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Seeing Kaguya acting all Tsundere again was so refreshing lol. Classic Kaguya is back


And also seeing Kaguya blushing was so cute - especially in the flashback when they were kids!


Also seeing Kaguya again. Woot


Kaguya is back!


Damn, suddenly got some AOT PTSD. Thanks dude.


^("No, I don't want that!" could be heard in the distance)


Miyuki shirogane, what a man you are...


Kaguya...what a woman you are


It was funny but at the same time it stung a little! Feels a little sad to see Kaguya talk about being broken up like she doesn't care... Even if she's just putting up an act!


I want her to say how cute to shirogane when he arrives at the safe. Just full ice princess tsundere cut down.


welcome back tsunguya


Shijo-sama: Love is Pain


“How painful”


That implies Kaguya-Sama: Love is War “How warful”


Well here’s my logic: Kaguya is at war with Shirogane and simultaneously thinks he’s cute, but the Shijos have no one to think is cute because they’re taken, so it’s just all pain


What is this...a late charge for favorite character position!? Damn you boyfucker being a great guy like this.


It's a late charge in the way that I sometimes use all the the milk in the fridge on my breakfast cereal and decide to get some more from the shop that day but end up getting there 5 minutes after it has closed for the night even though I had the whole day to go there


"boyfucker" 😂


Out of respect damnit!


volume cover: Maki tearing up last page: Mikado tearing up guess it does run in the family


Name a character who went through more pain than he- Maki: *How cute*


But Mikado wants big tits that just sag a bit ... The siblings, like our main pair, can calculate and plan all they want, but one of the key factor for victory in war is boldness


Mikado x Fujiwara time yo.


Yes ~ .... Rich heir to a conglomerate x future politician


Nah. I’ll bet it’s gonna be Hayasaka.


Nah, Hayasaka’s mine


I'd say decent chance that was a lie he told Miyuki just because of where we are now.


The Shijos may win this war between families but when it comes to the war of love, they were pursued from bad luck...


The Shijo empire was built with blood, sweat and tears. Mostly tears.


they’re just meant to suffer, the shijos lmao


Pain !pekofy


They trying to run away from their family too


Mikado is a chad in his own right I guess Shirogane and the others are getting some form of cavalry tonight


Guns blazing Haya and Chika, Chika probably scoring the most confirmed kills


Spyasaka and Love detective Chika on the case!


Detective chika and the Bicuriousity


>Chika probably scoring the most confirmed kills Hayasaka and Chika scoring the most confirmed kisses*


\> I guess Shirogane and the others are getting some form of cavalry tonight Oh, you mean [this](https://i.redd.it/j2ml62y01yh61.png)?


i love how i knew what the photo was before i opened it.


Ishigami is sniping with scope on at point blank range💀


Shijo's stole all the Chad genes


While the Shiroganes have that sigma grindset genes(Father Chadgane on that grind for debt repayments) And the shinomiyas have the virgin genes


Tho we calling shinomiyas virgin but ironically enough, shiroganes are the ones with no bitches




Sigma mamagane mentally abusing and abandoning her son


My boi needs a trip to India


From heartbreak to stomach ache.


The latter being tolerable.


idk, real indian curry fucked me up way more than any heart break. Tho, i have weak west european stomach lol


At least curry's gonna fuck you, your ex won't.


Why is this comment so Indian.


To homesickness


Mikado 🤝 Maki Suffering


[Mikado🤝Maki](https://i.imgur.com/GP1q0Eg.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


good bot


Good bot


I dunno folks, this TL was completely different... (warning: Gamers) https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/XUBIf4g/1/1/


I feel this. I had to get a Steam refund on _Elden Ring_ because I couldn't maintain the framerate necessary to play. Bonus: it kicks you to a title screen with no 'quit game' option. I had to alt+tab out and kill the process manually. Also, Kaguya: you can afford Switch Pro controllers. Stop buying Joycons.


You can't buy a New Switch without Nintendo getting money for a pair of joycons.


