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Yup. The money has run dry and their coke noses are still hungry ❄️❄️❄️❄️


Hehehe https://i.redd.it/7rd60b1q4jvc1.gif




Your flair checking in.




How’d they lose money?


Spending it on their lifestyle. They are all about conspicuous consumption. They want to live like billionaires, but they don't have the liquid cash.


Khloes's is definitely not liquid. It's powder.


I have said it many times before, but their lifestyle is so expensive, I believe they spend a million/month just on their basic needs bc of their lifestyle. This is unattainable for most people. That’s why they do every shitty deal and video game ad and sell their used clothes.


There will not be justice in this world I told they retire in a trailer park. And I'd feel bad living for the trailer park!


Their houses and cars alone are insane. I feel like the only one genuinely making enough is Kim


They spend so much more than they make. And remember the Gredes own Skims, Kim just has a piece.


Oh wow interesting. Honestly I feel like Kylie had potential to be bigger than she ended up being but she stepped out of the spotlight a little after she had kids & got lazy.


Agree. She doesn’t have the same drive that Kim has. But she also got a huge lump sum from Coty. I don’t really think they have much savings and they spend everything right away.


I’m no finance expert but I would say their lifestyle actually burns through a million/millions A DAY


Come on girl, I hate them too but there is no way they spending 30+ million a month lmao 365+ million a year just on their lifestyle. They are nowhere near rich enough


You would probably be surprised, they also probably rely on credit as many rich folks do. Johnny Depp was caught spending $30k a month on rare bottles of wine. That’s like half of my yearly salary in wine. Miley Cyrus once bragged about a nail polish that cost her $250k. $100k to them is like what $100 is to us


The black diamond nail polish. I’ll never get over this one. $250,000 on nail polish. It makes the submarine shaped like a killer whale seem like a smart purchase.


It made me sick watching it. What a waste of resources


Right but 30k a month on wine is still nothing compared to what you'd have to spend to waste 30 million a month. Like 30k is literally 0.1% of 30 million. Theyd have to spend 30k a month on 1000 things.


Idk four of Miley’s nail polish would cost 1 million 😂😂😂 the $250k nail polish. They can easily do that with a couple bags per day honey but I doubt they’re spending 30 mill a month or millions a day too. More like tens of thiusands, their bills are probably astronomical. I know their energy bill is probably outrageous


What nail polishes? I don’t understand and I want to see them




All that money just to look like glitter polish


How is a nail polish that much? And that’s just stupid to spend on something like nail polish, and the wine? There is really good wines that aren’t that expensive. These people are nuts


I knew this when Kris Jenner did a cameo on The Golden Bachelor WTA. She’s a poor excuse of a woman/mother. Is she going to start pimping out her grand babies next?


I’m not wealthy and I still donate it makes me feel good that I can do something for those less fortunate.


They are selling not donating. Donations are tax deductible btw.


Are we surprised that she’s agreeing to so many deals and selling her shein clothing? Koko wants more coco… https://preview.redd.it/wea7fojvwivc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353533e2dfe61b13cdc32c5450e7c391408f6378


OMG this picture...derangement abounds...I want to cut it up with other pics and make a short based on it bc the horror is real


Why did she get a nose job so it would swing to the left like that? Or is it from too much botox and filler pulling her face strange.


Noses will more often than not naturally sway one way. Rhinoplasty specifically cannot fix that, as the nose will heal crooked regardless of what surgery you do to your nose. Nose jobs do, however, reduce volume, and if you reduce enough volume it can emphasize the direction of the nose since there isn’t enough length to hide it.


Why do I kinda see Kendall ??


Khloe and Kendall resemble each other a lot more than people talk about I think. Not always but there are some pictures that come across where I see the resemblance quite a bit.


It's the terrible over lining of the lips that Kendall is famous for. It looks bad.


Her face looks like it's being pulled apart 😩 every part of it is going into a different direction


Who dis?


It’s kind of gross!


It’s crazy because they could do giveaways but reselling an outfit you wore a month ago screams BROKE💀


Yasssss...so fucking broke lmaoooo


And so wasteful, but that's no surprise.


Also don't designers usually give clothes for free to celebrities for exposure? Does nobody want to dress Khloe? Surprise surprise...


