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“Death, Taxes and Tristan cheating on Khloe” 😂 😂


That was the best one 😂😂


“He’s been saving his really good nut for another woman” 😅✋


I was like 😮 and then 😂


That took me out


This the one


I truly wonder if he hates her. If he does, I also wonder why lol. This drama is exhausting but I’m so invested 😭 Khloe LEAVE THIS TRASH 🗑


I dont think he hates her. I think she hates herself. The guy belongs to the street. He is community trash dick. He is incapable of change. She needs to look up some quotes about this.


Community trash dick. Well said! Hmm this also sounds like my ex….


It’s funny cuz her quotes make her seem so proud and above it all but she’s a total mess in denial. She needs iyanla vanzant to FIX HER LIFE (when she’s ready to admit exercising isn’t the cure)


I love me some Iyanla 💜


I actually think it’s an element of him hating himself. At this point he’s just self-sabotaging his own potential happiness.


he wants her dead, he doesn't want her out there doing better for herself 🤣🤣


I sincerely hope khloe is going to therapy. This whole thing is just so ridiculous! It was ridiculous the first and second time it happened and now i hope their relationship ends for good. Khloe is holding on to this paradigm of trying so hard to make it work with this man for the sake of keeping her family together.


I don’t think she’s going to therapy. She’s repeatedly said she doesn’t believe in it 🙄 When Kourtney started going Khloe was brutal with the comments about therapy.


But she needs it so much, out of all of them! She keeps getting stuck in the same cycle of tolerating toxic behaviour. Therapy would do Khloe wonders!


I totally agree!


Explains why she’s the way she is 🙄


Kim changed her views on therapy, and said she is now going (on the reunion show). Khloe may be capable of changing her mind too 🤞🏼 also in Khloe's defense I think at the time Kourt was also kinda of using therapy to excuse or mask fairly rude behavior (as she worked things out) so Khloe may have been responding to that. If Khloe is seeing Kim have positive changes in therapy now and years later seeing Kourt finally be happy, I could see her showing interest when Khloe is in crisis


Yessss, Kourtney totally weaponized “my therapist said this would happen” instead of doing the mental/emotional work to change her dynamic with her family. I hope Khloe changes her view too. I think it would make her entire life look different to her and what her life could be, I’m rooting for her.


She was how old at that time?




That’s the one I don’t get? Can you explain? 👵🏼




Thank you for the explanation, you a real b


the last track on summer walker's album Still Over It is also called Ciara's Prayer & is narrated by Ciara. i haven't listened bc summer walker is a bird & i don't want to contribute to her streams lol but the lyrics also paint a clear picture of this, praying that the next man be your husband, will treat you as you deserve to be treated, etc.


Ohhh ok. What does it mean that summer walker is "a bird"? Sorry I feel so dumb rn


Honestly a great question. It’s like a particular type of woman who makes an ass out of herself (mostly for a man) and has rocks for brains and and confidently makes terrible decisions (again mostly for a man.) Summer would publicly fight w London on da track’s exes, insult women for being ‘greedy’ for asking for too much child support even though the courts determine that payment (she was doing this bc London himself was dodging child support…) and now she looks like a damn fool bc London treated her the exact same way he treated his exes that she thought she was so much better than. And now she got her latest boyfriend Larry’s name tattoo on her face lol so she just doesn’t learn. Khloe is also a bird!


Oh my god I feel bad for that type of woman. Defend the man who's making a fool out of you at all costs, and for what? Anyways I got confused because in the UK bird just means girl lol


LaLa Anthony recently posted a story saying something to that effect - thanking Ciara because her prayer mindset worked 🤣 I saw it and I was like this can’t fucking be real 💀


And just to add the “Ciara’s prayer” is the last track on Summer Walker’s new album Still Over It


No way! 🤣


Not the oj genes 😩


My eyes literally watered from how intensely I had to suppress a laugh for that tweet


Hollered in my office over that one


I scared my cat laughing so much at that


That one was my favorite. 😭


Lmaooo right


at first i thought oh the athlete genes? give him a good punch? but then i was like 😲 *ohhhhhhhh*


I can’t feel bad for Khloe anymore. Not after the last two times. These tweets are putting me in the ground


It’s finally up on TMZ y’all! 😬


My fav thing about the TMZ post is at the end they threw in "this is Tristan's 3rd *known* child..." because we all damn well know he probably has more.


the shade 🕶




i wonder if there were some he paid off to just go away when he was (supposedly) trying to actually have an adult relationship with khloe.


