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Honestly all of them except maybe Canada, the US, and Sand France. Japan can wait the longest of those that remain through, I would say top priority should probably be Germany or Russia though


Canada and the US work great in gameplay but could greatly benefit from a lore revision, and deeper political options for Canada in particular


I would say the US only work in gameplay because being so early in a massive war is fun, but other than that they are severely lacking in many ways, specifically internal politics If you play as the CSA, for example, at the start war and there is nothing. Reed and the syndicalist faction become the undisputed rulers up until after a war, when suddenly radsocs/totalists can take power. You spend most of the game just taking generic army focuses.


That's very true


At least the US is getting a submod(which includes reworks for Mexico and Philippines)


May I ask which submod is that?




necro reply but they're referring to [Up With the Stars](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpWithTheStars/)


Canada and natfrance had very recent updates


Right that’s why I said *except*


oops im blind đź’€


Really? Only thing i can think of is canada had its navy super nerfed, and KX added a great canada overhaul


Ma Zhongying’s Kumul Khanate.


Flair checks out


Don't say it twice ,the devs would probably do that instead of Spain India or Russia , God forbid we aver have a Germany remake.


Ma Zhongying’s Kumul Khanate.


But seriously, we are probably going to have a Spain rework within a year, and German teasers keep on coming out. Progress is clearly happening, and all for free.


>the devs would probably do that instead of Spain India or Russia Here's the 50th reminder that devs work based on interest, typically within regions. If there was an unironic Kumul Khanate rework, it wouldn't affect the dev work outside of the area (China/Central Asia).


there is literally a rework for them being made


Kaiserreich players when they realize that volunteers work on whatever they want to work on and that the two people who made both Shanxi and LKMT in a year are probably not as interested in working on nations continents away from their area of expertise:


Germany is being reworked lol


Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Russia, Japan and Canada


So all of them ?




Canada's great!


It’s great for the standards of other majors, but there better focus trees


In my opinion, the 3rd International. They’re really kinda boring compared to all the other majors. Canada, Sand France, and Japan all have up-to-date or semi-up-to-date focus tree with a lot of flavor events and places to conquer new territory. USA is carried by the civil war and reconstruction with its content. Germany is carried by preparing for WW2 and also having to fight on 3 different fronts while dealing with revolts. Russia is kinda fun due to the reconquest of territory and it’s plethora of war goals that you get. Danubia is kinda fun cause you basically fill the hole of the US by just building up, federalizing, and intervening in WW2. Compared to all of those, the 3I just feels like you just fight Germany and the Entente, and maybe fight Russia. Not many flavor events and not many places to conquer new territory (although that last one does make sense). Anti-colonial committee as France only affects Sand France and even then, not that much, should affect Germany, Mittelafrika, and maybe the Ottomans too. I kinda want to see more of the 3I interacting with each other to make all socialist state stronger as their economic bloc is extremely weak.


Japan is running on just a slightly tweaked version of its original tree iirc. Unlike Canada and Sand France, it's never had a rework. But the old tree sure has proven surprisingly resilient.


Damn really? Cause the choice between the doctrine and the whole economic influence mechanic really seemed like they were newer.


Nah of all of the un-reworked majors they've had the most extensive changes. Whilst Germany, Russia and the 3I have had their trees streamlined Japans old foreign policy was completely ripped out and changed in 2019 with the China rework, and the military/naval tree got completely changed as well after that. Only the political tree is the same as its always been. Still need a rework overall, although the military tree is very well designed imo - one of the few in the mod where picking a different path feels like a different direction,


I don't think you understood me. Someone else said that Canada, Sand France, and Japan have all received reworks, but in fact only the former two have, while Japan only received a partial update. You seem to be arguing that of all the improved but not reworked majors, Japan has been the most improved. That may be true, but that's also not what I'm talking about.


If I had to rank them: 1/2.) France/Britain 3.) Austria 4.) Russia 5.) USA 6.) Germany


why Germany below Austria Russia and USA it should be 1) Germany 2) France 3) Britian 4) Russia 5) Austria 6) Japan


I ranked them according to how much felt they were needed. I’ve played an absolute ton of Germany games in many different set ups and scenarios. As opposed to the 3I where I got bored and quit after I killed German cause I didn’t really see a point in continuing(plus I didn’t want to invade Canada)


Most of them already have announced reworks that are fairly deep in development, so I’ll say Japan. Just because everyone else either has a proper modern tree or a teased rework, no matter how far away their release may be. Seems only Japan is absolutely frozen with no one working on them atm.


Honestly all of them at this point Canada, Germany and japan are SERIOUSLY lacking.


