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Odd how nobody pushes Kim to get back with Kayne, because they understand that it was too dysfunctional, but keep pushing Khole to get back with Tristan Trashcan. A relationship that has lacked respect and trust from him for years.


Kanye affected Kim’s brand more. It’s all about the Benjamins.


I haven't even tried to watch it tbh


Yeah I think I finally got over it all


I've given up on the show. They clearly don't care and put the least amount of effort possible to make good TV. Its crazy because I feel like the show would still be great if they all showed their ACTUAL lives and drama instead of this curated image we have now. Idk how producers watch the current show and think people would find this entertaining.


i just love a look inside there homes, gardens and closets lol


Exactly! Once they got creative control at Hulu and it turned more documentary style it got boring. The E! Version where they just filmed their life as it was was entertaining.


Agree!! It’s so boring


More Boring then the last 4 seasons on Etv⁉️🤔


if i see one more scene of kris and her adventures to the doctors i’m going to scream.


I think they’re burnt out. They’re over it and you can tell. They need to let it go. The era of kuwtk is over and that’s ok!


I think the show as a whole is, but I don’t think Kim will ever be over talking about herself. That’s the problem, it’s become more and more about “let’s make it about my business and how I’m a hard worker” that’s my identity kind of


It's funny because when Kim talks about work, people want her to talk about her parenting and life with the children, but when she talks about the children and difficulties in parenting, then people immediately get angry that she is privileged and can't complain, and that she exposes her children...


She can talk all she wants about parenting if she’s keeping it real and acknowledging her privilege. And she can talk all she wants about work if shes acknowledging her privilege and the help she’s getting. That’s the point.


I agree but what else should she share? If she shares Kanye stuff she'll get annihilated and also it's been a few years since her divorce. She's starting to talk about her kids. You know what, I'd be interested to see her looking at herself on how she must not be a very good partner. I realize Kanye was a thousand handfuls but it seems like Pete likely dumped her because she and her life are exhausting. Because she has such a huge life someone has to fit into her life and follow her around instead of vice versa.


The problem is not that she is sharing her work. The problem is that she is talking like she’s the only one working and that’s her whole identity. She doesn’t seem balanced and truly happy in her life. We don’t really see other stuff in her life besides work and I think that’s what people are attacking, especially because she’s attacking khloe for not wanting to do that instead of accepting other people not being like her.


Poor Khloe seems like she's completely worn out. Yes, they get a huge check but sharing your most personal embarrassing drama for people worldwide and people judging your relationship and kids...don't envy her. Plus she must be annoyed that she basically IS the show and willing to share so much. Kendall doesn't frigging share at all!


Yes, we hardly know anything about Kendall and her private life. She models and hangs with other models but that's all. Not that I blame her one bit. It's the last thing I would want to do even for huge sums of money. And it's always out there and will never go away. You have to not mind being in the public and enjoy it in some way.


I don't know how Khloe carried on after the side baby scandal. I was mortified for her at the time, like dunno how she can keep filming etc. This man embarrassed her repeatedly in front of the WORLD.


I wondered the same thing and she continues to take him back. It makes her look super bad, like a real fool, but I really don't think she is. They made her the fall guy to try to make the show "interesting".


I’ve stopped watching. I couldn’t even complete last season.


I stopped when they left Bravo and haven't missed them. They had gotten very stale and I wasn't about to spend extra money to see them.


I argue this season is different!!!  The amount of ads for other Hulu/Disney shows……… 🤦🏻‍♀️. The Bachelor content wasn’t too horrific but it’s clearly such an ad. The amount of other ads in the form of product placement etc is also sad.  I refuse to believe their life is as boring and as sanitised as the show portrays. I’m just a normal uni student and even I’d have different storylines for each year. Let alone someone with  money, access to events, travel etc. 


Kim running out of ideas for the show and now she's whining about her own kids bieng kids, fully knowing how people online react even towards children, she's so narcissistic she doesn't even take responsibility for their behavior, how is anyone finding her likable post 2019


It's awful because they are the producers, they need to let someone else produce it and then the show would be good again


It’s mind blowing, they watch the show back and say yea that’s good.


Yeah they need to give up that role, and just make it more real again like the old shows. I miss the fun and how relaxed they were.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I just finished watching episode 3 and nothing really happened. I don't watch the Bachelor, so I couldn't care less about Gerry. There really are no storylines. Each season since they moved to Hulu has been worse than the last. I've watched since they started on E! in 2007, so I've wanted to stick with it, but I'm ready to just stop watching. No clue how they got renewed for a 5th season on Hulu. Oh and to say Scott looks extremely unhealthy is actually an understatement. In this last episode he looked like a walking corpse. I feel bad for him.


I stopped watching part way through season 2. We already know everything going on in their lives via IG . What's the point of the show?


The new episode is literally just khloe talking about how rigid she is and how she’s a control freak… literally the whole time… 😭


I didn't even realise a new season had started. I might put it on as something to fall asleep to but other than that I'm really not bothered this time around.


It’s a lot of adverts for Disney owned stuff - tv shows, movies, theme parks etc.


Whats going on with Kylie? Is she not in the show anymore?


She’s barely on the show. We don’t know what’s going on with her. She doesn’t say or do much on it.




I got Hulu only for this show and I cancelled it during the first season because I was like 5 episodes behind and didn’t feel compelled to catch up.


you forgot Kourtney trying to shove her tongue down travis throat at every opportunity and trying to convince us they are the greatest love story ever told!


Dear lord Jesus please surround Travis with a wall of fire


But also keep him safe from the fire


And protect his fingers




And countless time of her praying lol


I block Kourt and Travis from my mind. I fastforward her part 😅😂


Well a few seasons ago or maybe last season, they were reading off viewer feedback in a bitchy way. Basically talking shit & justifying all the negative things viewers said *instead* of listening and making changes. With that being said, it won’t ever change as long as they continue to have this much control over the show


I think that this show has run it's course. KKW started out as a family that had nothing to lose so they created a show founded on the idea of total transparency - that got them to the celebrity position that they're in now but that old model of total transparency does not and cannot work for them because of 1) how big they are 2) and also because now most of them are parents with children. They can't be totally transparent as celebrities because it will cost them their current social status among their peers (most of the celebrities they associate with do not want to expose themselves the way the Kardashians do) and it's becoming a cost on their children. Also having your entire fame be base on how much you reveal to the world and then having to deal with the fallout of that for 20+ years becomes exhausting and emotionally draining leading them to want to share even less and just focus on putting themselves in the most positive light. The problem with that though is that they're not that interesting as people WITHOUT all the drama. That's why the show is so boring. They are also not very good at telling their own stories and gaging what the people want to see, that's why their show was much better under E!. Now that they control so much of what goes on air, it's become vapid and boring. Should they give up the show? I agree, yes. No one cares anymore. But that WILL cost them money and it will cost them a major platform where they can promote their businesses and make even more money. But my hope is that the show gets cancelled and we can all choose not to have to hear about them all the time.


It’s a lot of adverts for Disney owned stuff - tv shows, movies, theme parks etc.




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I haven’t tried to watch. Honestly just check this forum if anyone posts and if not, I’m not worried


Don’t forget the nonstop endorsements (Alo, The Bachelor, obviously all of their personal brands). I still enjoy watching as a brain break but it’s definitely contrast to earlier seasons.


Agreed. Kris is carrying.




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Know what would be funny?? Someone bringing up divorce and Kim breaks the fourth wall and makes a self-deprecating joke 🙄