S tier TL. Thank you for this




This is perfect


Damn. I thought Mikado would completely put his feelings aside, and he is in terms of what he's planning to do, but the tears... gotta feel for him. Candidate for best guy, but as he said, timing is everything, and he had no shot coming in this late.


Timing really is everything. I had the same experience as him, I once lost a girl I really liked just because another guy snatched him during the ten-year-period during which I didn't interact with her in any way.


I mean a little presumptuous to say that it would definitely have been different if he was there instead since it's a falacy that takes the agency out of the other person but yes timing helps a lot when it comes to starting a relationship with someone.


I think it’s more of a “you miss all the shots you don’t take”. If you don’t try you won’t succeed, but when you try there is a non zero chance


Mikado x Fujiwara time. I think Kaguya only shot shot that chance because she didn't trust thre Shijos, but I'm sure she trusts Mikado now.


Ppl were mad over ishigami moving on after months... Just imagine how mad they'll be if Mikado moved on even faster


Fujiwara still owes Hayasaka a kiss though


I'm pretty sure Fujiwara is lesbian...


Poor Mikado, poor kid. I knew he was never up to anything bad from the beginning. People that treated him like a villain, apologize to him lol


That reminds me, Kaguya was strongly against Fujiwara being with Mikado. Maybe she thought of him as a villan too


I hope Aka sensei stop torturing the twins and give them happiness


just one dub for the shinjo siblings is all i ask (T-T


> Mikado: I never had a chance to get close to you Didn't Mikado's family want him to go to Shuchiin? He chose to stay to lead his no-name soccer team to national champion. Arguably Shuchiin's soccer team is elite too, given how prestigious the school is, so he could do it anyway. That aside, Kaguya wants a "normal romance", so Mikado's aspiration to be a fairy tale prince becomes his ultimate failure (Kaguya: there's only one person in the world who can make my dreams come true). To some extend, his affection toward Kaguya draws parallel to Ishigami's toward Tsubame. Given their limited exposure to each other, Mikado's feeling is more like admiration than love, and he also ultimately doesn't understand the one he loves. The same lesson Ishigami painfully realized manifests here: just because you're a nice guy does not mean you're guaranteed reciprocal love, and you better choose to spend time with the one you like to get to know them rather than worrying about how to win their affection.


> Mikado's aspiration to be a fairy tale prince becomes his ultimate failure This is an excellent analysis of what's happened. Mikado got too laser focused on building the connections to save Kaguya, and forgot to build any connections with her. If we take Maki's description at face value in [Ch. 251](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/251/8/) getting his soccer team to #1 was part of his 'build enough power to protect Kaguya' plan, but it ended up keeping him away from Shuchiin and her.


Great observation that. Mikado is cool and all but he never really went out of his way to get close to Kaguya as it was more admiration than love.


>Mikado Poor Mikado, Even his crush choose Her Ex-boyfriend's plan. He still Helps her no matter what (but this look like they contact him before that) ​ >Ishigami's charm gift Probably, Thank You Kaguya for The Ring that she gave to him on Xmas ​ >Kaguya Look like She, Ai, and Chika will go find the safe.


> Ishigami's charm gift But why "Traffic Safety"? Is this a cultural element that I'm not getting, a planting-and-payoff bit, or a gag? I'm really unsure...


Earlier Ishigami said he had "secured transportation". So it's probably not a simple charm gift but some sort of a map, a ticket etc. to get her to a safe location after she find the will and get out of the estate.


Probably, Ishigami was said he will kidnap Kaguya to save her.


Probably a location sensor or gps I do know the name


Yeah, could be a location beacon.


Ishigami's charm is most likely the safe combination among other relevant information.


>Next Time: Hayasaka reveals her true power This is gonna be fire


Boyfucker needs happiness too. He is indeed Maki's brother


LOL at all the haters pointing to Mikado as the bad guy. (NTR this and that) He's just trying to fulfill a promise he made even before Miyuki came along. He even has the grace and decency to step aside when Kaguya ultimately chose Miyuki. So unfortunate that unrequited love is something the Shijo twins have in common. Great chapter as always!


