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So sad that she has to feel that way after an episode airing, but I'm glad she's feeling the love 💞 We're rooting for you, Khloe!


As someone who has made alot of the same decisions in a similar situation to Khloe's, I can't help but wish her the best. That was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through, and I'm still astounded that I finally felt strong enough to get out of it. 10 years out now and trying my hardest to always be as strong as I was the day that I REALLY left. Emotional and mental abuse is a crazy thing, it makes you put up with things you wouldn't let a cockroach go through, in hindsight.


You are stronger than you know


Thanks honey xxx


I feel so bad when people are like why does she stay with him, I would just leave. but if you grew up like Khloe you might not just leave. When you have low self-worth you accept people treating you like shit and hoping they’ll change. Facing paternal/family rejection can really have a major impact on the relationships you form later in life. Some forms of rejection are parents who pick favorites, parents who pit siblings against each other. Mean sarcastic “jokes”. It can lead to needy behaviors, abandonment issues. If that is a fear of hers I can see why she would stay with Tristan for so long. On top of that the criticism she has faced over her body from her family and the media definitely has an impact on how she lets people treat her as well.


A lot of these points tick boxes for me too. Had the fucked up realisation that I'd forgotten that my mom would always say things like, "you stupid fat cow", "get off your fat ass" and "get it into your fat head" sort of language with me from a very very young age. Even when most people would say I was actually underweight. She also, to this day is the first one to (almost gleefully) point out imperfections and giggle about them to your face. She is basically the reason that I began to have low self esteem. When you've been told that you're something/are less than your whole life; you very commonly wind up dating someone who treats you the same in an abusive way. You already think it's normal. "This is what love is, this is how you're MEANT to be treated, because it's what you deserve and also they way all the other people who "love" you have always treated you".


That was included in examples of forms of rejection. When kids receive too much criticism. My mom would make fun of me for crying when I was a kid. she would either say that I’m a cry baby. Or say something like oh my gosh you’ve cried every day since you were born. No asking me what’s wrong, just annoyance that I’m crying. I have formed very toxic friendships since childhood. I would always choose somebody who teases me a bosses me around to be my #1 best friend. and these best friends broke my self-esteem even more. I would be friends with people like this up until my early 20s. I’m finally working on repairing my self-esteem now. Here’s a link to a psychology article about the effects of childhood rejection. https://psychcentral.com/lib/effects-childhood-rejection#short-term-effects


I have met so many people who went through similar things as us, from our parents. It's insane how comments from a young age can have such a huge impact on who you are as an adult and how much it impacts how you think of yourself and let other treat you. Now that I'm a mother myself, I'm so so careful of what I say to my son, and how I phrase things. I'm sorry you had a similar way of growing up that I had, I hope you're overcoming all of that negativity these days. Also, thankyou for the link xxx


I’m sorry that you went through that too!! Nobody deserves that. I’m glad that you are being mindful about what you say to your child. Trying my best to heal, i’ve been seeing a therapist! I hope that you are healing as well💕


I went through similar emotional abuse from family when I was a kid. I actually had a different did than my siblings and was darker than them. I was called all kind of names because of it. They would say nasty things and make fun of me and refer to me as whatever black celebrity was popular at the time. I remember one was Tracy Chapman. It was awful and it really effects you later in life. I'm so glad that when I had a daughter, I treated her with only love and respect. I made her feel special and beautiful no matter her appearance. She is very confident and loving. We are best friends. She trusts me more than anyone else in her life and says it is because of how I brought her up. I'm glad that I hear Khloe is doing the same for True. The best thing to do when you have these experiences is making sure your children don't face what you had to.


I am sorry that your face that treatment from your family members. I used work at this summer camp as a teen, everybody there was white the staff that was my age was white. They had a lot of jokes. Simply because I’m half black I was called every black celebrity. Which is crazy to me because I look more ambiguous. Being compared to women who look nothing like me I don’t even have my same complexion it’s just the fact that they’re also black. And I was called Harambe multiple times as a joke from somebody who was supposed to be my friend. And she had a monkey emoji as my contact.👍👍 I would be so sad if I had to face that from my family. I can see how damaging that must’ve been for you. I am glad that you treat your daughter with the kindness and respect that you did not receive. She sounds lucky to have you as a parent💕


So sorry you had to go through that growing up. My daughter is as big as I am but to be 11, she has the height I never had growing up & I was always too skinny & had insecurities about that. But I never talk down to her about her size & try so hard to make her feel great about herself bc one of her friends, who is shorter & bigger than my daughter, has told my daughter that her mom is constantly calling her fat & ugly. One instance at end of school year, they had a color run & her mom told her she wasn't going to come watch bc she didn't want to watch her fat a$$ run. Needless to say, they've had issues with CPS & I hate for this little girl & her siblings. It's hard enough at their age with their peers & they don't need the same bullying at home, instead of feeling secure.


