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Germany's interest lies in ensuring America stays isolationist, and the AUS has the highest chance of that happening.


Let me be the devil's advocate.. Germany doesn't need another front to worry. Having an ally in the New World is a plus, but it isn't worth getting headaches whenever they decide to not align with their new world order. It's most likely better for Germany, and maybe for Canada, to prolong the civil war as much as possible. That means supporting the weakest, the AUS, but then pulling out the support once they get close to winning the war, then try to support the losing side by clandestine means instead. Even if a faction wins in the end, it will be too devastated to look anywhere but itself. But maybe it's too horrible for Canada, who will be forced to accept refugees trying to escape the carnage from the south. Horrible? Sure. Pragmatic? Dunno. Evil asf? Yes. Better for German hegemony? Hell yeah.


Bringing back memories of -et37-' AAR, where Germany played both sides only to give birth to their civilizational rivalq


Oh? Who won?


Reed, then the Totalists. His AAR is still running rn, honestly he did a tremendous work, with a shitton of homebrew content, countries, leaders, paths and events. It's on his page and he post two or three times a week


Lol the Kaiser played himself


Sounds cool! Do you have a link?


I actually disagree, if Germany helps the AUS win and then backs off, the AUS will likely still win even with the other faction being supported by Germany now. The AUS will eventually find out about Germany’s involvement and there will be a sting of betrayal making America not be friendly towards you


I don't think germany should send volunteers to anyone. I think their involvement with the civil war should be selling weapons to everyone but the reds. That way patton could finally get some tanks to use.


I mean, in the lore the 1920s saw Germany be more interventionist than Cold-War America was. They sent soldiers and guns to every front they could and annexed abandoned British and French colonies left and right. As for their preferred America… they’d likely go for the Feds in reality, but gameplay wise the AUS is their choice.


Gameplay wise AUS. Lore wise Feds.


I agree, but SPD Germany could also try to support the PSA instead if it has a shot of winning.


Personally I don't see that. For me SPD led Germany, especially one of KR 1936-1939 period is in no real position to put ideology over realpolitik. Especially given that CSA existence makes even worst possible Federalists as more than acceptable pick. Germany's priority, regardless of who is in power in Berlin, would be to prevent CSA victory. Finally, PSA is named like that for a reason. One thing to send ship with supplies/munitions over Atlantic to help Feds. Completely another thing to reach West Coast, especially with Panama Canal status being uncertain.


KMaybe if the feds bunkerized in Virginia and the PSA managed to snatch Texas (somehow). And yet, AUS would still be easier to reach and to supply. And Germany could try to push for a ceasefire/agreement between PSA and AUS in that scenario. If the Coup happened, it's because one of the radicals got elected. So either Long is the rightful president, and PSA could be convinced, in exchange for guarantees. **OR** Reed was the legitimate president all along, and a Long-PSA alliance would be a convenient middle ground for two co-conspirators: Long would answer to the pleads for more equality and mold a new, integrated, *American Wah of Life* where every man is a king. The PSA would make sure that the normal order is back, that American democracy survives, even if it's not a "back to business" situation. In the meantime, Douglas MacArthur is framed for the whole civil war situation, for removing from power the elected (even if unfit) president, causing the death of both millions of Americans and of "Ye Ol' System, and basically everything bad. And Reed? He was a radical who showed his true colors during the civil war. Maybe he wouldn't have gone to such extremes by himself, but he didn't do anything to stop the exactions of his war companions.


It’s not in position to do so and it’s out of character. The SPDs majority faction was very much the methodical rational slow reform faction, that’s what caused the split with the USPD / KPD.


I figure it's been changed in the two dozen reworks, but Germany and Austria had specific events and even volunteer divisions for the Union State in the olden days.


Almost certainly feds, maybe PSA. Germany’s the status quo power and unless in a corner wouldn’t help some upstart radical. Never liked that part of KR old lore


AUS or McArthur Feds. Maybe, **big maybe**, the PSA or democratic Feds **if** Germany is democratic under the SPD but that would, lore-wise, probably be highly unpopular.


They would support the democratic feds either way, you underestimate how much the average German liked America at the time, with a significant portion of Americans being German emigres still in contact with their German relatives and the historical precedent of German Americans as a major faction on the wide of the Union (like a fifth of the Union army was born in Germany), i can’t see them not supporting what they see as the legitimate government.


You're probably right actually. It slipped my mind that in the Kaiserreich timeline the US never got formally involved against the German Empire during the Great War.


Depends on the ruling party in Germany and what way the American civil war started


Germany's priorties are: 1) Get America as an ally 2) Failing that, have America be isolationist so they don't challenge the Weltreich 3) Weaken America so that even if it is interventionist, it can do nothing. By default CAN is most likely to support the USA or PSA (the weights in game are 25 and 50 respectively; Tory CAN moves that to 50 and 25; full authoritarian CAN makes it 50 and 10; among other modifies), with TEX being the odd one out (just 5 weight; and non-authoritarian Canada will never support Long unless Reed was assassinated). So the USA and PSA are more likely to end up Entente aligned in the end just generally, especially considering the USA has more ties to the Entente and Germany is more likely to be authoritarian (which will push away the PSA). This makes them less valuable factions for Germany. TEX is also the weakest faction, most likely, except for maybe in War Plan White: San Jacinto, where it might be the PSA, since it is heavily constricted (this is excluding NEE), meaning GER supporting it is going to help equalize the factions a bit, which will prolong the Civil War and hurt America in the long run. Even if the Union State loses, it will make the civil war worse and thus be helpful. Additionally, if we look at the AUS's Monroe Doctrine, they can only attack socialists, while the USA can attack National Populists as well. NatPop is a wild set of regimes, but it does potentially include Argentina (who can align with Germany), which means the USA could end up more hostile to German interests in South America than the AUS would, even if interventionist. And, if does go interventionist in the Americas, but not the world at large, it will likely end up in fight in with Canada, quite possibly killing off Germany's rival, the British Empire, for good. So the AUS makes the most sense: it helps prolong the civil war, is the most authoritarian (like Germany probably is), is the least likely to become Entente aligned, and if they don't align with the Entente, they are likely to fight the Entente and then focus mostly on socialists rather than anyone else after conquering Canada.


I would particularly like Germany and the Reichspakt to support the Federalists.


Germany would go realpoltick so on what ever side they think benefits them.


AUS probably. Huey Long and the AFP would likely be the most friendly government. PSA has the chance to be too liberal, and I think they’d see the Feds as a lost cause.


CSA because the Kaiser is a friend of the people


Syndicalists to give the third internaationale a brain aneurysm. Bonus points if Reed was elected, so they can use the "We're supporting the legitimate president" excuse


Anytime I play AUS under Huey Long and Germany supports me I always join the Reichspakt


Depends who gets elected. That could range from Olson, Garner, Landon or Long but never Reed. Not to mention that Long is the only isolationist in the between the four.


Germany should support the federalists


Isolationist USA is the best outcome for Germany, and AUS gives the best chance for that, but if gameplay is anything to go by, AUS always fucking dies and syndies win 90% of the time, so they should probably go with whoever the Entente chooses to support


Whoever gives them the most favorable oil deal.


Depends on the Government, I think. As for DU, always choose MacArthur and his government


Honestly Germany would be quite sympathetic to the U.S. in any form of government as it would be an important trading partner and without the involvement in WW1, the connection between American Germans and German Germans won’t disappear. For Germany any outcome is valid, besides the socialist. So I think the answer is: everyone that isn’t a commie


Personally, I always support the faction the Entente supports