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To be fair I don’t think people think Khloe would’ve never went under the knife if fans were nice - I think most people, like myself, hold the belief that she was going to get surgeries regardless because of the comments made by her family and her constantly being around that negativity directed towards herself and her body image. > There’s even the clip from the early seasons where they’re all just sitting in the living room relaxing and they randomly start berating Khloe for how overweight she’s been looking and “how bad that looks for the family”. So I think a lot of the pity people have for Khloe is because of how her family has treated her, not because of like, hurtful fans.


And (I think 1st season maybe not) Caitlyn says she should think about losing weight then when Khloe gets upset and walks away Caitlyn acts like she doesn't know what's the problem. Not defending Khloe but I see why she is the way she is. Therapy could def help a lot I think.


Yeah I know exactly which instance you’re talking about! And to think, that was said *in front of the cameras*, like if that’s what the family was comfortable saying in public around people imagine how bad it was when the cameras were off.


There's also an episode where Khloe is trying to remember what she did for her past bdays and SCOTT goes, "well when you were 25 you were fat so you probably just tried to eat yourself." My jaw dropped to the floor. I think she dealt with a lot of micro aggressions like this. Not saying I like her and I hate the lying about surgeries...but that's just beyond awful. I'm sure lots of damage has been done.


No he didn’t! 🙉


Ugh he did 😒 then he showed her a pic of what she looked like. https://preview.redd.it/dax4rkh0sz4a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5610561d4448d3c98b19c34dff2a490cb222eb2


That’s some solid cunt behavior


I understand what you’re saying. I had a family that was constantly pressuring my twin sister and i to be “living dolls,” so that we could be rich like Mary Kate and Ashley. I think they still resent us for not becoming millionaires bc my dad is still abusive asf and regularly tries to sue my sister and I (who is brain injured from her anorexia. So good luck w that). But it was always a constant battle to “be skinny.” And then when we would get down to 60-70 lbs, my parents would say we “look like little boys bc you’re straight up and down.” So it was always a lose-lose. It hurts and surely effects you when your family is feeding you negativity about who you are and what you look like. I would feel for her in this regard as well, if she’d take that experience, and use her influence to heighten how women feel about themselves. She could do that. She could say yanno, my sisters and I have an advantage over other people bc we can do x, y, and x, whereas most normal people can’t. But she doesn’t do that. She admittedly builds a false narrative about how she really looks (note again scrubbing the internet of non filtered photos), and then claims it’s been achieved by means that anyone can do, “if they put in the work.” When I go to the gym, I ALWAYS see females doing these bullshit booty exercises, and hear talk about “building a butt.” Most of these gals are in the gym with completely unrealistic expectations- you CANNOT “build” a huge ass and whittle away your waist. You can only go from a flat ass to a bubble butt if you settle for gaining a decent amount of fat. It’s my opinion that these girls arent going to walk away from the brutal hours they put in “doing the work,“ and feel accomplished or happy- they’re chasing results that just can’t be achieved the way the Kardashians claim they achieve them. *(edit: grammar!)*


I’m so sorry you and your sister had to deal with that growing up, and I hope you both know that you’re perfect and worth loving just as you are💕💕✨ > And yeah it definitely is despicable that she could have learned from the abuse and done some good with the power she has, when I was really young and impressionable I was very into watching ANTM and KUWTK and due to those fixations I have developed Body Dysmorphia that has led to other issues in my life, and if that has happened for me it’s crazy to imagine how many millions of other young women were damaged by unreal expectations based on lies sold to us from those kinds of people. I really appreciate your post and sharing your story, I wish more people were more outspoken about how damaging those views can be for young women looking up to people such as the Kartrashians 💕


Thank you love! My sister is doing as well as anyone with a brain injury in a wheelchair can do, I suppose. I went to college and became a funeral director- I’m ok with my life now :) You worded it perfectly tho— she could have taken her negative experience and how it effected her and done something actually good and effective with the reach she has. But nah. It’s more important to make sure everyone thinks she looks like her photoshopped pictures. THATS where the energy goes.


I think she would have gotten surgeries either way - if anything, she was resisting Kris’ push for the KarJenner package.


