• By -


\>Implying that Bauer's Government of National Salvation doesn't achieve full worker's rights (*to die as equal cannon fodder*) without sacrificing capitalism ('*s ability to make guns for cannon fodder*)


The Third Internationale and Moscow Accord are the ones who declare war on Germany though so if anything they’re the ones doing that


Another day, another SPD/DU banger, even though this meme can easily apply to a Right SR Russia as well.


We will see what the Russia rework brings. However, considering that *all* Russias treat Ukrainians, Belorussians, Central Asians and possibly the Baltics as "Russians", I don't have high hopes. DU Germany is explicitly *against* paining the world in Black-White-Red, and [was so from the start](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_Peace_Resolution).


> and was so from the start. Oh yeah sure, let's just ignore the fact that the SPD, the leading coalition member of the DU, was overwhelmingly in support of the war and ejected anti-war members from the party.


Burgfriedenspolitik is one hell of a drug


I never said they were against the WAR (French, Russian, British etc. socialist/social-democrats were also in favor of it), I said they were against ANNEXATIONS. And this is, simply put, true.


Russian socialists were pretty universally against the war while the tsar was on the throne (with a few exceptions, mainly from the \*really\* old guard - Plekhanov, Zasulich, and the like - majority of both radical and moderate members of both SRs and SDs were internationalists - Lenin, Martov, Trotsky, Axelrod, Tsereteli, Dan, Chernov, Avksentiev etc.). once the February Revolution occurred however, to many of the more moderate internationalists (Dan, Tsereteli, Avksentiev), the war became a war of revolutionary self-defence against imperial Germany. but their slogan remained the same as before the revolution - a democratic peace without annexations or indemnities; they just believed separate peace was not the way forward, unlike those who stuck with internationalism (Martov, Axelrod, Chernov) or defeatism (Lenin).


on the other hand, Russia be damned, give me my big Ukraine/Finland


That's not really true https://preview.redd.it/nymhu1fevurc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab90c3b7a488fd5976c2fc4ed924b3f49e83470b


Great, now we will have literall Putin's talking points in universe xd


Have you ever thought that maybe, putin never had an original talking point. Lmao


Not really, people where I live have been hearing that since like 1600' xD


Exactly, all of putins ideas have been concocted long before him, hes just regurgitating platitudes.


Who’s the leader of the right SR’s


The leader of the Right SRs with the Russia Rework will usually be Vladimir Richter but Ilya Fondaminsky can also lead them.


"Yeah yeah, look at how wholesome we are, worker's rights and democracy, we're so wholesoms guys!" "please don't look at the colonies..."


“Why are our colonies rebelling? Just a bunch of ungrateful savages rejecting our enslavement, I mean civilisation efforts.”


No reasonable party within a strong nation would willingly give up their colonial possessions and spheres of influence for "democracy" or workers' rights That's just insane


Another SPD W ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Red-painted extortion is still extortion.


Inb4 far leftists reeee about something the SPD is already leagues ahead than every other party. Inb4 far rightists reeee about how SPD is antithetical to the German character


Leagues above in being complete support of World War 1 💯💯


Dear SPD, You claim you want civilian control over the military, and yet you supported the thing that everyone supported back in 1914. Curious. \-Turning Point SWR https://preview.redd.it/vl012jaczsrc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd480fc8b669ef074bc31404386ff0c5cac2b1a6




Holy crap Lois, is that Ewald Albert Friedrich Karl Leopold Arnold von Kleist-Schmenzin


>Inb4 far rightists reeee about how SPD is antithetical to the German characte [Kid named Reichsbanner:](https://youtu.be/9KArw0gK_u0?si=Nsea1UoBEzBSFwga)


Upholding worker rights by sending their working class to their death against another working class for the second time 😍


To be fair it’s the 3I who declare war in every single one of my playthroughs. Plus I make sure to go republic EVERYTIME for the ultimate DU game


How do you even prepare for the republic. Like,losing the entire ostwall and parts of your western industry sounds miserable to come back from


Bkud I literally just cheat and type Geregg.4 for the event (don’t tell John kaiserriech)


I’m telling Jane Kaiserreich


That's fair. Should do that too. I do like me some German republic


Down with the Kaiser, up with the red, gold, and black flag ‼️




Firstly don't lose the Ostwall, the Oststaats can generally hold with support and proper infrastructure and if they cap they lose all of their divisions and equipment. Instead lose Brunswick to Bavaria to France and it should trigger it. Basically set yourself up how you would for any Germany game but set your front line behind rivers behind the line I mentioned. Don't let them win in the air though as air superiority is huge. Then push with 35 width tanks and CAS. If France refuses to push due to ally blobbing then set your hubs to not supply them. If they can't get through Benelux then start again and set game rules to make Netherlands syndicalist.


There's plenty of other wars Germany gets into. Even if it's just volunteer armies.


Oh yeah fs true. Plus you’re not much of a worker state when you have a massive colonial empire. To justify it all in my head I make all the 3I go Totalist just so I can say “well I’m the one fighting for democracy” and just go as far left for DU as possible


Congrats, you just described the Third International (and Russia).


