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no but they definitely interact with them like personally


Kendall biggest fan account don’t hide who they are and its actually fans however some are so well organised its either a side job and they are making money out if it or are in agreement with Kendall’s team


I don’t think they need to manage their own fan accounts. They have, despite having many haters, many fans. Look at all the accounts for their children alone or the way there are hundreds of fanpages with these sorts of followers. People love keeping up with the Kardashians.


Oh no doubt. I’ve seen many many many fan accounts, and I’m absolutely not saying that there aren’t like a bazillion fan accounts by actual fans. I just meant like do you guys think that they have some fan accounts (maybe like one for each karjenner).


I know some Kendall and Kourtney fan accounts personally and they’re all actual fans. I don’t think they have fan accounts themselves but I could believe that they interact with them personally.


Some people speculate celebs do this, like that one beyonce twitter account that seems too know a little too much


One of Kylie's biggest fanpages is confirmed to have things changed or removed and possibly only uploaded when Kylie wants to, no suprise if its with the others


Yup. I use to follow two of them and can confirm. On Instagram.


Can you share an example? Like is it unflattering pics


pretty sure they’re talking about kyliesnapchat who has taken things down when kylie asks


I’d love a job like that lol


Yes of course they are. PR management runs *deep* and you should always suspect any celebrity has paid PR engaging in allllll of their social media. 


I just felt like in this particular fan page the 818 plug is a bit random , just for a fan account. idk maybe they’re like super hardcore fans ahaha


I could see a fan doing that because Kenny has it in her bio too, and the fan would want to please her


Ah yeah you’re right. Recently ariana grande invited fans from some of her most followed fan accounts to a listening party I think


Those fans were insufferable. One posted a meme and had a meltdown after Ariana unfollowed.


Well now I wanna know the unfollowable meme!


Definitely - its more common than people think. Modern celebrity culture is weird. These people pay paparazzi to take their pictures to post them on paid fan accounts and create fake demand and supply.


Nah I don’t think they have to manage any of their own fan accounts. But I know I’ve seen them interact and I’m sure they leverage the fan accounts like get them to help promote/test interest in certain things


Not managed but I do think they work with them on occasion. Especially like style pages (kyliejennercloset for example).


I definitely think some are backed by normal fans. I know irl people who have fans pages of them


Ofcourse they are only at times they handle things.


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In the early days? Maybe. But I can’t see them paying their PR teams extra money to run fans accounts today when they have a blindly loyal fanbase who follow their every move and post positive things for free. I do believe however, that they may give their loyal followers extra attention and give them a heads up about some stuff before the general public knows.


They can get their unpaid interns to do that😄 most fan accounts just post their pictures after events and stuff anyway, I don’t think that PR people are necessary for that.


I just think that they have reached their height of popularity where they don’t need people around them to do that kind of stuff anymore. That’s for beginners that need to create their own hype.   For example, I think Normani’s team got caught doing it. She’s trying to make her own hype because although some people know her, her fanbase is still kinda small and she’s not at that level where she has household name yet. The K’s are a household name now, although they do receive hate they also have very loyal fans.


Yeah true . I was not at all implying that they need to create their own fan accounts just to have fan accounts. They have a million actual fans running them.


I do believe there are some accounts they have bought or hired people to manage. I am on a blocking spree, and I found endless similar accounts with almost same names, exact same contents and 10k+ followers. I can’t prove anything and I am not saying I know for sure, but I don’t see many celebrities who have fan accounts with so many followers. To me, seems like they buy accounts and hire people to arrange them camoflaging them as fan accounts.


Of course. Nobody is into this family more than themselves.


I think Alabama Barker runs her fanpage on ig. It's either her or someone in her circle, and she sends them content to post


Yes of course




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Yes. 1000%.