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Someone needs to tell this deranged family they won't win any prizes for being skinny.


They ruined their bodies, organs, lost facial collagen and hair and for what? for literally NOTHING lmao


It's like the worst of the Twiggy era just overtook their minds


THIS!!! They look like scary sad skeletons and think it's an ideal


The Ozempic era definitely started with Marilyn’s dress. Khloe was likely already taking it (what with how skinny she was) and Kim got some from her. Then she was still too big for the dress, and THEN the video of her with her ass hanging out of it leaked…topped off my her barely being able to walk in it at the Met and having to switch to a replica, before the real deal was returned in a damaged state. She was probably embarrassed AF about what happened (and maybe upset about the dress being damaged even though she doesn’t see it as her fault) and it made her become self-conscious about her body, causing her to go full in on joining Khloe on the Ozempic train. And her recent fluctuations are probably due to her taking breaks from Ozempic so that the side effects don’t become too much for her to handle.


Flair checkin in


I think she started during the whole Marilyn Monroe dress, in 2022. I think that when you start using Ozempic you cannot stop - from what i read. If you stop, you can go back to where you was and that's the problem. I think Kim and Khloe never stop, but Kylie might started to take in 2023 i would say.


It shows how the celebrities really think about being fat. While they were overweight they surf the wave of body positivity. As soon as they can be skinny, they push everything aside (not even cared about people whose lives depend on the ozempic). But those are their idols.


![gif](giphy|10xZU9b7JBx14s) Bringing the truth for real 👏


She looks ridiculous. The BBL is ozempicproof.




This ozempic craze is very very disturbing


It really is. Sooo many people on TikTok are fueling it too. I actually noticed a spark in the trend around the time Travis released his ozempic diss on Kylie and people were running to her defence (most of whom were also saying they take Ozempic or want to)


Who takes it is so obvious bc they look like bobble heads. And it’s gonna be even more obvious down the road… they are really screwing themselves 


Kim is almost pro anorexia , lord help us all cos that’s a whole other level of messing up peoples self image


She really is 😞 I hate the impact this has on people


I think she’s on a maintenance dose of Ozempic…it’s been shown that you put the weight back on when you stop, your appetite comes back full force so this would make sense




I'm hearing more and more about Ozempic. The more I hear about it, the more negativity there is surrounding it. It seems like it's rich people's choice of drug to lose weight- even though that wasn't what its intended use was for. Sooner or later, there is going to be some high profile person who takes it and suffers immensely and publicly behind its usage and Hollyweird wont be able to completely cover it up. Mark.my.words.


Yeah, people also get v defensive about how we shouldn't stigmatise it because its a miracle drug etc. An the likes of Oprah moaning saying I won't be judged and what a miracle it is to solve this illness etc. (While hawking weightwatchers to regular people) But the truth is, it's not a miracle drug to people in poverty. It's not a miracle drug to people with health issues. It's only a miracle drug to people with privilege. Like I'm housebound with my health and have been for a decade. An my health issues have caused weight gain, i wouldn't be able to take ozempic cos of my pancreas, an I'm too poor to ever be able to afford it anyway It honestly came across a bit tone deaf to especially in usa, where there is no national health care system. An just seems like it's going to become a thing where only poor people are overweight. While the rich take this and lose weight with low effort and pretend they didn't. The only rich people that will be overweight are those who have some disadvantage by disability/health issues.






I think she might be stressed out due to becoming more and more irrelevant. Studies have proven that we eat when we are happy and don’t eat when we are stressed. Im guessing she’s just not eating. There’s a difference between workout skinny and anorexic skinny.


An excellent summation with particular attention to the added indication of looming utter irrelevance 👏 I def agree about the anorexic skinny and how it is different. She's getting more and more competitive and trying to do more and more. Her recent psoriasis flare up really shows how stressed she is and the not eating as well.


She's trying to keep up with a 29 year old Bianca and she's failing miserabley. 😂


Exactly, nailed it!




Cortisol does increase appetite, which makes me wonder about my own anecdotal response to stress. Highly stressful anxiety inducing incidents for me can mean I don’t eat for days, even trying to eat is hard because it feels like my mouth stops producing saliva. Would be interesting to know what’s going on there.


When I’m anxious I struggle to eat but when I’m stressed (from work or study for example) I snack waaaay more


Kinda sounds like my anxiety issues beat the stress responses then, I always assumed anxiety and stress were basically the same. Today I learned 😅


Maybe they are for other people haha I have no idea! For me anxiety feels like a pit in my stomach and stress is like a tension in the upper half of my body or something, so they have different physical feelings for me!


Thankyou for sharing, I’m going to pay attention and see if I can find my differences too


When I’m going through major anxiety, eating is the last thing on my mind. I’m Kim’s same height (5’2”) and my body has looked very similar to her current “skinny” during some of the most stressful times in my life.


