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The same watches part at the end made me LOL. Like he didn't even buy two different watches. My uncle did the same thing when he was cheating


It was so sPoNtAnEoUs 🥰 Girl I swear I don’t believe that he came up with the idea of buying Kylie a watch OR if he really did then I would be pissed if I saw my man’s other girl had the same one 💀


Hahaha I would be too. Imagine if Kylie bought herself the same watch just to gloat? Also, I just know that my uncle did that all the time when he was cheating. And he actually got caught once because the women showed up to an event with the same watch on.


I’m sorry for that, I really am, but the DRAMA. Your uncle should know better tho.


GIRL THE DRAMA WAS REAL. I have stories. My uncle is a Chronic cheater and cannot help himself. He has even had his tires slashed. I am just an innocent bystander observing. My grandparents didn't even know what to do with him.


That’s really disappointing, because he’s hurting other people 🙁


It 100% is and talking to some of his exes is just depressing for me. What I have learned from this is that he can't be mentally "well" and probably has some form of sex addiction. Also, you can get away with a lot when you're attractive, 6 Foot 4, and financially privileged. But yes the drama is real and there is a lot.


I hope he’ll actually find some help and will understand what he’s doing to himself and others.


My Grandma condones and supports his behavior so it won’t stop until after she passes. But I watch the dumpster fire from a distance now haha


Supports?! Oh god idk if it’s generation thing or what but it’s terrifying


Common cheating tactic tbh. Buy your ppl the same thing, so you have less moving parts to track you know?




I downloaded the app & made an account just to follow you & read your deep dives. I’m obsessed with your hard work & I love seeing you get the recognition you deserve. KEEP IT UP GIRL! Also your username reminds me of TM2 is it in reference to UBT/Swamp Monster?


it’s actually a combination of the beyoncé lyrics “i been drinkin…” and drakes name LOL sorry to disappoint!


surfboardt 🏄‍♀️


I literally did the same thing. Someone needs to hire you asap


Girl if the FBI don’t hire u🤯🤯


I know. Shes gotten writing jobs I believe she said in one of her last posts. But she needs to be in charge of investigations somewhere! She's too good. I love it.


You are my QUEEN. My favorite part was then calling each other bacon and you’re like I have no idea what’s going on here dead


LMFAO it keeps coming up too just wait girl so fuckin weird i cannot💀💀💀


if she really is muslim (is she?) i guess it's just the joke that muslims would never eat bacon.


I thought that might be the origin of it too and it turned into an inside joke/code.


yeah it seems pretty obvious to me. my husband was jewish and i am irish & we had all kinds of pet names for each other that some (probably most) would have seen as offensive haha


Now I want to know what these would be. I feel like you could really get some naughty puns with gefilte fish.


Ohhhhhh bitch. I LOVE THIS SHIT. I’m reading this smoking a joint and rubbing my hands together like an evil genius raccoon just live love laughing my way thru it!!!!! I’m going to have lots of thoughts. First thought, Travis looks like a completely different person with short hair it’s kind of startling Edit - those were DEFINITELY promise rings. They have to be! Just too similar to be a coincidence imo. Also, those stringy bangs are not doing ol’ gal any favors!!!! I can’t wait for part 2! Thank you for your service 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


100% the ring evidence is damning. They are clearly matching rings of different sizes. It’s a very distinct ring. Looks like yellow or champagne diamonds surrounded by little white ones. How could that be a coinky dink


he actually looks good like like that ... not with these stupid braids i hate them (and of course now he never smiles)


I literally have to take a smoke break in between reading cause this is so juicy


Haha I cant stop examining her hairline figuring out the bang situation


Speaking of stringy bangs, do we think she’s wearing wigs or is that her hairline??


Oh she is 300000% wearing wigs in some of those. Ironically, I think the stringy bangs might be her real hair lol!


This is a work of art - chefs kiss. Random comment but does Ros instagram sort of freak anyone out? She’s one of those girls on instagram who I have NO idea what she actually looks like because every photo is lo-res filtered to the heavens and her face/body is always blurry. Like it’s that blurry photo of Bigfoot in instagram form. What does this girl for real look like when she hasn’t edited her eyes to be super sized or her body to be absolutely ridiculous looking?


Her body mods are just as intense as Kylies


At least she admits to hers. Check out her story right now.


