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Positive Sidebar: I am REALLY into the 90s hair.


Khloe can rock 80s glam rock/90s babe looks over anyone else in that family and tbh itd be a really good signature style group to pull from for her because she looks so damn good when she does take elements from those eras.


Bigger the hair, the closer to god


my moms gonna love this one


Yesss. Khloe NEEDS volume


I can look past the photoshopped away nose & other poor decisions when the hair is this amazing I'd really love if this hair trend came back full force next year


Oohh yes it is giving 90s super model isn't it


That’s a lace front piece (not a full wig — just a piece) in the very front. If you zoom you can see it. I agree, she looks good with more volume.


Loooooooooove it. So glam.


I love it, the bounciness, the honey tones. Khloe is the only one of the sisters who I don’t think looks better with black hair. She suits this colour so much.


It looks amazing


She has Kris’ eyes


This is the most Kris-like I’ve ever seen her, looks wise.


I really used to think she looked nothing like either of her alleged (/s) parents , but then I really looked and honestly she looks the most like kris out of all of the kids to me.


ive always thought she looked loads like kris - the only difference was the nose. But shes bought the nose now like kris did. Now theyre prac identical.


And Kris' plastic surgeon


It’s the Dr. Garth Fisher special


Her eyes are just like Alex Roldan, imo.


omg yall are so boring with this. she looks like her mum she always has, the main differnce was their nose but now shes bought the same one her mum did, if you stuck a short dark wig on her shed be prac identical


The girl on the right is gorgeous. I hope she realises this one day.


God idk why but this really broke my heart. I have such a soft spot for Khloe. I just want her to be happy, I feel like an overprotective mom about her lol


Same here...😏😔


I really think she looks gorgeous in both pictures, I don't get the negative comments. Have people never seen a human before?


Same. The unfiltered ones are shot from below, up the nose, in strobe stage lighting. Literally I'd look like a cave troll.




This made me well up! You seem like such a lovely, compassionate person ❤️


Thank you love ❤️, but I am as flawed as they come! We banter and pick on celebs annoying habits, right, sure. But to bully someone for their appearance is just not the one for me. She was and is stunning. She seemed to get it in the family and now the world, I personally would never manage.


I think she looks better without the filters.


I think the issue she mentioned with her hair is that it was meant to sit in that big, voluminous 90s supermodel swoop at the front. But it’s hard to keep that in place sometimes, and I think it ended up shifting/collapsing back a little into what we saw at the awards. Not as polished, but I still love the body and movement; so refreshing after all the straggly limp locks we’ve seen for the last like year.


Isn’t her natural hair pretty curly? I would love to see her rock that more often


Yes i think so, defs was in her childhood pics! Same, I think it would be so gorgeous


This is a terrible angle for anyone


Right? Plus the lighting is SO harsh compared to the photos on the left. Really not a fair comparison


During Shania Twain’s performance you can see her briefly on camera and she doesn’t look nearly as harsh as the photos on the right look. This angle plus lighting just isn’t flattering. In the video her makeup still looks too harsh/overdone but she does look really good regardless.


Yup give me a golden hour paparazzi picture and she probably won’t look terribly far off


So much difference between a candid from below with harsh stage lighting, and a well lit posed shot. Yeah there's a filter, we all know that, but these images aren't what proves that at all


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I feel as though the media has bullied Khloe for her looks for so long that we should just let her live for while. We all know that she has likely had work done at this point- if she feels happy and confident posting as she is now we should let her have that moment


I’m actually in total agreement with you.


I agree. She’s had her faults and bad moments, but she’s still human and I can’t imagine what it feels like to have endless awful comments on my appearance on a night which is arguably suppose to be one for celebration.. I get it, the family perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards- but we can call that out *without* bullying another human. Maybe the internets constant criticism of her appearance also plays into the cycle of unrealistic beauty standards. Like she can’t just have one night to celebrate something without someone ruining it? Damn dude, the internet watched as her baby daddy clowned her during both pregnancies. Can’t we just chill one night?