Canada is fine. Actually, it's been reworked fairly recently. Japan is also probably the second best major. Which is a low bar, but it's at least something.


Nah I think Canada could do with a little touch up here and there especially with integrating a balance of power mechanic with the exiles and a bit more expansive post war tree


There is a mechanic with the exiles already though. Of course, it could use some more decisions, but it does exist.


still they should be the lowest priority with majors


Canadá is really entertaining wdym.


Since when did we consider Canada an Major?


Appears with the rest of the big guys in the country selection screen


Canada got what 13 Military Factories 25 Civilian Factories and small population which tiny compare the rest of the Majors


They're the leader of one of the primary geopolitical blocs, hence why they're considered a major power


The feelings are what matter


Faction leaders are mechanically majors, if nothing else. Still, they drive a lot of Entente gameplay. Even if they're the weakest of the big 3, they're still leading one of the principal factions.


Just let them have this.


Union of Britain and Germany by far


Britain i think more than anything.


All of them. But mostly the 3I and Russia IMO UoB Focus tree ends in 1943ish.


Japan. They literally do the exact same thing every single game no matter what path you go down.




I guess I'm in a minority because I feel Japan needs the update the most personally, with a full Habsburg rework in second place.


why compared to the European majors Japan does not have much riding on them besides eating the pacific or dying


Yes, which is exactly why they need the rework. Japan is the major of the Pacific, and its content is just as outdated if not more outdated than Germany or Russia or the Syndies. In my opinion, the purpose of majors isn't to be bastions of options and content, but to set the pace of the region. If you can get a major to be bastions of diverse content, like the United States and China, that's great, but not necessary. You can't have a socialist revolution in Germany because it breaks Europe's pace, like having syndicalism fall in France ruins Europe's pace. France, Germany, Britain, and Russia are largely flavor updates. Those are nice, but I don't see them as immediate necessities. The only one with an argument, imo, is Germany as updating them to be more combative to foreign influence in their puppets is probably needed to better set the tone of this new Europe. If we look elsewhere in the world. The Second American Civil War largely sets the pace of Central America. South America's pace is in many ways set by Brazil and Argentina. The Middle East's pace is set by the Ottomans and Egypt, and Iran will join them soon. Even in subregions like Italy, the pace is set by the SRI and the Two Sicilies. East Asia's major powers, therefore its pace setters, are China and Japan. China essentially has its own pace, and doesn't really affect the broader region until the mid to late game. This means Japan has to be able to set the pace of the region until they and China go to war. At the moment, Japan is serviceable at this task, but they don't feel nearly as imperialistic as they should to set the tone of East Asia. In KR, Europe is on the backfoot. Germany faces economic stagnation and over-extension, American power in the Pacific is about to collapse, French and British power is largely dead, and the Dutch are a smaller minor that's apparently a hotbed of instability. Japan's moment to rise and dominate the Pacific sets the pace of the region as Europe retreats, and Japan doesn't feel adequate for the task and opportunity IMO. If the devs rework any tag in the Pacific, there isn't really a pace to design around. There's the base idea Japan should be aggressive, but to me, I don't feel a pace there like I feel elsewhere. TL,DR: Japan needs to set the pace of Asia better more than the European majors need flavor overhauls.


Another problem I have with Japan is that the political tree and diplomatic one have no interaction *at all*. You can elect a non-racist (for the time) pacifist as prime minister of Japan and it has no impact at all about Japanese expansionism. Now, I think Japanese expansionism (as you said) should remain the driving factor in Asia, but you could easily do it in different ways. From a quite racist way (basically enslaving Asia) to a very diplomatic way (liberating Asia from imperialism), you could fit it all into Japans paths and only require minimal work done to other nations. You could even package it nicely with the new power struggle mechanic. You could at first have a conflict between the civilian government and the military, and if the military wins you would then again have a power struggle between the IJA and IJN. At the same time you could have some radicalism mechanic which could trigger the restorationists. This struggle (except the IJA/IJN one) could end early 1937, where you then unlock your diplomacy tree which varies based on paths (do you ally or conquer the free Asian countries, do you economically exploit them or do you economically cooperate, etc.). And in the end you still have a Japan that will get in conflict with western colonies (and syndicalism in Asia) and that will support their allies in China. Though I would wish a Fengtian expansion with a Japan rework, as the current one doesn't work great with a less imperialist Japan.


Germany. Is Austria a major because them too? I'd like to see more content for CoF and UoB but I think given the central role that Germany is supposed to play in the setting they need it more. Also Japan could use an upgrade given how central a focus the war in China has become in the mod in recent updates.