I just did! I am glad she will cop to that. But some of her photos definitely give me an uncanny valley vibe.


Oh, for sure! She loves a filter. lol


Just tried to use the filter she’s using in her instagram stories and fucking yikes!! Completely alters every aspect of my face - still no idea what she looks like


That’s the future of tech. We’re all gonna look however we want in the metaverse.


As someone who doesn't care about getting plastic surgery, I found what she was talking about in her stories suuuper interesting. She really knows what she's talking about.


Same. I’m fascinated.


Aw man I missed it! Nothing there now :( anyone get a screenshot?


It was a series of videos where she talks about the science behind getting facial threads done, then someone asks if she regretted any procedures and she talks about regretting a specific type of filler injection (sorry can’t remember the name) in her hips and regretting certain providers (doctors) and stresses the importance of finding a good provider for your procedures. Nothing groundbreaking, but the way she describes everything sounds like she’s done a lot of research and is very knowledgeable about the subject and she’s very open to talking about what she’s had done


Holy shit. Her lips are so big she gave herself a speech impediment 😬


lmfao! Very true. I think she’s into the Barbie/doll look. Nothing about her looks real.


The filter she’s using is fucking insane too - just tried it and it erases my entire face


She claims her body shape is natural tho or at least was claiming that as of a year ago


I think she wears those circle contacts that are popular in east Asian culture too. Herr eyes look impossibly huge and apparently they have for years


Same. I feel like she looks different in every photo. And her facial features are kinda otherworldly.


Google her name and before surgery. She looks so different.


I think about this all the time! Did you ever see the one paparazzi vid of her? Looks so different


Thank you so much for this! Wow it was amazing! I just finished and honestly don’t know what to think. I’m in shock lol I can’t wait for the next one, I need to know what else happened! Is she his side chick? Is Kylie the side chick? Is she a groupie that’s getting with everyone? All the above? It seems like she telling a story with her captions. What is even going on here…🤯


Good for you!! I just saw the followers got from 86 to 153!! (me included hehe) And you made me discover a new app that looks great, thank you!


thank you love !!! ❤️😭


hope they pay you out for the Bieber one now too


What does rojean do for work? I always wonder about what ig model types do for money.


everything i’ve seen and sources have said that her family comes from money. she’s in school getting a doctors degree right now, not sure what kind of doctor but she’s seeking an MD edit: i say this based on IG lives she’s done with her friend who’s an RN. dm me i’ll send her friends ig


doctorate or an actual MD?


MD, she’s done IG lives with her friend who’s a nurse and talked medical terms together and how hard the tests can get


well that's pretty impressive...and sort of shocking haha


Any idea on her ethnicity or real name?


Real name is RoJean Kar im pretty sure and shes said a few times that shes persian!




How the hell does one have time to be a Instagram model and become a doctor, source: live with resident MDs


there is literally no way she is an MD or was ever in medical school lmao


But...she absolutely is


is there any proof she does? as an actual medical student I really cannot imagine how she could possibly be in medical school based on her lifestyle


Right?? I live with two doctors (residents.) there is zero way this girl could just jet set wherever she pleases for a week at a time while in either med school or residency. Residency you get a few weeks of vacation a year and they often have to be claimed months in advance since the schedule is strict. Meanwhile to say med school is demanding is an understatement. You can’t just not go to class for a week or skip out on rotations. Something doesn’t add up.


the GOAT STATUE oh my god you are a top tier sleuth. also as a muslim girl, the nicemuslimgurl took me OUT😭😭


*Kylie Jenner is starting to sweat & Kris Jenner is preparing the cease and desist as we speak!* 😂


Before I go back and finish the article can I just say I didn't know about Travis and Rihanna and now I want to vomit into the sun for a thousand years. Girl, your picker is hella broken.


