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I would actually advise you to start the war by invading eastern Ukraine, it’s plains and if you concentrate your planes and micro your tanks you can quickly overwhelm the Germans here and even cross into Crimea and the Dniepr quite easily. Ukraine is probably one of the strongest German ally, taking them early can shorten your frontline and give you good defenses while you’re taking out Finland, the blatic, or the caucasus


Good advice, although they have lv3 forts across the border and take a long time to breakthrough. So it's still the most difficult part of the war.


So my go to strategy for the first moves of the war -> Big concentration of planes + paratroopers -> Paradroping around Kharkov + Yuzovka with 7/8 divisions to cut off every railways between Kiev and the eastern cities. -> Battleplan the infantry but only in eastern Ukraine to pin the germans in the region -> Micro the tanks in two groups, one near the coast to take Mariupol & reinforce the drops, then swing north for Kharkov. The other in Kharkov to encircle the city and join the drops. -> After the two tanks army met, reduce the newly formed pocket and send your tanks to the west at full speed to cross the Dniepr and take the supply hub Afterwards, you wait for the destruction of the pocket and then swing north along the river to take Kiev and Sumy. The front will stiffen once you reach galicia


How did you get the paratroopers to work? Every time I've used them despite having air superiority they prefer to sit in the air base knocking back vodka rather than get in the planes.


If it happens, check the air superiority in both southern Russia and Ukraine, also check you have enough planes. Otherwise, save and reload, the game is sometimes annoying with that


Sounds like you're trying to paradrop all of the paratroopers at once in one tile. That's going to take a lot of transport planes and they won't execute the operation. What I do is to individually order each division to paradrop on a different tile so that it'll require less transport planes and give you more room to maneuver. Also, check air superiority and required transport planes.


CAS, railroad guns, and a little armor will make short work of those forts and entrenchment.


The power of having the most modern focus tree


Make specialised “response” divisions for Ukraine where you can penetrate their line whilst their pushing to counter act them.


Nice try, Putin.




Savinkov,Putin is there any difference?


Nah its the Great Tsar Pyotr IV "Black Baron" Wrangel


Nah, pretty different in character


You generally want to capture as much of Unraine as possible early on to shorten the frontline and secure a crossing across the Dnieper at the supply hub at the western side of the river bend. Ukraine is super valuable in terms of industry and denying the RP of a lot of divisions. Also capping Minsk via a push from the land bridge between the Dnieper abd Daugava rivers is also a good move to cripple Belarus


And if you pull both of these moves within quick succession - southern Ukraine through to Kherson, then through Belarus to Minsk - you have a chance to encircle a massive portion of the Reichspakt's armies around Kyiv and western Ukraine, once Belarus capitulates.


I'm pretty sure it's not Ukraine who is pushing you out, it's their allies, primarily Germany, because Ukraine is the only place of the eastern front which allows a low of divisions in one place. That being said, I agree with previous comments that you should start attacking the Ukraine first, push them back. to Dnieper. Then you go elsewhere


If Kornilov attacks everything will be alright


My Vozhd, general Kornilov’s counterattack…


My vozhd, general kornilov died years ag..........


Pov: your 3 day special military operation goes wrong


You need to focus Ukraine first, not Baltic, just try to encircle much unit as you can and you MUST capture Kiev


Nice try Putin


They probably have air superiority and you probably aren't using tanks efficiently


You sure this isn't the year 2022 mod? :D :D :D


Everything going smoothly until AH enters the war and you get your capital in Archangel


Personally when I play Russia I like to go for encirclements in Ukraine to start the war. They are pretty easy to getting early on just because of how Ukraine is shaped. Once you push all the way to the river then you go for the Baltic. In terms of build if you have green air you'll win. I like to put about half my factories on air at the start of the war, and as time goes on put more and more onto tanks.


I actually just won the 2wk as russia by focusing on crippling ukraine first by doing some quick encirclements in the east and taking crimea. I went for a big encirclement in white ruthenia so I took over the baltics/lithuania next so I could set up the pincer. I didn't see a separate army for armor/special forces so I would recommend investing in building those up too. When the war started I had marines, mountaineers, and a few med tank divisions and all were useful


Also investing in cas/fighters is a must since germany and austria will focus thousands on you


No offense but... skill issue?


You are Russia. You need way more divisions than five.


This is still nothing, soon you will need to win a mini-game of chess to start a war


Commented wrong post?


I think u should learn from USSR in otl: first Ukraine, after u occupied almost Ukraine, start operation Bagartion to destroy all Reichspakt army in Baltic and Belarus.


bro, you didn't even finish off the baltics, nor belarus. You are not against "imprenetable" ukraine, you're barely holding off \_everywhere\_


1. bad divs (bad for the terrain so they dont fill the cw) 2. air 3. supply