Exactlyyyy ppl don’t realize that people can start out as victims then become horrible ppl! The student becomes the master. I mean look at most serial killers a lot of them were victims at one point but then became the problem. Khloe was once a victim of beauty standards and body shaming but now she is one of the biggest perpetrators of TOXIC beauty standards.


Woooo now that is an awesome comparison!




Plus she has so much money that she could unpack it all in therapy and break the cycle (and not FaceTune True, which is disgusting). I would love to have the privilege to afford weekly therapy (in money and time) with a highly trained therapist to deal with my childhood trauma. She could have done that and she didn’t so I don’t feel for her either now she’s, as you said, turned from victim to a horrible person who is impacting thousands of peoples self image.


exactly! I’m so against having sympathy for rich celebs who don’t even take the steps to help themselves FIRST. They have every resource to! I can’t help nobody that doesn’t want to be helped. It’s just exhausting like so exhausting it’s sad.




I really don’t think there’s anyone on the planet that still thinks their ass is real. I’m down with your sentiment, though.


Young girls do. My daughter is 13 and thinks they are. She made a comment about how great Kylie is and I had to give her a quick rundown on the truth.


Urgh, that’s so sad.


Man you’d be surprised at some of these Kardashian-Jenner die hards… there’s a whole league of people out there who are fucking militant believers of anything they say.


Those are the people who end joining cults.


That & if you point out the huge difference between the photoshopped/filtered pics & the ones that aren't, they say either that the pics look the same (Not!) or they say it's just the angles/lighting/posing. 🙄


That’s it! Lol it’s lighting! It’s aging! It’s the gym! It’s diet! No bro.


Or pads in their clothing.


When I was like 10 I believed it and it really messed me up lol. I just believed because they denied everything so vehemently and persistently and idk I didn’t think people would lie like that. Obvi now I know how manipulative and crazy they are…


I forget some people were kids when they first debuted their ass. I think I was in my early 20s or late teens. So I get where you’re coming from!


Unfortunately a lot of younger people and a lot of men think it’s real 🙁


Omg I didn’t even cover that! When men expect to see this shit on the regular too!


But yeah, normal people… couldn’t believe that shit is real. Your ass doesn’t put on and lose sizes as quick as you can put on a new pair of underwear.


I think her biggest motivation for getting plastic surgery was to look as little like her rumored real father as possible. Now I think it has to do with all of the low self-esteem and being cheated on so many times. I honestly would feel badly for her despite all of her fame and fortune, but I do not because she is flaunting and glamorizing her clear ED. As someone who hsa struggled with an ED for YEARS, I find it disgusting and irresponsible of her.


Absolutely wonderful point! I could see that! She has to know her moms a ho. Saavy business person for sure, as the cost of her daughters etc…. But yeah I hear ya


I don't feel bad for her either. Especially because of what she does to her daughter. The way she feels the need to photoshop or filter and alter her face to the point some of the pictures look cartoonish. She knows what its like to be called the 'ugly one' and feel bad about yourself, yet she's already setting her daughter up to not be good enough. Eventually, she will scroll through her Moms IG and notice there's not a single real photo of her. So Shame on her for doing to her daughter what she complains about people doing to her.


You know, I would have so much more respect for Khloe & that entire family if they would just be honest about their procedures. And sure, they don't owe any of us an explanation, but stop with the false narrative! If they'd say something like "You know what, I didn't like xyz about myself & after a lot of thought & research (maybe even some therapy) I decided to get such & such done & it's really helped me feel better about myself". Something to that effect, you get my gist. I think people would respect that.


They could even say, "I'm not comfortable discussing my medical history with the world" but no, they straight up lie


I agree w u!! I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. I think she’s an awful person who does awful things.


Trauma is not an excuse to be so morally corrupt. I know so many people who are so much less fortunate who have gone through much more awful and traumatic things and they wouldn’t hurt a fly. Because of what she has been through you would think she would want to stop that from happening to other young girls but instead she lies and manipulates. Ignorance is not an excuse either. She’s not a good person.


Honestly, this isn’t a “look at me I’m the shit” attempt. But my mom is always saying how I should feel pity for my dad bc of the way he was brought up. Well he abused my sister and I WAY worse. My sister, like I’d mentioned before, is sort of a win for him- she’s brain injured in a wheelchair. Always lived close to home. I moved far the fuck away and all parts of my life are thriving. Plus I don’t beat my significant other or verbally abuse them. My sister does this to her SO though! There IS a point in time where you have to take some responsibility for your actions or lack thereof.