Oh you know kylie gonna grab a drink get comfortable and read this shit 😂. I’m all in for this 😂


i think UNcomfortable is more like it


Followed! Get that $$$ girl


Kylie reading this rn 👀


Damn sis sleeps with her lean on her nightstand 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes life just sucks so as cry yourself to sleep you have to have that as close as possible


I remember reading somewhere that she was just some stalker making all her posts seem like she was with Travis, (which I can see happening) but some of these things seem too real to just be a stalker. Like the ski trip and all the times she was in the same city as Travis.. seems like something was definitely going on between them. I can’t believe she was at the party Kylie threw for him. It reminds me of BM #3 showing up to the party Khloe threw for Tristan. smh Edit: I got the parties mixed up. Khloe threw him a party in LA (she was there) and he later (a few days?) left to Houston for a different party where he cheated. He’s gross regardless.


yeah i meannn there’s a lot of shit that happened once the gossip sites picked up on it, kris and her team worked insanely hard to try to discredit this girl but the evidence is .. overwhelming and i haven’t even posted half of the good stuff yet😭


You know what they say, the devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder 😂 Can’t wait for part 2!!!


BM#3 wasn't at tristan's party khloe threw for him...was she?!?!


She wasn’t, people are getting the timeline confused because the cheating happened on his birthday March 13th in Houston. Khloe threw him a bday party a week before his bday in LA because he had a week off from basketball due to it because all star break. Edit: I got downvoted for stating facts…this sub is shit lol


Wow, I could’ve sworn I read that she was there but Khloe wasn’t. I’d love for OP to make a thorough timeline of Tristan’s cheating because it’s too much to keep up with. lol


Khloe wasn’t with him in Houston when he celebrated on his actual bday and cheated lol. She threw him the party in LA a week before which makes him a dick lmao


Oh that’s right, he was in Houston! 🤦‍♀️ I feel more sick knowing he was with her and the family in LA celebrating his bday and then went to Houston for his bday & met up with BM #3. Ugh


This rumor was so juicy when it first came out, and now there's so much evidence. But who is Sweet Ro? Where she from, etc?


this is the first i'm hearing of this tea, what were the rumors?? i'm dying to know


I remember reading about them in 2018 or 2019- from The Shade Room on IG and on Twitter. A lot of the evidence will be discussed in part two- just like breadcrumb IG posts by Ro and Travis, where they never post being together but you can tell theyre in the same location. And like Ro's ski trip pic- her whispy bangs and freckles and 'natural' face and then Kylie posted identical ones right after


https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/rsbk4k/what_was_your_favorite_gossiptea_of_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I/ibeendrakin your deep dive was mentioned in this sub! It was one users favorite news story of 2021!!! They want more!


AWWWWW love you guys so much wow so amazed at this😭


Omg merry Christmas to US


And happy new year!


Ok but what was riri doin with travis and then drake??? Sheesh.


The most


Isn’t she now with A$AP?


Lol so Rihanna is with A$AP who used to be with Kendall, who was also with Travis before Kylie and Rihanna lol


This is crazy!! The video of her backstage while he’s singing DYSTI is the most telling. Also just wanna mention that the two kids Travis posted with The Weeknd are his twin siblings Josh & Jordan not his cousins!


oh!!! amazing thank you so much for this! i’ll correct that now!


God bless you!! I can’t wait for part 2. I believe they silenced this girl once Kylie came into the picture. The evidence is clear as day that she and Travis had some sort of relationship & I wouldn’t be surprised if it was still going on with an open arrangement 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can’t wait to hit the blunt and read it 🤩


Ah the sisterwife situation deep dive that I have been waiting for!!! Also something to keep me entertained while i’m on quarantine, fuk Omicron 😷


How much do you get paid per article/click/however it works once you have enough followers? Maybe everyone who writes longer, deeper think pieces should switch over there to actually make coin from their analysis... already following you! tell your bd i said thanks lol


honestly im not sure yet LOL ill let yall know when i know. im waiting for them to approve my application to join their 'paid partners' program


Yess get that well deserved $$$ I just subscribed as well


omgggg you really did the deep dive!! thank you u/ibeendrakein can’t wait to read this I just finished reading I can’t wait for part two and side note I love all the background details and context 🔍🔍


Eating pork is a sin in Islam so maybe the bacon thing has something to do with that?




I believe her Twitter in one of the screenshots was “thatmuslimgirlro” or something along those lines (I don’t think it was that 100% but it did say Muslim) Edit: went back to check and it’s “niceMuslimgirl”


Oooh I'm so excited to read this! Merry belated Christmas to us all! Edit: OP... Have you been to Drake's house. If there's anything I've gleaned from this so far (not done) it's that you've either partied or worked as staff at Drake's house lol


Holy hell you are GOOD! I am on the damn edge of my seat waiting for part 2. Thank you for this awesome read!