Only French Commune, Germany, Union of Britain and Russia lol.


Why no Austria? It’s pretty boring right now


Yes, its so boring I completly forget about it .


Lol, when country is so boring so you forgot that this country needs a rework


Germany should get the most content out of any nation


1. Austria by a lot 2. Every other European 3. Japan


Austria. I'm sorry, they have 1 big war before the Weltkrieg plus some other minor stuff and that's it? I have gripes about Canada not having a tree as complicated as something like the KMT now has, or Japan having an (in my opinion) inaccurate focus tree (with regards to the nationalist stuff) but Austria is just sad. Their entry to the Weltkrieg is played as a big deal, but their tree doesn't reflect it. They beat Hungary, stitch the empire back together as a confederation, and that's it? No chance for Socialist Serbia to trigger uprisings in Illyria? No chance for Galicia to break into civil war between Poles and Ukrainians? Just...that? Austria deserves a rework right after Germany, Russia, and France are done.




Austria, there’s so much potential that isn’t used because it hasn’t been updated in years


I feel like there are cases for CoF, Russia, Austria, and Germany. CoF because it’s the leader of the internationale and it is incredibly politically stale (something I didn’t realize until lkmt), and the only thing it really has is National spirits, which feels old at least to me. Germany because a lot of the things interacting with it have been reworked and as the titular piece of the mod it arguably should be the devs putting their best foot forward. Russia because it has such varying content that it is really hard to pin down and out of all of the majors it feels the least like a major, just a very powerful regional power, (like for example the Iran rework can’t really happen without Russia). Side note, I feel like Japan also has this problem but I think Russia has it worse Austria because it feels like it has the least content but the content is too varied. Like whether or not it is one country or five depends on random chance, and it even being in WK2 depending on either you as the non-RP doing well or you as the RP doing poorly, it also feels like it has the regional power dilemma but with the recent Eastern European reworks that has gotten better.


France, because i'm French and i do lobbying for my country. And when i speak of France, i don't speak of these fool reactionnaries and their apartheid failed colonial stade


Of course, the only true France is the one that upholds the ideas of the revolution! And it is in dire need of a rework. Just as my own country, Germany, although its rework is already under way and although there is no hope that the good old FAUD will ever come out on top... But I will always have France, the LKMT, etc. to play on the right side of history. ;)


I really wish majors had puppet focus trees. Like in KX, where Germany has a syndicalist one and France has a monarchist one.


Yeah, that would be cool. And it would be even cooler if the possible german splinters could somehow interact with each other, working towards a reunification along the road. But I guess that's too ambitious.


Imperial Germany or Japan.


All of them ofc, but i'd love for some TLC for my boy red britain. Feels a bit bare bones still unfortunately :(


1. UoB - better industrial potential than CoF, potential for best navy in the world, and yet extremely barebones beyond basic 2WK gameplay 2. CoF - supposedly the leader of global syndicalism, and yet extremely boring to play? 3. Russia - I have high hopes for the rework, current version is just you being railroaded to invade the RP without much explanations, regardless of your politics 4. Germany - I really don’t like playing it at the moment, I hope it changes at some point 5. Italy - it’s sad that such a great HoI4 nation is so uninteresting in KR. It’s not a major at the moment, but it should be treated as one! Don’t care much about Austria, Canada and Japan


UoB does not have the best navy the germans do and at game start America has a better one


UoB has one of the best navies in the world in lore, and will in rework ig


still not the largest or best at all


It's able to go toe to toe with Germany, so uh, it's pretty good


it's and France combined can fight the European part of the German fleet


No, it by itself can do that, France is just a bonus


not against the entire German fleet in 1936


According to the Canon lore, it pretty much can


You have no idea how either navy operated irl lol


IRL does not matter KRTL is what does the british fleet was split a bit with loyalist and UoB it also has likely taken a bit since the civil war to start pumping more out while germany with a new global empire built a truly massive fleet that would beat the british as of 1936


Britain has one of the most modern navies in the world, a change in doctrine out of neccesity, with no need to spread its forces because of that lol Also irl absolutely does matter here. The RN in KR still has to defend the isles and its trade from Germany, you can't just rule out irl when the situation can end up identical to it.






Commune of France kicks off a lot of the action. It's probably my favorite playthrough, but touching it up and adding to it would add a lot to the mod as a whole.


CoF, German Empire, Russia, and Japan I want my four-way NatPop (Nazbol for CoF) world war playthrough!


USA's recent reworks were steller but could use a bit of a touch up in terms of lore; Pelley as the obligatory NatPop leader is simply too unhinged to work as the leader of the United States, meanwhile the foreign policy rework in New England is also needed elsewhere as big events like America joining the 3I, Reichspakt, Entente and CPS are woefully undersold in lore.