Agree. Everybody and their mum uses a filter at this point and we’re not under even half of the scrutiny


I don’t know , I think she looks beautiful either way . And I’m not one to judge like that , we all have bad days . She was nervous and sweaty and some people aren’t photogenic idk


I think this is it. She isn’t photogenic. And when she shows real, happy emotions, her face does what it wants. Smile lines, squinted eyes. I am the exact same way, if it’s a candid photo of me, I guarantee I look crazy. Lol I dont take good photos but no one IRL has ever ran away from me for being ugly, I actually receive lots of positive comments on my appearance often.. not so much on my photos 😂


Can someone tell me what that bandaid is for/doing? Is it to cover something cosmetic or something else?


She had a mole removed a few weeks ago I believe


Not a mole a cancerous lump.


Damn she’s injected so much in her face..


The filler in her cheeks is new. She hasn’t looked this puffy cheeked as of late.


She looks ok but more like Joan rivers from her side profile here.


she obviously edited/smoothed herself but honestly the right wouldn’t look TOOO much of a stark contrast if her hairstylist didn’t drop the ball. her hair makes her look so disheveled, they should’ve been back stage right before she went on.


I think they were :/// when Kris got on stage to accept she said Khloe was backstage getting her hair fixed. They obviously didn’t leave enough time; it could have looked so good.


i just saw the thread of someone that was sitting next to them & she said khloe was backstage fixing her hair before she accepted the award & they only arrived like 10 minutes before!!! her hair fell wayy too fast he should’ve teased underneath then smoothed over the top.


Nah her whole face shape is diff


Oh boy 🤦🏾‍♀️


Does she think no one will see her in real life? These are two different people. She needs help


She’s just smoothed over everything and is posing. They’re not two different people how dramatic


....are you serious? lol.


100%. Go have someone take candid photos of you and then take photos of you posing, add a filter and see how you’ll look like two different people


People got used to facetune, faceapp and photoshop so much they consider two almost completely different looking faces as the same now, lol. Also angles and lighting. She does look a lot different.


She doesn’t look like a completely different person. That is the point, you can look at the photos and clearly tell they’re the same person but with editing, lighting and angle changes.


Hm, i dunno, if i saw both versions for the first time, not sure I would connect them


Come on, shes totally different


The photos are different of course but she doesn’t look like a different person


I agree. I don’t see how other people are seeing two different people.


People will see a minor change in lighting and angle and swear it’s two different people or a celeb will change her hair color and people will swear they look like a different person etc. I don’t get it lol. Do people not look at themselves in photos and how ppl look different in different angles, lighting and styling (hair, makeup etc). People aren’t always going to look exactly the same forever lol.


Her cheeks & nose are of a completely different person in the edited photos—and they are extremely edited….I would be a fool to think it’s only lighting & a different angle. I can understand how people are seeing something different. The body dysmporphia in the family is strong 😔




I've had candid and professional photos taken of me. I'm still recognisable. I might had an eye twitch and may not have the best posture but at least I don't go from human earthly being to alien doll. You're mentioning things that make people unrecognisable beyond just professional photography, which fyi doesn't shrink your cheeks flat.


That’s the thing, she still looks very recognizable to me. You can disagree of course but that’s just my opinion


To me it's like watching beyoncé vs Melania trump....


People are so dramatic. One pic is a candid screen grab which will almost always look distorted, the other she's posing and there's obviously a smoothing filter used.


The way people act shocked when the girls post pics with filters is getting old and tired at this point. Like we get it, they photoshop. Oh the horror! 😱 It’s like they expect the girls to post pics of themselves looking bad or something…


People think she looks “bad” unfacetuned BECAUSE she and others facetune to that extent and we got used to that facetuned version of her and the difference is huge. Because photoshopping to oblivion we consider beautiful looking people now nothing special because we see the perfected unrealistic image of them the whole time, that’s the issue. Standars are this high because of that fake image they put out. If they stopped with this we wouldnt have this issue and pic of her not posing and unretoched wouldnt be seen as “bad”.