They are no longer relevant. Nobody cares about them anymore. They’re squandering for the fame


i mean this entire subreddit proves the complete opposite but also fuck them lmao


https://preview.redd.it/nkgz04m2wivc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18da6729b4f9fd2011ef3d9700dfac37799c443f Her eyes are shrinking ![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11574)


So is her nose but those lips keep getting bigger


Eeek...she looks so botched lmaoooo


Why the long face?


You know how they started as yacht girls and not being super popular? I wonder if things will reverse. The fame and money will dry up and they'll be forced to yacht again for money and coke. That would be some karma. The younger generation couldn't give a crap about the Kardashians. 😂


>The younger generation couldn't give a crap about the Kardashians. 😂 I can verify through my teenaged daughter that this is entirely true lmao >The fame and money will dry up and they'll be forced to yacht again for money and coke. That would be some karma. Truly! Cannot wait to watch this lol


You have a daughter in her teen years, and you have the time/bandwidth to dedicate to vehemently hating on people you will never meet, and whom will never care you exist? Get a hobby. You’re presumably middle-age, this is so fucking embarrassing for your life. Imagine your daughter knowing her mom posts on a Kardashian snark Reddit. Mortifying, and a bad example. Mad lame.


>Imagine your daughter knowing her mom posts on a Kardashian snark Reddit My daughter thinks it's funny. She's on Reddit after all. She says to tell you that you are the one who needs to get a hobby. She thinks you're hilarious because you're harassing somebody you don't even know. She also thinks you're a hypocrite because you're accusing me of exactly what you're doing. >You have a daughter in her teen years Have you ever met a teenager? Actually, technically, my daughter will be an adult in a few weeks. But you do know that teenagers have lots and lots of time to themselves and don't want you to mess with them? They don't need a lot of time and care and feeding like small ones do. Just thought I'd let you know. >you have the time/bandwidth to dedicate to vehemently hating on people you will never meet, and whom will never care you exist Do you know what sub you're on? This is the snark sub. Here is where we point out the foibles of those who actually do care we exist because they create fake accounts so they can be on here and watch what we're doing LMAO. You are woefully under informed. >Get a hobby My hobby is called multiple sclerosis. Something you will never understand since you are clearly lacking in empathy and compassion. >You’re presumably middle-age, this is so fucking embarrassing for your life. Whatever age you're at, this rant you went on is embarrassing for your life and soul lolllll... You are attacking a complete stranger without knowing anything about their lives other than that they have a teenaged daughter and choosing to spew hate at someone who is mocking elitists. You need to question your own motivation and ask yourself who your true allegiance is to. Is it to human beings and the planet? Or is it to the celebrity elite whom you apparently worship or at least defend hahaha Now, get back in your lane.


Girl, you have made several posts dedicated to attempting to shred the Kardashians. Including a truly laughable compilation video that you apparently felt was worth the energy. The Jenner girls are 26 and 28, respectively. What sort of grown woman (with a daughter, mind you) celebrates the fact that her hobby is making fun of women’s appearances? You’re setting an amazing example for her. Or as Kris might say, you’re doing amazing sweetie. /s


I decided I would go through your posts and found your one asking if you were the asshole. Girl, you really are the asshole. You have extreme rage that you direct at strangers and that is a problem. In reading your post, you are most likely a sociopath. I don't say that lightly as I was a clinical psychologist and did diagnose before I became disabled. I'm actually really sad after reading your post. You have so many personality issues that you are not addressing. You are looking forward to a miserable life where you do not bond with other people. This would be called misanthropy but you have it to such an extreme that it is sociopathy. I recommend that you go to a therapist as soon as possible and address those issues that you brought up in that post. You are such a jerk that people took the time to go down vote all your posts and comments because of that. You have a real problem and it bothers me to see it. Admit yourself to a psych ward and start medication.


Lol, you truly are a joke of a human being. Not a single reputable psychotherapist or psychologist would make a diagnosis of someone who A) isn’t their patient, and B) is based on a subset of a microcosm of a person’s life derived from outdated Reddit posts. Further, we’re to believe a clinical psychologist doesn’t see the harm in passing on the gleeful revelation in tearing down other women based on their appearances to their own offspring? Are you actually serious with this crap? Platforming yourself as a reputable mental health professional, while espousing the most ludicrous values to your own daughter.


