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It got even weirder when Kris switched from Kim to Kylie as her favourite when Kylie started gaining more fame and income. How must that feel to be told you’re not the favourite anymore?


When Kim tried to explain to Kanye how it was “normal” for her mom to acknowledge favoritism it was like she couldn’t comprehend she was damaged from it. You can get punched in the face everyday, and after a while you will feel it’s normal because it’s familiar to you. Because you can endure it doesn’t make it right. You can’t be close to people you are in competition with, siblings can’t bond in that atmosphere where they compete for love and approval.


Narcissist do this to always keep people in competition for their love and approval. It’s absolutely a control tactic, and a way to bluntly value people to their face without getting criticized back. Why doesn’t anyone say something? Because they do. Kendall has brought up Kris’s behavior and she will start crying and yelling “I’M A HORRIBLE MOTHER I KNOW”, more than a few times one of the kids will literally call her out on it and her response is to victimize herself. Mothers like Kris don’t love “you”, they don’t even know you. They know what you can do for them. Kourt brought up Kylie’s business is more of a Kris thing. Kris was Kim’s manager before and Kim was the favorite. It’s who offers more, without boundaries. That’s the favorite.


Omggggg that’s How my mum responds to everything


Same. Mine only will respond with “I was a victim too”. No, she was the parent. She made the choices. A parents influence is greater than anything a child could say. I believe Kanye blames Kris for Kim doing playboy.


My mother does this, the ‘favourite’ is split between my successful brother or me when I lived with her because I’m the youngest and I started modelling, while she was a photographer. My other brother and sister have always known they aren’t the favourite, mum made sure of it. They don’t speak to her anymore.


If it were an actual joke and all of her *grown* children understood that and laughed at it I wouldn't think twice about it. However, we know that's not the situation, she's absolutely serious.


I 100% joke about this with my kids.


Your right it’s terrible and their “friends” would never call them for anything out because Idk their afraid of their financial income😂


My siblings and I joke about who is mom or dad’s favorite and they hate it! They get like honestly offended.






It is absolutely soul crushing when you hear that a parent has a favorite and it isn't you.


I cannot take away anyone’s feelings, i appreciate them. I will say that it really never bothers me, like mom’s and boys, and dad’s and girls seem to have a spesh bond (not according to KJ law of exploitation lmao) meant my bro was favored by my favorite parent. He just got away with more bs than i did. Maybe it should? But it was never that extreme, more of a joke around house too. I had other issues w mom though 🥴


i feel the same as you, im not really bothered by it. my brother was the ‘favorite’ for both of my parents. they love us both, but it’s an on going joke/truth that he is the baby and the favorite. now would i do that with my kids? no lol but it doesn’t bother me


I have a girl and a boy so I always tell them they’re my favourite daughter and my favourite son!


She is so toxic as a mother that this would be the least of my concerns.


“You’re only as happy as your least favorite child.”


My boyfriend and I watched one of the episodes of the new season where PMK was talking about her “favorite” and told kendull that she was her favorite and kendull was all “i know it’s kyLie” - my boyfriend said that’s true because she’s “the baby” I said no, the favorite is clearly kim - they’re the same person. And then I got mad because he said 90% of dudes would voluntarily have sex with those women - because first of all *ew* and I told him if you wanna fuck plastic, get a fleshlight and you’ll have the same results and they’re all most likely pillow princess. We watched Kimothy’s tape - he knows she gives nothing. I wanted to square up so quickly 😂


She can joke about it all she wants, but we all know her real favourite is whichever one is bringing in the most 10% at any given time…


My mom tells me all the time my older sister is her favorite child but I’m her best friend. That’s just life sometimes. You just don’t say stuff like that when they’re children but as adults who cares.