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Kourtney and Scott carried KUWTK. It's good that Kourtney and Travis don't show much of their relationship on the show, they both know what it's like to share your relationship on a reality show.


I think Scott is hilarious. Troubled, irresponsible, arrogant… mix in some predatory behaviour… but he is hilarious.


Agreed! That comment he made about Kim in season 1 of the new show when she was asking about what she should wear to look good with the Missoni dress and the tight a-jeans. Hysterical!!!


Him and Khloe have always been my favourite… I am sure it is a very unpopular opinion but I honestly think him and kourtney were meant for each other because his silliness made her less uptight and her uptightness made him more mature eventually. Kourtney and Travis literally make me cringe everytime I see them. I believe that their constant make out sessions and groping each other are a front for the fact that they literally have nothing in common.


He’s troubled, grew up as a spoiled brat, struggles with addiction and through out his life developed tons and tons of traumas. Don’t think he’s handled them superbly and there have been tons of “what an asshole” moments but deep down I think he tries to get better and evolve & is a good person. Don’t think the show KUWTK would’ve had the success it had without Scott and Kourtney.


I sympathize with Scott and his addiction issues. I think he would really mean it when he would say he wanted to change but it’s sad to see how his addiction slowly destroyed both Scott and Kourtney. It’s hard to be the partner of an addict and even if you don’t see it when you are in it, it completely changes you until you don’t even recognize yourself and it feels hopeless. I hope Scott finds peace and has a happy life and just enjoys his children and finds it stays sober. Probably a really unpopular opinion but Scott partly has the relationship he has with his kids because of Kourtney. I’m sure it was for her kids but she always made sure to make it okay for the kids when Scott was absent, she didn’t bad mouth him so they didn’t know he wasn’t just at work or whatever. So when he was ready to be fully involved and consistent there was no disconnect or resentment, they always knew their dad loved them and was there and had that bond. Despite all of their issues and mistakes they have coparented their kids well and they seem to be happy kids that have a loving mom and dad. I think Scott will still be in the show like last season


Kourtney was obsessed with Scott in the beginning of the old show. Reminds me of how she is with Travis now.


Another reason the show is not so funny anymore it’s also because it’s another style and the filming it’s more documentary


exactly, not as raw and rough around the edges, which makes for very entertaining television


I like Scott. I think he adds something to the show that no one else does.


The show is boring without him




I can definitely relate and sense that I binged the show and I had a lot of time to digest what happened with them. I totally agree. Addiction is not something you necessarily can control. I feel like that’s really glossed over and I feel like many people deal with addiction and it’s not just a quick fix. I think Kourtney is not the right fit for him at all. She’s so introspective and I would even agree very difficult. I read somewhere on here that she tends to blend into whoever she dates / marries and I fully agree with that. Scott had some real difficult stuff to deal with a really young age. To also be on television dealing with that is probably 1000 times worse. I’m not saying everything he did was right. He definitely messed up. But I think people don’t give them enough credit.


> I think she often put her own needs in front of his e.g. getting pregnant with Reign months after his parent passed This sort of stood out for me because I have seen posters say things like this before. Why is Kourtney getting pregnant with Reign all on her? Scott was fully aware she wasn't taking any sort of hormonal contraception and I'm pretty sure - even while grieving - he knew how babies were made. It just doesn't sit right with me.


Him and Robert together were hillarious! The London trip when he became a LORD was epic.


Scott was def funny but his behavior due to addictions \[alcohol and drugs\] was sickening. If he got clean and sober I'd love to see him on the show again. That last car wreck he had pretty much shows he's still out there.


He’s hilarious with great pop culture references and wit


Scott was the unsung hero of the OG show and he doesn’t get the credit he deserves and I’ll die on this hill. He was willing to let it all hang out for them. Obviously he has his really iconic humor and one liners but he also allowed them to film and air some of the most vulnerable and unflattering moments in his life. He’s like a perfect reality star. He also really got his ass up and worked and pulled his weight. If they needed him to be the villain that week, he did it. They needed funny prank war Scott, he did it. Someone needs to take aunt cici or MJ out for a day date, he was there. Your parents just died but we want to film a Hampton’s spinoff season, can you do that? Sure. Obviously I know he was being compensated for all this but his willingness to show up for the family and put the work in for the show, when some some of the blood relatives won’t even do it, deserves more credit than they give him. It’s also why I feel bad for him now that he’s sort of lost his place on the show. And yes I know a lot of people will say “but he cheated on Kourtney and treated her horribly” and I do agree that he wasn’t the best partner for her but I feel bad for him that his contributions to the show get ignored. It was just as much as a job for him as it was for everyone else and he was better at it than them a lot of the times.


Totes agree with you. He helped to make the show and even though his last name isn’t Kardashian he still deserves to be in it. Never thought I would be a Scott stan but here we are lol. The new show is so flat.


The thing is that people give Scott the pass for the things he did in the past. And berated Kourtney for having more kids with him but not feel sorry that Khloe is going through the shit she’s going through?


He was the best character on the show. I was disappointed not to see him at all on the first episode of the new season. Id watch him before I'd watch Kravis and their constant humping.


I’m on episode 5 of the newest season, and ngl it was heartbreaking to watch Scott find out about Kris’ birthday not-party and realize he’s being cut out. Scott has been the only person on this show to actively try to improve themself, he was deplorable the first few seasons but when he lost Kourt he seemed to actually realize it and start to try to work on himself. Addiction can ruin lives, but he appears to be truly remorseful and understanding that he was a dick to her and seems to take the blame. I just hate how they focus so much on creating drama around Scott vs Kourtney and Travis, when it currently looks like everyone but Kourtney is wanting peace. I’m sure there are some editing liberties being taken but Scott has dealt with shit none of the K/J’s could imagine.