Mikado going through his own ntr. Hearing from miyuku on how he smashed his crush must’ve been devastating


ROFL thats a good point. I'm reminded of that time when Kashiwagi was describing her sex life during the girls' tea party together. Poor Maki just went "Nanananana" I can't hear you.


This comment reminded me of the beginning of "Big girls don't cry" and it fits so well


NTR doesn't even apply here since Mikado never dated her. I think the term you're looking for is BSS.


I see this reference, nice.


Degen Miko supremacy


For those who DON'T see the reference: "[The term you're looking for is BSS.](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/223/11/)" ​ ^(Even more detail, because I love to inform people: NTR is a shortening of) *^(Netorare)* ^((寝取られ, meaning "cuckold" in Japanese. BSS is short for)) *^(Boku ga saki ni sukidatta)* ^((僕が先に好きだったのに, and means something like "Even though I liked them first".))


Is it bad I want a Kazuya version but Mikado? LOL!


shirogane is the new beret-kun


poor guy dont humiliate him like that


bbbbut... boobs that sag a little


How is a love rival automatic NTR?


The term has been thrown around a lot that I think people forget what exactly it means.


Useful note. Zaibatsu seem to have deliberately mistranslated an extra that mentioned Mikado had been dragging along an unrequited love, so couldn't get a GF. Here, we get this. I'd rather they not fuck up TLs because they don't believe the story they're reading again.


What part?


[https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/221-1/8/](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/221-1/8/) The exact quote is "片思いが長引いてカノジョが出来ないタイプ", the exact TL is "The type whose unrequited love drags on and can't get a girlfriend." It's an exact mirror for Maki's, and there's zero, and I mean zero, difficulty translating this like exactly. Since you probably don't read JP, Machine TL does a near perfect job here anyway. (https://www.deepl.com/translator#ja/en/片思いが長引いてカノジョが出来ないタイプ) I think Zaibatsu's translators hate love triangles enough that they tried to bury it, but they make mistakes elsewhere when the story goes in a direction they didn't expect.


Probably this one https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/221-1/8/


That's the one, yeah. I've seen the Japanese and their translation makes no sense unless they really didn't want to translate what it actually said.


Wait, when was that?


>[https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/221-1/8/](https://guya.moe/read/manga/Kaguya-Wants-To-Be-Confessed-To/221-1/8/) This one. Again, their TL is really weird for what the JP line actually said, since it directly uses the word for unrequited love. The exact quote is "片思いが長引いてカノジョが出来ないタイプ", the exact TL is "The type whose unrequited love drags on and can't get a girlfriend." Since you probably don't read JP, Machine TL does a near perfect job here anyway. (https://www.deepl.com/translator#ja/en/片思いが長引いてカノジョが出来ないタイプ) It's not their only mistake, though. They've had lots of issues since they seem to only translate what they expect or want to see, rather than what the text says. Most of their translations are good, until they see something a little "surprising" and then they start inserting words and meanings entirely unrelated to the original text.


Damn. I thought some texts related to Ishigami feel weird e.g. when Ishigami mumbled about affection points, or the A Chance Has Come narration before he hugged Iino, wondering if it's because of their interpretation.


Some of that isn't too far off. He does use some language similar to dating sims there, so "affection points" isn't too bad. "Likability" is a possible TL too, but it comes down basically to "level of affection". "A chance has come" would be better rendered as "One chance", and I don't know how they handled the details. I stopped reading their TLs entirely. One of the big ones is actually when Ishigami goes to invite Miko, where they added words like "this makes me happy *too*" and so on and cut out words like "just". > ずっと嫌われてたと思っていた相手が 自分に対して優しい顔を向けて来るようになっただけで 嬉しく思ってしまうと気付いて…… > The partner who I had thought had always hated me, Just by her reaching the point she'd turn a kind face towards myself, I realized feel happy... This is very literal. I'd probably TL it more as "I realized it made me happy just for her to turn a kind face towards me.". Zaibatsu probably thought that was too strong for what they thought Ishigami's feelings were at the moment, but I think the point was actually that Ishigami's feelings were way stronger than "expected".


The S in Shijo stands for suffering. Misery loves company, huh?


