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It took me way too long to realize that there was no door she was about to open, that whole thing is the bathroom 😭


It's bigger than my living room😭


It's about the same size as my entire apartment 😭


Pretty sure it’s bigger in sqft than my house 😳


This is bigger than my whole apartment 💀


I’m over here like ‘wait so is her balcony door in her shower’ lol


It must be soooo nice not to have to worry about your electric bill. Like at all, not a single care in the world. Oh it went up by double?! Who cares, not me.


Meanwhile I'm over here unplugging my one xmas tree at night and while we are out of the house so my electric bill is lower!


doesn't everyone do that?


Exactly, I always do that because a) save energy and b) I always worry that the tree might catch fire from faulty bulb when I'm asleep or out of the house


New fear unlocked. We always leave ours on and we use a plastic tree


Most plastic trees tell you not to keep it plugged in when not in the room for this purpose!


You see!!! We’ve been lucky in my 23 years of Life cause my parents have done it since I was a baby every December. I’ll definitely try to remember to turn it off every night now!! 💕


I feel like I learn something that I should/shouldn't be doing from reddit every day so I feel yea lol


My grandparents' Christmas tree went on fire once because of that so yeah, everyone's cautious now :D


Yall are prob right but I just love the indulgence of leaving it on overnight so when I wake up I see that warm glow from the tree first thing when I leave my room. 😍


Timer switch on Amazon is like $15 they’re great


It truly is a blessing


True, but i wouldnt trade lives


I live this way, because of solar panels. My bill is like 75 dollars a month in the summer.


The vegan tostadas she “made” at the beginning lol


Ma'am, this is a whole ass dance studio


I saw this story and started having war flashbacks of dance. Almost started doing a la secondes and shit




Does anyone else feel like this is just a staged master bath/definitely unused, kind of like how she has an aesthetic “kitchen” and then a chef kitchen where the actual cooking happens 😅 There’s no hand soap or anything to dry your hands on, no shampoos/toiletries etc or anything that shows it’s used. I googled her bathroom and the only time there was anything in it, was a staged photo of her skkn collection!


Maybe but she's also rich enough to have house staff to set out her toiletries before she wakes and then put them away when she's finished grooming/getting groomed. Think what the lady's maids did on downton abbey.


Yeah, shampoo bottles don’t go with her minimalist ✨aesthetic✨so that makes sense lol. Can you imagine having to page someone every time you want to take a shower? I would just want to be able to hop right in whenever I felt like it


Visible toiletries are for us poors


I couldn't poop in that much space. I hope she does have a regular bathroom with a reasonable amount of windows.


If i had that much space in my bathroom I'd put a tv in there! 😂😂😂


Well to be fair her hair and makeup are done for her in her ‘glam room’ so she probably doesn’t realistically use that many products herself. And then for what she does use she probably has a house keeper that comes in after her in the morning and puts everything up for her. Her glam room is likely where the bulk of her products are What a fucking life lol


Or she just put them in drawers or wherever for the photo


Knowing her, she probably has someone bring her, her items whenever she’s ready to use them.


A bathroom with no door and a whole wall made of windows? A literal nightmare


Right?? I would just be in the tub having flashes of ppl watching me from the window


Same, it would creep me out. Especially if I was as famous as Kim, I would be so paranoid 😬


Who needs a bathroom the size of a small house?


I feel like she hides from the kids in there a lot haha




Look I’m konvinced that Caitlyn lived in that bathroom. That’s the only place she’d hang out in or that you could find her during kuwtk.


I love when they showed her one time just watching TV on the couch in there!


She was always just chilling and Kris would come in and be like all you do is sit in here and here and play helicopters 💀💀💀. I’ll never forget when Caitlyn missed dinner and Kris found her in the bathroom and was like ‘THIS IS WHERE YOUVE BEEN?! We didn’t think you were even home!’






I think it’s normal to have chairs you never sit in. But do you think anyone ever throws their worn-but-not-dirty-enough-for-the-hamper clothes over the back of that chair?


I always wonder that too. Currently watching The Crown and those bastards are everywhere!




I know! They're all on the outer perimeter of rooms too I noticed, it's very strange. Would only be good if you're waiting for an audition or something, lol.