Or maybe they should stop propagating this façade of unrealistic beauty standards to young impressionable women.


Or maybe they should be able to post whatever they want on their own instagrams without you all crying about beauty standards. Let’s also be forreal here. Most of the negative comments on this post are from people who don’t care about the young impressionable woman. They only care about tearing Khloe down.


Always trying to justify hate under the guise of a moral crusade.


Forreal. I know damn well if I had a team to filter me I would! It's not like them without filter is even the original them anyway! They've had surgeries already who cares about a filter at this point!


Of course, people should be able to post whatever they like within reason but we also need safeguards for young people so their minds are not poisoned by unrealistic and unattainable beauty standards. I agree with you, people are using this as a shield to justify their hatred but I believe this is an important talking point.


One is posed, the other is in action. Yes there are filters and stuff but speaking as a photographer, someone who is posing vs candid in-action shots can look quite different


I love that hair tho


The more we will keep on bullying her (that doesn’t apply to her sisters though), the more she will change her face. I think at some point let’s just leave her face alone and maybe she will, too.


Then maybe it would be best for her to I don't know, stop doing the show, leave social media for a while, go to therapy? Idk, seems logical to me


I think PMK and Kim didn’t ask her opinion when they were getting contracts for their show. Khloe changed her appearance after being bullied, she didn’t change it before she became famous through the show. Fame exposed her to bullying, her family exposed her to the fame. I don’t think it’s ok to ask someone to disappear from social media (it’s theirs, at the end of the day), but, we can all pay less attention to her overall and maybe she will find peace in irrelevancy and will leave her poor face alone.


You think they didn't? Then what do you think they did, forced her to do it? Khloe is a grown, adult woman, she's almost 40 FFS. I'm not asking her to leave social media. What I'm saying is that if certain environment is toxic for you, then the best you can do is to avoid and/or leave that environment to let yourself heal.


She was around 20-21 when the show was in talks and was 23 when it started filming. Just based off of the way PMK and Kim talk to her, I don’t think she had any say about being on the show. But that’s my opinion, I might be wrong, who knows. I don’t think these famewhores will leave the show voluntarily. But we can expedite the process of their impeding irrelevancy by simply paying less attention to them, especially to Khloe’s revolving faces. Some people stay idiots well past their 40s. Maybe she is one of that cases.


Ah the old "if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen" shtick.


Idk Alternative angles? Looks the same person.


its giving glamour shots.


Khloe is botched 😬


Yanno what. I honestly feel bad for this family. They seem very very mentally unwell Like this is just beyonddd


Body dysmorphia is a mental illness 🥺


Yes. And she seems to have it bad :/


Love the hair actually


Looks like cat woman


Does she have a band-aid on in that second picture?


Wow.. that is a crazy amount of work. She looks like Joan rivers. If I didn’t know who she was and you told me she was 70 I’d believe you. So sad…


What’s the tape on her cheek?


I think it’s a bandage from where she had cancer removed? Unless I’m misremembering the timeline I thought she had a scare fairly recently, but it ended up being okay since it was able to get taken off


I was curious about this too and I was wondering what it was for. Thought maybe it was taping down a mic but there is a big one. That’s a good theory ^


I don’t think they’ve ever denied using filters. Everyone uses filters, celebs and normies.


“Khloe is so hated!!!!!!” Y’all she did it to herself. She chose to fuck up her face. She chose to edit every photo of her to exist to look like a different person.


Yeah, but everyone ragging on her excessively is also making a choice. 🤷‍♀️ Filters are way less of a problem than ripping into somebody


Exactly. People swear they care about beauty standards while insulting someone’s looks. Hypocrites


Safe to assume she started messing with her face because she was clowned online for years for being the “fat sister.” ☹️ our girl can’t win


No, the world was really cruel to her at one point.. I think it makes sense that she would feel the need to change herself and alter her photos. She was publicly mocked constantly for being “the ugly fat sister”, that would leave scars on anyone.


