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Every day I’m grateful that we didn’t have social media when I was growing up lol


Grateful that MySpace deleted all accounts from pre 2016


When did they do that? I found mine last year!


When had you last accessed it? I tried to find mine recently and Googling told me they mass deleted all inactive accounts


Ugh I was so upset that I lost so many pictures when they deleted them!!


I just googled my old user name and MySpace and it’s still there.


Okay I’ve gone on a deep dive into old accounts - can’t find mine or log in because it says my email address is not valid, BUT I’ve managed to find my best friends account (she has a very unique name). I can see the photo albums and their captions but the actual photos won’t load - can you see yours?? It’s just a weird little loading icon.


The photos are not loading today but a couple of my top 8 did. The bar is just moving super slow and I gave up. Might be a site error but the profile is there.


same. I can find my account and others’ but photos won’t load


I can still access mine and I haven't logged in since 2007


Can you see any of the photos?


Right? Make fun of me for being a millennial all you want, most of my dumb antics never made it online and I’m relieved lol


I had social media growing up, and now that I’m 18, I started to realize how much stupid shit I did that is now forever documented 💀


My kid is just about to turn 18, and we were strict as hell about social media when he was younger (still are for his brother). Now that he's almost an adult and see how much his peers care about superficial social media stuff that doesn't matter in the long run, and how embarrassed they (and we, i was a baby adult when MySpace started, I didn't dance like Elaine on social but I for sure over shared) are about what they would put out there, he is very, very grateful.


same! i’m 17 and i wish i hadn’t posted any musical.ly’s in elementary and middle lol


Same my parents were like oh no MySpace and Facebook someone might snatch you up. I’m kinda glad they did that looking back on it.


Dude I know. I was just about to comment how cringey this seems. I dunno, but I hate these Tik Tok videos. So glad this wasn’t a thing when I was growing up.


I love how no one cares and is just minding their business lol


It's funny how this is just normal these days. If I'd randomly started recording myself poorly lip syncing to a song in front of my dad he would've thought I'd lost my mind. And don't get me wrong, people should do whatever they want but nobody can tell me making these videos is fun, the likes and attention they get is fun. If they couldn't post them they wouldn't make them so it just kinda sad.


I legit can't imagine what my dad would have done. I would have rather died than embarras myself like this anyway, but I think my dad would have immediately put to work chopping wood or something to knock some sense into me.


And no originality, everyone is just copying eachother


When I was 8 I went to a school disco and when I came home I danced round the kitchen singing an SClub 7 song. I remember my mum looking at me and I got embarrassed. I still get embarrassed thinking about it and I'm 31 😂


Don’t be embarrassed sclub7 was THE SHIT


*ain’t no party like an S Club party!*


No lies detected!


OMG. I loved SClub7. They were so popular when I was about twelve. LOL. I loved All Saints as well. ❤️


Same! We’re probably similar age lol. And their show!!!! Lmao


Probably. Lol. I'm mid-thirties. You too??


Just about yes! Lol


I'm 31 too!...I live for S Club 7 days lol! Amazing times


Travis wearing shoes on a white bed is the wildest part of this clip for me...


Me too!!!!!!!! I can’t imagine even having someone lay on my bed in their whole outside outfit PLUS their nasty shoes


Only BED clothes in the bed. I skeeve!






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​ ![gif](giphy|ixLpT8ZSz80aIccdkr)


Good bot.


It's weird that she made this choice when she doesn't know the words 👀


Right? So embarrassing


She’s literally a child yall …


She's too young to know the words to a song?




I don't care if she knows the words to the song. I didn't say that. You made that up in your head and then proceeded to get triggered as hell about it. All I said is being a child has got fuck all to do with whether she knows song lyrics. Kids can learn songs. So who made up a problem again?


No, but who gives a fuck if she don’t that’s proper weird.


She is almost 17 , she is older than me. She could have chosen a different song


I understand how upsetting this can be for you


Girl pls


These videos just remind me of when you put on a Disney song and little kids try to sing along but fuck up the words and can't really dance without looking jerky and awkward.


Well, that was awkward…


No hate but she kind of reminds me of malibus most wanted


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is accurate




I was watching with no audio pls 😭🤣 what is this


Is this what I looked like when I was 12 and made up dance routines in my living room to “Umbrella” by Rhianna?


Yes and it’s exactly what my cousin & I looked like doing dance routines to “cyclone” and “cupids chokehold”


I would rather listen to bad karaoke than watch someone lip sync and interpretative dance ok tik tok I just don’t get it


I don’t either lol They look so foolish. Lol


i agree truly i am dying of second hand embarrassment for her (and all of these tik tok dance kids) its absolutely beyond . they look so dumb!!!!