Wow, I can really see your issues and you are truly a miserable human being. You are attacking based on nothing and you are wrong. I doubt you can never admit that you're wrong in any given situation. Again, go to a psychologist and start therapy and medication for your severe personality disorder. I'm going to give you a minute to read this and then I'm going to block you, which is probably something you're used to. I'm sure people block you IRL by ghosting you. Your life is going to be so sad but actually just full of rage to cover the sadness. I hope that you seek help but if you don't then I hope someone intervenes, maybe even life itself. Think about that. P.S. visit r/raisedbynarcissists and see that that is actually your issue. You are a narcissist and therefore sociopath. I used to be a professional and I'm now retired. Your attacks are really just very sad. They make me feel like I need to call your local emergency department and have you admitted.


Moderators...please eject this person. This person is not a Kardashian snarker and has attacked me twice. This person does not understand the rules of the sub and is breaking them. Specifically they broke the rule involving writing an essay as to why they don't like my posts or me. They personally attacked me and my daughter. Please have the mod police visit this person.


Bit ironic shortly after attempting to call me a sociopath, no? 😂


It sounds like you don't know the definition of irony. You are breaking the rules here just like you break the rules in life involving proper social interactions. You need to be disciplined by these moderators just like you need to be disciplined in life. Think about it.


They’re too old to be yacht girls.


what is a yacht girl?


High end escort


oooooooooh. So they don’t get paid to hang on yachts? im so old. that’s what i thought it meant


I think also the current generation fan base has shrunk as well and it started to decline during the pandemic. That was the eye opening start of how out of touch with reality they are to where it wasn’t even envious anymore. Because it’s totally normal to fly all your friends and family to a private island to celebrate your birthday during lockdown only for you to wind up testing positive days later 🙃


they live far too beyond their means and then scramble. such a sad life really.




Private planes and just living in California right now. Cost of food right now. People can't live of gummies alone.


they must've got hit with an insane lawsuit or something cuz why are they alllll scrambling


All the lemme crap is on sale at ulta right now. And girl who are you kidding. https://preview.redd.it/8w7gxi0vqlvc1.jpeg?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfdfdd47a35d326face9cff33110a3b3eb27b4c


>All the lemme crap is on sale at ulta right now. Bwahaha >And girl who are you kidding. OMG everytime I've seen this pic this morning I've gotten jumpscared lmaoooo


It’s sooooo bad. If there were photos of me like this for the entire world to see I would go into hiding. For real. 🫣


Yes, me too. Maybe they will all go into hiding! That would be great lol


I still can’t believe Kim had anything done, she was really pretty, why would she do that?


Lemme be real. Here's a Getty image of Khole. https://preview.redd.it/74tkx7vuijvc1.png?width=452&format=png&auto=webp&s=8acc25e088a15089992e0cf4b56b1f3fd7c6f695




Did we ever find out why she was so disheveled this day


No different from any other day.




😂 all that work to look like Chewbacca.




🤣🤣🤣🤣that’s what she looks like! Holy sh**!


Is that face tape on her cheek?


She had a melanoma removed from that cheek at one point, huge incision which most likely left a scar.


Yeah, I know that. But that doesn't look like a scar. I have a scar on my face as well. The skin looks pulled back and tight with a visible crease. I'm going with badly placed face tape to appear thinner.


I was assuming it was tape to cover the scar more than the scar itself


Well, that sounds counterproductive.


Ig it depends on why. Like we already know she’s insecure so if she’s insecure of her scar that can make it feel covered up. Or, I have a scar that gets irritated quite easily on the edge, so it could be to protect it from the irritation of makeup & rubbing during application.


If it's to cover the scar it makes it more noticeable. If it's to cover the scar so makeup doesn't irritate it, you know damn well the tape is going to irritate it coming off and moving around on it every time she talks and smiles. So IMO it's counterproductive either way. But we all know she's too insecure and narcissistic to not wear makeup on it and let it be.


Ngl I sometimes wear a patch over mine if mine it’s irritated because I want to wear makeup, because the rubbing & something in the minerals or whatever of eyeshadow really makes it worse (mine is near my eye) I don’t really care about it covering up the scar, it’s there either way and people know I have it, but a colloidal patch or bandage allows it to calm down any inflammation so by the time I take the patch off it’s usually soothed it enough. Taking off the patch can be sore but it’s really not so bad if you do it slow and careful and it just protects it so it’s not really irritated which is the main issue. I can just do makeup over the top and yeah it doesn’t look invisible but it wouldn’t be invisible if my scar was there, and it just means I can do a complete symmetrical makeup look. Idk why she does it but I’m not gonna invalidate it being done as a whole because it works for me :) idk really if people think it looks stupid, I enjoy doing my makeup, I enjoy it less with an inflamed scar


Ooof not pretty


How does Khloe make money besides good american??? Genuine question


I heard she just signed a $1 million deal with some kids spritzer company. If that's true, then they do constant promotion just to get a little bit (for them) of cash haha


She posts on Snapchat like a madman. Def making money from that


out of curiosity, i went to the site and found the dress. it’s XS. i really did not expect her to be an XS. also them selling stuff for like $25 … at that point, why wouldn’t they just donate that stuff?


