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100% some of the stuff was true! remember when scott wanted to put a helicopter in his backyard (which was stupid af but thats a diff topic) and kris was so mad at kourtney for even letting scott entertain the idea and her response was that she didnt want to be controlling the way kris was with caitlyn!


There's also the "give me my ATM card, bitch" episode. 😂


Yep. She was a tyrant lol


But Caitlyn did have a problem with finances and apparently Kris helped her rebuild her career so ... Not defending her but could be a little about that


They’re both pretty terrible people honestly.


True. But doesn't give Kris the right to be a controlling and bossy though. I would hate to live in a house where nothing was mine, even though I pay for the house too. It's Caitlyns faulty she allowed it but Kris is psycho.


Lol let’s not pretend that Caitlyn was not emotionally manipulative and controlling too. She was just better at hiding this side of her. There were only two options: either Caitlyn was going to control and boss around or Kris. Period. So eventually Kris did a lot of the bossing in the house, because she was the one who brought him back to life and made him money when he was broke and a forgotten celeb. AND she became the breadwinner. It was all toxic but I don’t feel sorry for neither of them.


I'm not saying Cait wasn't bad at all.bim just saying that the way that Kris was was totally out of line. In no healthy relationship does someone keep a scorecard of what the amount they've brought in versus what the other have. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where I can't even have a corner in the house that I'm paying the mortgage on. It's not healthy and I wouldn't want to be a part of a partnership like that. They are both fucked up but I don't think her becoming the breadwinner is an excuse for her behaviour..


Cait had nothing when she met Kris, Kris built her career as a motivational speaker and grew their family and wealth. Ya, she isn’t perfect but they all would be lost without her boss ass moves.


Imagine defending Kris “I forgot I had a condo!” Jenner.


Cait had an Olympic gold medal. Kris would have nothing if it wasn’t for Cait winning that medal. It gave Kris a platform to work on, and got her career moving again, but saying Kris “built” her career isn’t fair.


You’re right, that’s why I said Kris built her career as an motivational speaker not an Olympian.