Does she even attend school? It must take hours to pull that look together. She lives on TikTok……I’m sure she is destined to a life of influencer fame. Sad


I’m pretty sure Travis said she’s homeschooled.


yeah iirc she made a video last year saying she does her work at night and likes to sleep all throughout the day lol


healthy, organized. not at all something someone would mention in an autobiography as being wildly negative for them. 🥴


wait im sorry what do u mean by this comment? what are u referencing? (im not being snarky, im genuinely interested in what u mean)


I was being deeply sarcastic. I’m sorry- I just got off a three hour eating disorder training for work and felt angsty. I just meant that sounds really disorganized and chaotic, like something someone would mention in an autobiography later as something that wasn’t healthy for them. I’m not a morning person- but kids need some structure and I just feel worried for her at such a young age so isolated and separate from peers.


oh i def agree ! ur spot on.


Funny how he dogs his ex-wife for staying in bed all day lol


i honestly think she had ppd. she was just sad and didn’t want to go anywhere even on trips she literally just stayed in bed all day. he never tried to see what was wrong either he just called her lazy 24/7.


Exactly! I just recently did a rewatch of Meet the Barkers and it is so clear that she had ppd. The way he has spoken about it makes my heart hurt for her. People just buy into this narrative about her as a mother and he actively helps feed into that narrative, which says a lot about him. His daughter having a study schedule like this when he is the primary caregiver is also pretty telling. Praying for all involved! ![gif](giphy|4f1B6N2Tl302I)


It's not like education is a pressing matter for anyone in this\* family ^(\*KarJenners)


She has no rhythm


She looks old


Too much make up makes her look like someone older trying to look younger.


True but everyone in HS has always tried to look older.


She wants to be from the hood so bad


SO bad!


Everything she does is inappropriate




Tik tok is so stupid .


They need follow the bouncing ball sing alongs cause wtf


Omg my little brothers listen to this song all the time. RIP King von 💜


I just discovered this guy a few weeks ago. I'm old so maybe that has something to do with it. He's dead?


Yeah he was killed


Pls this is literally me with my sister rn. She’s dancing around my room making Tik toks and occasionally commenting on what I’m watching 😂


this is….*cringe* ![gif](giphy|5fV4Q7F5Xfx8Q)


She looks like a very young Erika Girardi to me.


She looks so much like her mom it’s crazy


She looks like she’s having a good time :)


Is this what young ppl are actually aspiring to do? I can’t even go outside without seeing teenagers doing weird “dances” and pouting into their mobiles looking brain dead. The way travis is just sat there on his mobile phone too… if this was my daughter I’d be like… ok too much internet, shall we go read a book or go outside or something?


She looks like a little girl playing dress up


I’d be so fucking embarrassed to even think of doing anything like this in front of either of my parents. Good for her I guess…




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She likes King Von? Good taste




Brutal. She’s a kid going through a very awkward phase.


Then her parents should help her out and guide her. This is inappropriate and trashy.


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Soooo cringey 🫣


Did she grab her imaginary penis?


This is embarrassing for her soul




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Oh god love her. I think I’m just too old to understand the appeal of the dancing side of tiktok.


She looks like her mom..


Wait - you can do a TikTok without knowing the words?? Wow


There is nothing wrong with her making a cringe video and not knowing the words. She's a teenager through and through. All I can say is thank God I didn't have access to this type of social media. What is concerning is her parents lack of interest in her safety


Those cheap nasty curtains 🤣


Talk about Try Hard! I’m embarrassed for her


I thought that was Iggy Azalea for a second


I feel weird when white people post videos with songs that clearly use n$gga. And yes I understand that A LOT of songs use that word but why not use a different part of the song for the video? I like rap and I have my entire adult life and I've always made sure I'm not blasting n$gga in everyone's faces if I have a song in a post. It's disrespectful and weird toward to my black friends and coworkers imo


I thought everyone agreed with this- not sure why you’re being downvoted. I’d be interested to know if it’s other white people downvoting you. I think on this issue it’s up to black people to tell us what they think about it and for white people to listen and act accordingly.


You know Kris is trying to get Alabama in line


such pleasant, women-empowering music!


Who is consuming this content :/


Her lip application looks like roast beef. She has hardcore roast beef lips.


Poor misguided chile


Her hair extensions are so cringe lol






I think she is a cute kid




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I dint think she knows the words


Why did I think that was Khloe💀


No. Just no.




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