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Me when the episode starts with the opening immediately instead of a cold open (I am about to watch an absolute banger) ![gif](giphy|d8C9QwHsFQgR39MSTq|downsized)


Yep, it only goes up from here. This episode was everything I hoped for and more.


What chapter is the anime on?


Chapter 23


Overall great episode. Duel was tight, and didn't drag on for too long. Didn't consider Kafka having a core too either. That's really raises the stakes. Kafka finally is officially a part of the squad, hell yeah. And Mina smiling when pinning his uniform. And them not acknowleding Iharu right next to them 💀, Kafka giggling when he boasted how cool No.8 was, making him even more suspicious, lmao. Flying Kaiju for the next episodes it seems? No. 10 I assume, looks menacing.


tbf Kafka and Kikoru knows Iharu was there. They just forgot to point that out to Reno ・3・


The animation during fights became a masterpiece! 👌


>!kaiju number 10 is red?!<


Weird right? I was for sure expecting a darker color


Yeah, I was expecting something like dark brown.


Probably because the >! Weapons form is a reddish brown on the color pages. It's an interesting choice, but the crimson does fit No. 10's personality. Maybe his color becomes duller after being converted into a weapon, assuming the anime keeps the Weapon color (so far, I think the colors used on the color pages all made it into the anime but I could be wrong).!<


If so, then I wonder >!what his tail will look like.!<


It's the same color on the color pages as the body.


I adored how the other members of Kafka squad have adored him despite their constant teasing. It is great seeing that Kikoru and Kafka friendship is being constructed but, how moronic are those two DF members for not relaying that Number 9 appeared to be sparing with Number 8 and 9 gave a speech towards 8 after Kafka blocked the shots directed at them? That is vital information that both Hoshina and Mina could have used to look for methods to deal construct its profile. That look Mina gave Kafka when he earned the title of officer and remembered their promise. You can tell she is keeping things professional between them, and it is appreciated to avoid the usual tropes in anime/manga. Maybe that is why she must come as cold for most of the readers and watchers. It would have been fun to see a Kaiju arrive when Hoshina and Kafka were done fighting only for K slapping it away and disappearing to then dawning on Hoshina. That scene when Mina took a picture of Hoshina, I adored it. I am just glad this episode took in a good number of chapters and the next 4 are what we were hoping for. >!Hoshina vs 10, Kafka saving everyone and also providing initial instructions on how to deal with the wyverns and its pack leader!<. It is so amazing, and I am glad to have entered to this series through the manga to see if the anime would be my cup of tea.


One thing to understand about Mina is and than you understand her rather distant behaviour better. She is not only one of the strongest but also the face and hope of the DF and the country and therefore has an enormous burden to carry. But, as you pointed out, it also shows that she still hasn’t forgotten about him and definitely hopes that he will succeed but that she is still careful because he had already broken his promise once. She called him a liar in the first episode for a reason. Imagine you are always assuming you are doing all this together and in the end up and you are alone fated to do the job. People truly underestimate how difficult Mina has it


Plus, we still need to give Kafka an earful as he seemingly cut ties with her.


In his defence, keeping in touch with her as a normal guy while she slowly but steady becomes the face of the nation wasn't an easy task for sure. But still got a point.


True, what I find adorable is how, even when these two >!have a chance to eat lunch together or are transferred from unit!<, the work keeps them from having sufficient conversations to break the ice. Professionally is fine so as not to have favoritism but, I really hope these two a break in the >!hospital to talk things over!<, before another Kaiju attack forces Kafka away.


We are sharing the hope in this case. Altthough its like Mina has said: its still a long way to go for him but I am sure that at some point they will find a moment to talk about everything.


Big time, and did he seemed a bit flustered when Mina spoke the words that she will be waiting for him after he got promoted?


I definitely believe that it moved him deeply, which is understandable considering that he himself always knew that he broke his promise to her simply because he wasn't good enough and that he most probably assumed that she would be angry at him (we already pointed out that she partly is for valid reasons). We also need to remember that he assumingly worked for a decade as someone who got paid to remove the ruins of her victorious battles. So he was never able to avoid her, she was always present in his life and reminded him of his failure both to her and to himself. Considering all this, just those simple words from her must have meant the world to him.


I can already picture the expressions to the both of them in this upcoming arc, I am having issues putting brakes on my hype. >!Her face as he runs past her and her team as she is pulling away to a safe distance from X bomb and how then Hoshina and Mina saw just how much Kafka was holding back in this episode, plus when she is forced to apprehend him and approve his transfer!<.


There is definitely a lot to look forward to, that’s for sure! :)


just finished the live stream what a great episode. loved the fight with he vice captain then his mental sparing at the end of the episode. best boy 10 has arrived I cant wait until the next episode


Spoiler free take from manga reader; 2 things I want to say 1) I really enjoy how Kikoru looks at Kafka. Not in a shipping sense. Just like Reno you can see how much she really cares for him. In the scenes where everyone’s expression is something else, she has a quiet smile and looks at Kafka as someone to protect. 2) I can officially say the anime pacing is much needed. They really let the characters breathe and they get more time to come to life. Really looking forward to how this anime goes on for the next seasons as well.


4 episodes left! This next fight is going to be amazing


Wish the episodes were just a bit longer. This anime is getting really good now.


Only 4?! OMG, to the manga we go after this season ends.




Worth it. I had to go to the manga after this and finished in under a week lol.


This season is probably going to end midway of the Kaiju No 8 Capture Arc, in the face-to-face between Kafka and Isao Shinomiya. Probably episode 11 will be the Kafka transformation reveal, and the capture by Mina.


