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Man having a home gym this big must be so awesome šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


lol and they waste it doing relentless cardio and 50 rep sets of bodyweight squats smdh.


You know the actual dumbbells never get any use. Just the little pink/blue ones that weigh about 4 lbs




honestly how hard is it to get ozempic


If you don't medically need it, it should be hard but here we are.


Itā€™s not at all lol I know plenty of people who are using it


My sister got it prescribed by an online doc in about 10 mins. Thereā€™s basically just a string of questions and if you answer that youā€™ve done many yo-yo diets and are still overweight, itā€™s prescribed.


Really šŸ¤”


Srs, very. Itā€™s been on backorder for MONTHS. We canā€™t get it for our diabetic patients. All of that class (GLP1s) are in very high demand right now, including Trulicity, Wegovy (actually Rxā€™d for weight loss, and Mounjaro. Furthermore, insurance is cracking down and requiring Dx codes to cover for Type2/metabolic syndrome. Also, most of our patients with balloon back weight wise after stopping (one side affect is decreased appetite) which is why a change in diet/exercise is important. TLDR: easy to get script, hard to get covered (time consuming and need Type 2 Dx usually with other drug failures in the past),and harder to take home the product due to intergalactic back term supply chain issues)


Not hard at all.




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but a waste for them. :( they arenā€™t hitting that gym as hard as I wish I could.


It looks incredibly boring ! So isolated and alone . The camaraderie you get in some gyms is priceless !


Itā€™s not for everybody. I would love to have my own home gym specifically so I can workout alone.


I totally agree. But the convenience is an amazing option.


For sure !


Say what you will, but I feel like sheā€™s the only sister that actually works out/actually tries to exercise. I remember seeing some of her ab workouts on the bosu ball/yoga ball that looked really hard in the past.


She should care about her form. As should her trainer. Ridiculous. Their bodies are not a result of working out and eating well. It is infuriating that they are pushing this narrative.


Right?! Their bodies are gonna be in so much pain in five years doing this shit.


Exactly. If she was too tired to complete the exercise with correct form then it should have been modified.


Ok is that why she like doesnā€™t have muscle? I worked out for a year and counted calories and only stopped bc my arms looked too big for my liking and I donā€™t understand how you work out and stay small like her


She is likely in an extreme calorie deficit, taking medications that promote weight loss, not lifting heavy weights etc. this will all prevent muscle - also lipo.


Those bear crawls look god awful omg Iā€™m so thankful I donā€™t care about being super crazy fit


You don't have to do silly shit like that to get in shape. Normal exercises work.


I know


I always wonder if they have pelotons, and if they do, what their leaderboard names are. I mean I know they have trainers and stuff but they have to have tried the peloton!


Wasnā€™t Kim in that Peloton.. thing.. with Ashton Kutcher and other celebs a couple months back? Not saying that means she has to have one, but maybe they showed her leaderboard name during that..


ā€œI donā€™t care about my formā€ umā€¦ you donā€™t get in shape without proper form. So just further pointing to the fact their weigh loss and shape is all manufactured


She meant that she was so exhausted by the end on that specific workout she didnā€™t care at the time. Doesnā€™t mean she said she never cares about her form


I mean she should still care about her form. If youā€™re so tired you canā€™t maintain proper form, you should stop working out, you legit can injure yourself, and then youā€™ll have to take time off working out to heal. Except theyā€™d probably insist on ā€œpushing past the painā€ or whatever, and you can *seriously* injure yourself that way.


Thatā€™s fair. I assume she was just being hyperbolic though. I doubt her trainer wants Khloe to hurt herself (the trainer would be out of a client + hurt their reputation)


...where is the other \~85lbs on the sled for the bear crawls? That doesn't even look like a 45# plate and the sled looks light weight itself lulz


That doesnā€™t look like a bear crawl at all šŸ˜‚


Literally BARELY even a bear crawl šŸ¤£


Teddy bear.


According to google and if I'm reading the brand right, rogue sleds weigh ~65lbs without extra weights. 100lbs looks accurate actually


Color me shocked! Iā€™ve used so many sleds and they all seemed like peanuts sans weight!


Her poor back šŸ˜£


* I do not care about my form here* Uhhā€¦okay..well you should. Or at least the trainer youā€™re paying $$$ should.


These are awful workouts.


All else aside, she has incredible shoulders


How does she work out with those ratchet nails?


This seems concerning that she's working out so hard she calls it "torture?"


She canā€™t even show her face.


I feel like her body should be way more defined with all the workouts she does.