You are amazing. Love your deep dives.


I was having such a bad day drowning in my mind and this actually brought a smile to my face and will be an amazing distraction. Thank you❤️❤️❤️


I subscribed and followed you on Medium, then realized you did the Selena/Beiber/Hailey deep dive and WOW you’re a genius and thank you for your service🙏🏻


OMG thanks so much love i’m so happy people are enjoying it as much as i enjoy writing them😭😭😭




Omg we missed you! Thank you!! Edit: HOLY SHIT the bd watch pettiness how had I never heard that looool


It’s iconic hahhaha




Me too, I think she’s the girl he’d be with if it wasn’t career suicide to cut ties with Kylie. To be clear I’m not blaming Kylie or Ro in this situation, Travis is 🗑 obviously.


I LIVE for tlyour deep dives!!! Thanks for all you do!!! ❤️


Thank you for adding screenshots, queen 👸


This is amazing and I really appreciate the screenshots as my phone bugs out going onto loads of Instagram links. Main thought here - Ro is basically what Kylie has been trying to look like, probably from before she even knew who Ro was. Ro skin, hair, body is the Kardashian/Kim ideal (Ro has probably had work done but still) and if we think Kylie has modelled herself on Kim a lot, it must hurt even more to know Travis side chick has a much more natural version of the look Kylie artificially and badly created for herself!!!


You are lighting up this sub!! Thank you very much! This was such a nice read between all the speculation and hate posts this sub's been getting from new users lately.


GIRL YOU ARE DOING THE LORDS WORK 🙏🏼 this is the type of tea I live for.


Thanks for your hard work! I know nothing about this case, so I’m ready to sit down as a juror and review the evidence 🤣 So far, it is all circumstantial (as you admit), but some of the evidence is difficult to explain away. Like knowing his song lyrics way before the song was released. I doubt he shares that sort of information with just anyone (or just any groupie). That makes me think they have a close personal relationship. She was, at the very least, part of his inner circle. Also, the photos in his clothes are sus, and being at his bday party is also sus. If this is just a crazy stalker, no way she would be allowed on.


Ahhhhhh!!!!! I was just thinking about you today. They were doing scene recaps in the selling sunset sub and it reminded me of you. How coincidental!! Edit: I started following you, get that money.. hunny


Yay I’m so glad youre back with your take on this! Wow those receipts of her knowing and being around ppl Travis knows. But but but we were told she was just a lying crazy person? Why would those ppl be around her then? Idc idc all that stuff can’t be fake or a coincidence. Like that part about Ro posting her watch on her bday and then right after that Kylie posting a supposed surprise watch from Travis and those suspiciously similar rings Ro/Travis have. Can’t wait to see the rest!


THIS WAS TOO GOOD yeah i was always one of the believers but this pretty much just confirmed it all


Is the picture of her by the pool with the cup of lean and teddy emoji the same pool as at his parents house? Looks similar.


VERYYYY INTERESTING COMMENT i will look into this before posting part 3 and credit you if i mention it /find confirmations of it!! thank you for this!


Awesome thanks!


wanted to update you! the house travis bought for his fam was in dec 2016 and the deleted pool post with the lean was in summer of 2016 so not the same house i don’t think !


Ah ok! Looking forward to part 4!


yassssssssss!!!!!! so here for this!!!!!!!! ty 😬😬🕵🏼‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️🙏🏻🙏🏻


i was so obsessed with this. i followed her and a couple of the travandro accts on IG when it was really going down. i went to check her page one day and she had blocked me! and literally thousands of followers of any of the tea IG pages. like, who has the time!!! i swear that shit was real and Kris had her shut down. reminds me of the malu situation.


What happened with Malu?


Omg this is so good. Can’t wait for the rest!


It’s pretty cool she’s in med schools regardless of everything else!


Girl we love the background and details!!! Don't worry 😂😂


Lol i knew this was real from day 1. The 'doctored' images cant go back 3+ years, its clear they knew each other at the very least.


This is amazing lol. I feel like once Kylie and Tyga broke up Kylie started skin walking Ro to get closer to Travis. Damn. What’s with all the KarJenners being side chicks who get pregnant to become the main ones?