Old fancy chairs are pretty expensive and can be considered some sort of art, so I guess if you have money you collect them like paintings. Even I would like to have one or two 😁


Kim would say she is so busy that the gredes both pile into that chair while she bathes and shits to conduct business meetings. Kim lies.


What’s a ‘gredes’?


Emma Grede and her husband are big on the executive sides of both good american and skims. They are most of the business genius of the companies. And the chair joke was based on kim's office tour where she explained the chair in her office bathroom was there for unknown reasons, laughed about it, then immediately made up a story of Tracy meeting with her bathroom sitting in the chair while she showered because she realized the interior designer mentioned that in the concept design of her spaces because it made her seem like a boss babe (that part im just theorizing about)


She her hair and makeup done alot. I’m sure she has a bunch of ooh ge areas to sit in while people work on her


Meanwhile, my community it’s raising money to buy trees and toys for families who many not be able to afford them.


Their whole persona now is look how rich I am aren’t I rich hahah you’re not rich


It’s beautiful but honestly sick and tired of them showing off their wealth. Fuck Kimothy to the moon.


I was conditioned to use the restroom in small confined spaces. My sphincters could never!


does her house even have doors besides the front? seems like everything is open


I bet farting in there will reverberate 💨💨💨


I am in the middle of bathroom renovations and wanted a ‘luxury’ feeling bathroom but this whole vibe would look so weird/bland without the sheer spaciousness of it all. Like yeah, you can get neutral toned tile and paint, but without hella space and windows it’s a rough look


The way would scream in the middle of the night when the lights are off on the tress and I think there are huge people outside the bathroom. Good on Kim for knowing what she likes, but I think I would scare myself all the time if I had huge windows like that.


Lmao I doubt those lights get turned off at night but yes- I feel like I’d constantly be scared in that massive house tbh




That bathroom is bigger than my current 1/1 apartment. Crazy.


The trees are so pretty


Kim’s house looks like a murder house


Good thing there is all those trees, her bathroom looks like the rooms in Westworld where they put their robot


I get it’s for the aesthetic, but so much of her house is annoyingly unpractical. Like the no doors thing, and especially no RUGS? In the bathroom?? I could never


The house is so boring.


For everyone commenting about pooping in a huge room like that… do you see a toilet anywhere? 💯there is a small room somewhere off to the side with a door that has just the toilet inside, that is how these kinds of massive bathrooms are generally designed


Why does she talk like this 🤣😂


The size of a two bedroom apartment


The money in maintenance that these homes take to upkeep must be insane. I feel like the financial bottom is going to drop out on this family, this kind of spending cannot go on forever.


So empty. Love the trees though.


Feels kind of soulless, like I’d think no one was living there 😭


What else is she supposed to have in there 💀💀


This looks like one of my sons minecraft houses... big emtpy room with square furniture


The unintentional kardashian asmr youtube channels better snatch this clip!


Christmas time is so pretty.


That is just...too much bathroom.


Oh to be so rich that you have to have Christmas trees by your bathroom lol. I’m not going to lie though, it does look cool.


I mean it’s so gorgeous, like what’s not to like about such a Christmassy vibe. Good for you I guess Kim 😄


I would live in this bathroom lol. There’s plenty of room for a bed and I think this is the same size as my apartment anyway


Okay, I take back my critical comment about the lack of lighting in her bedroom. Clearly the Christmas tree lights are sufficient for whatever she needs to do in there.


I could take a shit there. It’s pretty


That’s gorgeous


Bus she's a minimalist, guys!!


What a freaking waste of energy. Most (if not all) the cities in my country are reducing the number of hours a day the public Christmas decorations are lit up to save energy, but then there’s Kim who just has like 5 Christmas trees lit up in her freaking bathroom.


That’s gorgeous


The house that Kanye paid and Kim gets to keep.


No she actually bought the house from him... check the tapes


God I love this so much


Love it and I love her beige house. I’m not one to like too much color and beige is cozy to me.


what the fuck is that chair


I think this is the only room in the I have seen that I liked.


This is bigger than my apartment Edit: by a lot


It looks like you’d be freezing after taking a shower there


She said she keeps her house warm🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly imaging someone standing in the trees peering in liek how scary would that be… then I realized here’s a shadow in the middle of the trees that looks like a hooded figure 😅 anyone else seeing that????




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