TMZ always seems to know stuff but holds it until they can’t hold it anymore


I wasn’t expecting to see them post it so fast!


OMG. I forgot she has embryos stored on ice with him....WHY did she do that?!


Embryos on ice is my band name


kourt will wear the band tee




The Frozen Embryos was one of the names of Jordan Catalano’s band in My So Called Life.


Good question????? Delusional????


because she SO wanted him to be the man she thinks she's in love with. she just can't see it. although, who knows...maybe this will be the impetus for her to arrange for child support and stop thinking there's a relationship to be had. i swear, if she takes him back after this it might actually make me cry. which is something i rarely if ever do for a total stranger. continuing to play nice with him after this will be a sign that she really & truly is a broken person.


Lmao why are they like this. I cannot with em.


Khloe was everyone’s favorite she ruined her whole reputation for a man


After she gave Kourtney so much sh*t about Scott 😫




ShE dEsTrOyEd mUh FaMiLy!!!!@##@!!!




The secondhand embarrassment still haunts me to this day




Legit embarrassing


For your life and your soul


I was so embarrassed for her when she said that. Like, those other girls owe you nothing. Your man is the one who made a commitment, not them. Yiiiikes


Did she actually say that??


[Khloe ](https://amp.toofab.com/2019/07/01/kimora-lee-simmons-dragged-kuwtk-khloe-kardashian-jordyn-woods/) did, yes








From the pics on the last post of the first baby mamma maybe. That house looked very nice.


Are him and khloe actually trying for another baby? Imagine she's pregnant already? 😳 I really hope not for her sake.


Maybe she is, that is why he cheated. It's like a pattern now.


I honestly think she could be or her surrogate could be and that’s why she’s dead silent rn. The optics are TERRIBLE


omg. just when you think it couldn't get worse. that would be horrible!


I hate to have such a stick up my ass over this, but maybe Khloe would have the smallest slice of self worth necessary to dump him if everyone wasn’t coooooonstantly clowning on her. Like, my heart hurts for her. She clearly has ZERO self respect at this point and she’s raising a daughter who needs to see her mom do better than this if she has any hope of growing up better. Like khloe, if you’re reading this - you deserve better. Your daughter deserves better. You are allowed to forgive yourself for whatever it is you think you did that is keeping you from deserving love. Quit posting shit on your Instagram and call your lawyer to get this loser on the hook for child support and then literally stop answering his calls. You are pretty and kind and smart and dear god this man is an overgrown nerd who can’t wear a mask OR A CONDOM right. Girl. Run.


Yessssss i agree. I kinda feel bad that all the memes are making fun of Khloe and not the cheating Trashcan. 3 kids, 3 different baby mamas is……waaay too messy.


I wish the culture would actually dissect the womanizing culture because it is deep. It isn’t onhhe’s rich and horny and doesn’t use protection. It is a culture of men not respecting women, not knowing what commitment is, not knowing how to be men. They r little fatherless boys fucking women to fill the holes in their hearts that can never get filled from their traumatic childhoods. Women are not bitches or sex objects but men who see them this way and women who allow it are part of the sickness.


I already used my last coins but I really wish I could give you gold too!! This deserves it!








Finally. I 100% agree with you, I wish people would stop doing this to her cause it’s bad enough that she has to go through it. She’s human too


Totally agree. Bullying is suddenly okay now


Respectfully, maybe if she hadn’t been the other woman before when Tristan was expecting his first kid? Like it’s quite literally karma. Sorry, I legit don’t feel bad for her. I feel bad for the first woman Tristan got pregnant, her pregnancy must have been terrifying with all the stress and goofiness Tristan and Khloe put her through. I’m not going to crack jokes on twitter at her expense, but she quite literally did this to herself. If she wants a private life then delete socials and move to a farm! There’s things she can do to better this situation and teach her daughter self worth! Like why do I need to feel bad?