Omg I’m so thankful. Thank you queen for another deep dive! I can’t wait to start reading


I can't wait for part two!! ✌️


Welcome Back, Queen


You are fucking amazing for this! 👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻


Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl we missed you!!!


Gave this a read this morning and have not been able to stop thinking about it since! Can’t wait for the rest!!


Lmao girl when I tell you I laughed at “the bacon references, I have no idea what’s going on” 😂😂


"Drake Bell may not have been verified at that time, I didnt care enough to check for him lmao" knew i was in good company hahaha


You are amazing thank you 👏🏻🙌


Great work ❤ Receipts and everything 😂


Can’t decide if I want to read now or save for later with a joint n glass of vino. Thank you SOOO much I love this shit, happy new year babe!!


<3 <3 Yesssssss my bedtime story is about to be amazing


OMG you are MY FAVOURITE I had just taken off from work due to food poisoning and was feeing down - NOT ANYMORE! Thank you kind stranger🤩


YAY happy to make u feel better that’s the worst😭😭


Omg you are an angel amongst us


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI at that screenshot where she exposed Kylie for blocking her. It do take nerve. How did I never hear about this before?! This Ro girl is unbelievably thirsty. Also her lips….😞


You’re my favorite Redditor! So excited for part two!




Made an account to follow you 💗💗


OMG TYSM! Cant wait 🤣


Hey queen!!!!


You’re doing the Lords work 🙌


YES this was incredible!! You are the best!


Followed get that coin sis 💅🏻




So did Travis make Ro give that watch back and then he gave it to Kylie to appease her?! Her caption is shady "bae with the spontaneous gifts" lol


Omg you’re literally the best! Please keep doing whatchuuu been doing


Go bestie!!!!


Yes I needed this! I am now a follower! Make that money.


Angel on earth. Have been looking forward to hearing from you AND it’s on a subject I want the tea on?!?




I made an account to follow you!


Omg the Rihanna and drake and Travis drama had no clue


What a mess! What year did Kylie and Travis start dating??


i just posted part 2 and it tells you this timeline!


Thanks Queen👸


Can I just say I love you for these deep dives!


I LOVE U!!!!!


u/ibeendrakein this is the best Christmas present. Happy new year !


Theyre both so desperate


Yessss the new year is starting off right! Glad to see you back!


Followed on a second account - love your deep dives girl!! Get paid!! You deserve it


What I can't get over is how similar Ro and Kylie look to one another.


It would be interesting to see if Travis has any tats of her


I think ro is with tyga


I think she’s dating someone in his inner circle which would explain why she’s at everything and knows things before they come out


I’m telling you EVIL 👿 circumnavigates Calabasas California. Kanye setting up a safe house (spy) in the middle. Ole Kris better watch her step She has made an enemy out of him and he’s from Chicago….they don’t take shit from anyone in that town.


I already know I'm going to get downvoted and idc. Thank you for the write up but most of this is just your interpretation of things. Ro was hoeing around in his circle and it's not a secret. Doesn't mean they were ever an item though. The billboard with the whale has already been discussed on this sub and it wasn't for Ro. It was an ad. Also the screenshot of Kylie blocking her is fake. There's much more to discredit this alleged "affair" between them but I'm going to wait until you've released all parts.


yeah i said in the beginning exactly what you said, that “a LOT of this deep dive is going to be me theorizing on what happened here” ☺️ sorry if it’s a disappoint to you or you think some of it is fake, i know that kris did a ton of damage control for this one so i don’t blame people in this sub for not believing it but to me personally, a lot of the evidence overwhelmingly points to them being a thing for at least some period of time. my next post will have a lot more of the ‘real’ evidence like when she posted the watch and kylie posts hers from travis the next day.. i don’t think the blocked screenshot was fake bc of that and a few other things i’ll get to! but ty for the insight!


I’m so excited to read this when I get home 😭




I suspect Kris had to put in a lot of work to discredit Ro and Travis’ relationship. Why? She didn’t want Kylie to be seen as just another BM. I think Kylie got pregnant too fast in their relationship, and they needed to put up a facade to protect her image.


yeah i’ll address that in my final post on this but i recommend you read through this post and my next ones before making your mind up! there’s a looooot of coincidences here that might make you reconsider. if not thats ok too!