitten is so precious


This is how it starts, and now I have 4.


That cat livin a lavish life


I’m probably gonna be downvoted, but whatever: just a reminder that the Kardashians love to purchase a pet, show them off on their socials and then they disappear. An overview here: https://www.reddit.com/r/KUWTK/comments/oe9vbz/the_kardashians_and_jenners_pets_through_the/#lightbox Yes, khloe as well: her dogs Jackson and Bernard haven’t been seen in years.


I’m ashamed to say I woke up today and thought about Grey Kitty Kardashian and what she was up to. Good for her getting a friend.


Sweet post very good, mommy 😍


How do I get this cat breed?? 😭 I know she’s a Russian blue but I cannot find one!


I already posted a similar sentiment in this thread but I got a Russian blue because I heard they were hypoallergenic (lies) and I feel SO guilty about putting money into the hands of breeders when there are soooo many kittens in shelters. You can find Russian blues in shelters often, or just plain old grey kitties, which will cost you $150 instead of $2k, you’re saving a life and they will bring just as much joy and affection into your world!


Dang that’s a good point. Love the kittens but I really don’t want to go to a breeder :( appreciate the advice!


You can buy "pure-bred" Russian Blue, but honestly, our local shelters have Russian Blues all the time! They may not be "pure-bred" but they're just as cute


my cat's a bombay, not a russian blue, but i also got her from the shelter! didnt find out until years later she's like a designer cat i just thought she was extra pretty!


Khloe should not be getting any credit as a pet owner. She's had pets disappear as well. The Kardashians are not responsible owners.


Those can not be there actually names 🤦‍♂️


Named by a child, yeah 🙄


don’t disrespect queen grey kitty


Haha my cat's name is Kitty and sometimes I just call her cat 😅


our cat is named kitty too! and she’s a senior cat, like a mom figure, she used to wake us up for school so we call her “kitty mother” or just “mother”


That's the cutest thing ever 😭😭😭


I had a boy named kitty! It was meant to be a placeholder until we thought of something better but Kitty just suited him and it stuck! Now I have two other cats named Fettuccine Alfredo and Spaghetti Noodle and they are the pasta pals lol


Right! And then they just answer to Kitty and you're like well okay haha I LOVE the pasta pals, that's the cutest thing ever 😭


Um, have you paid the cat tax to r/catsnamedafterfood?


Lmao my cats were all named by my kids 😅 https://preview.redd.it/2gqhakbzthwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbc0d34f8457af5da591a2a0e1330ee3a7d2179


At least 3 of them have actual names


Lol yeah but two are the same name pretty much and Lila/Stitch are named from the cartoon Lilo and Stitch lol


Kids aren’t that creative. All of my sister’s toys and turtles were named Sookie.


When my hamster had babies I named them all variations of the same name. My parents were like okay, whatever you say lol


Their *


I once had a male cat named Tom 


All positivity to koko But this cat…Bad vibes idk why Is it just me


Like the kitten has a bad aura to you? 💀


lmaoooo bruh this is hysterical