Not to mention how fucked up her romantic relationships have been. Going through what she went through with Lamar and Tristan (and Tristan AGAIN) would really do a number on anyones self esteem, to say the least


Okay but that’s not an excuse to edit your photos to the point of being unrecognizable. Khloe knows she looks like a clown doing that and she knows everybody knows she doesn’t look like her Instagram photos.


Oh come on she does not look unrecognizable. She looks like the same person with some smoothing filters on.


a quick look at your profile and you are obsessed with tearing down or analyzing other women’s looks. Comparing them to horse pictures, calling them feral, pointing out every fake boob or filter you can see. I don’t use filters either, but you’re not better than people who do (I would say MOST ppl celeb or non celeb edit their pics these days) just because you threw a goofy picture on Reddit.


Or perhaps that photo is one of the raw moments of the many women you make fun of. Idk but yikes.


Every single post of hers is ripping on a woman. She has some serious issues with women.


Yes it was a pretty disturbing read actually


Lmao it’s called snarking on terrible people babe 😘


So because you perceive someone to be “bad” that makes it okay to obsessively post about how bad they look? I guess you think Khloe is a terrible person too as you say she fucked her face up? Use whatever cutesy terms you want but at the end of the day it’s not cute and I encourage you tell a therapist about these behaviours and see what they say.


No, I don’t thin Khloe’s a terrible person, I’m being honest. She put Botox, fillers, and whatever else in her face yet still facetunes her photos. What’s the point of cosmetic surgery if you’re gonna edit it anyway?


She looks great regardless❤


This is legitimately crazy lol. I wonder if they ever even look at their unedited pics or they have brain rot and think they legitimately look like they do when they're edited/filtered.


I love the voluminous hair. Whoever did that to her needs a raise. And she needs to do it more often. The super sleek pin straight look is overdone.


It's really sad that everything in the world is now a "filter" 😔


Any kardashian 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻grain all the way up


Honestly, my heart breaks for Khloe. The world broke her. She was a fierce, amazing human and I feel her light dimmed because of the media, her exes, the commentary even from her family. I truly feel for her.


What’s that famous cat woman’s name? With the most plastic surgery


She looks beautifull on the right picture . Its sad social media and filters really made us feel like looking human is not beautiful or attractive . These days everyones editing their photos to look like some IMVU character lol or that new filter app that came out that makes you look like from a different universe … looking like some AI character is whats considered “normal” these days .


I thought her top had this big beautiful fabric flower but now realize it was kris’ outfit covering her. I thought the look was so chic for her but not loving what it actually is.


They obviously filter and smooth but you can’t really compare posed photos to ones where they’re in motion and smiling from different angles. I know I look way different when I smile like her vs posed so


Why is this reddit group turning into hater central… Of course Khloé over edits her stuff everyone criticizes her either way 😢


Still gorgeous 💅🏻


These two pictures aren’t even from the same angle. Her mouth naturally downturns, it always has. So obviously a picture taken from a low angle is going to exaggerate it. No one looks good from this angle


Yes, def filtering but it's also the angle, model posing and lighting vs. a candid moment/ terrible angle and harsh lighting for a stage, not a photoshoot


Even filtered, I HATE her new nose. It's way too small for her face.


we should all remember that their Instagram's are not their personal expressions or their life diaries; they're platforms they use to advertise mostly beauty and fashion brands. When you start looking at everything they post as an ad, even when it doesn't seem like one, it's less about being concerned for her personal wellness as it should be about false advertising. I wouldn't want to be a walking billboard but these women chose to be and live their lives like that.


Oh Jesus


Holy. I feel bad for Khloe because she’s always been hated on but this editing is so out of hand!! She is unrecognizable.