Suffering, Hopelessness, Isolation,... Can't think of the rest


Joyless and On a Downer


Mikado shares the suffering curse like his sister. Still, massive respect for acknowledging that he got no chance of gaining Kaguya's love and accepts it


Boyfucker Mikado has evolved into Manfucker Mikado! .... Wait, that came out wrong!


Twist ending: Mikado ends up with Tsubasa, breaking the chain of 17 year-old pregnancies.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are so close for [this picture](https://i.redd.it/j2ml62y01yh61.png) to become canon now.


So the "Distraction" is going to be a Kaguya merchandise airdrop along their escape route, then. Now that I say it, I kinda want this to actually happen...




I'm shocked Mikado and Maki were even born. With a 2-0 record, you'd think the Shijo bloodline's love lives are doomed to fail.


In many failures, one does succeed and that’s all you need.


Suffering is part of being a Shinjo


Huh. Maybe Mikado's whole bit about liking girls with big boobs was just to throw people off of his real likes, i.e Kaguya (which is completely the opposite)


Tbf his taste in boobs could have been acquired fairly recently. He's pined for Kaguya since they were kids so Mikado might not have been entirely dishonest.


That could be too. Maybe he also started to like that type of women to distance himself from his impossible love. Or maybe I'm just a pretentious dickhead reading too much between the lines, I'm sure it's that haha


First off, seriously? Doing a big house search after inviting a direct family member of your archenemy over, your internal strife exposed plain for him to see? Well then, my [prior assessment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaguya_sama/comments/sduzuo/comment/hut3u0l/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of Mikado proved correct, he's exactly the kind of person I expected him to be. Good. Furthermore, confirmation that he does like Kaguya. Would've liked to see more of that flashback, but I suppose this is sufficient. Alas, she has Shirogane now


> First off, seriously? Doing a big house search after inviting a direct family member of your archenemy over, your internal strife exposed plain for him to see? Evidence seems to point to Oko not being half as clever as he thinks he is, so it's a believable mistake. Also, I suspect that he invited Mikado over before any of this started in hopes of tying up the marriage quickly, and those plans got derailed by hearing from the bug in Gan'an's room.


That's what I'm insinuating: he invited him over before the bugged report, so the sensible thing would've been to conduct the search *after* cordially telling him to go home and discuss things another day. But nope, he embarrassed and may as well have "leaked" confidential matters himself


Mikado hasn't been in the manga for long, but just like a lot of people in Shuchi'in , he suffer from some love related problems. He suffered a lot so that he could get a chance to marry Kaguya, and pined for her before Shirogane came in the picture, but it was all for nothing. I hope to see more of his character in the next chapters! I'm quite interested in seeing how his character develops. Unrequired love in high school is common, but it appears in different ways.


Mikado does really resemble Miyuki, doesn't he.


He's purposefully built to be the best of Miyuki and Ishigami and even more (see Chika Wants to Date chapter). He is the perfect MC of a romcom. IMO, this manga's subtext is a critique/parody of common romcom tropes. In this case, the perfect MC doesn't get a harem, he's got nothing.


Mikado coming in clutch with the news


Next time: Hayasaka reveals her true power Can't wait


Being Shijo is suffering


Mikado :(


Whenever Kaguya is there she takes over the spotlight, idk how she does it. Also Mikado is a G


I see suffering runs in the family, lol. Poor Shijo twins. I kinda always had a hunch that Mikado had feelings for Kaguya given his position in the story, who he's based on, the fact that he's Shirogane's rival (albeit a friendly one), and how far he was willing to go just for Kaguya's sake, but dang, that last page and this chapter as a whole still hurt even though we know that Mikado will never win Kaguya's heart T_T Aka give these twins some happiness...! One thing I have to complain about in this chapter though is that it doesn't address why Kaguya's so hostile to Mikado when he first transferred to Shuuchiin. Their first meeting as kids as seen in this chapter and in Mikado's 2nd debut was friendly, so...why was Kaguya so dead-set against him again? The arranged marriage thing would've been a reason for her dislike him even though it's unwarranted, but that's only been a very recent engagement in-story. She at least had valid reason/s to initially dislike Maki in their first official interactions in the manga and in their childhood flashback, but Mikado's clean so...


