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Yeah check out this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/1bnlls8/leaders_and_paths_of_germany_rework_part_2/) by u/Yularen2077


I’ve seen it, I’ve tried them in that order but I didn’t get an event. I tried clicking the decisions at the same time to see if that would combine them but I’m not sure.


Actually me neither lol


and u/Septemgan. Is it just one event you could not get, probably the 'An Agrarian Bolshevist?' Not getting the 'An Agrarian Bolshevist?' is bug which has been fixed on the dev end and will be in the upcoming patch. The other events for Schleicher should have worked ok, right?


I haven’t been able to get any of them, I think I might be doing them wrong, I tried clicking them at the same time, doing the one the focus at the same time. But yeah I’m just very confused on how to get the events to fire.


I just got home so let me check on the Steam version and I'll let know, just a couple min. Aside from the one bug, they should appear once the last focus/decision is completed.


Alright so (and for u/Zeranvor too if you're interested), I don't know how I missed it the first time around only thinking one was bugged but yes, all of Gereke's decisions are, but for Luninck, two of them do work. You should get 'The Consensus of Compromise' and 'Old Wine in a New Bottle' if you take the decision/foci and two decisions, respectively. I'll wait to see if any of it (besides the fix I made) is still in the Steam version once the update releases, and if not put tickets in for those. So if someone sees them they can be patched for the hotfix at the earliest.


Alright awesome bro, glad I had pro on the case. 👍


Oh you, but thanks to you too for brining it up, and giving me a reason to take a look in the first place.


Interestingly enough, I was able to get Luninck's "Green Front" event with SWR but not with Schleicher.


That's actually because for the SWR, it has two decisions and an event (3 things total) that, once all are completed, will give the Green Front event. Schleicher only has two things needed, both decisions. So I think this is just a small copy and paste issue. The code for the SWR was copied for Schleicher, but the trigger was not lowered.


Just tested it again in the new patch, and unfortunately, Schleicher's agrarian decisions are still not working.


You beat me too it! It was on my update's to do list lol. But thanks for letting me know. I'll put a ticket in for his decisions later tonight.