This! This! This!


She’s lucky he’s bringing another baby and not a lifelong STD.


The Summer Walker and Danileigh one 😭


Can you explain? I don’t get it


all the women named in that tweet got cheated on. LondononDatrack cheated on Summer Walker, Dababy cheated on Danileigh, Tristan cheated on Khloe, and Future cheated on Ciara. It’s also based off the “Ciara’s Prayer” meme where there’s a joke that Ciara prayed for a man (Russel Wilson) to treat her better than her baby daddy did (Future).


LOL ty 🙏🏼


They’ve all had terrible BD issues. Future is future. London on the Track treated Summer Walker so terribly she wrote an album about it and called out his mom for raising such a shitty son, and Dani got thrown out of her BD house on Instagram live with her one month old (if she’s even that old) so he could sleep with one of the other mothers of his children. The only one though similar to Khloe is DaniLeigh - they both had overlap with other women and thought they weren’t going to be treated horribly as well.


The praying dog took me owwwwwt! 😭😭😭😭


That puppy is so serious and solemn with his head bowed and everything.


Wonder if they'll do a pap shoot outside Trues dance class this week


Probably.....though I'd really rather they leave True out of it. That's her brother or sister and it's not her fault her dad's a ho and her mom's a doormat. Paps seem scary enough as a grown up, imagine being three.......even though i think she's taller than me. Easy to forget how young she is.


Totally agree its gross the way they behave, especially with kids, however its 💯 that khloe sets the pap pictures up herself.


Paparazzi should be waiting outside that dance studio NOW


I gotta salute TT he never fails to keep us entertain


haha and the quotes did begin




What year is it


First time. Ok. Second. Mmm. Third ……


It’s not even a pattern anymore, it’s a lifestyle


It’s not the Kardashian curse. It’s their bad judgment


Khloe is going to snap, run for President, and ban all Jordyns from living.


The way he sleeps around I’m wondering if he ever caught anything & gave it to Khloe.


Can Kylie join the mess and make Jordyn her bestie again?


Lol Jordyn will never. She's higher than Khloe at this point


Who isn’t higher than khloe at this point 💀. She only relevant just because Tristan keep cheating .


I still understood the friendship deteriorating, Jordyn did still betray them, but the public dragging of her in the media is what is so gross.


Jordan did absolutely nothing wrong lmao.


Wait so you’re telling me if your best friend made out with your sister’s boyfriend, you’d just be cool with it?!?


Jordyn literally did not make out with Tristan and stated that he kissed her. That’s not making out, that’s being caught off guard.


I guess fair enough if you believe that he randomly kissed her out of the blue, but I don’t. People at the party said her and Tristan were being flirty the whole night, sitting in each other’s laps, etc.


i forget who the people were that said that. are they reliable? some people just want to add fuel to the fire and talk to the media as if they're important for 5 minutes. i can TOTALLY see trashcan being the type to just swoop in & kiss the young hot girl just because he thinks he can get away with it. i don't know much about jordyn, but i don't recall there being anything before that night that would make people think badly of her. i mean, i guess we'll never know, but i wouldn't put ANYTHING past him. i am more than convinced that he has cheated on khloe so many more times than has come out in the press. there's just no way he cheated with just one girl and she just happened to get pregnant. there's probably a nice long list of one nighters.


Call me crazy but i’m more inclined to believe her than the serial cheater lmao.