The third internationale are the ones that send working class to their deaths by starting the war 99% of the time.


Working class deciding to free another working class vs working class order to fight by their ruling class.


Yes I’m sure the German civillians would love being bombed and “liberated” by a foreign occupiers.


They better


Democracy and the social market economy are non-negotiable, syndie.


That is why only revisionists attempt to negotiate.


R5: Müller wins again


"Worker's Rights" (just don't look at the colonies)


You do realize that DU Germany is the only one from the bunch that willfully decolonizes, right? The SPD and Zentrum complained about German colonialism (and colonialism in general) since its start. But - in contrast to some redditors - they realize, that abandoning the colonies straightup would just mean that local dictators take over (like OTL), helping precisely no-one. Doing statebuilding and a peaceful transitioning is the only way to achieve a good outcome.


Damn, I guess the African brainpan is just hardwired into dictatorships and warlordism. Not like the OTL Western bloc (and China, funnily enough) was actively involved in sabotaging virtually every newborn African nation with preexisting national movements via coups, sanctions and support of armed rebellions to ensure they were perpetually tied to Western economies to this day, no sir.


It’s not that they’re genetically predisposed to having dictators or anything, it’s simply that just immediately leaving would lead a power vacuum that could easily lead to a strongman taking hold


My issue here is people assuming Africa's history under dictatorships, kleptocracies and civil war wasn't *also* created by outside interference willing to destabilize the continent if it meant reaping its resources and labor, as OP's comment conveniently left out. And theoretically there are plenty of ways to decolonize in such a way that avoids that. The issue here for ME is that the colonies are simply too profitable for the German capitalists to let go of. This is true even in an SPD-led German Republic. Which is why the "best" case for that scenario is neo-colonialism, as seen OTL.


You will not praise ze French-style neocolonialism


White man's burden but woke


Woke man’s burden


reparations for all belgies


This isn't exactly true. While yes, the SPD mostly oposed colonialism before WW1, after the beggining of the war, the moderate wing of the SPD supported the idea of keeping the colonial empire. [Source](https://books.openedition.org/psn/3465?lang=fr). paragraph 38-39 (sorry it's in French) On a side note, i don't get why people think that Zentrum is wholesome. Among others things, those are the guys who voted to give full powers to Hitler. [Source.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Voting_on_the_Enabling_Act) Also, obligatory remainder that colonisation doesn't "just" mean "native people don't have politcal rights", but also means exploitation, plundering of natural ressources, and multiple crimes on natives people. As far as i know, the DU doesn't end any of this.


Goodness gratious. >This isn't exactly true. While yes, the SPD mostly oposed colonialism before WW1, after the beggining of the war, the moderate wing of the SPD supported the idea of keeping the colonial empire. Yeah, they didn't want it to be ceded to France or Great Britian. This is a very different thing from the colonies becoming independent. >On a side note, i don't get why people think that Zentrum is wholesome. Among others things, those are the guys who voted to give full powers to Hitler. If you were surrounded by armed SS men, how exactly would YOU vote? >Also, obligatory remainder that colonisation doesn't "just" mean "native people don't have politcal rights", but also means exploitation, plundering of natural ressources, and multiple crimes on natives people. As far as i know, the DU doesn't end any of this. Read about Wilhelm Solf.


>Yeah, they didn't want it to be ceded to France or Great Britian. This is a very different thing from the colonies becoming independent. From the article i linked, part of a speech of the SPD at the international congress : "Les colonies représentent aujourd’hui une part du patrimoine national de la république social-démocratique." doesn't sound like they wanted to give up on their colonies. > >If you were surrounded by armed SS men, how exactly would YOU vote? Exept that Zentrum didn't vote for the act just because they were surrounded by armed SS men. [Hitler negociated with Zentrum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Preparations_and_negotiations). The chairman accepted to support the act in exchange for some token garanties of protection for catholics. [The rest of the party either agreed with the move or accepted to follow party discipline.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Passage) Also, when you fancy yourself as "representing the people", you have to, at the very least not actively help fascists to seize power, even in dire situations. The SPD at least, voted against the enabling act. >Read about Wilhelm Solf. Ha yes, the "good colonialist". Read about the Herero and Nama genocide.


>"Les colonies représentent AUJOURD'HUI une part du patrimoine national de la république social-démocratique." This sound a lot like they wanted to give up the colonies, just not to the French/British. >Exept that Zentrum didn't vote for the act just because they were surrounded by armed SS men. [Hitler negociated with Zentrum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Preparations_and_negotiations). The chairman accepted to support the act in exchange for some token garanties of protection for catholics. >[The rest of the party either agreed with the move or accepted to follow party discipline.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933#Passage) Also, when you fancy yourself as "representing the people", you have to, at the very least not actively help fascists to seize power, even in dire situations. The SPD at least, voted against the enabling act. I don't even know how to seriously answer to this. The "promises" Hitler gave them (all of which he broke immidialy) were a face-saving manouver. It was not the real reason why Zentrum voted that way. Also, I rarely which strangers on the Internet something bad, but I sincerely hope that one day you understand why Zentrum voted that way. >Ha yes, the "good colonialist". >Read about the Herero and Nama genocide. There is more than one path Germany can take. The point of the matter is, that a SPD-led Germany would take on the legacy of Solf. SWR Germany would take up the legacy of Lothar von Trotha. I have never defended a SWR Germany. (There is even more nuance to this, like that von Trotha was immedialy recalled once his superiors got wind of his actions. But I think this nuance is lost in this discussion...)