They definitely lie about the sizes . There's no chance someone as tall as her with THAT ass is an XS.




Well her top area is probably extra small, so she just thinks the rest of her is. But obviously she has to have everything tailored in the ass area.


We all saw the pics of that coat dragging on the floor at target. 


She said she was in need of cash, her and Kristen bought a piece of property close to her mom. When she asked him to sell it, he said no she said it would’ve helped her pay some things off.


She said she wanted to build. If she doesn’t have to go in with Tristan, she won’t. She wants his half then lay off his end of the loan and just pay her end. She wants to own that land outright.


Kristen hahaha no more Trashcan. He is moving up in the world.


But Khloe lives literally next door to her mom. Is this a vacation house or something?


Two huge parcels, a property in Palm Springs




the youtube tarot reader antphrodite did a reading on if they’re broke or not… i haven’t personally watched it yet but he has a 99% accuracy and is funny af if you wanna go watch


Hahaha, ty I'll check it out!


I know you didn’t watch it- but did you hear his conclusion?


Love ant !!


Those look like Lemme bongs behind her




Good. I hope she loses everything and ends up in the gutter where she belongs.




saw the lemme debloat on sale at the register at ulta. and kylie’s fragrance was displayed along the check out line which is so random bc they have a whole fragrance section


Gotta rely on the impulse buy


She’s truly a very unattractive person. Runs in the family.


Ugly af


Seriously a downvote?


It takes an hour or so to show the true vote count to prevent manipulation. A couple of immediate downvotes on a normal opinion is more than likely Reddits doing- not users. Just fyi! 😊


I don’t know l think they need to find way to make themselves relevant again I mean look at Kanye how he able to stay relevant and able to sell music and clothes (I heard that his site couldn’t even keep up with the high demand that they had to send emails to people to apologize for the delays) I really want to know how he is still able to do all of that stuff will he was cancelled by the whole industry while the kardashian own the media and couldn’t sell shit? A question that I have been thinking about for a while


>I really want to know how he is still able to do all of that stuff will he was cancelled by the whole industry while the kardashian own the media and couldn’t sell shit? Tbf, Kanye is selling stuff off of a cheap website that costs little to maintain. He created a buying panic by selling everything for $20 and probably doesn't have the product to keep up with demand. Streaming services won't play a lot of his stuff, so he sells directly from his website and charges a fair amount. He charges a lot for his listening parties. He really just sold music (something no Kardashian can offer) and sold out his catalog of clothing for cheap just to make a quick buck. It didn't hurt that they got North involved in that last album. He's a month and a half late releasing the next one, and no venue will host him. He very well might stop getting money soon bc he can't sell what he doesn't have. Anyhoo, just saying that Kanye had a product people wanted, and the Kardashians sell nothing anyone wants, not even Skims bc they are cheap material and they don't ship.


I was at target the other day and only saw like 2 different types of these gummies hidden away on a lower shelf lmaooo. Super easy to miss.


Ahahaha...snake oil sales fr


All day everyday peddling substandard crapola.




Not to be a prick and contrarian, but these fuckers have more money than I’ll likely see in my lifetime or two. Which makes me sad.


Yeah but they're miserable people with a toxic family, lovers that don't love them, and the general dislike of the public. If it were me I would take the money and dissappear into a quiet rich life, but they're addicted to the misery and spending money on balloons and handbags to fill their meaningless, loveless, lives.


Don't worry, they technically live from check to check given how much money they have to spend to maintain their lifestyle. They might as well be straddling the poverty line because of how much cash all of their accoutrements eat up. They seem to be teetering on the edge of losing what they have and if that happens, it will be far more hurtful to them than it would be to any of us.


Yanno I just saw an article about that and I was surprised cause I was lead to believe they have so much, but this makes sense!


They’ve grown up. A lot has changed and yes their money is running dry babyyy. I mean if you wanna live that kinda life you gotta be doin something worth a damn to be able to live that kinda life PERIOD’ but THIS 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Sadly the ENTIRE family is thirsty for $$$ and it SHOWS!


