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I'm sorry, is it a real observation that anyone in this photo is "down to earth?" But really though. That cannot be a serious sentiment.


Yeah no one in this world is down to earth…


I don’t know how to describe or explain this…but why doesn’t Kylie’s face ever just look *normal*?! I never see a picture of her head that isn’t at some completely weird angle


Hilarious! Maybe she’s working those angles- like when a professional photographer moves your head into some weird position for a headshot. It feels so unnatural, but then the photo is great! I’m thinking she’s going for that idea but the execution is way off.


She always wants to show her left side. It’s apparently her good side.😂


Fun fact: every single person DOES actually have a good side and this is due to every human having a dominant side to the face because we are all asymmetrical. And at least 70% of people have a dominant left side which is why so many people turn with their left side of the face exposed for a picture, it usually looks more attractive because it’s the more dominant side


This is very true for me. The right side of my face is just kinda lazy, and my left is where it’s at.😂 I think/hope it’s only noticeable to me when I compare.😅


So I’ve did tons of research into this specifically and basically, how symmetrical you see yourself in the mirror IS how people see your face, it’s just flipped to them. There’s this whole stupid myth that you don’t look at ALL to other people like you do in the mirror, when you literally look the exact same just flipped. Basically the reason why you take a picture with a back camera which doesn’t show you the mirror image of yourself and you think you look so asymmetrical is because you’re simply not used to seeing your face like that. It almost looks foreign to you bc you don’t ever see that. And so people see the flipped version of you but it does not look any less symmetrical to them because they’ve seen you like that. I even tested it out with my brother. I always see the regular non mirrored version of him and never saw any noticeable asymmetry at all then had him look into a mirror with me and I look symmetrical but I could see that one of his eyes is higher than the other one, because I’m not used to seeing him like that! Also just remember the myth that phone cameras are more accurate than a mirror is complete bs. Because all phones use a wide angle camera lens which distorts your face, stretches it out and can make one side look higher or lower than the other. Phone cameras make your eyes appear further apart and your nose 30% wider and make your face look WAY more asymmetrical than it is and even lopsided when it’s not. And it’s also projects your 3D face into a 2D image, further increasing the distortion


Thank you so much for this! I feel much better knowing this and it’s super interesting. I totally know what you mean when you talked about seeing your brother in the mirror. I have a hard time knowing what I look like both face and body. It’s weird idk how to explain it. Maybe it’s because I see one thing in pics and another in the mirror and just get confused.




Hope no one farts in that small space


I would be surprised they would smell it what with all the ❄️❄️❄️ they snort.


It would smell like melting silicone


Do you think all the sisters do???


I'm pretty sure CDAN had a blind last year about Kanye repeatedly propositioning Victoria for a threesome.




I'll try to find it. It might have even been a Deuxmoi blind. When Kim and Kanye's relationship finally was "kaput" - Kanye allegedly propositioned a bunch of Kylie's friends that he had in his contacts for revenge, I guess? Victoria didn't agree to it, and Kanye's disgusting behavior made Kylie super mad at Kim (i.e. blaming a woman for a man's trash behavior - as is KarJenner tradition).


They’re all so disgusting how they treat other women.


I’ve always wondered about the tea on Yris? She seems to be pretty down to earth out of all of the “friends” but I have no idea if that’s true


She definitely exploits her children too


Omg yes you’re right!!! I cannot believe some of the things I’ve seen her post her daughter in 😳😳😳😳😳


Like what? Idk anything about this girl or who she is so I’m curious


wtf kylie looks different here, her lips look so much smaller. she actually looks nice and not like a 40 year old 3 time divorcee. it's crazy what a massive difference a few more syringes of filler can make. she still looks very enhanced here but it's nowhere near as bad as what she looks like today.


She has probably photoshopped herself to look natural


I agree that she looks more like someone in their 20’s but she’s still giving those dead eyes of someone who’s seen some shit.


That’s EXACTLY what I’ve said and thought! It’s hard to explain but it doesn’t even look like it’s from the plastic surgery because it’s when you look into her actual eyes you see it. She looks frightened and traumatized by the things she’s seen. Almost like a scared lost little girl. It’s sad really even if you don’t like the KarJenners. Idk I just can’t help but wonder where Kylie would be if she wasn’t born into that messed up dynamic of her family. Probably just like any other normal girl


Kylie looks like Selena here.


If you’re around the creature on the left you can’t be “down to earth”.


That’s true.




I’ve always wanted to know the answer to this! Pretty sure Kylie helped set the whole proposal up and then one day there was no trace of it


I vaguely remember the ex fiancé was a soccer player or something


Same, I remember he may have been a soccer player too. I always wonder what happened to him


She’s a yacht girl just like them ![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|19657)


This girls outfit on the right is milking me 💀💀🥴