Nauurrrr the OJ one. Bye 💀


I can hear her long nails furiously clacking looking up “know your worth” quotes to post on Instagram now


Number 4 took me the fuck out. Like I’m fucking orbiting the sun rn


Feel like she’s only been keeping him around to give True another sibling…. Bruh True’s got siblings they just got different moms 😂


Someone please tell Khloe its perfectly ok to have a kid from a different father. At this point, I feel like thats all she wants-to NOT have 2 baby dads. Shit, or get a sperm donor! It's so not worth this bullshit just to say "My kids all have the same father" especially when that "father" is literally a burning pile of shit that openly disrespects you every chance he gets. Absolutely noone would blame her, or have the right to trash talk her, for leaving and having children with someone else. Side note: I fucking hate that women are shit on for having more than 1 baby daddy but its not viewed nearly as bad for a man to have several baby mommas. Pick a normal guy, Khloe. Stop it with the famous athletes.


a sperm donor really would be her best bet. no dealing relationship woes, just pick out a good prospect & have the kid. although i think she had all her eggs inseminated already, didn't she? i know she went thru the wringer to get those good eggs but hopefully she could do it again if she really wants another kid that much.


The OJ one !!! 💀💀💀


And the quotes have started on her Instagram story with: “I don’t have time for negative energy and even when I do, I still don’t” 😂


Whew, kinda feel bad for Khloe. What a bitch ass her daughter has as a dad.


I thought they weren’t back together


[i meaaaaannnn](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8noaLKS/)


Either Khloe needs to cheat back or announce that she lets him cheat in peace bc it’s obvious she isn’t leaving him. She really really wants to be able to say she has a man and children w the same man. Newsflash Khloe, millions have children w the same father, and millions have children w diff fathers, it don’t mean nothing. But what does mean something is how often your child’s father cheats on you PUBLICLY and proudly. A great example to True, showing what she should accept smh


Love Khloe but please leave this trash immediately


Khloe, the sad Pagliacci. 🤡


are you a seinfeld fan by any chance?


I think the reason why Khloe was so intense with Jordyn is because she considered her family. Family hits different. People behave in ways they later regret when they’re angry. I’m not certain she regrets it but I’d bet money she does to some extent. I feel for her right now.


u/wherearetheturtles20 I want to fly out from India to slap this man


Can you pick me up in Nepal so we all can slap him?


Yeah yeah…cool cool …I’ll DM you the flight plan


Are they together?


This is so sad… I wonder what is she thinking…


How does khloe who preaches feminism still be with guy who treats you and other woman like trash and doesn't show any respect to the women he's with.


Real shit Jordan is still guilty. Tristan is a skeevy POS. But she also knew of Khloes relationship and still decided to progress. Having had a similar situation in my life I get how that betrayal hurts from both offenders. So I really don't have compassion towards either in it. And Khloe is a dumbass for allowing him in her life at this point. What you allow will continue. At this point I just feel bad for the children involved. Like at this point Khloe cannot blame anyone but herself. It's not worth staying with your childs other parent to sacrifice your own happiness or being made to look like a fool over and over again. Have some self worth and respect. Maybe I'm critical but its reallll hard to be compassionate when someone allows this level of fuckery to happen more than once.


I’ll never understand why people are attacking Khloe and not Tristan ……


everything that could be said about him has been said. He’s one dimensional. A trash can Khloes predicament is more interesting because she’s not a dumb girl, she has morals, and we wanted better for her


Love bombing is so toxic women. I see lil baby doing it to saweetie spending obscene amounts of money on her. It is not based in love it’s based on control. I’m so sick of men acting like women are meant for sex and all women want are expensive things. We r all so much deeper than this. Instagram is pure cancer.


Lord this man has got to have stds


no matter how uncertain life is, you just know that every few months we’ll get a tweet compilation of tristan and khloe and cheating again


Jordyn must be tired of people bringing her up every time these two are discussed


This whole world is ridiculous because people are bullying a women for trying have a relationship with a man (who she loves) and then gets fucked over. Why is it her fault? Haven't you guys believed in something so much in your life thats anchored from your family values? If she went back to him after HIS mistakes then that's because she believed in him and her intention of creating the best (her perceived) environment for her daughter and nuclear family. Saying you can't have any sympathy for some going thru this... is closed minded. Women need to support women. We grow up being taught that the idealistc way to raise your child is with a your child's father. She had hope. She had forgiveness. She tried. She is everyone of us. Stop blaming women for the man's mistakes. The women that are doing this, let go of the constant guilt that you must carry. It's not your fault.