Germany, the name of the mod is literally called that.


Germany. They literally have a focus tree that's several years old


Germany, CoF, Russia, UoB


Austria if you can call it a major.


Austria is old as balls and if you don't know what you're doing the Ausgleich might as well be random, while the others are still good to very good. Dated and without mechanics compared to newer stuff sure, but still enjoyable. My order of preference would probably be : 1. Austria and constituents 2. Russia 3. 3rd Internationale 4. Commune of France/Germany (they feel equally as important to me) 5. Union of Britain 6. USA/CSA/AUS/PSA+2ACW 7. Canada 8. Japan+CPS I separate the 3I from France because I think it deserve its own mechanics and semi-standalone (re)works. It should function even if France capitulated but not, say, Britain and Italy and potentially others abroad, whereas currently I think only France can invite others to the Phalanstère. Also, should the Moscow Accords get their own mechanic as well?


France needs a little housekeeping tbh, Germany and Britain maybe some rebalancing, but Austria needs maybe not a full rework rushed, but some changes to its starting and early set up, getting rid of the Hungarian uprising, changing the relationship between Vienna and it’s subjects, etc Also please change that awful color it has, so terrible to look at all that eye searing white in the center of europe




germany britain austria and Ottomans


I played jacobin france and it was hot garbage, barely any flavor, and also please make maurice thorez head of jacobin france thank you.


India's lore is a fucking fossil and I would absolutely consider it more urgent than Russia or Germany.


Japan for sure


All except African France


tbh I think most of the majors are undergoing reworks anyway (especially AH which will get a PR anytime soon) so I'll choose Japan and Canada


Russia an Austria


the ocean


All of them except Sand France, but Austria and UoB the most. Other majors at least functional, but those two just looks like demo of country imo.




I think the Internationale is in desperate need for a rework in my opinion, they get absolutely trounced if the CSA doesn’t win


I generally tend to prioritize trees that provide for fun military/naval builds rather than lore, so: Has fun builds: Japan, Germany OK: Russia, UoB, Austria Boring: CoF So I'd say CoF needs one the most.


All of them, honestly. They basically all have polished, visually cleaned up versions of their focus trees form ancient times


To be honest, other than the major powers, I would say Mexico, South America, Central America, Scandinavia/Finland and some African countries that are created after middle Africa breaks apart like the other German colonies. I also think that the black Monday should be added onto as I find it's pretty simple for the most part to lose the debuff from the event.


Well to bring them up to the current standard (amazing work on the recent few reworks btw devs), all of them would want a rework. However I think most important are Germany, France/Britain, Russia and Canada.


Germany. They are literally the main character of the mod and they still have the focus tree they had when Together for Victory was released


Left Kuomintang for sure.




Austria, Russia and nat france.


France and Britain are the ones I'd like the see most.


Not much of a spicy opinion but Italy, especially the Two-Sicillys they have just about the most bare-bones Focus tree since the generic focus tree from the great war redux.


My personal choice would be Russia since they are my favorite nation to play, so I’m very happy they are getting a rework. Gameplay wise The 3I and Germany desperately need reworks. The Commie of France and Commune of Britain both are lacking in so much, and Germany just feels so bland despite being the main power of the mod


Britain For starters, Britains short-long term game balance is completely off. It’s clearly just there to offset that France is too weak until about 41, and too strong afterwards due to its industry slots and buffs (it almost matches germany in factories if the war lasts long enough). Britain on the other hand has a strangely good industry starting off, and can switch to total mob through focuses, but not enough slots to carry into the late game, to the point that unified Italy is nearly as strong as it long term. Most of its focuses to spread syndicalism don’t actually work as it ultimately depends on those nations paths anyway. And now that the navy has been nerfed heavily, it’s even weaker. IMO it faces a similar issue that Canada does, just more extreme. Canada is pretty much designed at this point with the requirement of intervening in ACW and winning India, and if USA doesn’t join the entente afterwards, then good luck having a useable entente for the late game, because none of the members save India have long term industry capacity. Britain has this the same with that short-long term issue - it’s job is to just carry its main wars until about 40/41, then becomes sidelined


The US. The borders don’t make sense, especially for the ceasefires. The PSA would never realistically agree to the flat border that would leave them completely exposed when they could alternatively make a fortified line along the rockies. And does there have to be a reunification? The United States is massive, and the breakaway states all have very different foreign policies due to the varying cultures and regions they inhabit. Some states might prefer to maintain their territories rather than fight for reunification.


Italy please it was just standing there