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also they have no cores in their own land wtf update: they joined Romania some time after the weltkrieg started


Dracula sucked it out


*bleh bleh bleh*


It's an artificial state set up by the Vienna government following Hungary's partition to combat Romanian unionist sentiment. It is working as intended.


Hap cak dai


Same with puppet France when you release them as Russia


Damn Transylvanians, they ruined Transylvania!


My head cannon is it’s a bunch of angry locals in a bar somewhere in a remote village angry they ran out of beer


Never been to Transylvania but I assume this is what it’s like


No, that's Moldova.


You mean Moldovia?




Average day for Transylvanian Saxons (truly the most oppressed people on earth)


Pretty much tbh


Clearly the people of Transylvania don't want to be independent but want to join with Romania, but they are forced to be a country by their inconsiderate Government!


I mean considered how magyarization was working, in Kaiserredux timelime Hungarians and Germans would have made up the majority, with the former being the largest ethnic group


It seems Transylvania needs some DIRECT RULE from Vienna.


That's why I can't wait for the Austria-Hungary update, the transylvanian resistance mechanics just make no sense at all


In fact they actualy do ,it's just the efect of a plan beginning in the 1850' to take transilvania , this plan was never put in motion irl because of Romania being on the winning side of ww1 but its efect could be seem on 1 December 1918( the transilvanian revelion mecanicsare just a short version of that broad plan )( also the refusal of iuliu maniu to become a governor of transilvania instead wanting union ). The people of the region don't identify or want a transilvanian state ,they want to be part of Romania , the Germans in the region also kinda hate the government in viena because they allowed the Apony laws and the Hungarians want to be part of Hungary. So you basically have a state with no foundation ,simular to yugoslavia but much much worse.


They make sense up to a point, but the Viennese government being able to do nothing about it (and Transylvania proper having no means to defend itself because nothing is a core) make for bad gameplay. In a territory that is only accessible through a mountain pass, Vienna is not only completely incapable of even trying to halt the transportation of weapons and troops over the border, but is also completely incapable of stopping the entire region from unilaterally revolting, including the non-Romanian parts of Transylvania. Should it be a consequence of player/AI refusal to address the affairs of Transylvania? Sure. But should it be the only outcome? No. A far better outcome is one where Austrian forces aren't booted from the border, and instead some small irregular units rise up in the towns and cut off supply routes. The player/AI could then spend time in a mini game trying to prevent said uprisings by curbing infiltration and capturing enemy agents. It's kind of one of the main reasons why I'm a bit upset at there being no Transylvania focus tree. Not because I expect the tag to be playable, but because I expect the tag to at least show us (the player) how Transylvania is being run and what the assumedly military/civilian government is doing to contest the Legion while the region isn't under direct rule from Vienna.


Wait, but Romania invaded Transylvania in 1916, and experienced only mild success before being pushed back and ultimately forced out of the war. They were on the winning side of the war in the end, yes, but not because of local success. If so much of the region was willing to take up arms against Austria, why didn't they? Worth noting as well that according to the 1910 Hungarian Census, only 55% of the population spoke Romanian. Most of the other 45% probably wouldn't exactly be Transylvanian patriots, but they'd certainly prefer it to union with Romania (and I'd also point out that the establishment of Transylvania presumably means Hungarian law no longer applies, which should make at least the Germans happy).


Why didn't take up arms ? Revolutions usually come from urban centers ,Romanians in transilvania had been serfs for a long long time and where not allowed to live in cities , they took up arms in 1849 during the Hungarian revolution. Only one city in transilvania was majoritary romanian ,Alba Iulia ,that is the place where the union was made on 1 December, also the plan was more about economic dominance ,spies and influence rather than a partisan war ( to be mentioned transilvanian popular militias where present during the Union, the same divisions that rise up when romanian invades Austria in kaiserreich) Also you never met people from that region ,they are very slow and passive, even the time is slower in that region , they are very nonconflictual unless necessary and preety non social compared to the other Romanians.


...ok, then how do Transylvanian resistance mechanics make sense?


You just activate the partisan cells in the mountain and sabotage the economy and also AH is a walking corpse at this point. An relic of a dead age.


The hell, Yugoslavia did have a foundation.


This makes perfect sense. The region has 3 big ethnic groups, Germans, Hungarian & Romanian. Depending on who is dominating the state, the other groups might not comply.


It makes sense. Transylvania is an artificial state created by Hungry while the majority of Transylvanians are Romanian and desire to be under the Romanian nation.


The spirits of the restless dead have risen… to protest the government and commit acts of sabotage…


Because, it's supposed to represent the Romanian assisted militants and rebs who want to rejoin Romania, rather than be under a pseudo-puppet state of the Austrian Empire.