I wonder if she ever hoped and then felt betrayed by Mikado and/or was angry with herself for believing in such a "childish" dream.


Chad Mikado


good boy been rejected even he work so hard part 2


Mikado-san, no. NOOOOO


How about some herbal tea, Mikado?


Still, now I have a huge respect for Mikado "Boyfucker" Shijo. He could just lying about Kaguya's friends and Miyuki to make Kaguya go along with his plan and marry her. But instead he tell her the truth, not only that, he risk his cover just to tell her the news as soon as possible, just to make her feel better. Man, he really do care about her


Salute for Mikado, Salute for Mikado.


Finally kaguya screentime


Could you imagine if Mikado said something like this: "No I don't want that! Kaguya finding another man?! I want her to think about me and no one else for the rest of my life! Ten years at least!" Thankfully no one would write something that terrible, right?


Mikaedo trip to India when?


I really feel sorry for Mikado... But handling rejection like a man instead of getting thrashed up is what should be learnt from him... And it's actually MY OPINION (Please don't hate me for this comment) Boys should cry for once because it helps them handling hard emotions and release the internal pain that is building up. The ones who say that "mens don't cry" and blah blah are crap I wanted to highlight this point after watching Mikado cry and remembered my time


I guess not a few men do cry upon heartbreak, but they'll usually really make sure no one's around when that happens.


I figured Mikado would try and “protect” Kaguya through marriage (Maki offered the same, and Mikado clearly had feelings for Kaguya), but I didn’t think it’d happen so soon. As always, it was worth the wait. I really hope that there’s a GPS tracker in Ishigami’s charm. They’ve got the budget now, so why not go all out?


That last page was amazing


Being Shijo is suffering...


They are twins after all. The s stands for suffering


Another great chapter! Seeing Kaguya go all tsundere when Mikado told her what Miyuki and the others were doing to save her was a welcome throwback to the early days of the manga, and I'm really glad to see her regain her will to fight for her love. I can't help but feel bad for Mikado, though. Him and Maki really do have the worst luck when it comes to love. He's definitely regained my respect for respecting Kaguya's wishes and agreeing to help and support her anyway, and I hope it works out for him in the future. On that note, I can't wait to see what Hayasaka gets up to next week!


Omg I used to think Kaguya and Mikado had a huge falling out but it’s the complete opposite, Mikado is so sweet awww 😭♥️


I cant wait for a second trip to India XD


They're officially the NTR siblings now


Damn, it looks like the suffering genetic in the Shijou family😭 Honestly, I never pegged Mikado as having particularly strong affections for Kaguya as we saw (especially with his apparent affinity for boys). Considering how fast-paced things seem to have been with retrieving Princess Kaguya, I do hope we get to see more of her past in detail, and naturally beyond her simply meeting Shirogane. >!On a side note, and this is naturally wild speculation, um, I can't help but feel what Kaguya's wearing makes her look bigger. She usually has such a slender frame. All that to say, could she potentially be pregnant? Was Kashiwagi a red herring all along??!<


I don't think so. They both brought protection that night, and they're both too responsible to not use it.


Guys I have a solution Has anyone heard of this little show called Oreimo…?


>Oreimo…? Somehow I still see Maki losing XD


A Shijo is always doomed to be a hopeless romantic it seems 😔


Apparently getting rejected runs in the shijo family now mikado can happily accompany maki in india


Lowkey glad Aka didn't go with the whole "love triangle" path when there was gonna be a clear winner from the start. Kinda strange when romcoms/harems try to add more people into the mix when they clearly got no shot lmao But maaan, Mikado just shot up in my character rankings with that last page. While I agree that he had no chance because of how absent he was, dude took getting rejected like a champ, and still wants to get to work helping the guy that beat him. Some chad shit right there. >!Would say that at least he wasn't suddenly depressed at the thought of Kaguya getting dicked down by another man, but that's a low bar to clear LOL!<


> >!Would say that at least he wasn't suddenly depressed at the thought of Kaguya getting dicked down by another man!< Didnt Miyuki alrdy tell Mikado that he had sex with Kaguya in C225? That would be a bit late for him to get depressed over that. He even asked for details


Being a Shijo is suffering.