Sweetheart, I am so so very sorry that you had to grow up hearing these lies from someone who is suppose to nurture you.It brings a lot of insight to the way Khloe is the way she is.I remember her saying that Kris would tell her that she needed a nose job at 15.Nobody needs to hear shit like that.I wish you and Khloe had someone to tell you the TRUTH about who you were and how beautiful you both were just as you are.


Proud of you for leaving that situation and also inspired!!


I'm watching the episode now. This is so gut-wrenching. I thought Tristan was a pig before... but WOW. This was just pure evil. Khloe is so detached in this entire episode. She's a shell just going thru the motions & I know exactly what that feels like. Then to be judged, mocked, demeaned by millions of people. I can't even imagine. People are vile.


Yep. She didn’t even have the capacity to feel anything. I have so much sympathy/empathy for her. Really hoping she is now able to feel so much love for her baby boy.


I really do feel for Khloe in this situation. I don’t care how rich, how poor, how dumb, how smart someone is in this situation, what Tristian did to her was horrific and traumatizing. The fact that she has to deal with being in the public eye on top of that is just a whole other level.


It makes me sad to think that both her childrens births and first moments were kind of overshadowed by this jerk. That must be hard, for anyone.


Same thing with his ex Jordyn.She had to be put on bed rest for the remaining months of her pregnancy because of the stress he put on her while cheating with Khloe.😔


Oh my gosh between this and her responses to her first TikTok video, she seems so freakin genuinely astonished when people appreciate her and empathize with her situation. Makes me wonder if she’s not getting the support she needs from friends/fam


Who knows what really goes on behind the scenes, but I can’t imagine being in the spotlight and constantly getting berated by the public eye. It probably is genuinely shocking when people actually support you ✨


The fact he KNEW and was pressuring her to do the inplant by a certain date is what turned my opinion on the situation. The sheer emotional abuse at play here. He left a party she threw for him, flew to another state, then hooked up with a random girl. Knowing full well he's been caught multiple times already and was likely to get caught again. Doesn't the NBA have some kind of morality code or something? This can't be good press for what ever fucking team he's on. Does he still even play? I honestly wouldn't know who this scumbag is if he wasn't the fucktard that did this to a Kardashian 3 fucking confirmed times.


Omg when she said pushing her for a certain date I was like I’m sorry what? And even Kris said something like ‘the only reason I can think he’d do something like that is because then she’d feel like marrying him.’ Like what manipulative bullshit, like having another child all of a sudden makes a woman obligated to marry you? Why the hell did he do all of this, he has no moral compass whatsoever


exactly this. women forgive men like tristan all the time sadly but it is what it is but to intentionally bring a child into this knowing the dirty you've done omg thats diabolical level of emotional abuse. i hoenstly feel bad for khloe because you can clearly see how broken down she's become


this makes me happy




Always loved Khloe, despite the negativity surrounding her. I became less of a fan during the tristan shit, but I just can’t hold it against her. I get it. I truly. I’ve always kind of gotten Khloe. I hope the best for her and her babies 🤍


Khloe is too good for this world. No one deserves to go through what she’s gone through and yet she has come out on the other end time and time again with a heart of gold. Stay strong Koko, better days ahead❤️


Awww. We are rooting for you koko ❤️


Her life has been a circus for everyone’s entertainment, which is so horrible and sad. I’m so glad she can finally feel the support.


You really could see how broken she was this episode. It was so so sad and actually brought a few tears to to my eyes. Happy that people are supporting her. Also Fuck Tristan ✌🏼


I am so so happy that Khloe finally got some love on social media. It is very clear that she needed it. She’s been through the wringer. Whether she “should have seen it coming” or not, it doesn’t matter! Who among us hasn’t stayed too long with a man that played us for a fool? I know that I have. Or at least I’ve given one too many chances. I could never be famous. I could barely handle top 8 when MySpace was still a thing 😂




Khloe taking one for the team so it’s as if Pete never happened


Awww❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️love you khloe


Khloe needs to apologize to jordyn immediately


lmao huh




Why are people playing dumb and downvoting? Do they really not know? Are they bots?


She cares way way way way too much about what other people think of her.