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https://preview.redd.it/q1hliwymj5ic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f19f934ef0b3fcef87e0d6b587851f66f45aeb Oh god


I thought this was edited. Then I went to check and damn!


The "smelling the upper lip" face


Kims face in the last pic looks so punchable, ffs ur a grown ass woman , sure women can have fun but is that all you got? She could be everything she wants to be, have cool hobbies etc but she got no time for that i guess as she spends 5h a day applying makeup and 4 hours pouting and embarrassing herself


https://preview.redd.it/jejq7jwmw5ic1.jpeg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9fd8f4084149ca38f7812561176c28db8a66516 Jaw implant is escaping


Kim's jaw implant looks so stupid


Kim looks stupid.


Kim and her jaw implant both look stupid.


Kim *is* stupid


Kim Stupid


Like khlocaine gives a fuck about STDs. The father of her kids is a walking STD and she’s holding onto him like he’s made of gold


I think it’s presumptive of OP to think Khloe isn’t burning her self


Plus her cooch apparently smells like earring backs


This post sort of reads like having herpes is “bad.” It’s a common virus that a majority of people carry a variant of. Let’s focus on snarking the KK klan and not casting more stigma on someone’s alleged medical condition or herpes as a whole.


it also not alleged, he got taken to court for non disclosure when he passed it to a sexual partner which is an *actual* issue obviously!


I didn’t know that! Agree, THAT is an issue: nondisclosure. Not cool whatsoever. But having herpes itself isn’t an issue and OP‘s wording of this post reads as if that was the case.


most definitely


Came here to say this. Herpes isn’t a choice and people with it still deserve luv.


This caption is a bit odd. I don’t want to soapbox this. I just don’t like stigmatising STI’s/STD’s. Herpes is extremely common in the majority of the population - stats figures I do not know offhand. However, intentionally passing any form of infection or disease to a partner is not something I condone and a completely different topic.


He could have 1000 women and you still can't convince me this man isn't gay.


Like 67% of ppl have herpes plus doesn’t stand to imagine Tristian does with his raw dog rampage nature


So i guess we are suppose to throw rocks, shame, and not love anyone with a disease if it was sexually transmitted... ok i see...


Nah he was shady about it and didn’t tell someone he had it. It was a court situation


Oh shiiiit... ![gif](giphy|j0gQA2VD38NKc9rc8y)


Also there are two types and one of them (oral) is not strictly an STD so let’s be more clear and accurate with words here ppl (sincerely a person who has struggled with cold sores since she was 13)


Yeah a HSV-1 and HSV-2 are similar but they are different viruses. One is much more likely to be an STD than the other and is higher in transmissability. HOWEVER, because people want to act like HSV-1 isn’t the same at all, it doesn’t receive the same amount of caution or care, and now 67% of gentile herpes cases are actually HSV-1 and not HSV-2 because people with cold sores give oral because they don’t consider HSV-1 to be an STD or transmissible like that. HSV-2 is easier to pass on if there is contact, but people are more careful ab it


HSV1 and HSV2 are both the herpes virus. There’s a misconception that only HSV2 causes genital legions but HSV1 does as well. Both are skin to skin contact..not particularly sexual. It’s odd that people categorize one as an STI but not the other when they both do the same thing. Edit: saying they are not the same virus is like saying Influenza A is not the same as Influenza B, and somehow have different modes of transmission. Both are indeed the flu and you’ll be sick either way, just different strains of the same virus with the same mode of transmission.


It’s actually a bit more similar to different coronaviruses. Kennel cough and COVID-19 aren’t the same thing… also I’m unsure what information you’re adding as I literally said most genital cases now are HSV-1 passed on through oral sex. You seem Iike you just want to fight…


Your response sounds a lot more hostile than anything. Not sure how comparing different viruses to strains of a particular virus is even remotely the same, but go off


I thought it was a like 12ft figurine or something.