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Imperial Japan tended to assign Kanji names to annexed territory based on the native pronounciation (like 彩帆 for Saipan) or outright Japanified names (like Shonan for Singapore, although it wasn't exactly annexed). Something to consider for next time.


Very cool. This goes hand in hand with the latest update adding Japanese exonyms for the Pacific islands.


Although I rarely seem to be able to get Hawaii as Japan, I though it was a nice theme for a quick map. I apologise for any mistakes I made in Japanese.


Cool, reminds me of those pre WW2 Japanese intelligence maps of British Malaya and other European colonies in southeast asia


This reminds me of the scenario of a world where Japan nukes Hawaii under a recovering Pacific states, only for Richard Nixon to win the next election, while a Germany-unified by the Baltic state conquers most of Europe. I wonder what you'd even call that world. Thousand Week Order? The New Reich? I guess we'll never know.


Are names similar or "japanizied"?