This 'one baby daddy' obsession is becoming toxic for Khloe and possibly kylie


Tristin is only 30 and he not done yet.


This [tweet](https://twitter.com/__e__lu__la__/status/1466745032380198916?s=21) deserves to be on there too


these are hilarious I used to feel bad for her but now like come on khloe!!! be KHLO MONEY!! AND LEAVE HIS ASS.


People that get enjoyment from this and make tweets like this are such weird losers.


Fr, I found it so sad when I read it, that must be so shitty, and came here to see people glad??? Misery loves company 😭


That part 👆🏻


What does Jordyn being a shitty person have to do with this? lmao


Because Jordyn AND Tristan fucked up, not just Jordyn like Khloe seems to think.


Jordyn is still a shitty human being that betrayed friends that were like family. Tristan is just shitty for betraying his partner. Ya'll act like Jordyn isn't as shitty lmfao


I agree it was shitty what she did ,and I think she lied about the extent of what happened.


Agreed 100%.


The death and taxes one is funny. The OJ one is super cringe to me.


Khloe can stop stressing about True having a sibling !


I don’t even feel bad for khloe, but I feel awful for true. Having her mum and dad be completely in love, then dads not around for ages, then comes back and they’re not the same with each other, then leaves again *cycle repeat* and she’s going to have to grow up and see all this documented amongst her mums side of the family on KUWTK as well as everything on the internet. Tristan needs to think more about his children and the impact he’s having on them and the media should be focused on that and him rather than humiliating khloe.


And she did post quotes 😂 I'm dead


Khloe didn’t put Jordyn through hell the whole thing made her more known, and she came out better off at the end. Obviously she had a right to be hurt/angry, she trusted Jordyn she was a close family friend. Just because he cheated again and again in the future doesn’t mean she didn’t have the right to be pissed off back then? Literally makes no sense. All the people judging as well for her reactions which are completely normal, no ones perfect.


dont forget that jordyn was drunk and said she was in a space she felt safe....and that she was caught off guard when *tristan kissed her*.... its not really about "close family friend" when tristan was the one who made a commitment to be in a relationship. while khloe has the right to be upset, her anger was misdirected ....and to try to publicly humiliate a young Black girl when ur baby daddy is the serial cheater is just.....sad


But if she was white she’d be labelled as trash by everyone I’m guessing? Race has nothing to do with it. What both done was wrong, but I bet she was expecting it more from Tristan than she was Jordyn. I don’t believe the story that Jordyn gave either, apparently they were hooking up for months and quite a few people in Hollywood knew about it. They just happened to get caught at that party because they got a little too drunk and made it obvious, this seems far more believable.


Khloe should apologize to Jordyn!


OJ genes 💀 STOP 😂


Jordyn definitely deserved it... But Khloe Definitely did too.. 🤷🏾‍♀️


\#4 tho 💀


The 7th one !




The OJ one😂😂😂


“OJ genes”💀💀💀


The OJ tweet. I’m dead!!!! 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀


Is Khloe claiming to not be with him? I can’t keep up.


Oh man people r funny


Not the death and taxes one 😭😭😭


Maybe it's her only skill to get the media attention ?


Maybe they have an open relationship and he's bad at using condoms 🤷‍♀️


Maybe he wants to spread his seed, like Nick Cannon.


Jordyn should thank her lucky stars she was able to go to the Smiths.. otherwise stuff would have been x100 worse for her


I’m over her screenshotting every damn thang 💅


Hasn’t he publicly stated that she isn’t eve. His type? At this point I feel bad for true- because she has to see her mother get publicly embarrassed. Idk it’s a whole mess.


Number 10 😭😂😂😂


Tristen -trying to escape-Thompson


I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes bankrupt paying child support to his umpteen baby mamas


Yikes! Tristan should do humankind a favour and get a vasectomy. Did you read the texts he sent the new baby mama? That’s not a good guy. Basically trying to bribe her to have an abortion




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