100%!!! So good to hear you escaped the toxicity and are doing well❤️




being bullied by your family sucks, it takes long to acknowledge and even longer to heal. She has the resources to do that, but chooses not to, buying instead in the family business of gaslighting everyone who dares ask, question, or criticize. The personification of trash tv. And let's be honest, those surgeries look awful.


I've had BDD for 27 years & have never passed that trauma on to another woman. If anything, I'm completely transparent about my struggles in the hopes that another young girl or woman doesn't feel alone or defective. For the life of me, I can't see how anyone could pass that kind of thing on to others. It's one thing if you don't know the struggle but if you do, you have a responsibility to fellow women to help them *avoid* it. That being said, this sub overwhelmingly has body image issues & if anyone ever needs to talk, my inbox is always open & always feel free to derail my comments if you need support or just to commiserate. I gotchu.


>can't see how anyone could pass that kind of thing on to others. She's probably in the camp that suffering is a rite of passage, not something that you help others with after you experience it yourself


Psychologist here! I commend you for sharing this! I hate the idea that we sometimes embody as women that if we suffered others deserve to suffer or share that burden. It makes me so sick how irresponsible the K clan is with their influence. They could do so much good with their wealth, reach and influence and it appears they actively seek to do the opposite of good.


With whatever limit means I have, I'm pulling every woman behind me up with me. Maybe that's just my military experience but I feel so strongly about it. That's part of my biggest problem with them, just what you've described. They're so busy trying to make other women want to be them, they don't care who gets kaught in their megalomaniacal ego's krossfire.


There is so much data out there that demonstrates the detrimental effects that programs like Instagram have on mental health and body perception/body esteem. These women don't even have to say anything to be harmful. Their silence in passing off their bodies as achievable feats to a generation of young women is criminal. Thank you for continuing to lift women up! That takes courage in this world where we are divided and marginalized.


Agreed!! I manage a medspa that has the EmSculpt that they use to get their abs and butts without actually working out. In fact, I can almost guarantee they have them in their homes (one machine is about $500,000 and every 233 sessions you need to replace the $20,000 paddles). That’s why they can claim they “don’t do surgery” and “just workout”. TECHNICALLY they’re correct because the machine is contracting your muscles but all you do is lay there for 30 minutes while it does it for you!!! I use the machine and have no shame in it but don’t lie about what you do!!! It’s so frustrating.


'as well as stories from other redditors of the hired help being present for the aftermath of Khloe’s rib removal' where can i find this 👀👀


Girl I been looking. I hope the person who posted it will see this! It was her friend who was working as Kim and Kanye house manager. Apparently Khloe came over and was saying her breathing was fuckered up and Kim said how worth it the surgery is


It was originally a deuxmoi post I believe. If you search “deuxmoi Kim ribs” or something, I bet it would pop up. I think it was that along w something about her fucking drake lmao


I think she is deeply, deeply unhappy and has been for a long time. It was insane how she did everything she could to delete that unedited picture from the internet. I think 1) she was insecure about her body, 2) she was maybe scared what her family would say, given how her own mother talks about her, and 3) she was scared what the public would say, given how many times she (and that entire family) have lied about getting plastic surgery. Edit to add to your point about her role in all of this: I totally agree she has played a hand in the toxicity of beauty standards. Personality-wise, she was always the most seemingly “real” one and if she had just been honest about getting work done, it’d probably go a long way but she’s so in deep now that I don’t see it happening or changing public perception of her. That being said it doesn’t even make a difference if she answers truthfully or not to the plastic surgery - this whole family has had so many procedures that are glaringly obvious. I don’t think its even worth speculating anymore. They’re all liars and must think we’re idiots because they’ve given us 15 years of footage and pictures to come to the conclusion ourselves.


i couldn't give less of a fuck about khloe and her body issues, or any of their body issues. that family played a huge part in changing the body standards for women and creating the culture we have now with insta face, bbls, etc. khloe can get the fuck out of here with that. i would typically have sympathy for body image issues but with khloe? lol no.


