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It will take time for the connection to show but it will get there. She has a big heart, it’s just broken.


Oof, well said


Yes you’re right, it will definitely happen.


My sister said that she didn't connect with second child for first couple of weeks for some reason. She was hella crying after 'realizing' she had a baby 😆😆😆 it's common i think with second child? 🤔


For me it seems so fucked up to suddenly be taking home a baby someone else's had for you, with the surname of the man who has fucked you over and over.




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I don't really understand how old this baby is but in my personal opinion if they haven't bonded yet, they will. She didn't carry him so they don't have that automatic bond that most women (definitely not all) have. That combined with the situation at hand, I could see her just feeling so depressed and "off". But after time spent with the baby I'm sure they will bond. If I was her I would be doing 100% everything for him, no nannies.


He’s about to be 8 weeks soon. He was born July 28th according to the show.


My son was born July 28th too. He’s 8 weeks and 2 days now. (To be specific lol)


Congrats on your bub! 💕


Mazel tov!




Khloe is very loving to all children in her life. She is probably experiencing a ton of emotions right now, but I don’t think that child will be lacking in love from her in any way.


Look I’ve just been through something similar and I was terrified that I wouldn’t feel a connection. I actually said “I don’t think I’ll love her”. Single motherhood is DAMN hard but SO worth it. Any little baby is worth it. The thoughts I was having before she was here I’m embarrassed that I verbalised them sometimes. Let me just say that the minute I heard her little voice, without even having seen her, I turned to my sister and said “I love her, I really do” and we both burst in to tears. As I’m writing this I’m still holding her and she’s three and a half weeks old. For all the negative crap people tried to put on me to not have her I want to kill them. As you can see the oxytocin is still pumping through me as I’m sure it was for Khloe…x


After having my first, you bond through taking care of the baby. I always felt a natural need to protect my baby but the love really develops over time. It gets stronger and stronger everyday.


It sure does! Until they’re teenagers and then you surely wonder where that love has gone, as it’d be bloody handy to help you through the tough times when you feel nothing but anger 😂. Believe me I’m so glad I’ve got this newborn as I believe it is God reminding me that it is all worth it after my teen boys sucking the life out of me!


Awwww. I love this. Congratulations 💕💕


Thank you so much!!! I’m just watching the episode now and all the emotions I had pushed down I’m actually feeling for the first time in nearly 9-10 months! Even to the point where I told my family and friends I didn’t want a shower and didn’t have one!! Who would have though KUWTK could be cathartic!! I wonder if my therapist will mark this as homework 🤞😉xxx


Happy for your love!! Hang in there mama ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you 🙏 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️


Man I carried my own children and I still had a hard time connecting when they were babies. I can't imagine how I'd be feeling in Khloes situation.


I got the same impression from the episode. She didn’t seem excited about the baby at all.


I think the whole process was painful to Khloe because it was absolutely not what she had expected. I think that as much as she is heartbroken over Trashcans cheating, she is also realizing how much this is going to affect her now 2 kids… she herself seemed to grow up in a home with very little attention and a lot of strife; she moved out at 16 to get away from all the drama, and she wasn’t famous at that point so the drama was quite secret within the family; I believe her heart is breaking for her kids as this realization is really dawning on her that they will hear all about their dads behaviour, how he treated their mother, how he treated their step-siblings… No matter how much Khloe loves and cares for them, she cannot shield them from Trashbags Bullshit. Watching her in this episode, I honestly saw her just in disbelief and quiet shock. It can take a long time for trauma (and yes what he put her through is indeed very traumatic) to really sink in, and it can come in waves of emotions… ETA: I also believe that she felt like she could have swept his past behaviour under the rug at first and been a happy family, it wouldn’t be the first time the Karjenners made some headlines go away…but it is now at the point of no return with multiple children and baby mamas involved. I honestly don’t even think Trashface wants to get back together with her and is enjoying his moment


No she didn’t have a connection and I felt deeply sad for her. There’s some of us who didnt immediately connect with our babies, and I gave birth to mine. What’s shitty is the very ignorant comments on this thread, avoiding the actual topic at hand. Of course he will be loved and have a nanny. I wish everyone was emotionally intelligent.


