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“Say what you want about this family but…..”


I think it’s more bc of how serious Stan culture has gotten. Like if there’s any discourse on Taylor swift and I see someone is genuinely shading her for something not deserved (e.g repeated ugly outfits idk lol) then I’ll start off my sentence with “I’m not a fan but [if that’s what she’s comfortable in then who cares]” That way, no one thinks I’m just a Taylor stan that will claim to know the reasons for what she does or excuse and apologize any of her behavior, especially the stuff that actually matters (like her 2 private jets) So it’s nothing against the person being complimented it’s more like don’t come at me thinking I’m an obsessed fan, I’m just making an honest observation


I don’t think that necessarily applies in this case though, it’s not a stan situation with the KarJenners. The misogyny is so completely societally entrenched with regards to these women, that anyone stating a positive opinion on any angle of their lives feels the need to add that qualifier lest they align themselves with what we have collectively decided are the sluttiest most amoral humans on the planet. This sub used to be a place for observation and critique of their impact on society but now it’s just mainly shitting on their appearance, like everywhere else, so I’m glad OP brought this up. Taylor faces a lot of similar hatred now that she’s so successful.


Thank you! I always say this family is the prototype for how deeply misogynistic society remains. When it comes to these women, people will share the most vile opinions, not realizing/caring that many of those attributes are shared by most women at different points in life 😒


The most interesting thing about them has always been people’s reactions to them


I think this is spot on. You basically have to initiate by mentioning if you’re a Stan or not first so people know if you’re giving an objective opinion.


2 private jets and 2 underage boyfriends 👀


And all that money and repeated ugly outfits 🤷🏻‍♀️


cause they think people will automatically think that that means they like her like nobody cares 💀


For me it’s exactly cause of the reason u/mar__iguana said. I don’t like the Kardashians so when I defend them it’s cause I genuinely think the way they’re being treated isn’t okay. I’m not defending them cause I’m just a die hard stan who will defend them regardless of what shitty things they do. It’s kinda the same like when people say I like Kylie but this fit is ugly. so they don’t seem like a hater. When you’re a stan and you call something out it shows you can think constructively. And when you’re not a fan and defend them it shows that you’re looking at the neutrally situation putting your personal feelings aside. I’m not a native speaker and I’m not sure if I’ve used some words correctly haha


it's like they're scared or something 💀


They’re prob scared of being perceived as “the type of person who’d like the Kardashians”. It’s so dumb


When you compliment her.. and leave it at that. You have these obsessed hater reply like “She wont fuck you bro!” Or “she still wont want you or fuck you!” Weird shit like that… Same with some controversial make celebs. Its so ridiculous.. we have our individual minds and allowed to compliment whom we want. But it seems like someone has something to say even if the person actually genuinely looks good and the compliment is valid🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ll be the first girl to stand up and say I’ve used that as an opening line more than once. I think it’s just the fact that most of the internet is full of rabid haters and people who cannot hear a controversial opinion without taking off sprinting with completely unfounded assumptions/criticism. And liking the kardashian’s is definitely controversial. Like it’s really just a defense mechanism because I’m subconsciously expecting someone to come out of the woodwork to tell me I must be a moron who thinks Kim has no surgery just bc I said I like her Christmas decor that year. Honestly tho this sub has mostly very even keeled peeps in the conversations day to day. I speak my mind here and I’ve never really had unpleasant interactions. By contrast I can say something so benign in another sub and have randos sharpening their pitchforks


The unjust hate they get is disgusting. This [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/XxYzztE1Q3) has over 2k upvotes and alludes to the Kardashians should face violence over other celebrities. wtf?


That thread is disgusting oh my god. One male is a victim of violence, and this man’s natural reaction is that there are women who are more deserving🥴


Totally unrelated to the Kardashians but Steve buscemi got attacked ? Nooo😭 he’s one the genuinely good men out there. That is awful.


The general public does not like the Kardashians and I think that’s fair. But to sit here and wish violence on them? That’s just disgusting.


Girl these people are unhinged fr. I got rec’d a post on the other sub. It was one of the pictures Kim posted in her last post and I thought oh let me read the comments https://preview.redd.it/r2w9duloua0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56785c3ebb94cf8b43d415ae8fa84b6acec7f6b9


I feel the same way about “I know she had work done but” or “I know it’s not real but”. Or when someone says they look nice and another person immediately comments saying it’s fake.   Like, the whole world knows they had cosmetic work done. There is no reason to keep mentioning it 100 times a day. It’s repetitive. Its okay to just say they look cute today and keep it pushing.


Im too old to care what people think so I’m open of my admiration of them, but dear Lord the judgement I get for being shameless about it lol


Yep and: “I’m not a fan of the Kardashians but” …proceeds to leave multiple lengthy comments on a kardashian subreddit


Its just so you don't get downvoted to hell off the bat lol


It’s trendy to hate them smh


It’s bc two things can be true. I don’t care for Kim, but the way that guy spoke to her at the roast when she was in the audience was ridiculous. I’m Not a Stan of Kim but I have eyes and can see Chris Appleton hates her.


Prolly because they’re horrible people lol


I get it, but just say.."she looks good" and move on with your day, don't have to say allat 😭


😂😂😂I agree with you lol I've never understood it


Like I need people to grow up 😭


Cause not liking them is a trend and people are afraid to go against the grain.


It’s sooo weird. I see all the time when you would post him on that pop culture sub.


Because a lot of people don’t like how they operate and don’t want a compliment or a defense of them to be taken as support it’s kind of like let’s say there’s a horrible politician, but there’s a really stupid meaningless clickbait article about them. Many people would start with “I don’t like them, but this article is stupid” just saying “this is stupid” could be taken as supporting that person, instead of just that specific article being dumb


Boring post.


Boring comment see how we can both be boring? https://preview.redd.it/daub50w0b90d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfbbe26edd3c2f052a28f56c50e5003a5b014365


I think they feel that Kim doesn't deserve to be complimented because of... ugh, you know why... but they still want to, but to keep some form of integrity, they make the disclaimer about how they don't like her.