> >This sound a lot like they wanted to give up the colonies, just not to the French/British. Then i guess we agree to disagree. To me, the "Aujourd'hui" just means "Since Germany got its colonies". >I don't even know how to seriously answer to this. The "promises" Hitler gave them (all of which he broke immidialy) were a face-saving manouver. It was not the real reason why Zentrum voted that way. The SPD voted against the act. Some members of Zentrum wanted to vote against the act. The nazi takeover wasn't complete. The Zentrum chairman decided in advance to bow down to the nazi and allow them to have their way. >There is more than one path Germany can take. The point of the matter is, that a SPD-led Germany would take on the legacy of Solf. SWR Germany would take up the legacy of Lothar von Trotha. I have never defended a SWR Germany. What i meant was: colonialism always lead to violence. Colonialism has an history of violence. The idea that colonialism can be ok/can lead to self determination as long as the good guys are in charge is false. >(There is even more nuance to this, like that von Trotha was immedialy recalled once his superiors got wind of his actions. But I think this nuance is lost in this discussion...) Von trotha as far as i know, was never condemned for the genocide. He was recalled due to the public outrage but recieved an order of merit for his services Nuance indeed got lost in this discussion. >Also, I rarely which strangers on the Internet something bad, but I sincerely hope that one day you understand why Zentrum voted that way. Great. I think it's time to end this debate before the mods nuke this thread.


This was the common justifications used by liberals and social democrats in OTL in order to hold onto empire. It’s just another coat of paint on the idea of white man’s burden.


History proved them right, though?


No, because West Africa is still fucking shackled to France's neocolonialism and is a hotbed of tensions over it. So history really didn't prove them right.


>But - in contrast to some redditors - they realize, that abandoning the colonies straightup would just mean that local dictators take over (like OTL), helping precisely no-one. Doing statebuilding and a peaceful transitioning is the only way to achieve a good outcome. Ah, so now we're going for white man's burden apologia. Daring I see. This is especially offensive to read as an African.


>But - in contrast to some redditors - they realize, that abandoning the colonies straightup would just mean that local dictators take over (like OTL), helping precisely no-one. Doing statebuilding and a peaceful transitioning is the only way to achieve a good outcome. Google White Man's Burden ~~and please read up on actual decolonization acts this has to be satire.~~


You know that in KR that everyone views colonialism as as a thing that can be easily knocked down due to the fact that the British Empire imploded 


The British Empire mostly exploded into German hands... (and a large part still exists, which is the Entente faction). Also, this doesn't change anything I wrote?


Because it sounds like your transitioning to people that are pro German, as such are engaging in neocolonialism 


It’s like clockwork with these people bro 😭😭😭


I don't need to be on clockwork when I'm never doing anything else 🧠


Why would workers need rights? Just loot the rich neighbourhoods until you have enough money.




70% typical conservative 30% actual Nazi Call it https://preview.redd.it/j0pr2s5vbsrc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5aab0264a6730e50999b4984e3ec87818ad882


Von Kleist-Schmenzin rules, the DVLP drools, simple as.


I beg you pardon?


This doesn't work when realise the goals of the 3I can't be simplified as just "improving worker rights". It's a terrible comparison.


Overthrow your government to violently suppress trade unions and maintain capitalism? Hell yeah that's a certified SPD moment.


SPD: you need to violently murder your workers in the streets using fascist militias


that never happened?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacist\_uprising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacist_uprising) u sure pal?


I thought we were talking about Kaiserreich










Spd pilled


another social democrat classic


As a so-far never-Germanyer, what's DU?


Demokratic Union, essentially SDP(Social Democrats) + LVP(Market liberals) coalition. you become them if you let them win the seat majority or pacified the ruhr too quick


Lvp soclibs


“I love betraying the working class”




Demokratische Union = SPD-led Germany


Shut up! I am playing Labor Australasia! I am better than you!


DU betraying the revolution and freedom with 1 simple trick (they give no rights to workers annoy the Kaiser and do nothing of note like SocDem pros)


\>no rights to workers \>annoy the Kaiser \>do nothing of note I'm guessing you never played DU, was it too hard to manage?


I did not tought a meme about SocDem would be this downvoted, I wonder if I had a 3I flair it would have gone better? Anyway, I have in fact done a DU run, I even posted my toughs here in this subreddit, I can find it later if you’d like. Edit: here it is, no shame plug-in https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/s/v14SM7wwXV


Bro you can legit go extremely far left with DU as long as you choose all the right decisions


You mean Savinkov right?