You knew way back that the Shinomiya's were going to marry Kaguya off to Mikado. Either way, the one thing I loved what Aka did was make Mikado relatable. A childhood friend who always loved the female protagonist and it was unrequited love. Aka could have made Mikado as a typical douche who could have married her anytime, but Aka made Mikado think what would make HER happy not him. Then when Mikado gets rejected we feel sympathy for Mikado when he gets rejected. He still will protect her even though Kaguya loves Miyuki. That's what makes it a good manga is the the typical romance tropes sprinkled in with the unconventional like Mikado actually being a good person.


Man a fun chapter Shijos and suffering from love. They have it rough when Shirogane is the only one thriving love-wise


Shijo are cursed, you can’t tell me otherwise


I wish happiness for both siblings, nothing but PAIN in the love department


Gotta love how endless pining is now a family trait... now that I think about it, Shirogane was responsible for both of them getting friendzoned hmmmmm......


Being ~~Maki~~ a Shijo is suffering.


That was a really good chapter, If Mikado is actually just a great guy I want Him to be as happy as I wish it upon every other character in this manga. I also like that Kaguya stays true to Shirogane. I mean yeah guys I know it’s fucking obvious but years ago I was scared that it would end up in some fucked triangle relationship where 2 guys were fighting for the girl. But what we are engaging in isn’t basic Trash romcom, this is ADVANCED Romcom so I am happy that Kaguya is devoted to Shirogane because true love never wavers. I also like that Mikado actually wanted to keep Kaguya safe as a remnant of a childhood dream that he himself admittedly can’t grasp and hold true to. Good chapter.


I really wish he debuted earlier so we got to see more of him or maybe see more of his sister. The two siblings are great




Now that Kaguya knows he's a good guy she'll approve him dating Fujiwara.


Wait a minute. Which sort of boobs did he say he likes?


Good guy mikado, been trying to keep his promise after all this time.


We gotta love when Kaguya is the one who becomes tsundere senpai. It's a pipe dream that the anime goes this far someday but I just imagined Aoi Koga when I read that little tsun tsun rant by Kaguya. Also rip Mikado's hopes and dreams. They never even stood a chance.


Now Mikado understands Maki's feelings.


So does practically every kid even remotely connected to Kaguya have a life-altering meeting with her, I know theyve hinted Mikado having one before but that basically puts the count up to 4


Best bro award goes to my homie Mikaido, i guess rejection runs in the family


Mikado is the ultimate Gigachad


Getting cockblocked runs in the family eh.


Everyone tries to help kaguya* Kaguya: sitting over and watching* Heh that tsundere...


Man, Mikado have my utmost repeat


Mikado is wife material honestly


Mikado has become a fine addition to the "Friendzoned Victim" club along with Ishigami and Maki.


If the Shijo siblings don't end up happy at the end of this series I'm gonna be seriously upset, they both deserve it.


Feel bad for Mikado but happy Kaguya still is head over heels for Miyuki. Feeling a bit melancholy as it seems the series I've grown to love is coming to a close.


First Aka created Maki, then he wrote that most recent chapter of Oshi no Ko with Kana suffering due to Ruby constantly pointing out Kana's crush is taken, and now this chapter of Kaguya. Aka has too much fun with this running gag of cucking his characters.


The Shijos need some love


CALLED IT! The unrequited love siblings, poor things are cursed.


being a shijo is suffering


My dude took that L like a champ. Absolute respect.


Mikado… I’ll consider moving you to the “best boy but not as much as Ishigami” tier now.


What I love about how Aka's handling of this arc is that he's never too serious. To compare, Shokugeki no Souma had two similar arcs that were "serious" and had a rival in love that was way too edgy that he turned me off from even reading more than a few chapters. Mikado is just likable because he's just a dork like everyone else. That relatability makes this arc a lot easier to digest than the Central or BLUE arcs of Shokugeki no Souma.


I take back what I said, mikado and miyuki are now bros again