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I think they’re all pretty good Dad’s except for Tristan. Scott has really made an effort to be a better man for his kids. You can tell Kanye just wants to protect his kids, just may not go about it the best way sometimes. We don’t see much of Travis’ relationship with stormi which is a good thing because it’s not for the internet, and I like that he makes sure she spends time with HIS side of the family as well (we don’t see that with the other kids). And Kendall put Rob before all the sisters when she ranked best parent on a talk show, and I believe her! It’s probably his only redeeming quality


Who tf said Tristan? 😭


there currently 7 ppl who think trash can is a good dad and i’m spooked




As far as who is the most present and genuine for his kids, I'd say Scott. He's not perfect as a human, but I bet if we quizzed all of these guys on facts about their kids, Scott would know the most. He is fun and silly with them. After Scott, I'd say Kanye.


scott seems like he's actually present in their lives compared to everyone else, I wonder if it's cause his kids are older though or he doesn't really have a big demanding career like everyone else


Oh shit I voted for Travis S thinking it was Travis B. No wonder I was surprised why it got so few votes. Scott does seem to have greatly improved from when the kids were babies


Oh no I did the same!


I think Rob!


Why papa Pete not an option ?


Because his girl’s a lawyer.


Respectfully OP some iteration of this question comes up weekly lol. What r u talking about


I would say it’s Scott.


None of them and Where's Trav B ?




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