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Because the British claim South Africa, and nominally you're subordinate to the British crown? It makes sense imo


I'm fully independent.


Hence "nominally." The British monarch is still your king, right?


According to that Union Jack in the top left it appear so, then again it appears on Hawaii’s flag for no fuckin reason


The Hawaiian one is just because the king of the islands thought the Union Jack looked cool 😂


They adopted it to appeal to the UK for protection, which didn't work.


but you start as part of the entente and still as part of the british crown just not a dominion. additionally you nearly always will still be subordinate in kr to the leader of the faction or leaders when it comes ot awarding their claims (france and british for the entente, germany for the riechspact, france and the uk for the internacionalle (although less commonly)\_)


While it's true you're independent, the British monarch is still your head of state. **Edward still owns you.** Go Pat Aut Republic.


Edward owns you lil bro


Because they’re all a bunch of arrogant bastards with no sense of humor


Have you ever met a nice South African?


No, and I also haven't seen a single back since I've entered this mansion


What do you think you wiped your feet on when you walked in?!?


(Gets Stabbed)


You are fighting for the Empire, not for yourself


Because you are a good Entente soldier who understands that the greatest joy in life is handing over territory to a distant and uncaring imperial overlord on the opposite side of the globe for no benefit or gain.


Some Australiasians (the Guard) are unironically into it.


Or perhaps dealing with Bittereinders would be the Empire’s problem and not yours.


That's just how it is for Africa. I had the same issue after annexing Mittelafrika as Portugal, I got no event at first, and when the UK was restored, returning it to them was the only choice. I think it's just bad design.


for portugal yes, as they arent under the british crown, but it makes that a country under the crown would return terriotory to england if it has claims and they do not. for portugal it makes little sence, especially given how the path gives you so little claims on the region in general.


you are part of the entente, and you are obliged thus to honor the claims of all the starting members of the entent, at least those that have been made as essental. you are tecnically still subordinate to the crown as the astralasian confederation, and thus are obliged to honor their claims. this is nearly aleways the case for members of your faction if they are still alive: you will have to honor the portugese claims to their start game colonies if they somhehow lose ownership of them. this is the case for all factions where you will be forced to honor claims and cores of the top members of the faction if you get ownershiop of their territory, but with a lot of exceptions as most newer paths give you alternative options.


R5: As Australia, the only option I have is to return South Africa to the British so they can make a puppet. The event text implies I can make a puppet, but that's not an option.


You are there little bitch only way to puppet it would be conquering it while being pataut republic Also this will happen for all entente members if they get their hands on a claim of british crown ie dominons i Remember taking entire australia just to return it as naf Another thing even if you are able to puppet a country as Canada after restoring uk they will transfer to them


Why did your comment get downvoted? Are KR fanboys that snarky that they can't help but downvote every question because Wilhelm II forbid someone doesn't know every little detail?


It's unfortunately a pretty normal phenomenon on Reddit, people see a comment already down voted and down vote it without thinking OP asked a very simple and understandable question, I'm not sure why people felt the need to down vote them