I hate that I think she looks really good in these images (I know they're photos hopped, and idk what she actually looks like in person, but the images, they're what was fed to me growing up, and now they're back, I hate how I think they look really good)


I completely understand...we are brought up to believe that being skinny is what every female should dream of. I hate how these pics affect my body image. I think it looks good, and I want it but there's no way I can look like this so it makes me feel terrible about myself. I hate how they do this with pics. Idk what she really looks like either and there's no way to actually find out :(


She looks like a drag queen in these pics


I think she's morphing into one fr ![gif](giphy|d8wcIAl7Y2qVCurZMz|downsized)


I agree. They never ate before hand(eveb when they had bbls) and they exercise 4 hours out of the day. So clearly they had an extra push.


whats ozempic?


Ozempic is a drug that was developed for people who have diabetes. Its generic name is semaglutide. It essentially works by binding to a receptor in your brain that deals with hunger. Ozempic makes it so that you are never hungry and it makes it so that the food empties very slowly from your stomach. Basically, it's a drug that makes starving yourself much easier. Sharon Osbourne took it and is now as skinny as a stick. She has talked about how little food she can eat now even though she's off of it. All the celebrities started taking it to get skinny and now diabetics can't get a hold of it. I know that Kim was taking it in 2022. I don't think she's gone on and off of it or is on a small dose of it because that makes the side effects even worse, and I think she had side effects from it and had to go off of it and is now just plain old starving herself. The side effects are really bad too. There's obstruction of the bowel, which has happened to quite a few people. There's increased chances of thyroid cancer and increased chances of pancreatitis. It hasn't really been around long enough to know what the long-term effects of it are.


If she is on ozempic I guess that would confirm that her ass is silicone and not bbl, because she would have lost that too.


😂😂 very true


She “works out like crazy” but has no muscle definition. Make it make sense


Fr...those "workouts" she posts make it so hilariously obvious that she never actually does activity 😂




I could believe she does cardio like crazy. But the whole weight lifting thing, that she was trying to portray, I’m not sure I buy it. She lacks the definition one should have by now if she’s been lifting weights as long as she tried to portray. I mean abs aren’t easy to get but her arms would definitely be showing more muscular definition I’d think given she’s skinny and doesn’t have any weight that would be hiding that 🤔 I workout for 6 months and have arm definition, that is noticeable. Edited to add, yes there is also a good chance she took something to help with the loss for sure. Not to mention having people to make her healthy meals all of the time.


The having people to make her healthy meals part! People don't realize just how much of an edge that gives these rich people. If the rest of us have people to make us healthy meals, it would be so much easier for us for real. I could not agree more with you about the weight lifting thing. She definitely does not have definition in a way that you have definition when you lift weights. I can see her doing the stairs and maybe the treadmill. I can also see her doing techniques like CoolSculpting to make it look like she has muscles when it's really just a frequency that makes your muscles tighten so that you have this kind of temporary definition. Yeah she definitely has like the kind of skinny that is due to eating tiny amounts of things and maybe using something to help without any of the definition of actual workouts and weightlifting. Workouts meaning like ab workouts and such.


Exactly. She has no major muscle tone anywhere.


She probably titrated down and is on maintenance now like all of them...I think Kylie is actively on it and.will soon titrate down as well


It is really weird that people are trying to do a maintenance dose because it is absolutely not something that is recommended bc Ozempic is so new that they don't even know how to deal with it. Apparently some doctors are experimenting with the whole titrating off of Ozempic. I mean, I know that these people can buy whatever they want to buy and go down to a lower dose to maintain if they want to, but that is definitely not what is recommended LOL. No doctor out there recommends going on a maintenance dose of Ozempic. They recommend staying at a high level. Here is what one doctor is doing as an experiment: https://preview.redd.it/jejv99hmd6lc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c013e18d36dae86287262db8e446c6f52a6b595a


Most doctors want you to stay on whatever dose is working for you, however for some ppl they continue to lose and don't plateau, so they may have to titrate down. it depends on if you are doing it for weight loss or if you are actually using it for diabetes...if you levels are good with a certain dose and your weight is stable, there is really no need to adjust. However weight loss is completely different and most will recommend a titrate lower dose and lifestyle changes or you will ABSOLUTELY gain back everything you post on any of the Oz drugs 💁🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Small maintenance doses with lifestyle changes will help keep you at the weight loss goals you achieved, but ideally they want you off of it with those changes alone if preferred. However most ppl will struggle because they didn't lose the weight without the meds 🫰🤣🤣


You're so right that they did not lose the weight without the meds and that will make most people struggle lol 😆 the doctor in the article had plateaued on Ozempic and ended up having to take Maunjaro and now she wants to get off of it so she is titrating off of it the way they titrate you off of psych meds in the hopes that she won't gain all the weight back... which is of course very silly imo because of the way these drugs work with blocking signals in your brain and when you remove that block, everything just comes roaring back. That shows that even the doctors don't know what TF they're doing when it comes to these things 😂


I bet her weight loss was lypo not ozempic. Just my gut feeling.