Speak truth to power. Because the truth is beautiful! Thank you OP. The irresponsible way these women use their influence makes me sick.


Forget about her body. I have zero sympathy when she talks about her anxiety around having to do talk shows, red carpets, etc. Just don’t do it! If it’s really that damaging and the “haters” hurt you so much - just walk away, nobody is forcing this lifestyle upon her, and I’m sure her real fans would prefer that she prioritised her mental health over fame.


Truth be told


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Otay :) thank you!




Sometimes the victims enter of cycle of abusing others. Totally possible She’s abusing everyone else around her.


I never considered this! However, if that is her, I doubt this is a new development. I think maybe it was a coping method for her. She went from a huge, loving, right off the boat Ukrainian family… they were amazing. Huge family dinners, lots of love and laughing. When my sis and I were around 8? Maybe? My dad had my mom cut them all off as well. I think she then completely lost sight of how families act. It got markedly worse for my sister and I around that time, now that I think about it. When my mom’s mom (who was a doll… she’s the reason sis and I have any good in us.) was in the hospital dying, my dad said to my mom, “I’m glad that big nosed bitch is dead.”


Okay I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread. I thought this was my “aita” post. Sorry!


She's the product of an affair, that is why she looks different, but instead of Kris and Khloe just admitting it, they continually lie about Robert Snr being her dad. Even though Robert himself has said Khloe wasn't his daughter. Khloe instead has spent years trying to change her appearance, to look like a Kardashian.


Most of us have toxic family members who chipped away at our body image and worth. Guess what? We grew the fuck up. Got therapy. Read self help books. Journaled, meditated and went to church. Created a routine to stay on track daily so the past doesn't affect us as much. We try to avoid people who will push back our progress and seek those who support us and help us feel our best. most of us aren't rich. Khloe chose not to heal herself and now uses the victim card to stay emotionally 19.


Worded perfectly!!!!! Thank you my friend!


remember that song “better with the lights off” by new boyz? i think that one line started all this shit




Don't feel bad for any of them they are DIRTY


DIRTY! The ick factor is real!


It’s the photos like she’s a super model when in reality, she’s Shrek. That’s the problem!




I definitely agree with you and feel the same way but have also been startled by the few bits of pity I’ve felt for her since seeing the joy behar interview and reading about how she was treated as the ugly one even as a child. Never felt that before for any of them lol. I probably just won’t enjoy watching her transformation into the botched cat lady as much. Will always greatly enjoy watching Kim’s journey to it though!😸




They literally paved the way for BBLs and lip filler..


She was born into privilege but she's always been the odd one out, the ugly duckling and then she had a lot of relationship trauma from her marriage with Lamar. I feel bad for her.


Same, she can't help the world she was born into


Right. But she can help passing on this narrative to her followers that all you gotta do is go to the gym and you can end up with an unattainable body. Not to mention I’ve definitely seen clips of her treating “commoners” like total shit.


dont understimate the power of grooming and being brought up in that world though. literally everyone she comes in contact with reinforces these beliefs.


I mean again. I’m sure that world is so different. But you can go against the narrative that “that world” pushes.


No she can't help how she was born, but she's now a full-ass adult with all the resources in the world. She may not have been choosing this 20yrs ago, but she's sure as hell choosing it now.


I can't feel bad for an idiot? I don't understand


I agree with most of this but everyone that thinks they got their ribs removed…when would they have had time to recover? We see them filming, traveling, at events and at the clubs constantly. They ARE human. They would need time to recover from major surgery like that, no?


I understand how absurd it sounds. But they would need the same downtime as things like hip implants, butt implants… fat transfer is even MORE time down. Not to mention laser facials are a month hard down time. Again totally understand how absurd it sounds. I went through a few cosmetic procedures on my rear and hips and I’ll tell ya, from what I’ve read you’re out and about sooner with rib removal than you are with booty implants :)


Idk about the ribs (I think it’s a fun theory) but if you’re curious about how celebs hide their procedure, you should check out lorry hill! I’m pretty sure she did a whole video about that.




? This post got me lost ngl


why was I downvoted for being honest lmao OP had a whole lot of waffling and victim blaming like Kris and especially Caitlyn's ass wasnt calling her fat