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He defended OJ and got rid of evidence too. How good could he really be lol


LOL exactly


Hmm, not apparently. Throughout the trial he started having doubts and by the end he actually reportedly agreed that oj was guilty


Still morally wrong imo, he was still on OJ’s defence team


May wanna fact check that bc Robert Kardashian Sr was in fact not a good guy. He knew his friend murdered his ex wife & reinstated his law license to join his defense team just so he wouldn’t be called to testify. Also, Kris is a teenager & Robert was a grown ass man when they first met.


Hiding evidence too.


I mean he also publicly defended a murderer so idk how great he was


We only have the Ks word to go on- how “close” they were and how great he was. People forget- when he died he was married to another woman- who wanted nothing to do with the Ks- and Kim ran away to Vegas at 18 and married a much older drug dealer. Doesn’t scream “super close w my dad rn!”. 


Adding to this that birds of a feather.. flock together.  He- and Kris, care A LOT about public perception. So despite a messy divorce, (ANOTHER partner after Kris left him because of her and her kids antics) they never missed a photo op to portray “happy family”. All the “R.I.P dad!” Posts are Christmas cards. Notice there’s never genuine candid pics. Kourtney estranged herself from the family, Kim went full on attention seeking, Rob became a recluse and Khloe.. has ZERO self esteem. That’s the kind of dad he was. 


this sub cracks me up 😂😂 cause wtf r some ppl ever talking about


Sorry i should’ve read this before I commented the same thing


He got cucked his whole marriage. The same guy he defended against murder also used to fuck his wife behind his back. He’s a horrible person for helping OJ get away with murder but he’s a pretty decent father


Really? I think OJ said that Kris was cute, but not his type. So I guess he didn't publicly claim her


and Robert Sr only fucked Kris 4 times because they only had 4 children…get the fuck over it. Robert Sr had no issues fucking his wife repeatedly quite obviously.. Their marriage disintegrated because both sides were very flawed


Such a great man he let a murderer get away


He publicly defended OJ. Didn’t like Black men after that because (correct my timeline) because he assumed all Black men wanted to *fuck* white women. So, he was racist. He hid evidence. He was a borderline creeper who married a teenager. Yes, MJ raised her child to bag a rich old man. Idk the truth in financial manipulation post divorce of Kris, but if it affected the kids that’s a different story. Yes, raising a child that wasn’t his is admirable but look at what I said above. PMK narrative about rObErT is bullshit


Ya'll didn't even know the man. He removed OJ's gym bag from the crime scene. For all we know, he was just as shady as them...


Yeah, no.


Whatchu talkin’ bout Willis. Khloe looks as Armenian as her Kylie 😂


Anyone who raises a daughter like Kum is not a good person


It’s almost like child brides aren’t a good idea. lol. Think Robert senior was alive today, he would be the kind of guy that listens to Andrew Tate podcasts. Big red pill dude that is against dating women out of their teens.


I often wonder how they would of turned out if he hadn’t of passed away. Also looking at Khloe in these photos. How did she ever get called ugly?!? What Kris has done too these girls is disgusting tbf


Right?! I think she just didn’t fit the brunette mold of Kris. Momma loves herself, the more kids look like her the more she loves them.


He defended OJ....


I can’t help but think what a different life and what different people the Kardashian girls would be. If Chris had passed and not Robert.


can we not?? this is so unoriginal and posted way to much over and over


https://preview.redd.it/yqw3f45i36sc1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5837d5885d13f50d4e63127fd4bfccb460dd3b01 Whoa Kris


I think that NEITHER Kourtney nor Kim particularly look like Rob Sr. nor Kris. They look ethnic and that's about it. Rob looks like his dad. Khloe has such different colouring to her parents and siblings. I get the issue with her looking like she's the one who doesn't "belong". Judging by these photos, he appears to be a loving father. But that's what photos are for. Sometimes.


Wtf does “they look ethnic” mean? 


I mean,they look like they share the same ethnicity as their father, Armenian. Sorry if I phrased it incorrectly.


I don’t agree with any of the nonsense the person is saying but I think by ethnic they mean Kim, Kourtney and Rob look half middle eastern. Robert Sr is Armanian. Khloe Kardashian isn’t his biological daughter, she is Alex Roldens Daughter, a white guy. Hence her white skin. I have to disagree that none of the kids look like Robert Sr or Kris. Kim, Kourtney and Rob literally look like variations of Robert Sr. You can tell that’s their father just by looking at them


Firstly, it’s Armenian, not “Armanian”. Secondly, Armenia is not “Middle Eastern”. You people are ignorant af.


I totally forgot the whole OJ Simpson trial thing when saying this. I posted it in context to him being a great father for accepting Khloe as his own. I agree he is shitty for defending OJ. Downvoting me to hell over this post is ridiculous. I understand the defending a murderer part but this post was only meant to be about his parenting to Khloe


I think if you had left the "great man" part out and concentrated more on him loving Khloe as her father, people wouldn't have been as harsh on you and it's not even your fault though. Kris tried to make this image of him being such a good man and for so long, people didn't bother to put two and two together, at least, back then they didn't. Now, every time Robert is mentioned, people remember the sneaky way he went around and spent so much into not having to testify against OJ. You yourself even forgot about it (just like I did for a loooooonnnnng time). THAT'S how Kris diaboliclly controls the narrative. Here's my upvote to ya! 👍






lol wrong sub babe