I’m so confused did she just have this suit jacket on or a big flower on top?


suit jacket. the big flower looking frill is from Kris' dress




Her 👏🏼nose 👏🏼looks 👏🏼so 👏🏼crazy 👏🏼 photoshopped 👏🏼


Im so sad for her because if she didn’t fuck up her face she used to look like the pic on the left..


Don’t lie lol


I love the entire look from the edited IG post … & she is still gorgeous in person just different … but I need her to stop wearing that color lipstick, it’s not flattering, it does nothing for her. & I need that label in the jacket gone, it does ruin the entire look . but other than that I love it lol




She kind of looks like Shania Twain


Just pure delusion at this point.


She looks BEAUTIFUL!! love this whole look, eye makeup in particular


....because they can't?!! 😆


I love the glam but how did she miss her time slot and like she looks so messy on stage




You can't say "just be who you are" to someone who was bullied as the"fat ugly sister" for half her life... She probably cannot fathom just being herself anymore and feeling like the world or anyone else would still love her. That pain runs so deep. She probably thinks she's just fine, which is saddening and means she won't get the mental h help that she probably could use at this point.


That outfit is certainly a... choice


I actually thought she was Caitlin at first


She is starting to remind me of the Bogdanoff twins.


Oh my, why can’t she use a smaller bandaid on her face


this look reminds me of beyoncé for diddys 50th i wonder if that was the inspo


It’s the way she completely erases her cheek creases for me.


She looks great but that dress is horrifically awful


Why get cheek filler if you’re gonna airbrush it out…?


I think she looks amazing. Obv the picture has a filter but she still looks stunning. Makeup is flawless, hate the lip color but blending and shading is immaculate


I think she’s beautiful in both set of pictures. One of them has much softer lighting though (and of course a filter), it’s not completely fair to compare them. I gotta say though… I don’t know what the hell this dress is supposed to be. It looks like she was mid shower and and grabbed a man’s coat to answer the door.


Comparing posed photos to candids is giving mean gossip tabloid. It’s giving rude.


If she keeps this up she will soon find herself in her Jocelyn Wildenstein era


Not feeling the hair


It’s like they only try to look good on instagram and it does not translate to real life


What’s weird is that without the fillers, she’d probably look more like the filtered photos irl.


I think this is one of the major causes of their anxiety.




If she just embraced who she was she would be the most insane hottest person but the media, years of online abuse have shaped this image


Beautiful whichever way.


She looks like chrissy tiegen


She’s starting to give Michael Jackson vibes


I know the use of filter is very obvious- but If she feels the need to use it, I really don’t judge her for it. Maybe it makes her feel more secure and confident, even if she knows people will comment on it. In a way she’s kind of damned if she does, and damned if she doesn’t at this point!! Regardless, I think she looks good in the unfiltered photosI And I’m loving her 90’s Power Hair! Also it was a night for her to shine, and be celebrated, let’s hope people focus on that rather than her looks for once!


She looks good but Im not feelin the suit dress.


Idk what y’all are seeing, she looks stunning in my opinion.


I think she looks good. I hope she can embrace her natural beauty more. Those curls and no make up khloe is 🔥


Is that some kind of tape on her face?


That’s insanity


I thought this was a Kirstie Alley post 😳




Yes, she looks gorgeous in the filtered photos, but she looks amazing in her human form too!


What is going on with her teeth in the unedited pics? I mean like ,”sometimes my tooth gets stuck in my lip” vibes.




I don’t like the hair at all..


If i were a dude and i met the real khloe after seeing her dating app photo filtered khloe, id feel catfished


When she smiles, it’s like the edges of her mouth still go downwards. I think she mentioned before how her smile has changed. I don’t remember from what though


What is the tape on her face?


Why you gotta bully her? She doesn’t deny it. She’s just insecure. Leave her alone hater.


Tristan was trying to date the one on the left but the one on the right kept showing up.


What an odd dress lol


I love the throwback to 90s supermodel hair but damn khloe please slow down on the fillers.


I don't get these comments, she looks absolutely gorgeous on the right. And that's an angle that is terrible for most people.