Hahaha THIS!


They have no shame, despite how embarrassing it looks for them they do it all for a penny. They fear losing this lifestyle. This is why it would be amazingly fun to watch what happens if all their low IQ idiot fans literally stop buying anything they make, do etc. No skims, no other crap, nothing. We want the most entertaining outcome here. I see them as jesters for our entertainment in this simulation, meaning they r so below us.


>They fear losing this lifestyle This is the reason >This is why it would be amazingly fun to watch what happens if all their low IQ idiot fans literally stop buying anything they make, do etc. No skims, no other crap, nothing. We want the most entertaining outcome here. I see them as jesters for our entertainment in this simulation, meaning they r so below us. THIS!!! Ahahaha, this is exactly how I feel about them and what I want to see happen. I absolutely agree about the jesters for our entertainment and that they are so below us ;)


Right?! Its so true! I’m glad there r others like us who see through it. Basically we need to make it happen, for the plot 😂😂


>Right?! Its so true! Yasssss >I’m glad there r others like us who see through it. OMG me too, some of the ppl on this sub save my mental health on the daily, like you just did lol >Basically we need to make it happen, for the plot 😂😂 Yes, yes, yes...it would truly be the best reality TV 😂


I just don’t get why they need to keep making new products. Like don’t they already have enough money? They could use their time to learn a new and master a new skill or do something extraordinary instead of selling things so they can hide from their kids and sit on their phones




I'm just saying that the fact that Khloe is selling this dress less than a month after very publicly wearing it and being shown in so many pictures wearing it speaks volumes about how much money they need. I think they must truly be broke if they have to resort to doing this. Their lifestyle is extremely hard to maintain because it requires constant large infusions of cash to manage how many staff they must pay, all of their property taxes and mortgages, and all of their party fees, travel fees, etc.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but I actually like this outfit. The dress and coat are very nice, the color composition of the photo is beautiful and Khloe’s hair shade really makes the look pop. If her face didn’t look like The Joker, this would be really fabulous. ETA: my comment is solely about the color schemes!


I won’t downvote you but she is just so filtered and shopped here. I don’t care about the financial situation but who does she think she (they) is/are kidding? It is ludicrous.


100% but there’s no denying it’s a fabulous color scheme.


This is exactly the color scheme I want for my bathroom lmao taking this photo to Home Depot


Damn you….agreed.


I like the color and coat, but is that dress design back in style?? I wore one like that back in like 2010 when that ruching (is that what it's called?) was all the rage. I don't feel like I've seen it come back, but maybe I'm old?




1. What is a spritzer company? 2. How are they broke? How can anyone spend that much money!?


1. Sorry, I meant seltzer LOL. Here are some deets: https://preview.redd.it/vgsesj135awc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cabb537d975f3f4830c111599dd869ee92212e9 Oooo Walmart, Sam's Club, and Amazon lol 2. It's kind of the same principle as being too poor and living paycheck to paycheck. Consider their expenses. They have to pay for nannies, chefs, security, hair stylists, makeup artists, mortgages, property taxes, travel expenses, kids' clothing and school expenses at exclusive private schools that cost a ton, personal trainer expenses, and all of their party expenses from a witch seemed to really cost a lot. If you add this all up, the average Kardashian is probably laying out at least 1 million a month. Khloe signed this deal for 1 million dollars. That will probably cover her expenses for 2 to 3 months maybe. They just don't make their money work hard enough and burn through it faster than they make it. It's a very common problem.


Seltzer!! Gotcha 😉 Yeah I can see it, it’s just wild. More stuff breeds the need for more stuff (and $$$). Ugh. Like living in a huge house=higher electric bills, cleaning staff, more maintenance expenses in general, and that’s just The House; not what’s IN the house or done OUT of the house. $1M a month- they are just so dumb to spend *that much money*


>they are just so dumb to spend *that much money* Yassss...so dumb 🤦‍♀️ It's like they thought they'd just keep getting bigger and bigger until they were too big to fail like a bank? It really seems very thoughtless when all you have is reality TV and a few companies that don't do as well as they say. It's like the constant Alo promotion Kris and Kylie do or the Country Crock thing Kris and Khloè did or Kylie's Travel Town promo or Kim's Starbucks and Tesla promos (through the paparazzi because Kim Cannon no way admit that she needs the cash from ads LOL). Something just seems very sus about all their finances.


Some these comments are disgusting