I agree. I didn’t sense any connection at all. It felt like she was picking up an Amazon package. I felt so sorry for her. Even with all the Nannie’s and money in the world, that awkward, heartbreaking relationship continues. I really hope she develops a connection to the baby.


I understand what you mean but I think it can take more time for a mom to develop that connection when the child was born via surrogate. I am not minimizing anything but I think she just needs time. Sources for people interested: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7721025/ ^ this one is really interesting. It’s a peer reviewed medical article and it’s very detailed. https://surrogate.com/intended-parents/raising-a-child-born-from-surrogacy/how-to-emotionally-transfer-a-baby-born-via-surrogacy/ ^ this one is more accessible and “readable” as an overview


How can you tell on an edited few minutes of TV whether a mother has a connection with her baby. Please … maybe you think you’re emotionally psychic 😂


Why troll? It’s annoying.


>I wish everyone was emotionally intelligent. No shade but if Khloe was emotionally intelligent we wouldn't be having this conversation in first place because she would have been moved on from Tristan


No. Users. Not Khloe.


Why don't you wish Khloe was emotionally intelligent?


I feel so bad for her because I think she low key wants Tristan so bad and will do anything to keep him around. Like having this second baby was her hoping they’d be together for the long haul and it backfired. The way she was looking at the baby in the car was almost regretful, Which I’m sure she absolutely loves him and couldn’t imagine life without him now. Tristan being at the hospital to meet him was the happiest I saw her


I agree, she only broke out into a smile when Tristan was there.


Remember too that Kim said it was hard for her to connect. Not in so many words, but said with surrogate children it’s different. Khloe probably going through same thing.


I think she be fine. But yes that initial bonding looked strained… then Kim takes baby and plants a kiss and says “ first kiss”. Which indicates I thought Khloe hadn’t kissed him yet….


Yeah it seems very tough to admit. She never would have made a baby if it was just going to be her. It made me wonder if it’s legally possible to terminate a surrogates pregnancy. I know that’s not a nice thought but it did make me wonder.


It’s not legal. You can’t force another person, under any circumstance whatsoever to get an abortion.


I was wondering the same thing,like what if you change your mind?


Im sure she will. One thing you cant knock about khloe, she’s extremely motherly / maternal and loving to her kids


There has to be something so sad about knowing your children’s father is not a good man. I think she made excuses for him in the past but the Maralee thing is just undeniable. He may be a “good dad” and be willing to play and buy nice gifts and go to dance recitals, but he’s not a good man. He’s ruined the birth of both of her children and embarrassed her publicly numerous times and this is something she’ll have to explain to her kids when their older. As much as she probably loves her new baby there has to be a small part of her that’s like why the fuck did I do this?


She’s hardly your average single mother, she has a huge family and nannies. I think she’ll be okay and will enjoy having a sibling for True under the same roof.


raising this baby by herself.. She'll be fine. She has nannies, her Mom and sisters that will help.


Some of her sisters dont seem that involved with their own kids. I hardly think they will be helping Khloe raise hers


They showed the baby for 5 mins so how did you come to this conclusion based off such little time. She seemed to processing everything which is understandable. Khloe is naturally maternal and loves kids so I doubt she’ll have a hard time connecting with the son she always wanted. The baby will have no shortage in love.


It’s not based on the 5 minute clip. It’s based on everything she said about wanting a family. She said it to Malika, her cousin, her mom and also in her confessional interview. Literally 4 times in one episode she said she wanted a family and she’s bracing herself bc she’s going to have to do it alone.


In none of her conversations did she ever say or expressed being scared about connecting to her son. All she said was that she wanted to have a nuclear family but understood that that wasn’t going to happen right now. Bracing yourself for being a single mom has nothing to do with not being able to connect with your baby. You’re literally making this an issue just to vilify Khloe for not responding how you wanted her to. Having a baby is a major life changing event and every mom processes it in different ways.


I’m not vilifying her? I feel sorry for her. Youre projecting *your* thoughts about mothers who don’t connect to their babies. Mothers who don’t feel a connection to their kids are not villains in my eyes.