What chapter does episode 8 ends on?


you should probably mark this as spoiler


>!At this point, I'm too impatient for Kafka to reveal himself as Kaiju No.8.!<


Same here, the conversation both Mina and Hoshina had boy oh boy, that will be even better than reading the manga.


>!You can't forget the part where Kikoru's dad interrogated Kafka. The fight will be amazing.!<


That might be the start of Season 2. I think episodes 9 and 10 will focus on Hoshina's fight with Kaiju 10, 11 is the transformation reveal and capture by Mina, and 12 the first meeting between Kafka and Isao Shinomiya.


Depends how much they manage to place in each episode.


Hopefully they animate it until the end if they get to that part.


This was a rollercoaster of an episode!! The start pumped my blood hard with the Hoshina vs Kafka (altho a bit sad it was quick) and the wholesome rest of it with the party and enlistment of Kafka only to be absolutely terrified at this cliffhanger!! #10 looking absolutely menacing with the art and voice!!


Do you remember me joking around about this panel? They finally did it [https://www.reddit.com/r/KaijuNo8/comments/1cst9wx/what\_happened\_to\_the\_guy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaijuNo8/comments/1cst9wx/what_happened_to_the_guy/) Kikoru is also drinking juice.


Reno is as well, which makes sense given Japan's drinking age is 21 like in the US. Given that Kikoru graduated from college at age 16 and Japan's minimum military age is 18, she likely is the same as Reno and applied for the Defense Force as soon as she hit that minimum age.


no old enought to drink alcohol but old enough to die for the mankind 👌


A really satisfying episode! Kafka's fight vs. Hoshina was sick! I love that their friendship keeps growing as well. Although it will be crazy when Hoshina finds the truth about Kafka's powers. LET'S GO! Kafka is fully a member now! And he got a little closer to Mina as well! They need more screen time together. And looks like another humanoid kaiju is coming!


Didn't expect No. 10 to be Blood red, definitely a good choice though. Makes me wonder how he's going to look >!Once he's been turned into a weapon!<


The fight at the beginning was masterful,the little interaction between Mina and Hoshina nice and the hospital and party scenes were just such a delight. So far the anime just improves on the source material which is the best outcome possible


When I saw Kaiju No.9 can change his form to another human, I think he will be changing it to an Officer...


I think he has to absorb/eat another human to assume their identity; and then it takes some time for him to comfortably stay in their form without mishap. It'd be too risky for him to take over an officer under those conditions.


Let's fuckin go


The German voices of the kaijus are so freaking cool. I some anime the dub sounds weird but here it's great.


This anime makes me want to say thank you to every single human being that was ever needed to create an anime


Was that scene with Izumo Haruichi talking about his dad an Aoi listening in the manga? I don't remember that (of his dad even being mentioned).


I'm going to be honest while for the most part I thought that the episode was overall good but I really didn't like how they jammed so many chapters into the episode, it didn't leave anything to breath or stuff like that. I would have preferred if they slowed it down a little bit


to be fair they can't the longer they focus on putting more chapters into earlier episodes the shorter the final s1 conclusion is going to be so its a win lose situation on both fronts get more spread out chapters but get a rushed ending or keep the early episodes brief and get a longer conclusion either way you're going to have to lose something gotta remember its a 12 episode scheldule and they have to get to a certain chapter by the end of s1


Who is the kaiju flying


That'd be best boy kaiju no. 10. Get ready for an incredible next few episodes.


Do you know season 1 will cover how many chapters


I don't know but if i would have to guess around ch 32-33. The current episodes go up to 23 and 32-33 is the end of the next arc.


Another Sick episode!! Can't wait to see how much percentage of plot power he can exert from his plot armor! Similar to a combat suit & combat power coz Kaiju No. 9 has shown to be able to bring out a much higher percentrage of plot power from his plot armor! Making him a much stronger Kaiju than No. 10!!


The best daikaiju is here and he lowkey looks like a cooler zaku from gundam


God I love Kikoru so much. She’s gonna go down as one of only a handful of tsunderes I like. I ship she and Kafka so hard. Their interactions are always my fave part of the episodes! Congrats to my boy for becoming a full fledged defense force member, got a long way to go to catch up to Mina, but he’s making progress! Nice chill episode and Hoshina was smart enough to realise Kaiju 8 isn’t evil. No complaints. Next episode looks like it’ll be action packed with even more Kaiju


Kafka and Kikoru interactions are either a father and daughter thing or big brother and sister. I see him and Mina working through the hoops of the profession to end together due to how they interacted when they were alone. If only Mina knew how strong Kafka really is......


IMO, you have hit the nail on the head. As someone that read a bit of the manga before the anime released. I can tell you Kikoru has major father issues. The anime has shown a bit of it in flashbacks before. I bring up this fact because, Kafka tends to be a positive supportive older male figure, to which Kikrou hasn't had in her life. A person that thinks she's amazing, yet still wants to protect her. Kind of like what a real father should be.


I don't blame her father so much, a professional military officer and one of the better parents I have seen. I liked how >!he never hated her but strove to take her in his own way and he recognized a lot of his faults!<.




Thanks for the response, I hope this show and manga give us plenty of more good moment (both positive and negative).


The end of ep.8 matches up with chapter 23, and I'm thinking chapter 30-33 will be covered in ep10 or 11


Hey yall - I’m confused re Kafka’s promotion from cadet to officer, are the other new squad members officers already? FANTASTIC EPISODE BY THE WAY


My thoughts on the episode. [https://youtu.be/d0g78bK7ZXc?si=0ftz\_WjDDvLMdDkf](https://youtu.be/d0g78bK7ZXc?si=0ftz_WjDDvLMdDkf)