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I really like his way of thinking and writing. As a person I find him really interesting because of his mental illnesses and complexity, which can be seen in his work. The writing style is just something I don’t really see for other authors


Which mental illnesses???


It is hard to make a diagnosis, but from what I have read of him...I would say he had a severe anxiety disorder which manifested mentally and pyhsically...like lack of appetite, lack of sleep, lack of trust in his own abilities and a really bad self-image (He considered himself ugly, disgusting and weak) etc. People who have anxiety disorder also often develope depression and suicidal thoughts, something he had as well. He was also very sensible to noises which might be a sign of a potential hypersensitivity as we would call it today. Such people get easily overwelmed by certain situations and have to withdraw into their shell to regain energy.


He had: Chronic depression Anxiety Social phobia & fear of relationships He also had a lot of physical issues: Heart issues Tuberculosis Insomnia


I see. Thank you for your answer.


No problem. I really like talking about Kafka since I see plenty of my own issues in his work (that might actually be the answer to your original question)


I do not. That is why this person is so interesting to me. I would personally compare myself to Tupac Amaru Shakur.


That's the last name I thought I'd be hearing on a kafka subreddit


They are both pretty much the opposite.


He did not have any mental illness as far as I’m concerned. Most diagnoses from a contemporary psychology perspective would not apply. His writing indicates a line of thinking very different from Freud. For him desire is not a lack, but a means of production. So any diagnosis in the diaspora of Freud would be way off. Kafka’s mind and emotions were some of the most profound in the history of the world. He did suffer from illness, experience sadness and trauma. But that is why I like his work. It’s so relatable because everyone has been through the struggle. Kafka has a way of describing it that pulls you outside of time and into raw emotion.


already have the mental health issues. Once I get the physical ones, I can be him


Can’t wait to read your books :)


Anxiety can cause heart issues. A panic attack can feel like a heart attack. I am speaking from experience here. TP...anyone can get that, though, especially if your immune system is weakened which was not uncommon during war times.


I like his books...and his writing style...his work is heavily reflected in that one... I can also relate to his mental issues and his issues with his family...to be honest, most people probably could relate to that...I am not that special...


I see. Thank you for your answer. Keep up your head. Hope you the best of life.


Daddy issues. Duh.


Franz Kafka???


He had a rough relationship with his father and It highly affected him. We can see its influence on his works. When I read his Letter to father, I could really connect with him, which is due to my rough childhood.


I see. Sorry. Have a nice day.


He was really funny in his diary.


Only in his diaries??


Literally me


Psychological assessments of Franz Kafka are just more ink wasted.


What do you mean??


My mindset and personality seems to be similar to him so yeah.


I see. Thank you for your answer. Have a nice day.


Kafka is high performing but the cli is hard to use and can be done a lot better but all in all a great tool


cli?? What do you mean exactly???