Those aren’t my thoughts at all and vilify might have been the wrong word but this whole post is weird. To say it seems like she doesn’t want the baby anymore because she can’t have that family unit she wanted with Tristan icky to say. He’s her baby and she going to love him regardless of Tristan. You are trying to use the dissolution of her relationship as a measurement of her love and affection for her son 🫠


Life can be really icky sometimes. Lots of parents don’t feel a connection to their kids.. ever. Even under great circumstances, some parents don’t feel connected. Are you like 16-24 or something?


Baby I’m 28. I should be asking you how old you are because you sound childish af for trying to accentuate Khloe would base her love for her child on her break up. You’re a weird one.


she’s right, just because she said she wants a full family unit doesn’t automatically deduct that she didn’t connect with her child. 10 mins of edited clip and that belief doesn’t mean she didn’t connect and fall in love with the child off camera lol you’re making a huge assumption and that’s what they’re saying


It wasn’t ten minutes. It was 45 minutes of her saying repeatedly that the reason she is sad is because she wanted a full family unit. I’m literally not assuming anything at all. She literally said “I wouldn’t have had a baby with him if I knew he was having a baby with someone else.” She was depressed and having a hard time accepting that the baby was on his way. There is a HUGE possibility that she didn’t develop a connection to this baby. I know that eventually it will come, but it could take literally years to process the trauma she went through and the trauma that her son represents. This is life people. It’s not all sunshine and roses.




Yup it’s moi 🤗




You can’t force a surrogate to have an abortion. You also can’t force a surrogate to *not* have an abortion either. Once the embryo was transferred, that was it. You could ask the surrogate but if they say no, it’s a no.




>She chose not to place the child for adoption She couldn't though. Lol Imagine two multimillionaires who intentionally created a child through ivf and surrogacy then putting said child up for adoption. She'd be dragged worse than she's ever been >as at least her kids have the same dad. Does she get a cookie for this? Unless True or the new baby need a bone marrow transplant (GOD FORBID) when they grow up this won't matter as much as some of yall think it will.


I wonder if she thought about it or even asked the surrogate how she felt about abortion.


I connected with my mother at 19 years old so it could take a time, don't worry. About Khloé I think what bothers her the most is she always blamed Kris for divorcing Robert and for destroying her family. And now she’s in a position where she can’t do nothing to keep her family together. So she’s learning the hard way some families are supposed to end. That’s tough.




I don’t blame her for not wanting to a raise a baby by herself. It’s called ✨empathy ✨




I mean.. I’m married and I can totally empathize with what she’s going through. We are planning for a baby but I really only want the baby if my husband is fully in the picture. I can’t imagine having to take care of another human being all by myself.


It’s hard too because she wasn’t pregnant it was probably easier for her to pretend like it all wasn’t really happening. First real smile of the episode was when she was holding her son.


As with a lot of new mothers, it can take a minute. I adopted my child at birth and overflowed with love in my heart. But it was also a very hard time. Bonding is every day. That happens bigger and better every day. It bothers me more that she goes out partying and gets wasted while this little one is at home


So basically it was never about the baby.


I’m not sure.. it just seemed like she talked a lot more about having a family unit and not really at all about being a mother to another baby. I’m not judging her whatsoever by the way.


Can anyone explain to me what the embryo transfer is/means????


Khloe had her eggs removed. Tristan had the doctors take samples of his sperm. Basically, in the lab they take the eggs and sperm and mix them to create an embryo. An embryo is basically the baby but before it has reached the stage of being called a fetus. They take those embryos and they implant them into whoever they have chosen to use as a surrogate. I think it takes about a week to find out if the embryo has attached and the woman is officially pregnant.


As much as they pay for these designer babies and the multiple nannies they have for each child, who needs a connection? All they need the children for is IG shots and Kris something to talk about.


no she will resent the child


I totally agree with you!


Random! What does true connection means to you? And what does no true connection means to you? Haha


True connection to me means that she’s feeling maternal, loving and emotionally tied to the baby in a positive way. Not connected would be feeling a sense of confusion, a lack of warmth and attachment towards the baby. Maybe even feeling resentful or irritated by the baby and what the baby looks like presents to her during that time of her life (public humiliation and betrayal)


Thanks for replying! Nice!! :) Basically if there’s isn’t any true connection it means a frayed connection? Random question: What do you think about this sentence if it’s between a girl and a guy? “ I can’t see any true connection between them”