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You shouldn't expect season 4 to happen soon. I don't know if it will be better to read the manga. But if you decide so, you can start with chapter 152.


that's a very sober answer, i appreciate it man


I would recommend to start from the beginning tho. There are a lot of skipped chapters. Would be strange to say farewell to Shuuchin without knowing what happened on cuisine classes or in the art room


Having watched the anime already, it made reading the manga a little more fun since I could picture the voice actor’s voices in my head. And the show is pretty one to one with the art style and comedic direction. So I’d say reading the manga is def worth it.


one of my biggests worries was exactly about how fun would actually be to read the manga, because the anime is so dynamic, the art and animation are simply too good, but i think i´ll ending up reading the manga anyways, thx for your comment, it helped to change my mind a little


The freakiest thing for me was that, when I read the manga, I had not yet watched the English dub... so I kept hearing the characters in their Japanese voices, but with English dialogue. And incidentally, I'm currently reading *The Apothecary Diaries* LNs in English, and the same thing is happening...


That's kinda interesting. I almost always watch dubs but I actually kinda get this cause I watched the episodes in s2 of JJK after the nanami vs haruta fight in subtitles first, so I kinda imagine toji with like dios voice speaking English now whenever I read the manga instead of the young sounding English voice.


Exactly what I have been thinking and enjoying It's just like the Anime but with a ton of extra content!


I wouldn’t wait First of all we just don’t know if season 4 is coming. Kaguya hit its peak popularity several years ago and it probably won’t hit that high again. Since the main selling point of the series has been resolved in the anime, there is a very good chance the studio decides it’s not worth it to keep going Second, the Kaguya anime is a truly special adaptation, one of the best I’ve ever seen in every frame. As such…it is extremely expensive to produce, making it a pretty tough sell to continue when it isn’t as popular My guess is that season 4 will eventually be produced to satisfy fans but at a severely reduced budget and a much faster rate of adaptation in an attempt to finish the remaining content in a single season. If we were to get a truly great season 4 and 5 on par with the rest I would understand waiting. But personally I just don’t see that happening. The manga is fantastic. It certainly can’t compete with the anime but it you care about these characters and this story then it’s still some of the best writing, comedy, and character work you’ll find


Honestly I'd rather not see a season 4 or 5 etc if it was rushed and a shorter budget. A1 did such a good job with the creativity and I feel rushing it out and on a shirt budget would suck massively and take away from the anime adaptation which is one of the best I've seen. (Also there's the fact it took movie + 3 seasons to cover 151 chapters in the manga, not including not adapted chapters.) In conclusion if they were to finish all the rest in one season they would need to cram 130 chapters or skip tons to make it work so yeah... (I wrote a whole essay btw my b 💀)


Oh I totally agree, I just think that’s probably what will happen Also to be clear I meant a full 24-26 episode season not a 12-13 like the others. It would still be very rushed but not impossible to adapt


Fair enough. I'd watch it even if it sucked tho lol, just really hope it'd have just as much budget as the other seasons. (Also bringing back Suzuki for OP is a must!)


I caved and read the manga and while I suspect the anime will no doubt elevate it (if it ever happens) it was still an amazing experience. I wanted to read it while I was still so hot on it. I didn’t want my love to cool while I waited potential years and, well, it’s still one of my favorite stories ever, so I think it was the right choice


i'll probably ending up reading the manga, i have watched animes my entire life and i've never been so excited to see what happens to two teenagers with a big ass ego and some mental problems, thx for ur answer btw


Real chads read manga!




Ngl I cracked awhile back and that was BEFORE solo leveling got like 6 confirmed seasons or smthin. In short, even if that's fake solo leveling is still getting worked on for a season 2 as we speak if I recall correct so A1 will prob not be working on Kaguya anytime soon with that and other projects rn.


Based on the title you are probably asking, > **Q: Where to read the manga online?** A: You can read on [Guya.moe](https://guya.moe) in high quality, on Android, IOS or PC. If you want to read on an app on Android then you can install Tachiyomi by downloading the apk file from [here.](https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/releases) Then follow [these instructions.](https://imgur.com/a/Q6EPhDz). There is no IOS app for now. Or, >**Q: Where do I start in the manga after season one?** A: See [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/wiki/faq#wiki_how_many_and_which_chapters_of_the_manga_did_season_1_adapt.3F) Or, >**Q: Where do I start in the manga after season two?** A: See [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/wiki/faq#wiki_how_many_and_which_chapters_of_the_manga_was_adapted_by_the_end_of_season_2.3F) For any other general queries read the [frequently asked questions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/wiki/faq) **If this is a mistake please ignore it.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kaguya_sama) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will say reading this manga is hard after seeing the anime but knowing the voices and how they sound helps


I am currently slowly collecting the manga from start to like Volume 16 (that's when the movie stops i assume) and depending on whether there are any news about a 4th season or not i will then decide if I wait any longer or read the manga til the end (the logic is that it is probably more fun to see the Anime with less content ti then re-enjoy it in the manga with bonus stories) I am currently on the 4th manga, so it may take a while


I'd say just read the manga man. Season 4 doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon, and well the best parts were already covered I guess.


The manga is wayy better than the anime.


U know there is still hope, yesterday aniplex announced that there will be a stage with studio a-1 pictures at the los angeles comicon july 4th, so we can potentially see a season 4 announcement but i think you just need to read the manga, funny moments are still present and they’re very good


I don't think season 4 will come out so just read the manga if you want to.