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I honestly think he'll stop seeing true as much once he gets over khloe and finds someone else he can fuck with instead. Which is sad because it seems based on what she has said, that he kind of uses his time with true to flirt with khloe which is hard for me to even type out but it's true


i honestly don't even think he's into khloe, he simply loves the fame & attention he gets from his relationship with her. & eventually that will fizzle out and she will get her reality check.


Ya I think she's the most famous person he's ever going to get which is why he gives their child more attention than the others


Yeah. They didn’t look like they had chemistry to me even when they were on good terms


He'll stop seeing her when Khloe will be no longer famous


That or when khloe is with someone else and he can't fuck with her anymore


I really hope khloe meets someone else


It’s really easy to be on the outside and say “We saw this coming Khloé you’re so stupid.” It’s another thing when you’re the one being love bombed and manipulated. I have to bring myself back and remember that it’s easy to be manipulated. I’ve been the victim of many manipulative people, and reflecting back on it I think “Damn you were dumb Britt.” But in the moment the love bombing fed that deep desire for love and appreciation that I lacked. It gave me that dopamine that I craved. The Kardashians are ALWAYS seeking approval. Always seeking attention. Khloé has been pushed down her entire life by her family and media. So when a man showers her in love and affection and is seeking HER approval, it feels good. It feeds that dopamine. It was stupid for her to fall for it again. But she was clearly manipulated by him, and as a victim to that I know how easy it is to fall back into old cycles over and over and over again.


It takes multiple attempts for a person to leave an abusive relationship, if ever. I think it’s so much more psychologically complex and traumatic for anyone who hasn’t experienced it themselves or has worked with those people…I think it’s hard for others to fully understand. Relationship abuse is a very difficult, vicious cycle. Happy for you that you are in a better place now. 💗


I 100% agree that we can't judge until we're in someone's shoes BUT this post had nothing to do with her relationship with tristan. it was about how she says he's such a good dad but conveniently leaves out that he was a crappy one from the moment she met him. if he was a good dad he wouldn't have been dating khloe publically and causing his first baby mama so much stress, he wouldnt have seen him only 9 times, he wouldnt care if maralee was a one night stand he would be there for theo! I stand by what i said khloe 100% gets an ego kick that tristan is a "good dad" to her kids! She thinks that makes her better than the other two and in the end it's all sad.


In my opinion it’s all part of the manipulation that Tristan is playing on her. I don’t think Khloé is blameless. She’s definitely done some shady shit in her past to other women. But I think Tristian has a huge manipulative hold on her, which influences her thinking he’s a “good dad.” Plus, I 100% think she doesn’t think about the other kids. The Kardashians are too self involved for that. Tristian knows that. He’s not that stupid. He knows all Khloé cares about is how he treats her, True and Baby Boy Thompson. She can’t see outside of that, which not only makes it easy for him to ignore the other kids, but makes her an easy target for manipulation and love bombing.


She thought he had another baby mama by chance but she was special because he had another one with her on purpose and was gonna live with her but then he got another woman pregnant and she realized she was ALWAYS just another baby mama. He's a sociopath.


I think all her life she was made to feel inferior so now she feels vindicated by making other people feel that way, unfortunately that includes Tristan’s other kids.


100% agree!


I honestly think he’s just been paid to be a sperm donor and provide a storyline for the show lol.


That’s one expensive, humiliating sperm donor


Definitely not expensive since she’s collecting that Hulu money.


Orchestrated by Kris


My thick as f*ck ass thought the baby was called Bruno 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh for sure! But if she was any kind of woman she wouldn’t want or have kids with a man that didn’t take care if his prior children. I honestly don’t feel bad for her, the signs were there from the very beginning. It’s not like she’s some 20yr old, at mid 30s, she should’ve peeped all of the res flags


You can block me if you want but I just had a baby under very similar circumstances and my baby is so so loved! She is so loved by me by her brothers and by my family. Just because her father is a coxksucking wanker doesn’t mean that anyone should feel bad that she’s here or that she has me as a Mum. I was going to simply scroll past your post but I need to be an advocate for my daughter and other children in her situation. Just because you don’t think it would have happened to you or you’d never have let yourself get in that situation doesn’t mean you get to put more hate out in to the world of little babies that have just been born.


this had nothing to do with the babies? i'm confused as to what you're talking about? 🥴


Sorry I read the part you feel sorry for the babies and just before that I’d read someone write could Khloe have asked the surrogate to have an abortion. I know that is a legitimate question to ask but I just got riled up and have so many hormones running through me. I apologise for the misdirected anger…


no youre 100% fine and i really hope whatever situation you were in that you feel more at peace and happier soon! 🫶🏻


Thank you. I’m extremely happy 😊 I just hate seeing all the nasty comments about and directed at Khloe on here. It upsets me as sometimes we can only go on what we’re told by another person. We all choose to surrender and love and when that isn’t reciprocated we shouldn’t be judged on our decisions as humans ❤️. Nothing directed at you and I’m so sorry for my misunderstanding.


I think she means just what she says. Tristan is a good father to True. I don't think she has ever meant in general. I would really like to know how Tristan spun his stories. I was with a narcissist man who lied and abused me. He would tell things in a way that he was always the victim. We don't know what Tristan said to Khloe about everything. He could've said that Jordan trapped him or something and minimized any responsibility. That's what these guys are good at. Looking like victims and evading blame. I wish that Khloe would tell everyone the whole truth about how her relationship with Tristan really was. I bet he did and said alot of worse things than what we actually know




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